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目的 评估躯体症状自我筛查问卷(SQSS)在中国普通居民中的效度和信度,分析功能躯体症状检出阳性的受试者一般特征。方法 采用方便抽样法,于 2020 年 2— 3 月通过问卷星向中国居民发送调查问卷,进行一般资料、SQSS、广泛性焦虑量表 -7(GAD-7)、9 项患者健康问卷(PHQ-9)和怀特利指数 -7(WI-7)的施测。2 周后采用随机数字表法选取 100 名受试者进行 SQSS 的重测。采用条目得分与量表总分的相关分析、极端组检验进行项目分析;采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析检验效度;采用内部一致性 Cronbach''s α 系数、分半信度系数和重测相关系数检验信度;采用 χ2检验、t检验比较功能性躯体症状筛查阳性及阴性者的一般资料及临床资料。结果 共收集问卷 1 506 份,剔除无效问卷 56 份,最终纳入 1 450 名(96.3%)受试者。SQSS 项目分析结果显示各条目得分与量表总分均呈正相关 (r=0.49~0.70,均P< 0.001),量表各条目区分度分析结果显示差异均有统计学意义(t=15.337~27.862,均P< 0.001)。探索性因素分析示 SQSS 可分为 4 个维度,验证性因素分析示 SQSS 的 4 因子结构模型拟合良好,卡方 / 自由度(χ2/df)为 5.79,拟合优度系数(GFI)为 0.94,近似误差均方根(RMSEA)为 0.06,均方根残差(RMR)为 0.03,比较拟合指数(CFI)为 0.93,规范拟合指数(NFI)为 0.92,不规范拟合指数(NNFI)为 0.92,Tucker-Lewis 指数(TLI)为 0.92;SQSS 的 Cronbach''s α 系数为 0.92,分半信度系数为 0.90;SQSS 总分和 WI-7、PHQ-9、GAD-7 得分均呈正相关(r=0.67、0.68、0.61;均P< 0.01)。以 SQSS 29 分为划界分,功能性躯体症状在普通居民中的检出率为 10.28%(149/1 450)。功能性躯体症状检出阳性者中女性、有精神疾病者、有慢性躯体疾病者占比更高(χ2=5.12、29.90、34.08;均P< 0.05),检出阳性者的 SQSS、GAD-7、PHQ-9、WI-7 得分高于阴性者(Z=20.03、14.51、13.03、15.27,均P< 0.001)。结论 SQSS 具有较好的效度和信度,可用于在普通人群中进行功能性躯体症状的自我筛查。在中国普通居民中,功能性躯体症状检出率较高。  相似文献   
IntroductionThe Knowledge of Genome Sequencing (KOGS) questionnaire was recently developed to measure knowledge of genomic sequencing (GS), with preliminary psychometric data supporting its reliability and validity. The aim of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the KOGS in a larger sample, and to confirm its utility in a cancer setting.MethodsThe Genetic Cancer Risk in the Young (RisC) study recruits participants with a personal history of cancer, to investigate heritable cancer causes and future cancer risk using germline GS. Participants (n = 261) in a psychosocial substudy of RisC completed a questionnaire after consent to RisC but before GS, including the KOGS, the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, the Chew health literacy scale and items assessing demographic and disease variables. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), Cronbach alpha and correlational analyses were undertaken.ResultsThe CFA testing a single-factor model yielded a good model fit, χ2/df = 2.43, comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.97, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.07 and weighted mean root square (WRMR) = 1.03. Factor loadings of all items were above 0.60 and ranged between.66 and.93. The single factor score demonstrated excellent internal consistency (α = 0.82). KOGS scores were significantly associated with health literacy (r = 0.23, p < .001), having a university education [t(258) = ?4.53, p < .001] and having a medical or science background [t(259) = ?3.52, p < .001] but not with speaking a language other than English at home, time since diagnosis, previous genetic counselling/testing or intolerance of uncertainty.DiscussionThis study confirmed a single-factor structure for the KOGS, and its reliability and validity in a cancer population. Associations with measures of health literacy and education were significant and positive as expected, supporting the KOG’s construct validity. Previous genetic counselling may not be sufficient to provide specific knowledge of GS.  相似文献   
Background and aimsPublic health and clinic-based educational strategies are desperately needed to stem the tide of death from heart disease among people with diabetes in low and middle-income countries. This study translated the Heart Disease Fact Questionnaire into Persian and evaluated its reliability and validity for use in Iran.MethodsUsing rigorous translation methods, the 25-item scale was administered to Persian speakers with diabetes. The scale was evaluated for content validity, construct validity and reliability.ResultsParticipants were 268 patients with diabetes with mean age of 63.19 ± 16.61 years. The mean HDFQ score was 17.31 ± 5.11 (in the low range). Higher scores were associated with younger age, younger age of diabetes onset, higher education, higher employment position, family history of diabetes and hypertension, shorter diabetes duration, and adherence to home exercise regimens. Kuder–Richardson's reliability coefficient was good, i.e., 0.82. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor loadings of all questions, except question number 25, were favorable, i.e., >0.3. Model fit indices were favorable: Chi-square statistic to degree of freedom ratio (χ2?df) = 1.82, Comparative fit index = 0.96, Tucker-Lewis Index = 0.96 and root mean square error = 0.06.ConclusionAfter removing item #25, the Persian heart disease fact questionnaire has good validity and reliability and can be used to inform and evaluate clinical and public health educational programs aimed at decreasing risk for heart disease among Persian speakers with diabetes.  相似文献   
Siegrist M  Keller C  Kiers HA 《Appetite》2006,47(3):324-332
The psychometric paradigm has been used to explain the perception of food hazard risks. In past studies, only aggregated data were analyzed, and individual differences were neglected. In the present study, both aggregated data and non-aggregated data are analyzed. Data stem from a mail survey conducted in Switzerland (N=448). Analyzing aggregated data, results of past studies were successfully replicated. The PCA analysis revealed the two factors "unknown risk" and "dread risk." Results of a three-way component analysis (3MPCA) suggest, that two components explain individual differences in the perception of food hazards. The two components were labeled "unobservable hazards," and "familiar hazards." Individual differences in the cognitive representation of hazards were correlated with attitudes toward natural foods. Results suggest that people who prefer natural foods differ in perceived risks from people who do not prefer natural foods. Results show that methods permitting individual differences are crucial for a better understanding of the cognitive representation of food hazards.  相似文献   
This systematic review examined the use of incontinence-specific quality of life (QOL) measures in clinical trials of female incontinence treatments, and systematically evaluated their quality using a standard checklist. Of 61 trials included in the review, 58 (95.1%) used an incontinence-specific QOL measure. The most commonly used were IIQ (19 papers), I-QoL (12 papers) and UDI (9 papers). Eleven papers (18.0%) used measures which were not referenced or were developed specifically for the study. The eight QOL measures identified had good clinical face validity and measurement properties. We advise researchers to evaluate carefully the needs of their specific study, and select the QOL measure that is most appropriate in terms of validity, utility and relevance, and discourage the development of new measures. Until better evidence is available on the validity and comparability of measures, we recommend that researchers consider using IIQ or I-QOL with or without UDI in trials of incontinence treatments.  相似文献   
Ethnopharmacological relevance: The escalating use of khat (Catha edulis) in East Africa and Arabia is a major concern for public health. Yet little is known about the impact of khat on behavior. There has been no study in the region to assess the extent to which dependence syndrome is associated with khat use in this population. Aim of the study: To examine psychometric properties of the Severity of Dependence Scale-Khat (SDS-khat), gender differences in patterns of khat use and dependence, and the extent to which age moderated the link between gender and khat dependence. Materials and methods: Two-hundred and seventy khat chewers recruited in two Yemeni cities completed face-to-face interviews asking about demographics and patterns of khat use. Validity of SDS-khat was examined by the principle component analysis and reliability of the scale was tested by Cronbach?s alpha. A series of chi-square tests and analysis of variances (ANOVAs) were conducted to examine gender differences in khat use variables. Results: The results indicated that the mean age of khat chewers was 30.52 years (95% CI: 29.34, 31.70) and 52% of them were males. The SDS-khat was found to have two factors with moderate reliability. This pattern was consistent when the analysis was conducted in the entire sample and in each gender. Male khat chewers reported more symptoms related to khat dependence than female chewers. A significant gender by age interaction in SDS-khat levels (p=0.013) revealed a positive association between age and khat dependence in women only. Conclusion: These results provide initial support for the use of SDS-khat in the assessment of khat dependence in Yemen. Gender differences in khat use patterns and dependence observed in this study call the need for more studies carefully examining the role of gender in khat research.  相似文献   
ObjectiveFor people with dementia, the concept of quality of life (Qol) reflects the disease's impact on the whole person. Thus, Qol is an increasingly used outcome measure in dementia research. This systematic review was performed to identify available dementia-specific Qol measurements and to assess the quality of linguistic validations and reliability studies of these measurements (PROSPERO 2013: CRD42014008725).Study Design and SettingThe MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Methodology Register databases were systematically searched without any date restrictions. Forward and backward citation tracking were performed on the basis of selected articles.ResultsA total of 70 articles addressing 19 dementia-specific Qol measurements were identified; nine measurements were adapted to nonorigin countries. The quality of the linguistic validations varied from insufficient to good. Internal consistency was the most frequently tested reliability property. Most of the reliability studies lacked internal validity.ConclusionQol measurements for dementia are insufficiently linguistic validated and not well tested for reliability. None of the identified measurements can be recommended without further research. The application of international guidelines and quality criteria is strongly recommended for the performance of linguistic validations and reliability studies of dementia-specific Qol measurements.  相似文献   


Effective self-care is the cornerstone of the successful management of heart failure (HF). The European Heart Failure Self-care Behaviour Scale is a brief, reliable and valid scale to measure this important construct among patients with HF. Although the EHFScBS has been translated to different languages, no Chinese version is available. Indeed, previous findings investigating the psychometric properties of EHFScBS indicated ambiguity of the conceptual structure of this scale.


The aim of this study was to translate the European Heart Failure Self-care Behaviour Scale (EHFScBS) into Chinese and to test its psychometric properties in the Chinese patients with HF.


The EHFScBS (English Version) was translated to Chinese using Brislin's forward and backward translation method. Panel review was used to examine its semantic equivalence and content validity. The EHFScBS (Chinese Version) was then tested with a convenience sample of 143 Chinese HF patients who attended a specialist clinic from January to September 2007.


The content validity index (CVI) of the EHFScBS (Chinese version) was satisfactory (Item CVI = 0.96; Scale CVI = 0.89), with Cronbach's alpha 0.82. Convergent validity was supported by a moderate relationship, statistical significant with a measure for social support (r = −0.36, p < 0.001). However, the findings did not support the hypothesised three-factor structure of the EHFScBS (Chinese Version). Instead, all items except one fit well a two-factor structure to measure help-seeking and regimen-complying behaviours.


The adequate psychometric properties and clear conceptual structure of EHFScBS (Chinese Version) warrant its use in Chinese patients with HF.  相似文献   


The Mental Health Index (MHI) is widely used as a measure of mental health status, but has not been evaluated in the geriatric oncology population. This study evaluated the MHI-17 in a geriatric oncology population, to establish validity and scoring rules.

Materials and Methods

The Carolina Senior Registry (NCT01137825) was used to obtain data for 686 patients with cancer 65 and older who completed the MHI-17. The 17-item patient-reported measure produces one total score summing across four domains: anxiety, depression, positive affect, and sense of belonging. Cronbach's alpha (α), confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), item-response theory (IRT) analyses, and differential item functioning (DIF) analyses were used to evaluate internal consistency and validity.

Results and Discussion

The revised MHI retained the 13 best-fitting items from the MHI-17 and resulted in a final model that included two subscales: anxiety (four items, RMSEA 0.11; CFI 0.99; TLI 0.98) and depression (9 items, RMSEA 0.10; CFI 0.96; TL 0.95). IRT analyses of the four anxiety items indicated good fit (RMSEA 0.08) and precise measurement of adults with poor mental health, and the nine depression items also fit well (RMSEA 0.05). No meaningful differences were found by sex, education, or treatment stage. Scores were developed to provide meaningful norms. The new MHI-13 is a shorter, more accurate way to assess mental health in older adults with cancer and most importantly allows clinicians to separately identify anxiety and/or depression - a clinically important distinction as treatment differs among these two types of mental health impairment.  相似文献   
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