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Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor and its role in Graves' disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, or thyrotropin) receptor (TSHR) mediates the activating action of TSH to the thyroid gland, resulting in the growth and proliferation of thyrocytes and thyroid hormone production. In Graves' disease, thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies can mimic TSH action and stimulate thyroid cells. This leads to hyperthyroidism and abnormal overproduction of thyroid hormone. TSHR-antibodies-binding epitopes on the receptor molecule are well studied. Mechanism of TSHR-autoantibodies production is more or less clear but a susceptibility gene, which is linked to their production, is still unknown. Genetic studies show no linkage between the TSHR gene and Graves' disease. Among three common polymorphisms in the TSHR gene, only the D727E germline polymorphism in the cytoplasmic tail of the receptor showed an association with the disease, and this association is weak. The absence of a strong genetic effect of the TSHR polymorphisms in such a common and complex disorder as Graves' disease may be explained by a high degree of evolutionary conservation in TSHR. This can be shown by naturally existing germline and somatic mutations in the TSHR gene that cause various types of nonautoimmune and hereditary thyroid disease.  相似文献   
In the past two decades radiography has experienced a wealth of changes, involving the teaching site, learning methods, curriculum, professional status, educational funding, and public expectations. Consequently this period witnessed the transition of radiography from a mainly hospital-linked to a mainly university-linked degree, from a knowledge-based discipline to an evidence-based practice. The early 1990s saw the establishment of graduate programs, the role expansion of radiographers, the technological advancements in medical imaging, the participation of the Radiography Schools in Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) schemes.Given the educational, technological and social advancements the engagement of radiographers in research is emphasized as a priority that will bring the profession forward and help to maintain high standards of patient care.Research in radiography is a requirement, as by definition professions are expected to contribute to the body of knowledge necessary for a profession to progress. Funding, ethical considerations, mentorship, proficiency in research methodology, commitment, and ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team are just a few of the requirements for high quality radiography research.There has been a definite increase in the number of radiographers who are research aware and active as well as in the number of radiographers who pursue purely academic and research careers. However intensification of personal efforts and formulation of strategic decisions are required so that research forms an integral part of the profession. Recent developments in strengthening the research base of radiography are encouraging.  相似文献   
充分发挥专家的作用是保证高校心理健康工作高度专业化和进一步发展的关键因素,专家们最重要的角色应该是整体工作的谋划者,保证工作方向的正确性和高效性,其次是参与到具体的心理工作中,扮演心理知识传授者、咨询工作督导者、心理危机干预者、疑难杂症甄别者和教育师资培训者。  相似文献   
马艳玲  孙涛 《现代预防医学》2011,38(22):4645-4646
[目的]探讨全程环节质量监控在病案质量控制中的作用。[方法]对2009年以来我院提交的所有病案予以质量监控,对比2009年与2010年的病案质量。[结果]随机抽取2009年病案2769份,缺陷病案115份,缺陷率4.15%;2010年病案3125份,缺陷病案29份,缺陷率0.93%;2010年病案缺陷率显著低于2009年病案缺陷率,二者之间比较差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。[结论]病案环节质量监控对于确保病案质量有着十分重要的意义,值得借鉴应用。  相似文献   
李学林  徐涛 《中国药房》2014,(5):388-390
目的:明确新医改形势下我国医院药师在医疗机构中的定位与作用。方法:介绍我国现有药师的分类并分析探讨其职责和定位。结果与结论:我国现有药师按专业不同可分为药师、中药师和临床药师;按职称职务可分为药士、药师、主管药师、副主任药师和主任药师;按是否注册可分为药师和执业药师。他们主要在医院药剂科、研究所、制药企业的研究部门、药检所以及药品的生产和流通等部门从事相关工作。医院药师在医疗机构中具有独立性、辅助性、经济性和结构上的立体性。在新医改政策下,医院药师并不是要放弃传统的医院药学工作,而是要增加临床药学的工作内容,使医院药师的队伍不断壮大,功能更加完善。传统的医院药学工作和现代的临床药学工作是相互促进、相互支撑的,都是医疗工作中不可或缺的组成部分,只有在做好传统医院药师本职工作的基础上来开展临床药学活动,才是医院药师正确的发展之道。  相似文献   
角色扮演法在《护理学基础》实验教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱智超  王成文  刘印 《吉林医学》2007,28(2):196-197
目的:探讨角色扮演法在《护理学基础》实验教学中的应用。方法:将2004年高护专科护理1班、2班学生随机分为3组,对其中1组(实验组)进行RPT法教学,将04高专护理1班学生随机分为3组,对其中1组(对照组)采用常规教学法。结果:实验组同学的实验成绩,学习兴趣,学生满意率均明显高于对照组。结论:采用角色扮演法教学,培养了学生的主动参与意识和团队精神,提高了对实验课的兴趣。  相似文献   
王琳 《职业与健康》2010,26(12):1413-1414
目的分析干扰和影响职业病防治工作的因素,论述职业卫生工作者在贯彻《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》(以下称职业病防治法)、推行基本职业卫生服务(BOHS)政策中的职责、作用与地位,以保障他们的正当权益。方法结合《职业病防治法》规定、BOHS政策内容及职业病防治工作开展现状和存在的问题进行综合分析。结果我国职业病防治工作开展不均衡,存在地域差异,整体工作与BOHS政策有一定差异。结论职业卫生工作者在职业病防治工作中的作用是十分重要的,地位是无法替代的,他们的努力工作为遏制我国职业危害、减少职业病的发生做出了很大贡献,但一些因素影响了他们的工作业绩。在强调追责制的今天,区分他们的责任,保护他们的权益十分重要。  相似文献   
目的 评价螺旋CT在肝、脾损伤诊断中的作用.方法 采用日立Pronto螺旋CT扫描仪,它克服了普通CT扫描速度慢、需要控制呼吸、图像移动性伪影多、分辩力差等缺点,50例肝、脾损伤患者检查前均不服用造影剂,为避免移动伪影,可选择性地注射一定量镇静剂,必要时再作增强扫描,均取得良好的诊断效果.结果 螺旋CT是一种相对无损伤的检查,其评价肝、脾及其他脏器损伤的效果已得到广泛承认,因为它具有很高的敏感性和特异性;肝、脾损伤的分级,为外科医师决定手术还是保守治疗提供了重要依据.结论 肝、脾损伤的诊断及评价患者进行非手术治疗的可能性,螺旋CT检查是重要步骤之一,外科和放射科的密切合作可减少不必要的剖腹探查.  相似文献   
针对当前部分大学生在校学习过程中存在的学习行为消极、懈怠现象,从学习需求动机与行为目标角度揭示大学生学习目标建构的现状,提出辅导员加强学生学习目标重构的必要性、紧迫性;揭示辅导员在大学生学习目标建构中的主体地位和主导作用,强化辅导员的角色认同,注重对学生内在学习动机的激励,强化学生主体性的培养和提高,通过学习目标的建...  相似文献   
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