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背景 感染性休克患者存在肾脏血液灌注异常,严重时可诱发急性肾损伤(AKI),严重威胁患者生命安全;彩色多普勒超声(CDU)可用于评估肾脏血流变化,但有关其在感染性休克患者AKI评估中价值的研究较少。目的 通过CDU评价感染性休克患者AKI的发生情况及其血流动力学改变。方法 选取2019年6月至2021年7月徐州市中心医院收治的105例确诊为感染性休克的患者并纳入感染组,选取同期健康体检者58例并纳入对照组,收集受试者一般资料。采用CDU检查受试者肾脏血流动力学指标[肾动脉管腔内径(D)、收缩期血流峰值速度(Vs)、舒张末期血流速度(Vd)、阻力指数(RI)、搏动指数(PI)],比较感染组与对照组的一般资料及肾脏血流动力学指标。根据感染组患者入院72 h内发生AKI与否将其分为AKI组及非AKI组,比较AKI组与非AKI组肾脏血流动力学指标。应用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析肾脏血流动力学指标对感染性休克患者发生AKI的预测价值。应用单因素分析及多因素Logistic回归分析探讨感染性休克患者发生AKI的影响因素。以AKI由轻到重的程度将患者分为AKIⅠ组、AKIⅡ组、AKIⅢ组,比较...  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetics of etodolac, a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, were compared in normal subjects, in patients with renal and hepatic disease, and in elderly patients. In 28 normal subjects, orally administered etodolac was rapidly absorbed. By 1.2 hours after ingestion of a 200 mg dose, the maximum serum concentration (Cmax) averaged 15.9 g/ml, with more than 99% of the drug bound to serum protein. Clearance was primarily hepatic. The mean half-life (t1/2) was 6 to 7 hours. There were no apparent differences in Cmax, the time at which Cmax occurred (tmax), area under the serum concentration/time curve (AUC0–24), or t1/2 between groups of young men (n=20), elderly men (n=24), and elderly men with osteoarthritis (n=20), after a single dose of etodolac or after 7 days of subchronic administration. Moreover there was no evidence of accumulation. There also were no differences in Cmax, tmax, AUC0–24 or t1/2 between groups of normal subjects (n=10) and patients with mild-to-moderate renal impairment (n=10). Patients with end-stage renal disease who were receiving chronic hemodialysis had the same mean serum concentration of free drug as normal subjects, even though mean serum levels of protein-bound etodolac were slightly lower than those in the normal subjects. The only significant (p<0.05) difference between patients with stable hepatic cirrhosis and normal, age-matched subjects was a slightly shorter tmax in the cirrhotic subjects (1.1 vs. 1.4 hours). These findings suggest that no alteration of etodolac dosage would be necessary in these high-risk groups.Die pharmakokinetischen Parameter von Etodolac, einem neuen, nichtsteroidalen entzündungshemmenden Therapeutikum, wurden an gesunden Probanden, an Patienten mit Leber- und Nierenleiden und an Älteren Patienten untersucht. Orale Etodolac Gaben wurden von den 28 gesunden Probanden schnell resorbiert. Nach einer einmaligen Dosis von 200 mg betrug nach 1,2 Stunden die durchschnittliche maximum Serumkonzentration (Cmax) 15,9 g/ml, wobei mehr als 99% des Medikaments an das Serumprotein gebunden war. Clearance erfolgte hauptsÄchlich über die Niere. Die mittlere Eliminationshalbwertszeit (t1/2) variierte zwischen 6 und 7 Stunden. In Bezug auf Cmax, dem Zeitpunkt an dem Cmax auftrat (tmax), FlÄche unter der Serumkonzentrationskurve (AUC0–24) und t1/2 wurden keine offensichtliche Unterschiede festgestellt zwischen der Gruppe junger MÄnnern (n=20), Älterer MÄnner (n=24) und Älteren MÄnnern mit Osteoarthritis (n=20) nach einer einmaligen Etodolac-Gabe oder nach 7 tÄgiger subchronischer Dosierung. Es bestanden auch keine Anzeichen einer Kumulation. ZusÄtzlich wurden auch keine Unterschiede in Cmax, tmax, AUC0–24 und t1/2 zwischen der Gruppe gesunder Probanden (n=10) und der Patientengruppe mit leichten bis mÄigen NierenfunktionsschÄden (n=10) beobachtet. Im mittleren Serumspiegel des nicht gebundenen Medikaments in Patienten im Endstadium der Nierenerkrankung, die mit Langzeitdialyse behandelt wurden, konnte kein Unterschied im Vergleich zu gesunden Probanden festgestellt werden, obwohl der mittlere Serumspiegel für proteingebundenes Etodolac in den Patienten etwas niedriger lag als in gesunden Probanden. Der einzige signifikante Unterschied (p<0.05) zwischen Patienten mit stabilisierter Leberzirrhose und gleichaltrigen Probanden war eine etwas kürzere tmax in den Zirrhosepatienten (1,1 versus 1,4 Stunden). Diese Ergebnisse beweisen, dakeine Notwendigkeit vorliegt, die Etodolac-Dosierung für diese Risikogruppen zu modifizieren.Se comparó la farmacocinética de etodolac, un fármaco antiinflamatorio no esteroide nuevo, en sujetos normales y en pacientes con enfermedad renal y hepática y en pacientes ancianos. Etodolac administrado por vía oral a 28 sujetos normales fue rápidamente absorbido. A las 1,2 horas siguientes a la administración de una dosis de 200 mg, la concentración sérica máxima (Cmax) alcanzó un promedio de 15,9 g/ml, con más del 99% del fármaco unido a la proteína sérica. La eliminación fue principalmente hepática. La vida media (t1/2) fue 6–7 horas. No se observaron diferencias en Cmax, en el tiempo en el cual se produjo Cmax, en el área bajo la curva de concentración sérica/tiempo (ABC0–24) ni en t1/2 entre los grupos de hombres jóvenes (n=20), de hombres ancianos (n=24) y de hombres ancianos con osteoartritis (n=20), después de la administración de una dosis Única o después de 7 días de administración subcrónica de etodolac. Además, no hubo evidencia de acumulación. Tampoco se registraron diferencias en Cmax, tmax, ABC0–24 o t1/2 entre los grupos de sujetos normales (n=10) y los pacientes con insuficiencia renal leve a moderada (n=10). Los pacientes con nefropatía terminal que estaban recibiendo hemodiálisis crónica tuvieron las mismas concentraciones séricas medias de fármaco libre que los sujetos normales, a pesar de que las concentraciones séricas medias de etodolac unido a proteina fueron levemente inferiores que en los sujetos normales. La Única diferencia significativa (p<0,05) entre los pacientes con cirrosis hepática estable y los sujetos normales de edad similar fue tmax ligeramente inferior en los sujetos cirróticos (1,1 vs 1,4 horas). Estos hallazgos sugieren que no es necesario modificar la dosis de etodolac para su uso en estos grupos de alto riesgo.La pharmacocinétique de l'étodolac, un anti-inflammatoire non stéroÏdien, a été comparé chez des sujets normaux et des patients présentant des affections rénales et hépatiques, et chez des malades âgés. Chez 28 sujets normaux, la résorption d'étodolac administré par voie orale a été rapide. Dès 1,2 heure suivant l'absorption d'une dose de 200 mg, la moyenne des concentration sériques maximales (Cmax) était de 15,9 g/ml, plus de 99% pour cent du médicament étant liés aux protéines sériques. La clairance se fait surtout par voie hépatique. La demivie moyenne (t1/2) était de 6 à 7 heures. Il n'y avait aucune différence apparente en ce qui concerne Cmax, le temps d'apparition de Cmax (tmax), l'aire sous la courbe concentration sérique/temps (AUC0–24) ni t1/2 entre les groupes d'hommes jeunes (n=20), d'hommes âgés (n=24), et d'hommes âgés atteints d'arthrose (n=20) à la suite d'une dose unique d'étodolac ou après 7 jours d'administration subchronique. De plus, aucune accumulation n'a été constatée. D'autre part, aucune différence de Cmax, tmax, AUC0–24 ni t1/2 n'a été notée entre les groupes de sujets normaux (n=10) et de malades présentent des altérations rénales légères ou modérées (n=10). Les malades en insuffisance rénale terminale soumis à l'hémodialyse chronique ont présenté une concentration sérique moyenne de médicament libre analogue à celle des sujets normaux, mais la moyenne des taux sériques d'étodolac lié aux protéines était légèrement inférieure à celle observée chez les sujets normaux. La seule différence significative (p<0.05) entre les malades présentant une cirrhose hépatique stable et des sujets normaux appariés quant à l'âge était représentée par un tmax légèrement plus court chez les cirrhotiques (1,1 contre 1,4 heure). Ces données permettent de penser qu'aucune modification posologique de l'étodolac ne serait nécessaire pour ces groupes à haut risque.La farmacocinetica dell'etodolac, un nuovo farmaco anti-infiammatorio non steroidale è stata messa a confronto in gruppi normali, in pazienti affetti da malattia rénale ed epatica ed in pazienti anziani. In 28 soggetti normali l'etodolac somministrato oralmente è stato rapidamente assorbito. Dopo 1.2 ore dall'ingestione di una dose di 200 mg la massima concentrazione di siero (Cmax) presentava un valore medio di 15,9 mg/ml, con più del 99% del farmaco legato alla proteina del siero. La clearance era soprattutto a livello epatico. L'emivita media (t1/2) era di 6–7 ore. Non vi sono state evidenti differenze medie nei valori di concentrazione massima (Cmax), tempo (Tmax) al quale si aveva la Cmax, nella curva dell'area sotto concentrazione di siero/tempo (AUCo-24) oppure nel valore dell'emivita media (t1/2) tra gruppi di uomini giovani (n=20), uomini anziani (n=24) e anziani con osteoartrite (n=20), dopo una dose singola di etodolac o dopo 7 giorni di somministrazione subcronica. Inoltre non vi sono stati segni di accumulo. Per di più non vi sono state differenze nei valori di Cmax, tmax, AUCo-24 o t1/2 tra gruppi di soggetti normali (n=10) e pazienti con alterazioni renali da leggere a moderate (n=10). I pazienti con malattia renale all'ultimo stadio che ricevevano emodialisi cronica presentavano la stessa concentrazione media di siero di farmaco libero dei soggetti normali, anche se i livelli medi di siero di etodolac legato alle proteine erano leggermente inferiori a quelli di soggetti normali. L'unica differenza significativa (p<0.05) tra pazienti con cirrosi epatica stabile e soggetti normali della stessa età era nei tmax leggermente più brevi nei soggetti cirrotici (1.1. contro 1.4 ore). Questi risultati suggeriscono che nessuna alterazione del dosaggio di etodolac sarebbe necessaria in questi gruppi ad alto rischio.  相似文献   
To evaluate the development of renal hypoxia during hemorrhagic shock, fourteen dogs were induced in this study. The animals were divided equally into a group in which mean arterial pressure (MAP) was kept at 50mmHg (group 1), and into another where MAP was kept at 40mmHg for 180mim (group 2). Renal tissue gas tensions were determined by a mass spectrometer. In the 50-mmHg group, renal tissue oxygen tension (PrO 2) dropped for 15min following hemorrhage, remained constant for 90min, then fell further for 150min before a plateau was established. In the 40-mmHg group, the PrO 2 dropped for 90min before reaching a plateau. The second PrO 2 decline occurred at the same level in both the 50-mmHg group and the 40-mmHg group. The point at which the same PrO 2 level occurred for each group suggests the cessation of oxygen consumption and the conditions of renal hypoxia. It is assumed that renal hypoxia occurs in 120min at a MAP of 50-mmHg and in 60min at a MAP of 40mmHg.(Murakawa K, Izumi R, Kobayashi A: Renal tissue gas tentions during hemorrhagic shock. J Anesth 3: 10–15, 1989)  相似文献   
Effects of different inspiratory concentrations of sevoflurane (fluorometyl-1,1,1,3,3,3,-hexafluoro-2-propylether) on blood pressure, heart rate and efferent activities of cardiac sympathetic, cardiac parasympathetic and renal sympathetic nerves were examined using rats either under the resting condition or during noxious mechanical stimulation of a hindpaw. Under the resting condition, an increase in the inspiratory concentration of sevoflurane from 2.1% to 4.2% gradually caused a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. With the increase in the sevoflurane concentration, cardiac sympathetic nerve activity decreased, whereas renal sympathetic nerve and cardiac parasympathetic nerve activities did not change significantly. When noxious mechanical stimulation was applied to a hind-paw by pinching, blood pressure and heart rate, renal sympathetic and cardiac sympathetic nerve activities all increased at the 2.1% concentration of sevoflurane. The responses of these parameters were attenuated at the 3.1% concentration of sevoflurane and almost disappeared at the 4.2% concentration. Cardiac parasympathetic nerve activity did not change significantly during the pinching stimulation throughout the 2.1–4.2% concentration increase.(Kurosawa M, Meguro K, Nagayama T et al.: Effects of sevoflurane on autonomic nerve activities controlling cardiovascular functions in rats. J Anesth 3: 109–117, 1989)  相似文献   
Summary The effects of hypoxic hypoxia on renal hemodynamics and metabolism have been studied in anaesthetized mechanically ventilated rabbits. Acute hypoxia (F1O2=0.10,PaO2=35 torr) induces at constant mean arterial pressure a 45% decrease in RBF, GFR, and whereas free water clearance increases. These alterations were still apparent 50 min after resuming normal arterial oxygenation. In order to assess the role of the stimulation of catecholamine release in these observations, two other sets of experiments were performed: 1) the animals were ventilated with the same hypoxic gas mixture but after adrenergic blockade (phentolamine: 0.2 mg·kg·min–1 i.v.), 2) hypoxia was induced by ventilating the animals with CO (FICO=0.002) at constantPaO2. Increase in renal vascular resistance and reduction of renal O2 uptake were still observed. This indicates that adrenergic stimulation cannot fully explain the renal vasoconstriction encountered in hypoxia. The role of a local vasoactive factor, especially that of the renin angiotensin system is discussed. The apparent O2 cost of Na reabsorption was not greatly modified by any type of hypoxia and the Na:O2 ratio remained close to the value observed in normoxic animals. This indicates that the kidney may adapt to hypoxia by reducing its O2 demand keeping unaltered its tubular function and basal O2 needs.  相似文献   
The renal proximal tubule is responsible for most of the renal sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate reabsorption. Micropuncture studies and electrophysiological techniques have furnished the bulk of our knowledge about the physiology of this tubular segment. As a consequence of the leakiness of this epithelium, paracellular ionic transport--in particular that of Cl(-)--is of considerable importance in this first part of the nephron. It was long accepted that proximal Cl(-) reabsorption proceeds solely paracellularly, but it is now known that transcellular Cl(-) transport also exists. Cl(-) channels and Cl(-)-coupled transporters are involved in transcellular Cl(-) transport. In the apical membrane, Cl(-)/anion (formate, oxalate and bicarbonate) exchangers represent the first step in transcellular Cl(-) reabsorption. A basolateral Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger, involved in HCO(3)(-) reclamation, participates in the rise of intracellular Cl(-) activity above its equilibrium value, and thus also contributes to the creation of an outwardly directed electrochemical Cl(-) gradient across the cell membranes. This driving force favours Cl(-) diffusion from the cell to the lumen and to the interstitium. In the basolateral membrane, the main mechanism for transcellular Cl(-) reabsorption is a Cl(-) conductance, but a Na(+)-driven Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger may also participate in Cl(-) reabsorption.  相似文献   
Antihypertensive drugs have differing effects on renal hemodynamics, tubular function, plasma electrolytes, and hormonal responses. Nonselective -blockers without intrinsic sympathomimetic activites, such as propranolol, have been reported to reduce renal blood flow and to cause a modest decrease in glomerular filtration rate. Carvedilol is a new multiple action agent displaying nonselective -blockade without intrinsic sympathicomimetic activity, 1-adrenoceptor blockade (probably responsible for its vasodilator activity), and possibly also calcium antagonist properties. The presence of these different pharmacodynamic properties results in a different effect on the kidney as compared with, e.g., propranolol. In the dog, intrarenal infusion of carvedilol resulted in a renal vasodilator response with preservation of renal blood flow and without inducing sodium retention; in contrast, propranolol induced a renal vasoconstrictor response and sodium retention in this model. A renal vasodilator response to carvedilol was also reported in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and in DOCA-salt SHR. In contrast to labetalol, i.v. infusion of hypotensive doses of carvedilol in conscious SHR did not cause sodium retention. Carvedilol was effective in controlling hypertension and preserving renal function in a rat model of progressive hypertensive renal disease. In patients with essential hypertension, carvedilol was reported to reduce renal vascular resistance in the presence of reduced perfusion pressure, allowing for normal renal autoregulation of renal blood flow. Although a small reduction in glomerular filtration rate was seen after acute administration, renal function was preserved during chronic treatment. It is concluded from these studies that renal perfusion and renal function are well maintained during acute and chronic treatment with carvedilol. The compound does not appear to cause sodium retention, and preliminary animal test data suggest the possibility of a renoprotective effect.  相似文献   
目的探讨尿视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)的变化在新生儿窒息后肾小管损伤中的意义及不同窒息程度新生儿尿RBP值随日龄的动态变化特点。方法对132例足月窒息新生儿(轻度窒息67例,重度窒息65例)和48例足月正常新生儿(对照组)在生后1、3、7、10天用酶联免疫吸附法监测尿RBP。结果①生后d.与对照组相比,窒息组尿RBP值显著升高(P〈0.001)。②重复测量资料方差分析显示,不同组别之间存在差异(P〈0.01),进一步用SNK检验,得出两两间的差异均有意义(P〈0.05)。③不同日龄3组新生儿尿RBP值变化的趋势不同(P〈0.01)。④重度窒息组尿RBP,、RBP,。值与对照组和轻度窒息组均有差异(P〈0.05)。结论①生后7天内新生儿肾小管功能发育不完善。对窒息新生儿应监测肾功能,特别是重度窒息需7—10天以上的肾功能随访。  相似文献   
Keratin immunohistochemistry represents a widely applied differential diagnostic tool in surgical pathology. To investigate the value of keratin subtyping for the diagnosis among histological subtypes of renal cell carcinoma and oncocytomas, we performed a detailed immunohistochemical study, applying 22 different monoclonal keratin antibodies on a large series of 233 renal tumors [125 conventional, 22 chromophobe, and 20 papillary (12 type-1, 8 type-2 tumors) cancers and 66 oncocytomas] using a tissue microarray technique. Immunoreactivity for keratin 7, 8, 18, and 19 was present in all tumor entities, albeit in varying quantities. With antibodies directed against keratins 8 and 18, oncocytomas showed a distinct perinuclear and punctate dot-like pattern, which was not observed in renal cancer specimens. The only tumors showing immunoreactivity for keratin 20 were two type-2 papillary cancers. All other monospecific keratin antibodies yielded consistently negative results. Overall, in contrast to some recent publications, keratin subtyping generally appeared to be of additional value only for the differentiation of renal epithelial tumors. Hence, with respect to differential diagnostic value, Hales colloidal iron stain and vimentin immunostaining are still the most useful tools in renal tumor pathology.  相似文献   
目的:探讨。肾内型。肾盂并发巨大鹿角型。肾结石的手术疗效。方法:采用。肾盂加。肾后唇实质段间线切开取石术治疗24例25侧巨大鹿角型。肾结石。结果:本组手术顺利取尽结石者22例23侧。肾,术后。肾内残留小结石(直径〈5mm)2例,经ESWL治愈。随访3个月,25侧术。肾功能良好。结论:该术式不阻断。肾蒂,操作简单,出血少,取石干净,对肾功能影响小,是治疗巨大鹿角型。肾结石较理想的手术方法之一。  相似文献   
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