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目的:观察不同麻醉维持方法下Narcotrend(NT)在全麻苏醒期对患者意识监测的准确性。方法:将ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级、择期腹腔镜胆囊切除术的60例患者作为研究对象。术中麻醉维持随机分为丙泊酚-瑞芬太尼组和七氟醚组,每组各30例。2组均采用NT监测镇静深度并统计术毕患者睁眼时的NT和时间,继而计算受试者工作特征曲线下面积(AUCROC)来判断NT对意识恢复判断的准确性。结果:2组比较,睁眼时NT值无显著性差异(P>0.05),睁眼时间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。丙泊酚-瑞芬太尼组和七氟醚组的AUCROC分别为0.913和0.920。结论:无论丙泊酚-瑞芬太尼全凭静脉或七氟醚吸入维持全身麻醉,NT均可准确反映患者意识变化。  相似文献   
目的 通过代谢组学技术分析脑外伤致意识障碍患者经高压氧联合清开灵治疗前、后其代谢标志物的变化,筛选出诊断标志物并用于指导临床诊疗及预后评估。 方法 选取36例脑外伤致意识障碍患者纳入观察组,同时选取性别、年龄、族别与患者匹配的40例健康体检者纳入对照组。入选后观察组患者在常规支持性治疗基础上辅以高压氧及清开灵药物干预,于治疗前、治疗14 d后采用格拉斯哥昏迷量表 (GCS)评估患者意识障碍程度;同时采集观察组治疗前、后及对照组静脉血,采用超高效液相色谱-四极杆-静电场轨道阱质谱(UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS)技术对各组对象血清样本进行代谢组学分析,筛选出观察组与对照组间有显著差异的特异代谢标志物。通过绘制受试者工作曲线(ROC),找出与疾病相关且具有诊断意义的代谢标志物,并观察上述诊断标志物在治疗前、后的变化情况。 结果 治疗后观察组患者GCS评分[(11.08±1.89)分]较治疗前[(9.83±1.89)分]显著升高(P<0.05),昏迷程度明显改善。治疗前与对照组比较,发现观察组共有21个潜在代谢标志物有显著差异,其中ROC曲线下面积(AUC)>0.85且具有较高诊断价值的代谢标志物共有8个(分别是肌酸、脯氨酸、尿酸、乙酰-L-肉碱、组氨酸、脯氨酸亮氨酸、色氨酸及9E-十八碳烯酸),经治疗后上述代谢标志物均发生明显回调并趋于健康对照组水平。AUC更接近于1的诊断标志物共有4个(分别是脯氨酸亮氨酸、9E-十八碳烯酸、尿酸及乙酰-L-肉碱),可用于脑外伤致意识障碍患者的辅助诊断及疗效评估。 结论 高压氧联合清开灵治疗能改善脑外伤致意识障碍患者的昏迷程度,纠正患者体内代谢紊乱,加速患者促醒。代谢组学筛选技术为识别脑外伤后意识障碍患者内源性代谢异常、指导临床诊疗及预后评估提供了一种新的手段。  相似文献   
陶花  丁焱 《上海护理》2014,14(6):9-13
目的:了解上海地区女性对宫颈癌筛查的认知及参加情况,探索阻碍女性参加宫颈癌筛查的影响因素。方法选择2010年3—6月上海市2所3级甲等妇产科医院就诊的女性4882例,采用自制调查问卷表进行有关宫颈癌筛查意识和行为的问卷调查。结果4882例女性中,46.0%曾经参加过宫颈癌筛查,但其中8.0%距上次筛查时间已超过3年,不确定上一次行宫颈涂片检查时间的占8.0%;27.0%女性未听说过宫颈癌筛查;另有15.0%就诊女性不了解什么是宫颈癌筛查。对宫颈癌筛查进行Logistic回归分析,其中是否了解宫颈癌筛查、年龄、是否有性生活、是否有工作以及家庭月收入进入了回归方程。医务人员面对面的健康指导、健康教育宣传手册和宫颈癌筛查媒体公益广告被认为是提高宫颈癌筛查参与行为的有效方法。结论上海地区女性宫颈癌筛查的参与度不高。医务人员应该有效利用女性就诊的机会,提供有关宫颈癌筛查的口头及书面信息。同时,传媒的广告宣传也是女性了解宫颈癌筛查重要性,促进其参加宫颈癌筛查的一种有效方法,有助于降低女性宫颈癌的患病率。  相似文献   
BackgroundCardiac arrest (CA) survivors experience cognitive deficits including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is unclear whether these are related to cognitive/mental experiences and awareness during CPR. Despite anecdotal reports the broad range of cognitive/mental experiences and awareness associated with CPR has not been systematically studied.MethodsThe incidence and validity of awareness together with the range, characteristics and themes relating to memories/cognitive processes during CA was investigated through a 4 year multi-center observational study using a three stage quantitative and qualitative interview system. The feasibility of objectively testing the accuracy of claims of visual and auditory awareness was examined using specific tests. The outcome measures were (1) awareness/memories during CA and (2) objective verification of claims of awareness using specific tests.ResultsAmong 2060 CA events, 140 survivors completed stage 1 interviews, while 101 of 140 patients completed stage 2 interviews. 46% had memories with 7 major cognitive themes: fear; animals/plants; bright light; violence/persecution; deja-vu; family; recalling events post-CA and 9% had NDEs, while 2% described awareness with explicit recall of ‘seeing’ and ‘hearing’ actual events related to their resuscitation. One had a verifiable period of conscious awareness during which time cerebral function was not expected.ConclusionsCA survivors commonly experience a broad range of cognitive themes, with 2% exhibiting full awareness. This supports other recent studies that have indicated consciousness may be present despite clinically undetectable consciousness. This together with fearful experiences may contribute to PTSD and other cognitive deficits post CA.  相似文献   


To investigate the relation between consciousness and nociceptive responsiveness (ie, Nociception Coma Scale–Revised [NCS-R]), to examine the suitability of the NCS-R for assessing nociception in participants with disorders of consciousness (DOC), and to replicate previous findings on psychometric properties of the scale.


Specialized DOC program.


Specialized DOC program and university hospitals.


Participants (N=85) diagnosed with DOC.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

We prospectively assessed consciousness with the Coma Recovery Scale–Revised (CRS-R). Responses during baseline, non-noxious, and noxious stimulations were scored with the NCS-R and CRS-R oromotor and motor subscales.


CRS-R total scores correlated with NCS-R total scores and subscores. CRS-R motor subscores correlated with NCS-R total scores and motor subscores, and CRS-R oromotor subscores correlated with NCS-R total scores as well as verbal and facial expression subscores. There was a difference between unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and minimally conscious state in the proportion of grimacing and/or crying participants during noxious conditions. We replicated previous findings on psychometric properties of the scale but found a different score as the best threshold for nociception.


We report a strong relation between the responsiveness to nociception and the level of consciousness. The NCS-R seems to be a valuable tool for assessing nociception in an efficient manner, but additional studies are needed to allow recommendations for clinical assessment of subjective pain experience.  相似文献   
目的 依托咪酯是一种非巴比妥类的静脉麻醉药,半衰期短.依托咪酯具有起效快、作用时间短、体内代谢迅速、恢复平稳、对心血管系统和呼吸系统抑制轻微、有脑保护的作用等特点,在临床上被麻醉医师广泛的应用.测定靶控输注依托咪酯镇静的半数有效量以及95%有效量.了解EC50(半数有效浓度)及EC95(95%有效浓度)剂量可以帮助确定依托咪酯的安全范围与有效范围;增加依托咪酯应用的安全性;提高麻醉质量与患者的舒适程度;提高合理用药.方法 选择煤炭总医院2013年1-5月择期椎管内麻醉下行下腹部或下肢手术患者41例.ASA Ⅰ ~Ⅱ级;采用靶控输注依托咪酯镇静.将其随机分为4组,靶控浓度分别为0.2 μg/ml、0.3 μg/ml、0.4 μg/ml、0.5 μg/ml观察30 min.每隔5 min记录患者警觉/镇静评分法(OAA/S)、血压、心率、呼吸次数、血气等监测指标.改良OAA/S评分为3分以上患者视为入睡.所有患者均不给术前药,同时记录药后患者镇静程度改变情况;计算靶控输注依托咪酯使患者意识消失的EC50及EC95.结果 TCI靶控输注依托咪酯的半数有效浓度为0.333 μg/ml,95%可信限为0.284~0.374 μg/ml;依托咪酯EC95为0.468μg/ml; 95%可信限为0.412~0.491 μg/ml.结论 依托咪酯靶控输注具有血流动力学稳定、对呼吸影响小,同时具有较低的肌阵挛发生率,可以广泛的应用于临床镇静和麻醉.临床推荐剂量为0.333~0.468 μg/ml.  相似文献   
Diagnoses and assessments of cognitive function in disorders of consciousness (DOC) are notoriously prone to error due to their reliance on behavioural measures. As a result, researchers have turned to functional neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques with the goal of developing more effective methods of detecting awareness and assessing cognition in these patients. This article reviews functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroenchphalography (EEG)-based studies of cognition and consciousness in DOC, including assessment of basic sensory, perceptual, language, and emotional processing; studies for detection of conscious awareness; paradigms for the establishment of communication in the absence of behaviour; and functional connectivity studies. The advantages and limitations of fMRI and EEG-based measures are examined as research and clinical tools in this population and an explanation offered for the rediscovery of the unique advantages of EEG in the study of DOC.  相似文献   


The predominant manifestations of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) are partial seizures with impairment of consciousness (type I.B of ILAE classification), although consciousness impairment is not necessary in all seizures of patients with TLE. Nevertheless, there have been very few reports of TLE patients with exclusive seizures with no impairment of consciousness (i.e. isolated auras). The objective of this study was to determine any differential characteristics of this subgroup of TLE patients.

Material and methods

Retrospective case-control study in 163 consecutive TLE patients from our hospital database. The patients were divided between those with and without ictal impairment of consciousness, based on directed semi-structured questionnaire to the patient and relatives and on video–EEG records. Ten independent variables (8 clinical and 2 paraclinical) were compared between the groups.


14 patients (8.5%) formed the “TLE without ictal impairment of consciousness” group. This group was less refractory to medical treatment [Odds Ratio: 0.14 (0.03–0.64); p < 0.01] and had frequent ictal motor behaviour [Odds ratio: 5.33 (1.65–17.14); p = 0.008] and less frequent presence of automatisms [p < 0.001]. Non-significant tendencies were observed for a higher frequency of lesional substrate and fewer generalization episodes.


TLE without ictal impairment of consciousness appears to be more frequent than previously thought. This subgroup of TLE patients shows differential characteristics that may possibly result from a differential propagation of the original epileptic activity towards frontal areas rather than towards neocortical and diencephalic structures, which may be related to the more frequent presence of structural lesions.  相似文献   
大剂量纳洛酮治疗急性脑出血疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察大剂量纳洛酮对急性脑出血的临床疗效。方法对60例急性脑出血患者随机分为2组,常规组30例采用脱水等常规脑出血治疗;治疗组30例在常规治疗基础上加用纳洛酮4.0mg,1次/d静滴。2组均治疗14d,同时观察意识状态恢复时间及治疗后评价神经功能缺损恢复情况。结果纳洛酮治疗组意识恢复时间及神经功能缺损减少程度均明显优于对照组。结论大剂量纳洛酮治疗急性脑出血不仅可以缩短昏迷时间,而且可明显改善神经功能,安全可靠。  相似文献   
无论采取哪种英语写作教学法,前提是使学生具备英语语言意识,而语言意识的获得依赖于大量阅读,批判性阅读作为一种高效的阅读模式能大大促进写作活动。本文分析了批判性阅读模式的三个发展阶段和英语写作活动的密切关系。  相似文献   
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