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Background/aims: To understand the intrafamilial transmission and the existing risk factors related to HCV infection in subjects confirmed anti-HCV positive, their sexual partners and household contacts in Friuli, North-East Italy. Methods: We enrolled all the subjects that were consecutively identified as HCV positive during routine laboratory testing in six health districts and their household contacts. From each subject we obtained a blood sample, demographic data and a medical history including the existence of risk factors for HCV. Antibodies to HCV were detected employing a commercially available second-generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA); positive serum specimens were retested using a second-generation recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-2). Results: We recruited 743 subjects, 229 first subjects identified as HCV positive and 514 household contacts. There were no statistically significant differences in positivity among household contacts. Analysing intracouple transmission we found no significant differences by gender in couples both with and without parenteral risk factors. We found, both with univariate and multivariate analysis, as statistically significant risk factors in all the subjects: age older than 60, blood transfusions (particularly those performed before 1984), surgical procedures such as abortion and/or uterine curettage, history of HBV infection, intravenous drug use, and tattooing. Conclusions: Our results stress the low relevance of sexual transmission in the intrafamilial context, the importance of abortion and/or uterine curettage, the important role of blood transfusions in the past, a higher prevalence of HCV infection within a household of a HCV positive member compared to all other existing data in the area.  相似文献   
To evaluate the prognostic value of ERG in cases of central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) regarding the development of neovascularisation (NV), we studied 20 patients with unilateral CRVO. Half of them were allocated in the perfused group and the other 10 finally developed NV and were allocated in the non-perfused group. Flash ERG was recorded from all patients. Our findings suggest that b-wave latency is the most reliable parameter in predicting NV, followed by the a-wave latency. The b/a wave amplitude of ERG ratio does not seem to be suitable for clinical use. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Some newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and severe pulmonary hypertension cannot be saved by conventional treatment and may obtain some benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as a bridging measure until adequate hematosis is possible. Early prediction of the insufficiency of optimal assistance is still unclear; we reviewed our recent experience with CDH patients in an attempt to evaluate the real need for ECMO in our institution. Between 1987 and 1994, 47 newborns with CDH manifested in the first 24 h were treated with maximal ventilatory assistance (including high-frequency ventilation in 12 cases) and vasoactive drugs prior to surgical repair. In order to summarize the ventilatory and blood-gas parameters, we determined oxygenation index (OI) and ventilatory index (VI) and compared the results in survivors and nonsurvivors. Overall survival was 60% (2 cases of Fryns' syndrome were excluded from analysis). OI was 10.3±5.7 (mean ± SD) for survivors and 46.2 ± 37.8 for nonsurvivors (P < 0.01). VI was 460.9±303 and 1,532±500.6, respectively (P <0.01). Bayesian analysis and receiver operating characteristic curves enabled us to select a threshold value of OI of 20 as the best means of predicting survival in our current conditions (sensitivity: 0.7, specificity: 0.83). The generally accepted figure of 40 had a sensitivity of 1 but a specificity of only 0.44. For VI, the best threshold value was 1,100 (sensitivity: 0.93, specificity: 0.94), whereas the generally used figure of 1,000 had 0.89 and 1, respectively. According to our results, with our current management conditions, approximately 50% of our CDH patients might have obtained some benefit from ECMO.  相似文献   
We followed up 107 patients experiencing a first-ever ischemic stroke after having been affected by essential hypertension for at least one year, in order to analyze the phenomenon of post-stroke blood pressure lowering. Of the 82 patients still surviving after three months of follow-up, 44 (54%) had normal arterial blood pressure values. There were no significant differences between these normotensive patients and the 38 with high blood pressure in terms of cerebrovascular risk factors or disability, but blood pressure normalized in 34 of the 54 patients experiencing a carotid stroke (63%) and in only 10 of the 28 experiencing vertebrobasilar stroke (36%) (p=0.035). These data may offer a starting point for further studies of the neurogenesis of arterial hypertension.
Sommario Al fine di analizzare il fenomeno della normalizzazione della pressione arteriosa dopo ictus cerebrale in pazienti prima ipertesi, abbiamo osservato 107 soggetti con primo ictus ischemico, che erano già precedentemente affetti da ipertensione arteriosa da almeno un anno. Degli 82 (77%) sopravvissuti a tre mesi di follow-up, 44 (54%) hanno mostrato una normalizzazione della pressione arteriosa. L'incidenza di fattori di rischio per malattia cerebrovascolare e disabilità grave non è risultata significativamente diversa nel gruppo degli ipertesi rispetto ai normotesi. Tuttavia la normalizzazione della pressione arteriosa è stata osservata in 34 dei 54 pazienti con ictus carotideo (63%) e solo in 10 dei 28 con ictus vertebrobasilare (36%) (p=0.035). Riteniamo che tali dati offrano uno spunto per ulteriori ricerche sulla genesi neurogena dell'ipertensione arteriosa essenziale.
Cerebellar astrocytomas in children   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cerebellar astrocytomas, as a group, carry a more favorable prognosis than most other brain tumors, because these neoplasms generally are histologically benign and amenable to extensive resection. However, it is clear that a number of factors have an impact on prognosis. In particular, resection extent has been strongly associated with progression-free survival: patients undergoing gross total resection appear to have a substantially better prognosis than those undergoing incomplete resection. Brainstem invasion, which is the factor that most often precludes a complete resection, has also been associated with a less favorable prognosis. In addition, histological features indicative of malignancy are clearly associated with a poor outcome.In contrast to the above observations, which have been established convincingly in the literature, a number of issues regarding cerebellar astrocytomas remain unresolved. First, the correlation between histology and prognosis among patients with low-grade cerebellar astrocytomas is uncertain: in some series, pilocytic astrocytomas have been associated with a better prognosis than non-pilocytic tumors, but in other studies, no such relationship has been observed. Second, the role of radiotherapy after incomplete resection of a low-grade cerebellar astrocytoma remains problematic. In view of the lack of convincing data in this regard, many groups, including our own, defer radiotherapy until there is evidence of progressive disease that is surgically unresectable. Finally, the frequency of follow-up in patients with cerebellar astrocytomas remains largely empirical. Although most recurrences are detected within a few years after initial surgery, late recurrences are well known, which raises the question of when and if such patients should be regarded as cured of their disease. Long-term multi-institutional natural history studies are in progress to address the above issues.  相似文献   
Objectives. Mexican Americans (MAs), compared to white non‐Hispanics (WNHs), have higher rates of biliary disease, noninsulin dependent diabetes, and endstage renal disease but lower rates of lung cancer, hip fractures, and mortality from coronary heart disease. Relatively little research has been done to identify other ethnic differences in disease incidence. We used surgical procedure rates to confirm known ethnic differences and to explore our clinical suspicion that MAs have higher rates of appendectomy than WNHs.

Methods. We used a registry of surgical procedures at two teaching hospitals in South Texas to calculate proportional operation ratios (PORs) for MAs versus WNHs. These two hospitals are the primary source of acute hospital care for the indigent in the area. The POR is arithmetically identical to proportional incidence and mortality ratios.

Results. MAs underwent appendectomy proportionally more often than WNHs at both hospitals (POR = 1.41 and 1.75, p < 0.0001). Other significant PORs were consistent with known ethnic disease differences in biliary tract operations, vascular access for chronic hemodialysis, lung cancer, and coronary artery bypass.

Conclusions. These findings support the hypothesis that MAs may undergo appendectomy more often than WNHs and so may be at higher risk of appendicitis.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I,-II and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) were demonstrated in the cyst fluid of a patient with a hypothalamic astrocytoma. The astrocytoma cyst fluid was subjected to gel chromatography at low pH and the IGF-I and IGF-II levels were measured by specific radioimmunoassays. Immunoreactive IGF-I and IGF-II levels were 19 ng/ml and 78 ng/ml respectively. Several-fold higher IGF-II values were obtained when cyst fluid was not extracted or was extracted with acid ethanol before radioimmunoassay analysis. The immunoreactive IGFBP-1 concentration was 26 ng/ml. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and subsequent Western ligand blotting with [125I]IGF-II revealed bands at 200, 34.5, 29.5, 24 and 21 kD as visualized by autoradiography. Binding studies demonstrated that these binding proteins bind specifically [125I]IGF-I and [125I]IGF-II. These observations suggest that IGFs as well as IGF-binding proteins are produced by astrocytoma cells and may act in a paracrine or autocrine fashion capable of modulating the growth of astrocytoma tumours.  相似文献   
Forty rats were trained to make a left lever response if a signal (white noise) was 2.5s and to make a right lever response if the signal was 6.3s. When seven intermediate signal durations, to which responses were not reinforced, were randomly interspersed the probability of a right-lever (long) response increased as a function of signal duration. Methamphetamine shifted this psychometric function leftward and decreased its slope: haloperidol also decreased the slope but shifted the function rightward. A combination of haloperidol and methamphetamine led to a function similar to the saline control function. The leftward shift probably reflects an increase in the speed of an internal clock, and the rightward shift probably reflects a decrease in its speed. Since methamphetamine releases several catecholamines, including dopamine, and haloperidol blocks dopamine receptors, it is plausible that the horizontal location of the psychometric function (the speed of the clock) is related to the effective level of dopamine.  相似文献   
After describing the evolution of mortality from ischaemic cardiopathy (IC) in Spain from 1951 to 1986, which is tending to stabilize in some age groups, and from cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), which is clearly declining, an attempt is made to relate these developments to the prevalence of the main risk factors (hypertension, cholesterol, tobacco) associated with IC and CVA. Certain advances, though of a limited number, have been made in recent years in the control of arterial hypertension in Spain, although campaigns on a national scale as in other countries have not been carried out. Regarding alimentary factors, there is an obvious increase in the consumption of food rich in proteins and animal fats, abandoning to a great extent the traditional Mediterranean diet, with health care action being limited to the improvement of nutrition education of the public. Furthermore, the consumption of tobacco has been increasing in Spain during the study period in spite of health legislation in force in recent years.It is therefore deduced that there is no obvious relationship between mortality due to IC and CVA and the prevalence of the main risk factors associated with these diseases, especially when taking into account that preventive actions on a public health level have been very limited.Corresponding author.  相似文献   
Northern blot analysis was used to demonstrate high levels of hippocampus-derived neurotrophic factor/neurotrophin-3 (HDNF/NT-3) mRNA in the embryonic day (E) 13 - 14 and 15 - 16 spinal cord. The level decreased at E18 - 19 and remained the same until postnatal day (P) 1, after which it decreased further to a level below the detection limit in the adult. In situ hybridization revealed that the NT-3 mRNA detected in the developing spinal cord was derived from motoneurons and the decrease seen at E18 - 19 was caused by a reduction in the number of motoneurons expressing NT-3 mRNA. The distribution of NT-3 mRNA-expressing cells in the E15 spinal cord was very similar to the distribution of cells expressing choline acetyltransferase or nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR) mRNA. Moreover, a striking similarity between the developmentally regulated expression of NT-3 and NGFR mRNA was noted in spinal cord motoneurons. A subpopulation of all neurons in the dorsal root ganglia expressed brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA from E13, the earliest time examined, to adulthood. These results are consistent with a trophic role of NT-3 for proprioceptive sensory neurons innervating the ventral horn, and imply a local action of BDNF for developing sensory neurons within the dorsal root ganglia.  相似文献   
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