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The survey was carried out to investigate the presence of potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae (FLA) during flood in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2011. From different crisis flood areas, seven water samples were collected and tested for the presence of amoebae using culture and molecular methods. By monoxenic culture, FLA were detected from all samples at 37 °C incubation. The FLA growing at 37 °C were morphologically identified as Acanthamoeba spp., Naegleria spp. and some unidentified amoebae. Only three samples (42.8%), defined as thermotolerant FLA, continued to grow at 42 °C. By molecular methods, two non-thermotolerant FlA were shown to have 99% identity to Acanthamoeba sp. and 98% identity to Hartmannella vermiformis while the two thermotolerant FLA were identified as Echinamoeba exundans (100% identity) and Hartmannella sp. (99% identity). This first report of the occurrence of FLA in water during the flood disaster will provide information to the public to be aware of potentially pathogenic FLA.  相似文献   
目的 评估武汉市洪涝灾害后血吸虫病传播的潜在风险。方法 2017年4-10月在武汉市采用容量比例概率法(PPS法)选择抽样村,现场进行螺情、人畜活动情况、水体血吸虫感染性、江滩保虫宿主和野粪污染情况调查,评定I~III级风险村。划分血吸虫病防治重点区域,采取相应措施进行处理。结果 武汉市90个抽样村共调查170个螺点,捕获钉螺9 811只,解剖后未发现血吸虫感染阳性钉螺;洪涝灾害后钉螺存活率([χ2] = 102.517,P < 0.01)和活螺密度(t = 4.724,P < 0.01)均下降;共收集野粪289份,检测后未查出血吸虫卵;11个哨鼠监测点共投放哨鼠221只,饲养后存活219只,存活率99.10%,解剖后未发现血吸虫感染阳性;3个野鼠捕获点共投放捕鼠夹1 720只,共捕获黑线姬鼠66只,解剖后未发现血吸虫感染阳性。根据风险评估标准各抽样村均属于Ⅲ级风险。共划分5块血吸虫病防治重点区域,采取综合措施干预后,未发生血吸虫病突发疫情。结论 洪涝灾害后武汉市血吸虫病传播风险水平较低,但潜在传播风险不容忽视。  相似文献   
Pakistan is a developing country that has a population of 190 million people and faces a huge burden of viral diseases. Every year during monsoon season heavy rain fall and lack of disaster management skills potentially increase the transmission of waterborne diseases, vector borne diseases and viral outbreaks. Due to severe flooding, thousands of people lose their lives and millions are displaced each year. In most of the cases the children who lose their family members are forced into illegal professions of begging, child labor and prostitution which make them prone to sexually transmitted infections. Up to date, no scientific study has been conducted nationwide to illustrate epidemiological patterns of waterborne diseases, vector borne diseases and viral epidemics during flash flood. Mosquito sprays would not be a sufficient approach for dengue eradication; mass awareness, larvicide and biological control by Guppy fishes are also effective strategies to overcome dengue problem. International health bodies and non-governmental organizations must take note of this alerting situation and take adequate steps such as financial/medical aid in order to defeat the after-effects of flood.  相似文献   
This cross-sectional study investigated whether schools serving populations at high risk of developing respiratory infections in the state of North Carolina (USA) were disproportionately burdened by flooding from Hurricane Floyd. We used geographic information systems (GIS) to overlay a satellite-derived image of the flooded land with school locations. We identified 77 flooded schools and 355 schools that were not flooded in 36 counties. These schools were then characterized based on the income, race/ethnicity, and age of their student populations. Prevalence ratios (PRs) revealed that low-income schools in which a majority of students were Black had twice the risk of being flooded (PR 2.01; 95% confidence interval, 1.28, 3.17) compared to the referent group (non-low-income schools with a majority of non-Black students). This analysis suggests that schools serving populations already at elevated risk of respiratory illness were disproportionately affected by the flooding of Hurricane Floyd. GIS can be used to identify and prioritize schools quickly for remediation following natural disasters.  相似文献   
目的分析2006年辽宁省洪水事件对法定传染病的影响,筛选洪水事件的敏感性法定传染病。方法根据2006年8月1—6日辽宁省发生的严重洪涝灾害,将2006年8月上旬定义为洪水暴露期,将2005、2007年8月上旬和2006年7月下旬定义为对照期,考虑到洪水对传染病的影响可能存在滞后效应,本研究选择滞后期为1~4旬进行滞后效应分析。整理暴露期和对照期疾病数据进行统计学分析并计算相对危险度,根据相对危险度确定疾病的最佳滞后期,并计算最佳滞后期处的标化发病比。结果经筛选确定此次洪水事件对灾后痢疾、猩红热的发生存在影响且存在滞后效应,滞后期均为2旬。痢疾、猩红热在各自最佳滞后期处标化发病比及其95%CI分别为1.61(95%CI:1.52~1.72)、0.67(95%CI:0.47~0.92)。结论痢疾、猩红热可能为2006年辽宁省洪水事件的敏感性疾病。  相似文献   
目的 了解洪涝灾害期间马鞍山市主要病媒生物的密度及分布,为采取有效应对措施提供科学依据。方法2020年在马鞍山市洪涝灾害较为严重的含山县、和县,选择洪涝灾害居民临时安置点或自然村作为调查实施区域,开展蚊、蝇和鼠类调查,计算媒介密度、路径指数等。结果 蚊类平均密度为34.27只/(台·夜),其中三带喙库蚊为优势蚊种,占总捕获蚊数的67.11%(253/377),蚊类路径指数为2.40处/km;蝇类平均密度为6.40只/笼,其中农贸市场蝇密度最高,为11.33只/笼;夹夜法未捕获鼠类,路径法发现鼠迹数9处,路径指数为7.8处/km。结论 洪涝灾害期间马鞍山市病媒生物密度处于较高水平,需重视洪涝灾害期间的病媒生物防制工作,维护灾后环境卫生。  相似文献   
李小菲  宋琦  张玉和 《职业与健康》2012,28(20):2530-2531
目的了解乳山市水灾过后生活饮用水水质情况。方法根据受灾情况随机抽取192份水样,按照GB/T 5750-2006、GB 5749-2006对水样进行检测及评价。结果 192份水样中,项目全部合格的为85份,合格率为44.3%。水灾前期(2011年7月27日—8月6日)合格率为2.1%,超标的多为微生物指标、感官指标、游离余氯、硝酸盐氮;水灾后期(9月6—11日)合格率为86.5%,超标的多为微生物指标。结论水灾对生活饮用水水质有很大的影响,只有加强灾后水质的消毒工作,并实施有效的检测,才能确保群众生活饮用水安全卫生。  相似文献   
目的了解北京市房山区"7.21"水灾后病媒生物密度情况、水灾对病媒生物密度的影响,为灾后媒介生物性传染病的防控提供依据。方法蚊密度监测采用二氧化碳诱蚊灯法,蝇密度监测采用目测法,鼠密度监测采用鼠夹法。结果房山区"7.21"水灾后平均蝇密度为3.48只/m2,蚊密度为2.05(只/灯·小时),鼠密度为0.42%。蚊密度低于常年监测水平,但差异无统计学意义(t=-1.501,P=0.194),鼠密度低于常年监测水平,差异有统计学意义(t=-3.035,P=0.029)。结论蚊蝇鼠总的密度较低,根据病媒生物的监测结果,指导灾后病媒生物的综合防治,降低媒介生物性传染病的暴发与流行。  相似文献   
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