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Prediction of outcome from intensive care after gastroenterologic emergency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prognostic factors determining the outcome from intensive care were studied in 952 patients admitted to 25 Finnish ICUs after gastroenterologic emergency. Logistic regression analysis was used to create predictive models based on the APACHE II–system. The models were constructed by using data from a random two–thirds of the study population and validated in the remaining independent one–third together with the original APACHE II–index. The Acute Physiology Score, age, and a pre–existing liver disease were the three most important determinants of outcome. The inclusion of the TISS score describing the intensity of treatment into a model did not enhance the accuracy of the prediction. Our models were better calibrated than the original APACHE II–equation when tested by the goodness–of–fit –statistics. These statistical models may help the clinicians to predict the outcome for an individual patient by providing them information about the relative impacts of predictive factors or about the probability of death. These probabilities should be interpreted cautiously, taking into acount the limitations of statistical methods. This is especially important when assessing the highrisk patients. Their number in our study was too low for accurate outcome prediction.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study was to assess the overall effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in preventing radiocontrast-induced nephropathy (RCIN) using all available data in the literature. RCIN is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Existing randomized trials of NAC are small and show inconsistent results. Prior meta-analyses do not include data from the most current studies. We used standard search protocols to identify all published articles and abstracts of prospective trials using NAC with fluid hydration compared to hydration alone in patients with chronic renal insufficiency undergoing contrast procedures. A rise in serum creatinine by 0.5 mg/dl or 25% above baseline at 48-72 hr after contrast exposure was used as the primary outcome. We identified 14 trials of NAC with 1,584 patients published as full-text articles. Using a random-effects model, the use of oral NAC resulted in a significant reduction in the risk for developing RCIN (RR = 0.57; 95% CI = 0.37-0.84; P = 0.01). This finding did not significantly change in a fixed-effect model (RR = 0.55; 95% CI = 0.42-0.73) or when the data were reanalyzed using only randomized trials in all forms (i.e., articles and abstracts; RR = 0.67; 95% CI = 0.47-0.95). We identified only one important difference between the positive and the negative studies: the cumulative exposure to contrast media (174 vs. 152 ml). Metaregression did not show a significant relationship between contrast volume and the RR of developing RCIN (P > 0.10). In the trials showing benefit for NAC, the treated patients' postprocedure creatinine unexpectedly decreased by 0.21 mg/dl (95% CI = 0.33-0.08). Prophylaxis with NAC significantly reduces the risk for RCIN. The reasons for improvement in serum creatinine in patients treated with NAC are unclear, but may include improved renal blood flow due to NAC and/or vigorous hydration.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes mellitus have a high incidence of coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure (CHF). Thiazolidinediones (TZD) are a new class of pharmacological agents for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus, which have many beneficial cardiovascular effects. Peripheral oedema and weight gain have been reported in 4.8% of subjects on TZDs alone, with a higher incidence noted in those receiving combination insulin therapy (up to 15%), but there is limited data on the occurrence of CHF. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this paper, we report on six cases of TZD-induced fluid retention with symptoms and signs of peripheral oedema and/or CHF that occurred in subjects attending our diabetic clinic. The predominant finding in all cases was of diastolic dysfunction. All subjects were obese and hypertensive, with 5/6 having the additional risk factor of LVH, 5/6 subjects had microvascular complications, whilst 3/6 were also on insulin therapy. CONCLUSION: We suggest that obese, hypertensive diabetics may benefit from echocardiographic screening prior to commencement of TZDs, as these agents may exacerbate underlying undiagnosed left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.  相似文献   
An increased frequency of allergic reactions to latex has been reported in specific populations with chronic latex exposure. However, relevance of latex allergy to children and adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus (DM1) has not been studied yet. The aim of the studty is to assess latex allergy risk in children and adolescents with DM1. Thirty-nine children with DM1 and 35 controls were enrolled. In a case-control study, we applied to all subjects a standard questionnaire, and specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) concentrations for latex, common aeroallergens, and food-allergens were measured in serum samples. Latex exposure rates by means of medical procedures, operations, and latex glove usage were not different between DM1 and controls. Symptoms due to latex exposure were not determined in both groups. Three (7.7%) subjects in DM1 tested positive for latex-specific antibodies (LSIE), whereas no subject in controls. Diabetics that tested positive for latex-specific antibodies had the disease for three, 5 and 8 years. Nine (23.1%) of diabetics, and two (5.7%) of controls were atopic (p = 0.04). In our investigation, we found that children and adolescents with DM1 are not a risk group for latex allergy, and LSIE in children with DM1 was not accompanied by symptoms of latex allergy, or, presumably, increased risk of latex anaphylaxis.  相似文献   
Insulin and branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) metabolism was studied in 14 adolescents with uremia on hemodialysis. Glucose tolerance was measured by intravenous glucose tolerance tests. Insulin sensitivity was measured by the euglycemia clamp technique. Insulin secretion during constant hyperglycemia was measured by the hyperglycemic clamp technique. Fasting plasma BCAA concentrations were compared with data from 8 adolescent controls, whereas insulin indices were compared with 8 young adults controls and with published normal data in adolescents. The patients could be further sub-divided into two groups with respect to their growth velocity standard deviation score (GVSDS). Group 1 consisted of 7 patients with GVSDS less than −2. This group demonstrated insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and low insulin secretion. This group also had low plasma valine, leucine, and isoleucine concentrations compared with control values. Group 2 consisted of 7 patients with GVSDS more than −2. This group demonstrated insulin resistance, but normal glucose tolerance and normal insulin secretion. Plasma valine, leucine, and isoleucine concentrations in group 2 were not different from control values. Total plasma BCAA correlated with glucose tolerance index and with insulin secretion, but not with insulin sensitivity. Growth failure in uremia is associated with glucose intolerance, hypoinsulinemia, and low plasma BCAA concentrations. Impaired utilization of conventional energy sources leading to preferential oxidation of BCAA may contribute to reduced anabolism and growth failure in uremia. Received October 8, 1997; received in revised form February 3, 1998; accepted February 6, 1998  相似文献   
We studied the long-term outcome of 268 patients suffering fromdiabetic end-stage renal disease (DM-ESRD) treated with long-termhaemodialysis between 1978 and 1991, with special emphasis onvisual acuity as well as the heterogeneity of DM-ESRD The 50%patient survival on haemodialysis was 60 months. Visual disturbanceswere found in 73.1% (392/536) of eyes at the start of haemodialysis.Chronological assess ment of visual acuity demonstrated thestabilization of visual acuity and 87.1% (364/418) of eyes werestable, 4.8% (20/418) were improved, and 8.1% (34/418) wereaggravated in the long term respectively. The change of visualacuity was frequently seen in the short term, and rapid shiftsof body fluid to correct overhydration induced abrupt changesof glycaemic control as well as retraction of macular oedema.Hence it might be one of the factors affecting rapid changeof visual acuity in the short term. Meanwhile, long-term deterioration of visual acuity resulted from either hyperten sionunresponsive to medical treatment or poor glycaemic control.Some DM-ESRD patients had only background retinopathy at thestart of haemodialysis and these were likely to have the nephroscleroticglomerular lesion. They were old, not nephrotic and had a milddegree of diabetes during the predialysis stage. Thus, DM-ESRDpatients seem to have some heterogeneity in their clinical characteristics,and old DM-ESRD patients with only background retinopathy havethe appearance of diabetic macroangiopathy rather than microangiopathy.  相似文献   
Twenty solvent-exposed workers, most of them painters, had been diagnosed as cases of toxic encephalopathy in 1978/79. Two years later they were re-examined with an extensive battery of neuropsychological tests. Their performance was unchanged on retesting. We have now compared their test results with those of non-exposed control subjects. Previous impressions of significant intellectual impairment in the solvent-exposed patients could not be confirmed when the influence of age, education, and intelligence was taken into consideration. The present group with presumed toxic encephalopathy is assumed to be representative of other patients who were similarly diagnosed in our department. The presently reanalyzed cases had been diagnosed as brain damaged and reported as such in the literature. Thus, they may have contributed to the formation of the concept of the "chronic painters' syndrome" with dementia.  相似文献   
Summary Torpedo electric organ has been used to study the binding of botulinum neurotoxin type A to pure cholinergic synaptosomes and presynaptic plasma membrane.125I-labeled botulinum neurotoxin type A exhibits specific binding to cholinergic fractions. Two binding sites have been determined according to data analysis: a high affinity binding site (synaptosomes: Kd=0.11±0.03 nM, Bmax=50±10 fmol · mg prot–1; presynaptic plasma membrane: Kd=0.2±0.05 nM, Bmax=150±15 fmol · mg prot–1) and a low affinity binding site (synaptosomes: Kd 26 nM, Bmax 7.5 pmol · mg prot–1; presynaptic plasma membrane: Kd 30 nM, Bmax 52 pmol · mg prot–1). The binding of125I-botulinum neurotoxin type A is decreased by previous treatment of synaptosomes by neuraminidase and trypsin, and by a preincubation with bovine brain gangliosides or antiserum raised against Torpedo presynaptic plasma membrane. When presynaptic plasma membranes are blotted to nitrocellulose sheet, either125I-botulinum neurotoxin or botulinum toxin-gold complexes bind to a Mr 140,000 protein. Botulinum toxin-gold complexes have also been used to study the toxin internalization process into Torpedo synaptosomes. The images fit the three step sequence model in the pathway of botulinum neurotoxin poisoning.  相似文献   
The sniff magnitude test (SMT) is a reliable and rapid clinical test of olfactory function that is minimally dependent on cognitive and linguistic abilities. In this study, we compared performance on the SMT and University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) in samples of children and nonnative English speakers. Previous research has shown that these populations perform poorly on the UPSIT as compared with young, healthy U.S. adults. Such performance differences may reflect variations in memory/cognition and language/culture rather than olfactory abilities. The UPSIT scores of children and of Indian and Chinese graduate students were found to be lower than those of young U.S. adults. By contrast, these groups did not perform more poorly than U.S. adults did on the SMT. The results are consistent with findings from our studies, with the elderly showing that performance on the UPSIT, but not the SMT, is significantly correlated with measures of memory, language and other cognitive abilities. The findings highlight the utility of the SMT when evaluating the olfactory ability of the very young, older adults and people with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   
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