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Linguistic categories have been shown to influence perceptual discrimination, to do so preferentially in the right visual field, to fail to do so when competing demands are made on verbal memory, and to vary with the color-term boundaries of different languages. However, because there are strong commonalities across languages in the placement of color-term boundaries, the question remains open whether observed categorical perception for color can be entirely a result of learned categories or may rely to some degree on innate ones. We show here that lateralized color categorical perception can be entirely the result of learned categories. In a visual search task, reaction times to targets were faster in the right than the left visual field when the target and distractor colors, initially sharing the same linguistic term (e.g., “blue”), became between-category colors after training (i.e., when two different shades of blue had each acquired a new name). A control group, whose conditions exactly matched those of the experimental group except that no new categories were introduced, did not show this effect, establishing that the effect was not dependent on increased familiarity with either the color stimuli or the task. The present results show beyond question that lateralized categorical perception of color can reflect strictly learned color categories, even artificially learned categories that violate both universal tendencies in color naming and the categorization pattern of the language of the subject.  相似文献   
加强门诊特色管理提高医疗服务质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过分析某大学附属医院2006年度门诊病人就诊特点,揭示门急诊工作量的变化规律,指导并加强门急诊医疗质量的科学化管理。方法采用回顾性调查分析法,对2006年度门诊患者就诊资料进行分析。结果1年中门诊量前5位的科室依次是内科、五官科、儿科、急诊科和外科;死亡病人数在前5位的系统依次是神经、循环、急性创伤、消化和呼吸;死亡疾病顺位前5位依次是脑出血、猝死、外伤、呼吸循环衰竭和脑梗死。结论医院应加强学科建设,确定学科发展方向,建立方便、优质、安全、高效、低耗、快捷的新世纪门诊管理模式和服务体系,以加强门诊特色管理,提高医疗服务质量。  相似文献   
1例Rh抗原变异体分子机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究RhD抗原阳性(变异)、产生IgG-D抗体致新生儿溶血病个体的RHD基因结构。方法:采用常规血清学方法,检测1例RhD抗原,鉴定个体体内引发新生儿溶血病抗体的性质。采用PCR-SSP方法检测分析RHD/RHCE基因。结果:RhD抗原检测符合部分D类,体内存在IgG-D抗体。基因分析发现RHD与RHCE基因交换形成一种新的RHD-CE(3~6)-D融合基因。RHD杂合性试验显示为RHD /RHD-。结论:该个体Rh血型为RH DVIⅢ型(部分D类)。  相似文献   
Word-category specific deficits after lesions in the right hemisphere   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A speeded lexical decision task was used to investigate word-category deficits in patients suffering from lesions in the right hemisphere and in neurological controls without cortical lesion. In all patients from one group (n = 12), the right frontal lobe was affected causing a left-sided hemiparesis. In the second group (n = 6), lesions primarily affected areas in the right inferior temporo-occipital lobes. Patients with motor deficits due to lesions in the spinal cord or in the periphery served as neurological controls (n = 9). Processing of three categories of words was investigated: verbs referring to actions (action verbs (acVs)); nouns with strong visual associations (visually-related nouns (viNs)); and nouns with both strong action and visual associations (bimodal nouns (biNs)). Stimulus categories were matched for word length and normalized lexical frequency. Error scores revealed a significant word category by patient group interaction. Patients with lesions in the right frontal lobe showed most severe deficits in processing action verbs, whereas those with lesions in their right temporo-occipital areas showed most severe deficits in processing visually-related nouns. Neurological controls did not show any differences between word categories. The double dissociation of the processing impairments seen in frontal versus temporo-occipital patients demonstrates that specific word-category deficits can arise from lesions in the right non-dominant hemisphere. An account for these results in terms of distributed neuronal systems representing words is offered.  相似文献   
目的探讨女性罪犯的人格分类和心理状况。方法对女性罪犯418人进行明尼苏达多项人格测定(MMPI)(实测390人),根据测定所得各量表分,进行人格聚类分析,并应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)评定心理健康状况。结果女性罪犯有二类人格特征:第Ⅰ类为攻击-稳定型,占59.2%;第Ⅱ类为敏感-不稳定型,占40.8%。经t-检验二类人格类型在MMPI各项目分的差异具有非常显著性。SCL-90测定验证了聚类分析后所得二类罪犯具有不同的心理健康状态。结论女性罪犯群体内部有二种类型的人格差异,第Ⅱ类女性罪犯心理状况不稳定。  相似文献   
李林献 《医疗卫生装备》2008,29(12):113-114
准确的医疗计量对于需要量化的医疗质量影响深远。从5个方面阐述了医疗计量与医疗质量的关系,并从各类等级医院内部的计量机构如何设置、承担的具体工作任务以及计量管理人员如何有效完成计量工作等方面论述了各类等级医院的医学计量管理工作。  相似文献   
动物类活血化瘀药对血液流变性作用的比较研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
用血液流变学方法对5种动物类活血化瘀药的作用进行了比较观察,结果表明,土鳖虫对血液流变性各参数的改善作用最强,可降低各切速下全血粘度,降低体外血栓的长度、湿重、干重,缩短血栓弹力图、最大凝固时间,减少血小板聚集数,改善血小板聚集性,降低血小板粘附性,改善红细胞变形能力,增快红细胞电泳速度,改善红细胞聚集性,并可降低血浆中纤维蛋白原含量,其作用的有效项次占59.1%。水蛭作用强度次之,表现出较强的抗血小板聚集和降低血小板表面活性作用,还可改善红细胞电泳率,降低低切速下全血粘度,减少体外血栓重量,降低血栓弹力图弹力度和最大幅度有效项次占50%。再次为虻虫,可降低红细胞压积改善红细胞聚集性,亦可降低血栓弹力图最大幅度、弹力度、最大凝固时间,还可改善红细胞变形能力,降低血小板粘附性,血浆纤维蛋白原,改善红细胞电泳率,其有效项次占45.45%。五灵脂可降低红细胞聚集性,改善其变形能力,降低高切速下全血粘度。其有效项次占22.7%。穿山甲之作用最弱,可改善红细胞变形能力,降低红细胞聚集性,降低血小板粘附率和高切速下血栓粘度,其有效项次占18.2%。  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the changes in the cognitive dysfunctions of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) over a 1-year period of pharmacological treatment. Twenty-one OCD patients and 20 normal subjects underwent neuropsychological tests and clinical evaluations on three separate occasions (baseline, 4 months, and 1 year after the start of medications). OCD patients continued to show significant impairments in the following cognitive measures compared with the normal controls: accuracy of immediate and delayed recall on the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure tests, the numbers of responses on the category fluency test, the response time on the trail making test--part A, and the number of perseverative response and perseverative errors on the Wisconsin card sorting test. The findings in this study suggested that impaired performance on cognitive domains, such as visuospatial memory and verbal fluency may underline the pathology of OCD.  相似文献   
阐述了中医男科学的地位、教学现状,进而分析在中医院校增设《中医男科学》的必要性、可行性。论述了中医男科学的范畴的内容。稳定中医男科学教学的基本措施和教学构想,为在中医院校开设中医男科学课程提出了较完整的思路。开设中医男科学是当今中医学术发展的必然和社会及临床实际的需要。  相似文献   
闸述了医院医疗过程中的质量管理,并提出了医院的信息管理系统质量监控新模式、新思路,在此基础上开发的相应管理系统。  相似文献   
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