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Binding of a specific dopamine D1 receptor antagonist,125I-SCH 23982, was measured in rat brain sections by quantitative autoradiography at various time intervals, following a knife cut through the striatonigral pathway. Twenty-four hours after lesioning, accumulations of D1 receptor binding sites were found in sagittal sections both rostral and caudal to the lesion site. No other regions studied (caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and substantia nigra pars reticulata) showed any change in D1 receptor binding 24h after the lesion. In brain sections obtained 10 days after lesioning, only the substantia nigra pars reticulata had a significant decrease in D1 receptors ipsilateral to the lesion. These findings suggest the possibility of a presence of bidirectional axonal transport of D1 receptors in rat striatonigral pathway.  相似文献   
本文报告了葡萄糖酸锌糖浆的制法及用二甲橙指示剂法测定含量的方法。结果表明制法简便,含量测定方法准确。  相似文献   
高效液相法测定金樱子中三萜酸类成分的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定量测定不同产地金樱子中2α,3α,19α,23-四羟基乌苏-12-烯-28-羧酸的含量.采用高效液相法,色谱柱:Kromasil-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm)柱,大连依利特公司;检测波长203 nm,柱温:35 ℃;流动相:乙腈-水(35:65),流速1 mL/min.结果表示所测成分与其他组分具有良好的分离度,线性范围为0.4~10 μg, 加样回收率为102.5%,RSD=2.66%.说明不同产地的三萜类有机酸的含量差别很大.本方法操作简单,结果准确,可用于含2α,3α,19α,23-四羟基乌苏-12-烯-28-羧酸的药物的含量测定.  相似文献   
Quantitative computed tomography (QCT) has been shown to be a precise and sensitive method for evaluating spinal bone mineral density (BMD) and skeletal response to aging and therapy. Precise and accurate determination of BMD using QCT requires a calibration standard to compensate for and reduce the effects of beam-hardening artifacts and scanner drift. The first standards were based on dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) solutions. Recently, several manufacturers have developed stable solid calibration standards based on calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA) in water-equivalent plastic. Due to differences in attenuating properties of the liquid and solid standards, the calibrated BMD values obtained with each system do not agree. In order to compare and interpret the results obtained on both systems, cross-calibration measurements were performed in phantoms and patients using the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) liquid standard and the Image Analysis (IA) solid standard on the UCSF GE 9800 CT scanner. From the phantom measurements, a highly linear relationship was found between the liquid- and solid-calibrated BMD values. No influence on the cross-calibration due to simulated variations in body size or vertebral fat content was seen, though a significant difference in the cross-calibration was observed between scans acquired at 80 and 140 kVp. From the patient measurements, a linear relationship between the liquid (UCSF) and solid (IA) calibrated values was derived for GE 9800 CT scanners at 80 kVp (IA=[1.15×UCSF]-7.32). The UCSF normative database for women and men obtained with the liquid standard was corrected for use with the solid standard. Proper procedures for cross-calibrating QCT measurements and the appropriate uses of normative data are discussed.  相似文献   
特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症二例王永珍,李金鑫,刘建平,步惠英内蒙古自治区医院特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症为一种少见的、病因尚不清楚的疾病,国内于1960年以来有近百例报导,其特征为肺毛细血管反复出血,渗出的血液发生溶血,含铁血黄素沉着于肺组织而起反应[1]...  相似文献   
本文根据光辐射的基本概念,应用数学物理方法,导出了血液辐射治疗仪中带反射罩的紫外线灯的辐照度的计算公式,用XT-A型紫外光功率计,对XL-200型血液辐射治疗仪进行实测,经过计算分析,定出了公式中的待定参数,并应用公式对各实测点进行计算对比,计算值与实测值符合得非常好,发现紫外灯辐射度并简单的指标衰减,为近距离辐照剂量的估算提供了一个有价值的公式,从而将光量子疗法中关于辐照剂量问题的研究定量化。  相似文献   
背景 我国人口老龄化形势日益严重,家庭医生签约服务对助推分级诊疗制度建设、建立合理有序就医秩序发挥着重要作用,目前学者对家庭医生签约服务政策的研究主要集中于定性评价,较少有学者利用工具聚焦代表性政策对各篇进行定量评价。目的 定量评价我国中央层面的6篇家庭医生签约服务相关政策,分析政策优劣,在此基础上,提出促进我国家庭医生签约服务高质量发展的对策和措施,助力健康中国战略实施。方法 于2022-04-30,以“家庭医生”为关键词在北大法宝数据库进行全文检索,并在国务院网站进行相关内容检索,检索时限为2015-01-01至今。采用ROSTCM 6.0软件进行文本挖掘,然后以其结果为依据选择其中具有代表性的中央层面家庭医生签约服务相关政策,并基于政策一致性评价(PMC)指数模型对其进行量化评价。结果 依据纳入与排除标准检索获得相关政策32篇,家庭医生签约服务领域排名前5位的高频关键词为“签约服务”(274次)、“健康”(272次)、“医疗”(264次)、“家庭医生”(225次)、“签约”(180次),以其为依据共选择中央层面有代表性的家庭医生签约服务相关政策6篇,分别标记为P1~P6。政策量化...  相似文献   
We recorded neurons extracellularly in layers II/III, IV, and V of the hindpaw representation of primary somatosensory cortex in anesthetized rats and studied laminar features of receptive fields (RFs) and representational maps. On average, RFs were smallest in layer IV and largest in layer V; however, for individual penetrations we found substantial deviations from this rule. Within the hindpaw representation, a distinct rostrocaudal gradient of RF size was present in all layers. While layer V RFs were generally largest independent of this gradient, layer IV RFs recorded caudally representing the proximal portions of the paw were larger than layer II/III RFs recorded rostrally representing the digits. The individual scatter of the locations of RFs across laminar groups was in the range of several millimeters, corresponding to about 25% of the average RF diameter. The cutaneous representations of the hindpaw in extragranular layers were confined to the areal extent defined by responsive sites in layer IV. Comparison between RFs determined quantitatively and by handplotting showed a reliable correspondence. Repeated measurements of RFs revealed spontaneous fluctuations of RF size of no more than 5% of the initial condition over an observation period of several hours. The topography and variability of cortical maps of the hindpaw representation were studied with a quantitative interpolation method taking into account the geometric centers of RFs and the corresponding cortical recording sites. On average, the overall topography in terms of preservation of neighborhood relations was present in all layers, although some individual maps showed severe distortions of topography. Factors contributing to map variability were overall position of the representation on the cortical surface, internal topography and spatial extent. Interindividual variability of map layout was always highest in the digit representations. Local topographic orderliness was lowest in layer V, but comparable in layers II/III and IV. Within layer IV, the lowest orderliness was observed in the digit representations. Our data emphasize a substantial variability of RF size, overlap and position across layers and within layers. At the level of representational maps, we found a similar degree of variability that often co-varied across layers, with little evidence for significant layer specificity. Laminar differences are likely to arise from the specific input-output pattern, layer-specific cell types and the connectivity between different layers. Our findings emphasizing similarities in the variability across layers support the notion of tightly coupled columnar interactions between different layers.  相似文献   
Telomere length is a well established marker of cellular senescence and thus biological age. Quantitative PCR allows the determination even from very low amounts of tissue by using telomere specific and single copy gene primers. Comparing a directly processed tissue sample to a 4% formaldehyde fixed one showed a significantly reduced efficiency of PCR reactions (mainly in single copy gene experiments) in a storage time-dependent manner resulting in an artificial increase in reported relative telomere length. This effect was not seen when the tissue was stored in RNA later solution. In summary, telomere length determination from formaldehyde fixed material by quantitative PCR is not a reliable method. Unfortunately therefore, many easily accessible tissue samples from pathology laboratories are unsuitable for this technique.  相似文献   
本文介绍一种具有较高性能价格比的生物医学电镜图像处理系统,该系统以IBM PC/XT,AT或386计算机为主机,图像接口板直接插入机内扩展槽。应用软件可对生物医学图像作图像处理和定量计算。作者通过对人膈腹膜超微结构进行定量分析,为腹水的治疗和腹膜透析(CAPD)等临床医学研究,提供了形态学定量资料。  相似文献   
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