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Objective.The correlation betweenp53tumor suppressor gene mutations and the presence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA with thein vitroradiosensitivity of gynecological malignancies was studied in 26 cell lines derived from gynecological cancers of 23 patients.Methods.Comparison of the intrinsic radiosensitivity was performed with mean inactivation dose (D?) determined with the 96-well plate clonogenic assay.p53mutations were investigated with polymerase chain reaction and single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR–SSCP) analysis and direct DNA sequencing, and the presence of HPV DNA was studied with PCR using HPV consensus primers.Results. p53mutations were found in 6 of 10 vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) lines. Nine vulvar and 1 vaginal SCC cell lines were HPV DNA negative and 1 vulvar cell line was HPV 16 positive. All 4 cervical SCC lines were HPV positive and possessed the wild-typep53.Three cell lines expressed HPV 16 and 1 HPV 68. Among 10 endometrial cancer cell lines, 2 cell lines with mutantp53and 1 HPV 16 positive cell line were found. No correlation could be demonstrated between inactivation of thep53gene and radiosensitivityin vitro;the cell lines were evaluated as one group or according to their anatomical origin or histology.Conclusion.Our results indicate that inactivation of thep53gene through mutation or binding with HPV DNA does not increase the resistance of gynecological malignancies to ionizing radiationin vitro.  相似文献   
The serum levels of interleukin-(IL-)1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, TNFα, and sIL-2R and the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), recombinant IL-2 (rIL-2), and the combination of PHA or anti-CD3 mAb with rIL-2 were studied and correlated with serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in women with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer. The expression of CD25 and CD122 subunities of membrane-bound IL-2R on PHA- or anti-CD3 mAb-stimulated PBMC was also studied. In comparisons with the controls, PBMC response to PHA, anti-CD3 mAb, and rIL-2 was significantly lower in the cancer patients. The addition of exogenous rIL-2 to the PBMC cultures increased response in both controls and patients but did not modify the significance of the differences. After stimulation with PHA or anti-CD3 mAb, the percentage of PBMC CD25+or CD122+was significantly lower in patients. The serum levels of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, sIL-2R, and CRP were significantly increased in patients compared to the controls. Instead, no differences were observed for serum levels of IL-2. A strong association was found between high serum levels of the above-mentioned cytokines, sIL-2R, and CRP. The results of our study on advanced stage (IIIb–IV) ovarian cancer patients are consistent with the previously reported hypothesis that high IL-6 and/or CRP serum levels may represent an important and independent prognostic factor of the likely outcome in cancer patients.  相似文献   
原发性胃绒毛膜癌临床病理分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究胃原发性绒毛膜癌的组织学特点,探讨其组织学的发生。方法:对1例残胃原发性绒毛膜癌进行尸检、组织学观察,应用免疫组织化学研究其组织学的发生。结果:肿瘤表现单一的绒毛膜癌形态伴有坏死和出血,肿瘤转移至肝脏,双肺及胃周围淋巴结。免疫组化肿瘤表达HCG阳性,部分肿瘤细胞表达CK阳性。在目前英文文献报道的48例胃原发性绒毛膜癌中,28.3%病例以单一的绒毛膜癌形态,13%的病例胃为腺癌而转移灶为绒毛膜癌  相似文献   
伽玛刀治疗后的肿瘤内出血   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨颅内肿瘤患者伽玛刀治疗后肿瘤内出血的原因。方法:在伽玛刀治疗的345例颅内肿瘤病变患者中,发现3例有肿瘤内出血,分析了他们的临床特点及CT,MRI表现,结果:2例经保守治疗基本痊愈,1例恶化。结论:对于那些曾有过肿瘤卒中史、高血压病史或肿瘤血运丰富的病人行伽玛刀治疗后应警惕发生肿瘤内出血的危险  相似文献   
Abstract A 13-year-old girl with a history of Kawasaki disease underwent coronary artery bypass grafting because of angina pectoris due to a giant coronary artery aneurysm on the left main trunk artery. Nine years after the operation, the patient had an uneventful pregnancy followed by a normal vaginal delivery. This is the first case of a successful pregnancy after coronary artery bypass grafting for Kawasaki coronary artery disease.  相似文献   
Abstract Background: Yolk sac tumors (YST) exhibit several different histological subtypes and the mechanisms of cellular differentiation and prognosis of each subtype remain unknown.
Results: We report two infants with sacrococcygeal YST; one represented a typical histological subtype and the other showed a hepatoid subtype with uniform histology. The isoform of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in the patient with the hepatoid pattern was examined by lectin-affinity Immunoelectrophoresis and represented as a YST. but not hepatocellular, subtype. The patient with typical YST responded well to VAB-6 combination chemotherapy. However, this regimen was only partially effective to the patient with the pure hepatoid histological subtype, and an etoposide with ifosfamide and cisplatin (VIP) regimen as a salvage chemotherapy combined with complete tumor resection was useful to achieve complete remission (CR). Both of the patients have been in CR for more than four years.  相似文献   
Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia of infancy (PHHI) is the most frequent cause of hypoglycaemia in infancy. Clinical presentation is heterogeneous, with variable onset of hypoglycaemia and response to diazoxide, and presence of sporadic or familial forms. Underlying histopathological lesions can be focal or diffuse. Focal lesions are characterised by focal hyperplasia of pancreatic islet-like cells, whereas diffuse lesions implicate the whole pancreas. The distinction between the two forms is important because surgical treatment and genetic counselling are radically different. Focal lesions correspond to somatic defects which are totally cured by limited pancreatic resection, whereas diffuse lesions require a subtotal pancreatectomy exposing to high risk of diabetes mellitus. Diffuse lesions are due to functional abnormalities involving several genes and different transmission forms. Recessively inherited PHHI have been attributed to homozygote mutations for the beta-cell sulfonylurea receptor (SUR1) or the inward-rectifying potassium-channel (Kir6.2) genes. Dominantly inherited PHHI can implicate the glucokinase gene, particularly when PHHI is associated with diabetes, the glutamate dehydrogenase gene when hyperammonaemia is associated, or another locus.  相似文献   
彩色多普勒组织显像在小儿病毒性心肌炎诊断中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报告用彩色多普勒组织显像(DTI)测定正常小儿173名,病毒性心肌炎40例,发现DTI在正常小儿的规律。病毒性心肌炎二尖瓣环舒张早期运动速度(MVR-DeV)显著低于正常儿童,40例病毒性心肌炎MVR-DeV降低者占72.5%,经过治疗后MVR-DeV90%以上短期内恢复正常。MVR-DeV降低率显著高于心脏解剖、心功能、心脏血流参数、心电图和心肌酶的异常率。因此,MVR-DeV对病毒性心肌炎的诊断、病情了解以及疗效观察均有重要价值。  相似文献   
Patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) are predisposed to infections. There is a paucity of recent information on the incidence of post-splenectomy infectious complications in these patients. The purpose of this study was to determine whether splenectomy increases infectious complications in SCD. Twenty-nine patients with SCD had splenectomy for sequestration crises at our hospital between 1988 and 1992; 16 of them received all of their follow-up care at our institution. These 16 charts were reviewed for infectious-related admissions, hospital days, days of IV antibiotics, positive cultures, and episodes of sepsis. For each patient, these parameters in the pre- and postoperative period were compared and expressed as number per year. The mean age at time of splenectomy was 2.5 ± 0.4 years and the mean follow-up was 4.5 ± 0.4 years. There was no significant difference in the pre- and postoperative periods for admissions, hospital days, days of IV antibiotics, positive cultures, or episodes of sepsis per year. There were also no operative deaths. The incidence of pre-splenectomy sepsis was 0.04 ± 0.03 episodes per year compared to 0.09 ± 0.04 (P = ns) episodes/year after splenectomy. Sepsis occurred at an average of 20.8 (range 2–30) months postoperatively; Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most common causative organism. The total mortality after splenectomy in SCD patients was 3.4% (1/29) over a nearly 5-year period. Although infections are common in children with SCD, there was no increase in infections or episodes of sepsis in SCD patients who underwent splenectomy. Accepted: 6 March 1997  相似文献   
目的进一步了解离体人前庭毛细胞的胞内钙离子(Ca2+)活动。方法从3例经迷路听神经瘤切除术患者中采取半规管壶腹中的前庭毛细胞,用倒置显微镜观察分离出的离体前庭毛细胞形态,用Ca2+敏感的荧光染料Fura2和数字影像显微镜监测细胞内Ca2+浓度的变化。结果分离的前庭毛细胞主要为Ⅰ型毛细胞,可在体外存活2.5h。用150mmol/LK+液灌流单离的前庭毛细胞引起胞内Ca2+的显著升高,荧光比率从0.54升至1.16;这种胞内Ca2+的升高在胞外液中Ca2+缺如的情况下消失。0.25μmol/LIonomycin可以引起前庭毛细胞内Ca2+的不可逆性升高,荧光比率保持在0.73。结论人前庭毛细胞膜上存在电压敏感的Ca2+通道。  相似文献   
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