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目的:观察纤维蛋白凝胶/血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)复合体治疗兔坐骨神经损伤后运动功能恢复情况。方法:取36只新西兰家兔随机平均分成A、B组,A组为对照组注射生理盐水,B组为实验组注射纤维蛋白凝胶/VEGF复合体,在术后8周、16周分别进行步态观察,检测趾展宽度指数(TSI)、坐骨神经功能指数(SFI)及行肌电图(传导速度、波幅)检查。结果:与A组比较,B组TSI值更低,SFI值更高,传导速度更快,波幅更大(P<0.05),神经恢复较好。结论:纤维蛋白凝胶/VEGF复合体可用于治疗兔周围神经损伤。 相似文献
赵晋明 《实用口腔医学杂志》2013,(9):1052-1053
活血化瘀又称"活血散瘀"、"活血祛瘀"、"化瘀行血",用具有消散作用的、或能攻逐体内淤血的药物治疗淤血病证的方法。有通畅血脉、消散淤滞、调经止痛的作用。临床治疗淤血病证,根据不同病因和证型,适当配合理气、散寒、清热、凉血、泻火、益气、滋阴、温阳等法。常用的活血化瘀药有桃仁、红花、丹参、川芎等。1温病活血化瘀法的历史渊源活血化瘀法历史悠久,"淤血"二字,始见于《金匮 相似文献
目的观察射频导管消融术(RFCA)对患者血中凝血激活程度的影响,以及术后恢复时间。方法对56例接受RFCA术的患者,在RFCA术前,心内电生理检查后,成功消融后即刻、术后第2天和第7天,抽取静脉血,测定D-二聚体(D-Dimer)、血管内血友病因子(Vonwillebrandfactor,vWF),血浆组织纤溶酶原(Tissue Plasminogen Activator,t-pa)和组织纤溶酶原抑制剂(Plas-minogen Activator Inhibitor,PAI-1)含量。结果与术前比较,血清D-二聚体、vWF浓度以及血浆PAI-1含量在心内电生理检查后、消融成功后即刻和术后第2天均显著上升(P〈0.01),并于第7天降至术前水平,而t-PA含量在心内电生理检查后,消融成功后即刻和术后第2天显著下降(P〈0.01),并于第7天降至术前水平。结论 RFCA术可引起血中凝血物质水平的显著增加。术后、术后对其监测有利于指导抗凝药物应用和预防血栓栓塞的发生。 相似文献
目的 探讨产科弥漫性血管内凝血的诊断和处理原则。方法 回顾性分析15例产科DIC的发病原因和治疗方法。结果 产科DIC的病因主要有胎盘早剥、死胎、羊水栓塞、重度妊高征等,而及时去除病因是最根本的治疗方法,补无凝血因子,合理使用肝素抗凝是阻止DIC进一步发展的关键。结论 通过做好孕期保健,积极活疗妊娠合并症。发生DIC时采取正确的治疗措施,产科DIC在很大程度上是可防可治的。 相似文献
目的 探讨颌面部慢性血管神经性水肿的临床表现及治疗方法。方法 总结15例患者的临床表现;采用静脉滴注葡萄糖酸钙和维生素C,局部注射强的松龙的治疗方法。结果 颌面部慢性血管神经性水肿临床表现为:病变区反复肿胀,间歇期不能恢复至正常,非压陷性肿胀,皮肤色泽基本正常。治疗后15例患者中6例痊愈,7例好转,无效2例。均随访2年,随访期间痊愈和好转患者均无明显复发,治疗效果满意。结论 掌握了颌面部慢性血管神经性水肿的临床特征后,该病诊断容易,治疗效果满意。 相似文献
田群芝 《中国现代药物应用》2014,(20):162-162
目的探讨胃镜下食管静脉曲张套扎术(EVL)治疗食管静脉曲张破裂(ES)出血的护理配合。方法对20例因食管静脉曲张破裂出血进行EVL治疗后住院患者的EVL针对性护理干预资料进行回顾性分析。结果正确应用护理程序对患者术前、术中、术后实施各项护理措施,有效保证了胃镜下食管静脉曲张套扎术的顺利进行,本组13例套扎28次,复扎7例,其中4例2次,3例3次,共套扎治疗45次,手术全部成功。结论胃镜下食管静脉曲张套扎术与传统外科手术比具有手术创伤小、痛苦轻、医疗费用低、患者康复快等特点,给予有效护理配合后,可提高手术成功能率、减少术后并发症,值得临床广泛推广和应用。 相似文献
用家兔离体血管环方法,研究左旋千金藤啶碱(lSPD)对外周血管DA1和DA2受体亚型的作用。结果表明,lSPD使DA1受体激动剂FODA诱发的肾、肺和肠动脉以及DA2受体激动剂PBDA诱发的肠和股动脉舒张反应的量效曲线非平行右移,最大反应(Emax)降低,均呈非竞争性拮抗;lSPD本身还可使肾和肺血管产生轻度的浓度依赖性舒张反应,表现为DA1受体激动剂的作用特性。提示lSPD为外周血管DA1和DA2受体的混合性阻滞剂并兼有DA1受体部分激动剂的双重作用特性。 相似文献
Aim: Paeonol (2'-hydroxy-4'-methoxyacetophenone) from Cortex moutan root is a potential therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis. This study sought to investigate the mechanisms underlying anti-inflammatory effects of paeonol in rat vascular endothelial cells (VECs) in vitro.
Methods: VECs were isolated from rat thoracic aortas. The cells were pretreated with paeonol for 24 h, and then stimulated with ox-LDL for another 24 h. The expression of microRNA-21 (miR-21) and PTEN in VECs was analyzed using qRT-PCR. The expression of PTEN protein was detected by Western blotting. TNF-α release by VECs was measured by ELISA.
Results: Ox-LDL treatment inhibited VEC growth in dose- and time-dependent manners (the value of IC50 was about 20 mg/L at 24 h). Furthermore, ox-LDL (20 mg/L) significantly increased miR-21 expression and inhibited the expression of PTEN, one of downstream target genes of miR-21 in VECs. In addition, ox-LDL (20 mg/L) significantly increased the release of TNF-α from VECs. Pretreatment with paeonol increased the survival rate of ox-LDL-treated VECs in dose- and time-dependent manners. Moreover, paeonol (120 μmol/L) prevented ox-LDL-induced increases in miR-21 expression and TNF-α release, and ox-LDL-induced inhibition in PTEN expression. A dual-luciferase reporter assay showed that miR-21 bound directly to PTEN's 3'-UTR, thus inhibiting PTEN expression. In ox-LDL treated VECs, transfection with a miR-21 mimic significantly increased miR-21 expression and inhibited PTEN expression, and attenuated the protective effects of paeonol pretreatment, whereas transfection with an miR-21 inhibitor significantly decreased miR-21 expression and increased PTEN expression, thus enhanced the protective effects of paeonol pretreatment.
Conclusion: miR-21 is an important target of paeonol for its protective effects against ox-LDL-induced VEC injury, which may play critical roles in development of atherosclerosis. 相似文献
Methods: VECs were isolated from rat thoracic aortas. The cells were pretreated with paeonol for 24 h, and then stimulated with ox-LDL for another 24 h. The expression of microRNA-21 (miR-21) and PTEN in VECs was analyzed using qRT-PCR. The expression of PTEN protein was detected by Western blotting. TNF-α release by VECs was measured by ELISA.
Results: Ox-LDL treatment inhibited VEC growth in dose- and time-dependent manners (the value of IC50 was about 20 mg/L at 24 h). Furthermore, ox-LDL (20 mg/L) significantly increased miR-21 expression and inhibited the expression of PTEN, one of downstream target genes of miR-21 in VECs. In addition, ox-LDL (20 mg/L) significantly increased the release of TNF-α from VECs. Pretreatment with paeonol increased the survival rate of ox-LDL-treated VECs in dose- and time-dependent manners. Moreover, paeonol (120 μmol/L) prevented ox-LDL-induced increases in miR-21 expression and TNF-α release, and ox-LDL-induced inhibition in PTEN expression. A dual-luciferase reporter assay showed that miR-21 bound directly to PTEN's 3'-UTR, thus inhibiting PTEN expression. In ox-LDL treated VECs, transfection with a miR-21 mimic significantly increased miR-21 expression and inhibited PTEN expression, and attenuated the protective effects of paeonol pretreatment, whereas transfection with an miR-21 inhibitor significantly decreased miR-21 expression and increased PTEN expression, thus enhanced the protective effects of paeonol pretreatment.
Conclusion: miR-21 is an important target of paeonol for its protective effects against ox-LDL-induced VEC injury, which may play critical roles in development of atherosclerosis. 相似文献