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端午节源于古代人们对“恶月恶日”季候的深刻观察与体验,期祈“驱邪禳灾”而产生的具有现代卫生防疫因子的系列循理应对法式与习俗?建构端午节的民俗活动都汲取着中华医药文明养分,形成了神秘而又极具医学理性的古代社会卫生防疫理念?端午节就是古代社会拥有深刻公共意识和广泛民间基础的卫生防疫节?  相似文献   
目的  了解不同气候带省份手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)发病数的周期性,传染率的季节性及影响因素,为HFMD的防治提供科学的参考依据。 方法  选取海南省、湖南省、山东省、青海省和内蒙古自治区这5个具有气候代表性的省,利用小波变换分析各省HFMD发病数周期性,建立时间序列易感者-感染者-康复者(time series susceptible infected recovered,TSIR)模型,应用马尔科夫蒙特卡洛方法(markov chain monte carlo,MCMC)估计TSIR模型中参数,分析各省以及全国的HFMD的传染率季节性;最后建立线性回归模型分析气候、假期和春运对传染率季节性的影响。 结果  (1) 不同气候带的各省的HFMD传染率均呈季节性,且有相似的模式,2月至5月为高峰期;(2)HFMD的传染率季节性既受气候的影响,又受人群接触率的影响:内蒙古自治区的HFMD传染率仅受相对湿度的影响,其他各省的传染率仅受春运的影响。 结论  HFMD传染率有明显季节性,在2月有大幅度增加,春运期间要加强对其防控。  相似文献   
从治未病探究扶阳理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试通过对《内经》中治未病重阳思想的研究,探求近代扶阳学派,性理疗病法在治病立法之上的理论依据。并试图将此二者一统于扶阳理论体系之中,使扶阳理念得以全面展开应用于身心两方面的治疗。  相似文献   
Background: Fireworks are the leading cause of injuries such as burns and amputations during the Persian Wednesday Eve Festival (Chaharshanbeh Soori). Objectives: This study was designed to explore the age of the high-risk population, the type of fireworks most frequently causing injury, the pattern of injury, and the frequency of permanent disabilities. Methods: This cohort study was performed by Tehran Emergency Medical Services at different medical centers all around Tehran, Iran, in individuals referred due to firework-related injuries during 1 month surrounding the festival in the year 2007. The following information was extracted from the patients' medical records: demographic data, the type of fireworks causing injury, the pattern and severity of the injury, the pre-hospital and hospital care provided for the patient, and the patient's condition at the time of discharge. In addition, information on the severity of the remaining disability was recorded 8 months after the injury. Results: There were 197 patients enrolled in the study with a mean age of 20.94 ± 11.31 years; the majority of them were male. Fuse-detonated noisemakers and homemade grenades were the most frequent causes of injury. Hand injury was reported in 39.8% of the cases. Amputation and long-term disability were found in 6 and 12 cases, respectively. None of the patients died during the study period. Conclusion: The fireworks used during a Chaharshanbe Soori ceremony were responsible for a considerable number of injuries to different parts of the body, and some of them led to permanent disabilities.  相似文献   
Fireworks are used worldwide during national and cultural celebrations. Iranians celebrate the last Wednesday of the Persian year (ILWEF) as an ancient custom. The aim of this study was to determine safety preparedness of inhabitation in Tehran, the capital city of Iran, for 2007 ILWEF fireworks. In this study, interviewers referred to randomly selected addresses after the end of ILWEF. They asked responders about source of information on how to use firework items and having education of safe use of fireworks. Also people were asked about having first aid kits and fire extinguisher at home. The study included 2475 families. To learn how to use fireworks, 1.3% had read brochures; the remainder of responders obtained their information from miscellaneous sources with unknown validity. Only 1.1% of them have had some sort of education on the safe use of fireworks. According to responders, 98.4% did not have any information about the safety standards of fireworks. We conclude that Tehranian households were not sufficiently prepared to guarantee a safe festival.  相似文献   
吕锐利 《中国热带医学》2014,(11):1364-1366
目的通过对2008~2012年1~2月份平顶山市传染病报告病例监测分析,探讨传染病网络直报工作中是否存在着春节效应以及对网络直报工作的影响。方法对2008~2012年1~2月份平顶山市传染病网络直报数据进行描述,对春节效应采用同比分析,发病率的检验采用z检验法。结果 2008~2012年平顶山市传染病春节期间日均报告病例数低于各年全年日均报告病例数,春节所在月份报告发病率低于非春节月份平均报告发病率(z=1.77,P=0.0384),历年2月份包含春节的传染病平均发病率同比低于往年不包含春节的传染病平均发病率(z=1.85,P=0.0322)。结论平顶山市传染病网络直报工作中存在着春节效应,可使春节所在月份的传染病报告发病率降低,采用移动平均法可在一定程度上解决春节效应对监测数据分析的影响。  相似文献   
目的 分析延安地区春节期间因烟花爆竹所致的眼外伤的临床特点.方法 对近6年春节燃放烟花爆竹炸伤眼者,结合其临床表现按性别、年龄、致伤特点、致伤时间进行归纳分析.结果 共120例(128眼).男112例(93.33%),女8例(0.67%).≤10岁者5例(6眼),11~20岁者37例(40眼),21 ~40岁者72例(75眼),>40岁者6例(7眼).眼球开放性损伤18例(18眼),眼球闭合性损伤102例(110眼).视力丧失13例(15眼).致伤时间一般集中在除夕夜、正月初一、正月初五及正月十五4个时间点.结论 春节期间发生的烟花爆竹伤以15~35岁左右的男性居多,损伤严重,及时正确的治疗虽然可取得良好效果,但单眼致残者仍不可避免,应坚持不懈加强预防宣传,提高自我保护意识.  相似文献   
目的 探讨节日市场食品卫生现状、影响因素及其管理对策。方法 对食品的生产经营单位的营业证、从业人员的健康证、卫生知识培训合格证以及生产经营环境卫生状况、管理状况进行现场调查。对销售的食品进行随机抽样,对细菌学、理化指标等进行检验。结果 抽检的3l家食品的生产经营单位中有3家无营业证,无证率为9.7%;抽检的150名从业人员中有31人无健康证、卫生知识培训合格证,无两证率为20.67%;抽查的648份食品中,无厂址l18份(18.21%)、无保质期246份(37.96%)、无出厂时间270份(41.67%)、食品变质44份(6.79%)、索取合格证14l份(21.76%);抽检的254份食品中,合格224份(88.19%)、不合格30份(11.81%),其中理化指标合格24l份(94.88%)、不合格13份(5.12%);细菌培养174份,合格148份(85.06%)、不合格26份(14.94%)。结论 节日市场食品存在着食物中毒事故发生的隐患,应加大监督力度,确保节日市场食品卫生、安全。  相似文献   

Background and objective

In China, fireworks are an integral part of the celebration of the annual Spring Festival, but the number of injuries associated with their private use seen in emergency rooms increases dramatically. To raise awareness and help guide future prevention practices in this city, we investigated the epidemiology of firework-related injuries presented at our trauma and burn center in Beijing during the Spring Festivals of 2007–2011.


Patients were interviewed using a pre-coded questionnaire to elicit information regarding age, gender, causes, injured body part, type of injury, diagnosis, and disposition.


From 2007 to 2011, during the Spring Festivals 734 patients with fire-work related injuries were seen at our trauma and burn center in Beijing, the median patients of the five year were 140(136–150). The mean age of the patients was 26 ± 15.3 years (range, 1–95 years). Of the 734 patients, the highest proportion of injuries were the 5–14 year-old age group The majority of the patients were male (87.9%), the overall male:female ratio was 7.41:1, and males were predominant in all age groups. For all 5 years, the incidence of firework-related injuries during the Spring Festival Holidays peaked specifically on the first, fifth, and last days, respectively. Injuries were mainly due to improper handling (415/610, 68.0%) or setting off illegal fireworks (195/610, 32.0%). The most frequently injured body parts were the hands and fingers (32.0%), head or face except eyes (28.3%), and trunk (22.4%). Burns were the most common type of injury (65.7%), most of the burned patients (437/453) were between 1% and 10%, and the most common region burned were hands and fingers (218/754). Contusions or lacerations were the second common type of injury (34.3%). Most of the patients (642, 87.5%) were treated and released, while 37 (5%) were treated and transferred, and 55 (7.5%) were admitted for advanced treatment.


The private use of fireworks during the Spring Festival Holidays is associated with a considerable number of injuries to various parts of the body. We can minimize the number and severity of accidents by raising awareness of safety practices, encouraging professional displays only and motivating manufacturers to adhere to strict quality control.  相似文献   
目的了解2014年潍坊市春节期间食品安全状况,以便制定合理有效的食品安全措施。方法 2014年1月从各县市区采集14大类食品共365份,按照《食源性致病菌监测工作手册》和《2013年国家食品污染和有害因素风险工作手册》进行微生物和理化监测。结果样品菌落总数、大肠菌群、霉菌超标率分别为9.3%、7.1%、7.8%,致病菌检出率为5.0%;化学污染物和有害因素总超标率为8.0%,超标项目为苯甲酸、山梨酸、亚硝酸盐、安赛蜜、糖精钠、日落黄、铝、铅、铬、二氧化硫、克百威、甲拌磷。结论潍坊市春节期间食品安全状况基本良好,但少数种类仍存在不合格现象,部分指标超标严重,望引起相关部门重视,加强监督力度,确保节日食品安全。  相似文献   
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