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Introduction  There is no integrative concept for smoking cessation in pregnancy in Germany. Women in difficult social situations need basic and personally oriented counselling to support their health effectively. Midwives meet the requirements to give the necessary support to women. Motivational Interviewing  One part of the EURO-scip III project was, to develop and execute trainings in Motivational Interviewing for midwives, which is described in this article. The aim of the training was to give midwives an understanding of Motivational Interviewing developed by Miller and Rollnick (1991) and on how to use it in the field with pregnant women to quit smoking during pregnancy. The characteristics of the Mi-Training for midwives: Compared to MI in the field of drug addiction the two days of training focus for example on the training of counselling strategies during the initial stages (towards contemplation). Stages  The theoretical background of the stages of change and the revolving-door schema of smoking is transferred into practice in three parts:
1.  Midwives learned to find out as early as possible in which stage of change the woman is.
2.  Midwives developed a specific counselling strategy.
3.  In an additional training part, multi-stress and complex situations were under examination.
The midwives were trained to use special techniques like the “Importance Ruler” to progress a conversation and to manage complex counselling situations. Conclusions  MI-training gave midwives more hands-on tools for their daily work. It seems to be helpful to deliver more strategies for counselling situations on different stages of change. This project has been funded by the European Commission in the framework of the programme Europe Against Cancer (EURO-scip III).  相似文献   
目的 分析助产士接生考核结果,为制定相应的培训措施提供依据.方法 成立考核小组,制定接生流程及考核评分标准,对所有助产士进行考核.比较不同助产工龄的助产士考核成绩差异,总结考核中常见不足.结果 工龄0~3年的助产士考核平均成绩低于工龄3年以上的助产士,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),工龄3~5年的助产士与工龄5年以上的助产士考核平均成绩差异无统计学意义.考核中常见的不足有沟通、隐私保护、会阴麻醉技术等.结论 低年资助产士要加强接生技能的培训;要加强助产士会阴麻醉技术、沟通能力、患者隐私权等相关知识培训.  相似文献   
DEM?RTAS B. (2012) Strategies to support breastfeeding: a review. International Nursing Review Background: Mothers need to be given support, confidence and encouragement to successful breastfeeding. The importance of breastfeeding support has been addressed in numerous studies. However, reviews to explore strategies to support breastfeeding are sparse. Aim: The study aims to explore strategies to support breastfeeding. It was also aimed to reveal how the international papers compare with the Turkish situation. Methods: Searches of CINAHL, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science databases, Cochrane databases, Turkish health databases were conducted for data collection. The search was limited to articles published between the years 1995 and 2011, focusing on the strategies related to the support received by mothers. Two experts independently read and analysed 38 articles. Findings: Thirty‐eight papers were included in this review. The findings identified strategies to support breastfeeding. These include collaboration with community and family members; confidence building; appropriate ratio of staffing levels; development of communication skills; and ‘closing the gap’ in inequalities in health. Conclusion: Mothers benefit from strategies that encourage breastfeeding, with guidance that supports their self‐efficacy and feelings of being capable and empowered, and is tailored to their individual needs.  相似文献   
目的探讨产房助产士对产后出血临床预防处理及护理方法。方法选取我院2015年12月~2017年12月收治的分娩产妇共52例,作为本次研究的主要对象,对产妇进行随机分组处理,分为观察组和对照组两组,每组26例,对照组使用常规护理的方式,观察组使用产房助产士全程陪护的方式,观察两组产妇的产后出血情况和早产以及新生儿窒息、ARDS等。结果观察组产妇在产后2 h内出血率和产后2~6 h之间的出血率明显较对照组产妇低,两组对比差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组产妇的早产和新生儿窒息、ARDS等情况的发生率明显较对照组产妇低,两组对比差异明显(P0.05)。结论产房助产士在对产妇进行产后精心护理时,能够有效对产妇产后出血的情况加以有效预防,并且降低产妇产后的出血率,能够使产妇更快的恢复健康,并且对产妇的生命健康有效保障。  相似文献   
目的探讨苏格拉底教学法在护士转型助产士理论教学中的应用效果,提高护士转型助产士理论教学的质量。方法选择我院2013年8月~2016年12月护士转型助产士共28例,随机分为两组,观察组采用苏格拉底教学法进行助产理论知识教学,对照组采用传统的教师口头及书面讲述法进行教学。比较两组护士进入产房后1个月、2个月、3个月的理论知识考核成绩,并对28例护士发放调查问卷对两种教学方法进行综合评价。结果观察组护士1个月、2个月、3个月的理论考核成绩均优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);两组护士对教学效果的综合评价中,除掌握助产知识差异无统计学意义(P0.05)外,其余各项之间差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论苏格拉底教学法在护士转型助产士这一特殊群体的理论教学中有较好的教学效果,可激发护士学习热情,提高护士思维能力,同时可达到教学相长的目的,使带教老师的理论水平得到进一步巩固与提升,值得推广。  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo explore midwives’ thoughts on providing antenatal care to pregnant transmen.MethodsA qualitative study based on semi-structured, individual interviews with 12 midwives during January 2022. Systematic text condensation was used for data analysis.ResultsThe analysis of the data material resulted in three result categories: 1) Gender transition and the desire to have children - exposure of the phenomenon can help to avoid stigmatisation, 2) A pregnant person is a pregnant person no matter what - the midwife's role in meeting a pregnant man, and 3) Being a man but using the body as a woman - the knowledge is lacking in the textbooks.ConclusionThe study showed that midwives have little knowledge about pregnant transmen. The knowledge gaps will remain unfilled unless more research is done on the topic, and sufficient information provides for good procedures and standards of care. Access to information about pregnant transmen and experiences of their encounters with midwives will contribute with new knowledge and over time, changes in attitudes, both professional and private.  相似文献   
Backgroundperinatal mental health is an important public health issue and consideration must be given to care provision for effective support and care of women in the perinatal period.Aimto synthesise primary research on midwives’ perceived role in Perinatal Mental Health (PMH).Designintegrative review.MethodsWhittemore and Knafl's (2005) framework was employed. A systematic search of the literature was completed. Studies were included if they met the following criteria: primary qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research studies published in peer reviewed journals between January 2006 to February 2016, where the population of interest were midwives and the outcomes of interest were their perceived role in the management of women with PMH problems. The methodological quality of studies was assessed using the relevant CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programmes, 2014) criteria for quantitative and qualitative research studies. Data extraction, quality assessment and thematic analysis were conducted.Findingsa total of 3323 articles were retrieved and 22 papers were included in the review (15 quantitative, 6 qualitative and one mixed method study). The quality of the studies included was good overall. Two overarching themes emerged relating to personal and professional engagement. Within personal engagement four sub themes are presented: knowledge, skills, decision making and attitude. Within professional engagement four themes are presented: continuous professional development, organisation of care, referral, and support.Conclusions and implications for practicethe findings indicate midwives require continuous professional development opportunities that address knowledge, attitudes to PMH, communication and assessment skills. However educational and training support in the absence of appropriate referral pathways and support systems will have little benefit.  相似文献   
Objectives.?To examine the obstetric outcomes of our ‘low risk’ pregnant women under the midwife-led delivery care compared with those under the obstetric shared care.

Methods.?A retrospective cohort study compared outcomes of labor under midwife ‘primary’ care with those under obstetric shared care. The factors examined were: maternal age, parity, gestational age at delivery, length of labor, augmentation of labor pains, delivery mode, episiotomy, perineal laceration, postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal birth weight, Apgar score, and umbilical artery pH. In this study, pregnant women were initially considered ‘low risk’ at admission when they had no history of medical, gynecological, or obstetric problems and no complications during the present pregnancy.

Results.?There were 1031 pregnant women initially considered ‘low risk’ at admission. At admission, 878 of them (85%) requested to give birth under midwife care; however 364 of these women (42%) were transferred to obstetric shared care during labor. The average length of labor under the midwife ‘primary’ care was significantly longer than that under the obstetric shared care. However, there were no significant differences in the rate of prolonged labor (≥24?h). There were no significant differences in other obstetric or neonatal outcomes between the two groups.

Conclusions.?There was no evidence indicating that midwife ‘primary’ care is unsafe for ‘low risk’ pregnant women. Therefore, midwifery care is recommended for ‘low risk’ pregnant women.  相似文献   
徐惠英 《中国医药导刊》2012,14(8):1465-1466
目的:研究分析助产士的护理风险以及对助产士的管理模式进行分析.方法:对2010年10月~2011年10月间入院生产的162例产妇的进行分组护理,分为实验组和对照组.对照组进行常规的助产士护理工作,实验组选用针对各项护理风险作出积极应对措施并且有特定制度管理的助产士进行护理工作;对比两组产妇对护理工作的满意度.结果:实验组产妇的生活质量远远高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).另外实验组的产妇较之对照组的有更顺利的生产过程.结论:对助产士的护理工作应该提出一个健全的管理体制,针对各项可能的风险也应该做出完善的处理工作.  相似文献   
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