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The complete sequence of the cDNA encoding the neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1-receptor has recently been deduced from a rat brain library, and the presence of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) encoding Y1-receptor protein has been demonstrated within the brain. Using quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry, the content and distribution of Y1receptor and preproNPY mRNAs have been investigated in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of adrenalectomized rats receiving glucocorticoid replacement therapy for 12 days by means of either high doses of dexamethasone in their drinking water or by subcutaneous corticosterone pellets. Basal metabolic parameters such as weight gain or loss, blood glucose and plasma insulin were monitored: Dexamethasone treatment induced weight loss and a state of hyperinsulinemia with normoglycemia, while corticosterone treated animals displayed metabolic parameters identical to sham ADX animals. Within the arcuate nucleus of glucocorticoid treated animals, levels of Y1receptor and preproNPY mRNAs were increased. In contrast, adrenalectomy itself had no effect upon Y1-receptor mRNA levels or preproNPY mRNA levels in the arcuate nucleus. These studies demonstrate that glucocorticoids exert a stimulatory action on levels of Y1-receptor mRNA and preproNPY mRNA levels in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. This is the first evidence to suggest that the expression of a neuropeptide-receptor gene in the central nervous system may be directly sensitive to peripheral hormonal signals.  相似文献   
Hodin's disease, lymphocyte predominance type (nodular paragranuloma), is of germinal centre origin and the tumours cells have a B-cell phenotype. As the t(14;18) translocation, and the subsequent expression of bcl-2 protein by germinal centre cells, is the most characteristic finding of centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma, we have tested a series of 11 cases of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease, using Southern blot analysis for the major breakpoint region and the minor breakpoint cluster region, polymerase chain reaction with primers for the major and minor breakpoint cluster region, and immunohistological studies with a monoclonal antibody specific for the bcl-2 protein. All three techniques gave negative results in the cases of Hodgkin's disease, establishing a clear differentiation from centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma. These findings are useful in the differential diagnosis between the two entities and raise the question of the non-clonal nature of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   
本文较详细地介绍了应用激光技术即用CO_2及Nd:YAG激光手术刀治疗各种类型痔的临床观察。我院自1988年应用CO_2及Nd,YAG(以下简称激光手术刀)的技术治疗各种痔1376例均取得满意的治疗效果,治愈率达100%,并对有关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
Activities of the xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes were measured in the liver, kidney, duodenum and lung microsomes and cytosol fractions of Wistar rats after subchronic administration of 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX), a potent bacterial mutagen in chlorinated drinking water. MX was administered by gavage at the dose level of 30 mg/kg for 18 weeks (low dose), or at the dose level which was raised gradually from 45 mg/kg for 7 weeks via 60 mg/kg for 2 weeks to a clearly toxic dose of 75 mg/kg for 5 weeks (high dose). Microsomal and cytosolic preparations were made and the activities of 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (PROD), NADPH-cytochrome-c-reductase, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were measured. Kidneys were affected most. A dose-dependent decrease was observed in EROD (90% in males, 80% in females at the high dose) and in PROD (58% in females, at the high dose) in kidneys. An increase was, however, detected in kidney NADPH-cytochrome-c-reductase (66% in females at high dose), UDPGT (89% in males and 97% in females at high dose) and GST activities (56% in males and 50% in females at high dose). MX caused only a few changes in the enzyme activities of the liver. The EROD activity was decreased 25% to 37%, both in the livers of males and females, but the total content of P450s was not altered. Hepatic GST activity was elevated in females in a dose-dependent manner (31% and 44%). GST activity was elevated in duodenum in females (59%) at the high dose. There were no marked changes in the enzyme activities in the lungs. MX was a weak inhibitor of EROD activity both in the liver and kidney microsomes in vitro, decreasing the EROD activity by 53% and 43%, respectively at the concentration of 0.9 mM. The results indicate that MX decreases the activity of phase I metabolism enzymes, but induces phase II conjugation enzyme activities, particularly in kidneys in vivo. It is possible that these changes contribute to metabolism of MX in kidneys and renders them susceptible to MX in the course of repeated exposure.  相似文献   
The opioid transmitters enkephalin and dynorphin are known to regulate pallidal output and consequently cortical excitability. Indeed, abnormal basal ganglia opioid transmission has been reported in several involuntary movement disorders, including levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease (PD), tardive dyskinesias/dystonia, Huntington's disease, and Tourette's syndrome. Moreover, a previous 11C-diprenorphine PET study investigating levodopa-induced dyskinesias found reduced opioid receptor availability in PD with but not without dyskinesias. We wished to investigate if a similar alteration in basal ganglia opioid binding was present in DYT1 primary torsion dystonia (PTD). Regional cerebral 11C-diprenorphine binding was investigated in 7 manifesting carriers of the DYT1 gene and 15 age-matched normal controls using a region-of-interest (ROI) approach and statistical parametric mapping (SPM). No difference in regional mean 11C-diprenorphine binding was found between DYT1-PTD and controls, and no correlation between the severity of dystonia and opioid binding was seen. We conclude that aberrant opioid transmission is unlikely to be present in DYT1-PTD and altered opioid transmission is not a common mechanism underlying all disorders of involuntary movement.  相似文献   
Dialysis, with its high dependence upon technology, disposable products and transport requirements, presents an unusual perspective for environmental management. This study considers and compares the environmental aspects arising from the provision of haemodialysis (HD) in the hospital and home setting. Resource items were measured at two levels of aggregation — unit and individual patient. Unit level items applied to common resources used for HD and require apportioning appropriately with patient level items that could be attributable to individuals. The data was measured in standard units such as hours and number of treatments or apportioned appropriately. With equivalent emissions calculated as CO2 annually per patient for standard HD. The findings indicate that HD in the home offers a net reduction in CO2 emissions per patient annually compared to hospital based HD, and provides an overview of how healthcare provision and the use of resources can be measured, enabling refinement in environmental management plans.  相似文献   
Investigators have tried to identify a level of seric specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) that had a sufficient predictive value to diagnose a food allergy without having will resort to the food challenge. To search in literature, all the studies that have estimated the possibility to identify a level of seric specific cow milk IgE with a positive predictive value (PPV) of 95% for the first diagnosis of cow's milk allergy (CMA) in pediatric age. We have identified six studies, nearly all studies suffer from relevant methodological bias. Proposed cut-off are all different. The studied pediatric populations were highly selected. Also neglecting the methodological bias of the studies and the great difference of value between the proposed cut-off, it always remains to consider that the pre-test probability of having a CMA between the children enrolled in the six studies included in this review is particularly high. The likelihood ratio helps to transfer the results of a study on a diagnostic test just to our population, and it is more realistic rather than to entrust itself to the PPV or the negative predictive value, that are much influenced from the prevalence of the disease in the studied population.  相似文献   
Objective: To explore the expression level and its clinical significance of hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) in non-small lung cancer. Methods: The expression of HIF-1α was detected in 68 human non-small lung cancer samples by immunohistochemistry. Results: (1) Thirty-nine (57.35%) out of the 68 human non-small lung cancer samples was positive for HIF-1α; (2) The positive rate of HIF-1α in adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma was 54.76% (23/42) and 61.54% (16/26) respectively. No significant difference was found between adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma of non-small lung cancer in the expression of HIF-1α (P>0.05). The positive rate of HIF-1α in middle-high differentiation was 74.28% (26/35), significantly higher than in low differentiation (39.39%, 13/33) (P<0.05); (3) The positive expression of HIF-1α was not correlated to the sexes, ages, tumor stage and lymph node status. Conclusion: The expression of HIF-1α is higher in non-small lung cancer and is correlated to differentiation.  相似文献   
The ionic mechanisms of the effect of extracellularly ejected recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rhTNF-alpha) on the membrane of identified neurons R9 and R10 of Aplysia kurodai was investigated with conventional voltage-clamp, micropressure ejection, and ion substitution techniques. Micropressure-ejected rhTNF caused a marked hyperpolarization in the unclamped neuron. Clamping the same neuron at it resting potential level (-60 mV) and reejecting rhTNF-alpha with the same dose produced a slow outward current [Io (TNF)] associated with a decrease in input membrane conductance. Io (TNF) was decreased by depolarization and increased by hyperpolarization. The extrapolated reversal potential of Io (TNF) was approximately +10 mV. Ion substitution and pharmacological experiments suggest that Io (TNF) in identified neurons R9 and R10 of A. kurodai is due to a decreased Na+ conductance but not due to an activation of the Na(+)-K+ pump. Our results demonstrate that the immunomodulator TNF can act directly on the nervous system as well as on the immune system.  相似文献   
我们自行设计NJ - 1型医用引流装置 ,见图 1。1 产品引流装置结构本引流装置共分 3个部分 ,第 1部分为引流瓶体的上方连接管 ,长 6 0cm ,一端接瓶体上端 ,另一端接病人的导尿管 ,上方连接管有一个三通开关 ,目的供留取尿标本和膀胱冲洗。第 2部分为瓶体 ,总容量为 5 0 0ml,分粗细两段 ,细段容量 5 0ml,按正常人排尿 1~ 2ml/ (kg体重·h)计算 ,能留取一个小的尿量 ,基本满足临床要求。第 3部分为瓶体下方连接管 ,安有一个二通开关 ,开关下的引流管可与 3L塑料袋或一般尿袋连接。本引流装置可根据临床需要定时放尿 ,避免传统…  相似文献   
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