Summary Serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) subfractions HDL2 and HDL3, apolipoproteins, and plasma antipyrine clearance (AP-CL) rate, an index of liver microsomal enzyme activity, were determined in 21 healthy subjects. High HDL cholesterol and HDL2 cholesterol concentrations and HDL cholesterol/cholesterol and HDL2/HDL3 cholesterol ratios were associated with high AP-CL. Phenobarbital enhanced antipyrine elimination and increased the apolipoprotein A-I/A-II ratio. Subjects who had high AP-CL had a more antiatherogenic HDL subfraction and apolipoprotein profile than those with low AP-CL. 相似文献
Study Objective: To test the hypothesis that slow administration of local anesthetic into the epidural space by gravity flow reduces the incidence of signs and symptoms of unintended injection.
Design: Prospective, randomized study.
Setting: Teaching hospital.
Patients: 600 ASA physical status I and II parturients scheduled for labor and delivery or elective cesarean section.
Interventions: After identification of the epidural space with pulsations of an air-fluid column, parturients for vaginal delivery (n = 380) were randomized to receive a test dose of 3 ml 3% 2-chloroprocaine with epinephrine 20 μg, two doses of 7 ml bupivacaine 0.03 % with sufentanil 1 μg/ml and epinephrine 2 μg/ml by either gravity flow (Group 1) given over 30 seconds or by bolus injection (Group 2) given over 5 seconds through the epidural needle; parturients for Cesarean delivery (n = 220) were randomized to receive a test dose and two doses of 6 ml lidocaine 2 % with sufentanil 1 μg/ml and epinephrine 2 μg/ml by either gravity flow or by bolus injection through the epidural needle. Changes in maternal heart rate (HR) and blood pressure, signs of intravascular injection, and adverse effects of epidural bupivacaine-sufentanil were recorded after each dose.
Measurements and Main Results: Gravity flow administration (Group 1) was associated with a smaller increase in mean maternal HR (p < 0.001), less hypotension (p < 0.01), sedation (p < 0.01), nausea (p = 0.01), and segmental spread (p < 0.0001) than were corresponding doses given by traditional bolus injection (Group 1) for vaginal or Cesarean deliveries. The incidence of systemic toxicity was zero of 300 (0%) with gravity flow and 4 of 300 (1.3%) by bolus injection, p = 0.12, Fisher's exact test. No patient in either group had an accidental intrathecal injection.
Conclusion: Gravity flow administration of local anesthetic-opioid solution during epidural block for obstetrics was associated with fewer signs of systemic drug absorption and cardiovascular perturbations than was the traditional bolus injection. This study supports the current opinion that slow administration of local anesthetic during epidural black contributes to fewer adverse events. 相似文献
Background: Interleukin-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine with a wide range of physiological activities. It plays an important role in the immuno-neuro-humoral axis during stress and surgery. Methods: Serum interleukin-6 in parturients was measured on hospital admission, immediately after birth and 12 and 24 hours later. All parturients had uncomplicated pregnancies, and delivered vaginally without (n=31) or with (n=20) epidural analgesia, or underwent Caesarean section under epidural (n=20) or general (n=10) anaesthesia. Results: Serum interleukin-6 assayed immediately following Caesarean section was low, but peaked 12 hours later, irrespective of the anaesthetic technique or other foetomaternal characteristics. Patients who delivered vaginally showed the highest interleukin-6 levels immediately after delivery. These were positively correlated with serum interleukin-6 on admission and duration of labour. Serum interleukin-6 was significantly higher in parturients who had epidural analgesia, and was significantly lower in those receiving intravaginal prostaglandins compared to those without prostaglandins. Conclusion: The interleukin-6 response after Caesarean section can be explained by a generalized acute phase response to surgery, with no anaesthetic, maternal or neonatal interference. The rapid increase in peripartum serum interleukin-6 levels after vaginal delivery reflects, in part, cervical ripening or labour, their physiological triggers and psychological or physical stress. Regional anaesthesia, duration of labour and exogenous prostaglandin administration can modulate the peripartum interleukin-6 response and subsequently the physiological effects of this cytokine. 相似文献
Upper abdominal surgery has a high incidence of postoperative respiratory complications. Although operations involving a thoracic as well as an upper abdominal incision as encountered in esophageal surgery are likely to be associated with an even higher complication rate and perhaps permanent alterations of respiratory function, only a few studies have addressed this problem. We evaluated the postoperative course of patients undergoing thoracoabdominal esophagectomy with esophagogastrostomy. Twenty patients were evaluated, of whom 10 (50%) developed respiratory complications as defined by our criteria, which were the simultaneous occurrence of rectal temperature over 38 degrees C on the first postoperative day and radiographic evidence of pulmonary infiltration. Although there is no general consensus regarding the diagnostic criteria of a postoperative pulmonary complication, we were able to validate the clinical relevance of our definition by showing that these patients suffered from a more severe and more prolonged impairment of global oxygen exchange than those who did not fulfill the criteria. They also required a longer period of respiratory support (median duration of intubation 12 vs. 3 days, P less than 0.005). A comparison of the preoperative pulmonary function with that determined at least 6 months after the operation showed that only vital capacity (VC) and total lung capacity (TLC) were significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced following the operation, but not to a clinically relevant degree (VC-6%, TLC-7%). 相似文献
We present a physiologically stable porcine model designed for sequential assessments of pharmacological effects on mean hemispheric cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2) at sustained normocapnia. The dynamic influence of continuously administered fentanyl (0.040 i.v.), nitrous oxide (70%) and pancuronium (0.30 i.v.) on these variables was studied in eight normoventilated pigs. CBF was reliably assessable at 10-min intervals by clearance of intra-arterially injected 133Xe, monitored by an extracranial scintillation detector. CMRO2 was calculated from CBF and the simultaneously measured cerebral arteriovenous difference in blood oxygen content. The intracerebral distribution of a contrast medium injected into the external and internal carotid arteries was studied by angiography, and the cerebral venous outflow was investigated by measurements of the distribution of an intra-arterially administered non-diffusible tracer, [99mTc]pertechnetate, to the internal and external jugular veins. After a 3-h equilibration period, CBF and CMRO2 were determined on six occasions over a study period lasting 1 h 40 min. The mean ranges of these variables were 56-60 and 1.9-2.0 ml.100 g-1.min-1, respectively. We conclude that the model enables repeated assessments of CBF and CMRO2 under stable physiological background conditions and thus valid cerebral pharmacodynamic investigations of drugs given for anaesthesia. 相似文献
Background: Determination of sensitivity and specificity of the in vitro contracture test (IVCT) for malignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptibility using the European MH Group (EMHG) protocol has been performed in some laboratories but only on a small sample from the combined EMHG. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to determine combined EMHG sensitivity and specificity of the test. Methods: Results of IVCT of patients with previous fulminant MH and normal, low-risk subjects (controls) were collected from 22 centresof the EMHG. IVCT was performed according to the EMHG protocol. Patients were included inthe study if the clinical crisis had a score of at least 50 points with the Clinical Grading Scale. Low-risk subjects were included provided they did not belong to a family with known MH susceptibility, they had not developed any signs of MH at previous anaesthetics, and they did not suffer from any neuromuscular disease. For inclusion of both MH patientsand low-risk subjects, at least 1 muscle bundle in the IVCT should have twitches of 10 mN(1 g) or more. For evaluation of individual tests, only muscle bundles with twitch heights of 10 mN (1 g) or more were used. Results: A total of 1502 probands had undergone IVCT because of a previous anaesthesia with symptoms and signs suggestive of MH. Of these, 119 had clinical scores of 50 and above. From these 119 MH-suspected patients and from 202 low-risk subjects, IVCT data were collected. Subsequently, 14 MH-suspected patients were excluded from further analysis for thefollowing reasons: In 3 patients, the suspected MH episode could be fully explained by diseases other than MH; in 11 MHS patients, IVCT was incomplete (n=l), data were lost (n=3), or none of the muscle bundles fulfilled twitch criteria (n=7). Of the remaining 105 MH-suspected patients, 89 were MHS, 10 MHEh, 5 MHEc, and one MHN. Thus, we observed a diagnostic sensitivity of the IVCT of 99.0% if the MHE group is considered susceptible(95% confidence interval 94.8–100.0%). Of the 202 low-risk subjects, 3 were MHS, 5 MHEh, 5 MHEc, and 189 MHN. This gives a specificity of the IVCT of 93.6% (95% confidence interval 89.2–96.5%). Conclusion: The IVCT for diagnosis of MH susceptibility in Europe has a high sensitivity and a satisfactory specificity. 相似文献