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Objective: To detect the existence of immune tolerance induced by gamma-ray irradiation. Methods:Peritoneal cells were harvested from mice subjected to 5 Gy ^60Co gamma-ray total body irradiation at 3d, 7d, 15d and 30d, then their counts, morphological changes and IL-12 gene expression were investigated. Results: After irradiation, the peritoneal cells were sharply reduced,the cell morphology shifted from round-like to polymorphic and fusiform with some processes,expression of IL-12 p35 was seriously suppressed, while that of IL-12 p40 greatly enhanced. Conclusion: Our data highly suggest that the gamma-ray irradiation could potentially induce dendritic cell (DC) commitment and immune tolerance.  相似文献   
Using retrograde HRP labeling from the optic nerve (ON) or optic tectum (OT), we have visualized biplexiform cells in wholemounted retinas of the stichaeid fish Pholidapus dybowskii and studied their morphology and spatial properties. Biplexiform cells labeled from the ON were similar in their morphology to biplexiform cells found in other fishes. Their distribution across the retina was non-random and independent of that of other large ganglion cell types. Biplexiform cells labeled from the OT, too, formed non-random mosaics, whose spatial properties suggested that most or all biplexiform cells project to the OT in this species. We propose that biplexiform cells in Pholidapus are homologous to biplexiform cells in other fishes (lower vertebrates). Pholidapus biplexiform cells may participate in the tectum-mediated visual reactions.  相似文献   
小鼠前庭器官的形态发生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解小鼠前庭器官发育的形态学特征及演变规律.方法利用光镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜观察C57BL/6小鼠从胚胎第8天到刚出生期间前庭器官发育过程中的形态变化.结果 C57BL/6小鼠的前庭器官在胚胎第10.5天开始发育,胚胎第11.5天形成上、后半规管始基,到胚胎第12天水平半规管始基才逐渐形成,椭圆囊已出现许多原始的感觉纤毛,而到胚胎第13天,球囊才开始发育;到胚胎第15天,椭圆囊、球囊、壶腹嵴初具成熟形态,毛细胞和支持细胞也初具雏形,到出生时,前庭器官已基本发育成熟.结论 C57BL/6小鼠前庭感觉细胞在胚胎第12天开始分化,感觉上皮的形态从胚胎第12天至第18天变化最明显.椭圆囊、壶腹嵴的发生较早,随后才形成球囊,到出生时前庭感觉器官已基本发育成熟.  相似文献   
目的研究活体穿透角膜移植术后各层角膜组织的激光扫描共焦显微镜(Laser Scan-ning Confocal Microscope,LSCM)的形态学特征。方法应用海德堡视网膜激光断层扫描仪Ⅱ/Rostock角膜模块(HRTⅡ)对20例20眼穿透角膜移植术后40天~2年的患者进行检查,记录并分析其各层角膜图像。结果穿透角膜移植术后早期角膜上皮细胞排列欠规则;Bowman膜和Descemet膜在激光共焦显微镜下无细胞结构;所有患者浅基质层细胞均较深基质层密集;稳定角膜植片其内皮细胞排列紧密,形态为均一六边形结构;所有患者均未发现上皮下神经丛及基质神经;术后植片排斥者有其特殊形态学表现。结论激光扫描共焦显微镜可活体检查穿透角膜移植术后角膜各层组织结构和细胞的病理改变,为临床诊断及用药提供有价值的客观依据,并在跟踪随访方面具有重大意义。  相似文献   
目的观察摘除泪腺后,兔泪液S1T值、角膜荧光素染色和虎红染色的变化及其角膜上皮超微结构的变化,评估兔干眼症模型的建立。方法摘除兔泪腺和Harder氏腺,比较泪腺摘除前后S1T、角膜荧光素染色和虎红染色分值的变化,并在透射电镜下观察角膜上皮形态学的变化。结果泪腺摘除后平均S1T值(15.88±6.29mm/5min)低于摘除前的平均S1T值(20.25±5.52mm/5min),差别有统计学意义(P=0.0062)。平均角膜荧光素染色和虎红评分(分别为8.22±1.99和7.67±0.87)明显高于摘除前(分别为0.22±0.44和0.67±0.5),差别有统计学意义(两组均P<0.0001)。以上3个检查指标的变化说明摘除泪腺后出现水液性泪液分泌缺乏,导致角膜上皮点状剥脱,干燥及坏死。在形态学上泪腺摘除前后的角膜上皮也发生了明显的改变,透射电镜检查发现液化的表层上皮细胞,表层细胞膜破裂。以上的改变均符合干眼症的特征。结论摘除兔泪腺和Harder氏腺后兔泪液分泌减少,角膜上皮坏死,能有效形成泪液缺乏型干眼模型。  相似文献   
胶质瘤是最常见的原发脑内肿瘤,预后不佳。患者年龄、体力状况及恶性等级是影响预后的主要因素。由于组织学诊断相同的患者具有不同的转归,因此针对预测胶质瘤的生物学行为及其对治疗反应等问题.我们有必要寻找更好的判断预后的指标。本文复习文献分析胶质瘤的形态及生物学因素,以及它们与患者预后的关系;详细讨论了与胶质瘤相关的形态生物学特点:主要细胞类型,细胞构成,细胞学的异型性,增殖活力,微血管增殖,坏死和凋亡。  相似文献   
蛇葡萄根的形态组织鉴定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
罗毅  陈科力 《中药材》1996,19(11):554-556
本文报道了作蛇葡萄根药用的蛇葡萄Ampelopsis sinica、光叶蛇葡萄A、sinica var.hancei、三裂叶蛇葡萄A.delavayana和异叶蛇葡萄A.humulifolia var.heterophylla以及牯岭蛇葡萄A.bre-vipedunculata var.kulingensis等五种蛇葡萄属植物根的生药性状和显微鉴别特征,为蛇葡萄根的系统生药鉴别和深入开发提供了参考资料。  相似文献   
HRP—TMB法研究了16只成鼠的面神经付核的中枢定位、细胞构筑和中枢神经元计数等问题。发现面神经付核为独立核团,位于面神经(主)核的背侧,贯穿延髓的上段与中段。核由大小两种神经细胞互相环抱网络而成。为了清晰显示标记神经核团与其周围神经核团的相互位置关系,作者建议将成色反应后的切片,投入中性红染液中复染。  相似文献   
Tibial nerves from control, untreated alloxan diabetic, and 4-week insulin treated alloxan diabetic rats were examined with light microscopy and computerized morphometric analysis of axons. Teased fiber preparations and electron microscopy were utilized to evaluate nerve degeneration. The insulin treatment regimens included daily injections of protamine zinc insulin (PZI), daily injections of ultralente insulin, and continuously delivered insulin through osmotic minipumps. Evaluation of axon:myelin ratios, teased fiber profiles, and electron microscopic cross sections of nerves demonstrated different degrees of neuropathic changes within the treated groups. The control group and untreated diabetic group showed little or no degeneration, while all insulin-treated groups showed evidence of Wallerian degeneration. Among these insulin treated groups, the PZI-treated group showed the greatest number of degenerating profiles while the minipump group showed the least. These data suggest that insulin treatment of alloxan diabetes results in axonal degeneration which closely resembles findings in human diabetic neuropathies. The substantially diminished number of degenerating axons seen in the osmotic minipump insulin-treated rats suggests that continuous delivery of insulin may decrease the neuropathic changes seen with single injection insulin therapy. Since virtually all insulin-dependent diabetic patients receive daily administration of insulin, the possibility that peripheral neuropathies may in part result from the insulin treatment requires more extensive investigation in a variety of animal models to separate the neuropathic effects of diabetes from the neuropathic effects of insulin therapy.  相似文献   
A number of different morphologic characteristics were examined to determine their relative values in establishing a purely morphologic diagnosis of phenacetin abuse. These included hyperpigmentation of the skin, the costal cartilages, the liver, and the renal tubules, and capillarosclerosis of the lower urinary tract. Hyperpigmentation of the skin, liver, and renal tubules cannot be used in the diagnosis of phenacetin abuse. Massive brown pigmentation of the costal cartilages in patients under 60 years of age suggests phenacetin abuse, but even this morphologic parameter, when used alone, is insufficient to establish a definite diagnosis. Capillarosclerosis in the lower urinary tract does, however, permit one to diagnose phenacetin abuse with certainty, as it is found exclusively in this condition.  相似文献   
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