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Two teaching methods were compared: (1) the traditional way with textbooks, practical guidance, personal demonstration, and (2) an integrated multimedia system with text programme, slide-sound-show accompanying the experiment, and lecturer. Two samples of thirty-one students each were classified in twin groups by means of psychological tests. Both groups worked with the identical pretest/post-test and different training procedures. The integrated multi-media system produced highly significant more gain in the theoretical sphere, greater personal confidence, and lower experimental error. Furthermore positive attitude of the students towards the experiment was demonstrated. The improved performance was statistically proved by t-test and covariance analysis.  相似文献   
Failure of Automatic Mode Switching: Recognition and Management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dual chamher pacing is desirable to optimize AV synchrony and to potentially decrease the incidence of supraventricular tachyarrhythimas. Patients with alternating periods of both supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and bradycardia pose a difficult challenge when standard dual chamber pacemakers are implanted. The automatic mode switching algorithm was introduced to prevent tracking of paroxysmal supraventricular tachyarrhythimas and avoid the adverse hemodynamic and symptomatic consequences of a rapid ventricular response. In some cases, failure to mode switch may take place when the atrial signal during tachycardia is of insufficient amplitude to be sensed. Failure to mode switch way also occur when the atrial signal periodically occurs in the atrial blanking period(s). In this article, we describe failure to mode switch in seven patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachyarrhythmias after a Telectronics Meta DDDR 1254 device was implanted. Each patient had paroxysmal atrial flutter and/or atrial fibrillation and presented with either repetitive episodes of oscillation between atrial tracking and mode switching to a nonatrial tracking pacing mode or complete failure to mode switch. Six of seven patients were taking antiarrhythmic drugs that resulted in slowing of the atrial cycle length. Pacemaker reprogramming was required in each case to restore reliable mode switching during subsequent recurrences of the atrial tachyarrhythmias. We conclude that careful pacemaker programming of patients with paroxysmal atrial flutter and the Telectronics Meta DDDR 1254 is necessary when patients are taking an antiarrhythmic drug that slows atrial cycle length.  相似文献   
提出了大型化工企业网络的发展模型,并分析了我国不同发展条件下的两个这例。  相似文献   
1. Rat mast cells were exposed to low osmotic pressures to produce a ‘nonspecific’ disruption of the mast cell, with release of histamine along with other intracellular contents. 2. The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and various other drugs upon osmotically induced histamine release was examined. 3. Representative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs indomethacin, phenylbutazone and flufenamic acid, the acidic compounds ethacrynic acid, iopanoic acid and probenecid, and the local anaesthetic lignocaine, all caused a dose-dependent facilitation of osmotically induced histamine release compared to controls. All drugs were active at 0.1 mmol/1. 4. The previously observed inhibition of compound 48/80 and the antigen-induced histamine release from rat mast cells by similar concentrations of the drugs used in the present study are unlikely to be due to mast cell plasma membrane stabilization.  相似文献   
从馆员或读者的研究性阅读角度,阐释了建构问题和问题解决(QQS)因子思想火花碰撞或核裂变的知识发现模式,描述了在实施脑内与文献内的互动碰撞和发现新知识以及增加知识总量的核裂变过程中,研究性阅读产生QQS因子思想火花碰撞或核裂变的有效运作要求.  相似文献   
本文对248例胃癌的病理组织类型,肉眼分型、间质反应与肝转移、腹膜转移的关系进行了研究。结果表明,癌间质反应程度与转移方式之间的关系比前二种因素更为密切。肝转移率随间质反应程度加强而下降,腹膜转移率则随间质反应程度加强而上升,均有明显统计学意义(P<0.001)。  相似文献   
Four Japanese boys with the Coffin-Lowry syndrome in three unrelated families were reported. Three of the four patients aged2–8 years had typical features of the syndrome including severe mental retardation, coarse facies, tapered fingers, and distal phalangeal tufting, while the remaining patient, examined at the age of seven months because his eldest brother was affected, had less characteristic features. As mentioned by many authors, clinical manifestations of the three patients had developed with age, so then the features in the youngest patient may progress in his childhood. All of the three mothers had variable features that were moderate to normal. Tapered fingers and tufting of distal phalages were the most common features among them and would be most diagnostic for the detection of affected females.  相似文献   
A database for repeated dose toxicity data has been developed. Studies were selected by data quality. Review documents or risk assessments were used to get a pre-screened selection of available valid data. The structure of the chemicals should be rather simple for well defined chemical categories. The database consists of three core data sets for each chemical: (1) structural features and physico-chemical data, (2) data on study design, (3) study results. To allow consistent queries, a high degree of standardization categories and glossaries were developed for relevant parameters. At present, the database consists of 364 chemicals investigated in 1018 studies which resulted in a total of 6002 specific effects. Standard queries have been developed, which allow analyzing the influence of structural features or PC data on LOELs, target organs and effects. Furthermore, it can be used as an expert system. First queries have shown that the database is a very valuable tool.  相似文献   
医学高等教育应与时俱进地树立“大医”教育观,即人才培养要求上体现德馨、知广、技强、心高.  相似文献   
We describe the construction of a computer based system for instruction and assessment in pharmacology, utilizing a large bank of multiple choice questions. Items were collected from many sources, edited and coded for student suitability, topic, taxonomy and difficulty and text references. Students reserve a time during the day, specify the type of test desired and questions are presented randomly from the subset satisfying their criteria. Answers are scored after each question and a summary given at the end of every test; details on item performance are recorded automatically. The biggest hurdle in implementation was the assembly, review, classification and editing of items, while the programming was relatively straight-forward. A number of modifications had to be made to the initial plans and changes will undoubtedly continue with further experience. When fully operational the system will possess a number of advantages including: elimination of test preparation, editing and marking; facilitated item review opportunities; increased objectivity, feedback, flexibility and descreased anxiety in students.  相似文献   
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