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数值模拟鼻甲的切除对鼻腔内气体流场的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
量化研究鼻腔结构的变化对鼻腔内气体流场分布的影响.通过CT图像对鼻腔结构进行三维重建并用有限元方法对气体流场进行数值分析.对重建的鼻腔模型的一侧,分别去掉部分中鼻甲和部分下鼻甲并用有限元方法再次进行数值分析,将得到的结果与原始模型进行比较.观察气体流场分布的变化,在两侧鼻腔的流量分布均有变化,在去掉部分鼻甲的一侧流场和气压的分布也有所改变.通过数值模拟,我们量化的显示了鼻腔结构的变化对鼻腔内气体流场分布的影响.  相似文献   
小白鼠15只,其中10只作实验组(用胸腺因子激活其腹腔巨噬细胞),5只(以等量生理盐水作对照)。通过扫描与透射电镜观察注射腹腔巨噬细胞的微细结构变化。结果:实验组的巨噬细胞其形态、突起、胞质内溶酶体、空泡、吞噬体、线粒体和游离核蛋白体、吞噬鸡红细胞数等均强于对照组。这些变化与活比巨噬细胞旺盛的功能状态有密切关系,本课题可进一步了解胸腺因子(一种免疫促进剂)。对巨噬细胞的激活与免疫的加强作用,并提供巨噬细胞一些形态学的依据。  相似文献   
目的 研究硫化氢(H2 S)对大鼠肝星状细胞-T6(HSC-T6) Ca2+浓度、细胞增殖的影响及其机制。 方法 活化HSC-T6用含10%小牛血清DMEM培养液制备为1×105个肝星状细胞(HSC)悬液。钙离子荧光探针Fluo-3/AM负载细胞后,在不同刺激条件下,利用激光扫描共焦显微镜动态扫描HSC-T6细胞内Ca2+荧光强度(FI)变化,FI表示细胞内Ca2+浓度。四唑盐比色法,观察不同浓度H2S供体——NaSH对HSC-T6细胞增殖的影响。 结果 低浓度H2S(100μmol/L)明显降低HSC-T6细胞内Ca2+浓度(P<0.05),而细胞增殖增加(增殖率为116%);KATP通道阻断剂——格列本脲可阻断H2S的作用。高浓度H2S(1mmol/L)刺激HSC-T6细胞内Ca2+浓度增加,但细胞增殖无明显变化(P>0.05)。 结论 低浓度H2S通过激活HSC-T6细胞KATP通道降低细胞内Ca2+浓度,可能通过调节细胞氧化应激促进细胞增殖;高浓度H2S刺激HSC-T6细胞内Ca2+浓度增加。提示H2S在肝硬化门脉高压症的发生机制中具有双重作用。  相似文献   
大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞吞噬煤尘颗粒的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验用相差显微电影、溶酶体荧光定位和透射电镜等方法,研究了大鼠离体肺泡巨噬细胞吞噬煤尘的作用,并用二氧化矽和酵母菌作实验对照。结果表明,煤尘颗粒同二氧化矽类似,经过附着,迅速以吞噬体形式被摄入胞浆,而酵母菌呈典型的伪足包围和缓幔吞噬过程。实验证明,用吖啶橙作活细胞溶酶体定位是有效的。被标记的溶酶体发出强橙色荧光。当煤粒吞噬体进入胞浆后,常被多个溶酶体接触包围,形成次级溶酶体。电镜观察提示,煤尘可引起次级溶酶体膜的损害。  相似文献   
Summary The results of a complex analysis of liver tissue are presented (four biopsy and two autopsy samples) obtained from six patients with Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) with a gross deficiency of sphingomyelinase (SMase) accompanied by a typical increase in sphingomyelin (SM). There were five cases of NPD type A (four of them with an atypical, prolonged course) and one case of type B. By means of lipid histochemistry it was possible to demonstrate SM storage both in hepatocytes and in the reticuloendothelial system (RES) of the liver (Kupffer cells and portal macrophages) and to show in two siblings with NPD type A a so-far undescribed centrilobular storage pattern. Enzyme histochemistry revealed a secondary deficit of nonspecific esterase activity and acid -galactosidase in liver storage macrophages and varying degrees of suppression of hepatocytic enzyme activities as a reaction to lipid storage of sudden onset. Ultrastructurally, it was possible to demonstrate cholesterol in lysosomes by using digitonin fixation, the involvement of Ito cells in lipid storage, the aggregation of storage lysosomes with certain other organelles and their occasional connections with the endoplasmic reticulum. The problems of possible lipid extraction during processing were considered as a cause of pronounced lysosomal electron-lucidity and of the ultrastructural identification of the participating lipopigment. The significance of the findings is discussed in relation to the existing classification and, particularly, to the stored lipid dilemma of cases of NPD type C.  相似文献   
A fourth case of ring chromosome 7   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An 8-year-old child with a ring chromosome 7 is presented, the first female and the fourth such individual to be described. The associated anomalies were rather benign: she presented with short stature, minor skeletal alterations, and normal intelligence. The only truly striking feature was the presence of multiple large, pigmented naevi, suggestive of a hamartomatous origin, but unlike those typical of any particular syndrome. Though other ring 7 patients have had naevus flammeus, and one had cafk-au-lait spots, our proband is the first with an anomaly of chromosome 7 to have such extensive lesions. These four cases of ring 7, which show great phenotypic variation, are reviewed, and the clinical presentation of the proband is also compared with that of patients suffering from terminal, interstitial and translocation-derived 7p and 7q deletions. The formation and behaviour of ring chromosomes are discussed, as are the cytogenetic factors which may influence their phenotypic expression.  相似文献   
张晓杰 《解剖科学进展》2003,9(2):139-140,143
目的 探讨选择性破坏胰腺A细胞的模型大鼠胆碱能神经元的变化。方法 选用硝酸钴和利血平选择性破坏大鼠胰腺A细胞后电镜观察大脑皮层神经毡胆碱能神经元突触的变化。结果 硝酸钴组模型大鼠脑突触内含胆碱能神经递质乙酰胆碱的清亮小泡比对照组明显减少 (P <0 .0 1) ,利血平组清亮小泡比对照组明显增多 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 这种内源性乙酰胆碱的变化可能与胰腺A细胞损伤有关 ,提示胆碱能神经除受其上级中枢调节外 ,还受某些内分泌细胞的影响  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An den KammerwÄnden menschlicher linker Ventrikel, die auf Grund einer Aortenstenose, einer Aorteninsuffizienz oder eines kombinierten Aortenvitium hypertrophiert waren, wurden licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch morphometrische Untersuchungen angestellt. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit denen, die an nicht belasteten menschlichen linken Ventrikeln gewonnen wurden, verglichen.Lichtmikroskopisch unterscheiden sich die Anteile der Volumendichten des Interstitium und der Herzmuskelzellen am gesamten Herzmuskelgewebe nicht statistisch signifikant. Es konnte morphometrisch eine Zellvergrö\erung festgestellt werden, die aus der signifikanten Verringerung der Volumendichte der Zellkerne (P<0,001) und der Anzahl der Zellkerne pro TestflÄche (P<0,0001) gegenüber den beiden Normalkollektiven resultiert. Elektronenmikroskopisch ist eine Zunahme der Volumendichten der Myofibrillen (P<0,0001) auf Kosten des restlichen Cytoplasmas (P<0,001) festzustellen, wÄhrend die Volumendichte der Mitochondrien im Vergleich mit den jungen und alten Patienten abnahm (P<0,0001). Die OberflÄchendichte der Mitochondrien verringerte sich gegenüber den beiden Vergleichskollektiven (P<0,001) ebenso wie die der Cristae mitochondriales (P<0,0001). Diese Ergebnisse finden ihr morphologisches Korrelat in Mitochondriendestruktionen. Eine vermehrte Myolyse hat bei den hypertrophierten Herzen, die alle gewichtsmÄ\ig über dem kritischen Herzgewicht lagen, noch nicht eingesetzt. Bei allen Patienten wurde der herzchirurgische Eingriff mit Erfolg durchgeführt.
Ultrastructural morphometric analysis of hypertrophied human myocardial left ventricles
Summary Biopsies of hypertrophied human myocardial left ventricles were investigated morphometrically. The diagnoses of the patients were stenosis of the aortic valve, aortic insufficiency or a combination of both lesions. The results were compared with those from normally loaded human left ventricles.There are no differences on light microscopical level between the volume densities of interstitial tissue and of heart muscle cells in the three groups of patients. A significant diminution of the volume density of the nuclei (P<0.001) and the number of nuclei per test area (P<0.0001) when compared with normal groups suggests an increase in volume of the single heart muscle cell. The ultrastructural study shows marked increase in volume density of myofibrils (P<0.0001), with accompanying decrease in the volume densities of mitochondria (P<0.0001) and the remaining cytoplasm (P<0.001). A gross decrease in the surface area of mitochondria (P<0.001) and of cristae mitochondriales (P<0.0001) is found. The morphological equivalents of this result are numerous stages of mitochondrial destruction including cristolysis. All myocardial weights were beyond the critical heart weight.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft über den Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 104  相似文献   
Summary Disappearence of fluorid-resistant acid phosphatase activity from the ipsilateral Rolando substance after transection of the peripheral nerve, is shown to be due to the cessation of enzyme supply from dorsal root ganglion cells to their central terminals. This is accompanied by (or ensues in consequence of) a fine structural derangement of these terminals (degenerative atrophy). Fine structural alterations of axon terminals undergoing degenerative atrophy, though similar to some extent to those seen during early phases of a Wallerian degeneration, are markedly different. Also myelinated nerve fibers, both in the dorsal horn and in dorsal columns, are affected by degenerative atrophy. This important, new trophical feature of sensory ganglion cells suggests a delicate metabolic balance between peripheral and central axonal branches of bipolar (pseudounipolar) cells. Degenerative atrophy raises serious implications in evaluating hodological experiments based upon Wallerian degeneration and offers new perspectives for theoretical and clinical neurology.  相似文献   
Thymic mast cells were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy in chicken embryos during organogenesis. Mast cells made their first appearance at day 15. At days 16 and 17, there was a burst of mast cell development with a peak of 278 ± 54 cells/mm2 at day 16. Then, mast cell density decreased until hatching. During the whole embryonic period, about 80% of mast cells localized to the thymic medulla. In the cortex, they were less numerous, and some rare mast cells could be identified in the capsule and septa. Thymic mast cells could be recognized in association with hematopoietic foci, but frequently they grew independently from areas of hematopoiesis and appeared as single cells interspersed among thymocytes, thymic epithelial cells, and interdigitating cells. They were often recognized in close relationship with the scanty and delicate extracellular matrix of the developing gland. Viewed by electron microscopy, mast cells were relatively small cells, with a few secretory granules. Exocytosis was never seen, but, notably, granules emptied in a piecemeal degranulation fashion. This study demonstrates that the chicken thymus is a site of mast cell development during embryogenesis. The high mast cell density we found suggests a possible role for these cells during thymus organogenesis.  相似文献   
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