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Increased adrenal cortical activity and hypertrophy of adrenal glands associated with defeat and social subordination have been reported frequently in small mammals; these adrenal changes have been linked to impairments in immune response, glucose metabolism and reproductive performance. Similar studies in primates have produced variable results. The current study was undertaken to illuminate the effects of social status on the adrenal gland and to examine concurrent effects of social variables on other physiological systems in Macaca fascicularis, in an initial exploration of the hypothesis that high and low social status have different physiological consequences. Sixty adult male M. fascicularis were housed in social groups of n = 5, under either stable or unstable social conditions. It was found that subordinate animals had heavier adrenal glands and somewhat higher plasma glucose concentrations than dominants. In contrast, dominants had higher blood pressure and worsened atherosclerosis, under some conditions, than subordinates. These data appear to offer preliminary support for Henry and Stephen's hypothesis of differential arousal of dominant and subordinate animals.  相似文献   
Behavioral research often requires urine collection. An apparatus has been developed for the collection of urine from individual or small groups of mice and is recommended for general use where urine from unstressed mice is required.  相似文献   
It was shown previously that exposure to stressors led to a decrease in the number of mitoses in the cornea as a result of G2–M delay. The index of labeled nuclei and level of pathological mitoses were unchanged. It is now shown that injection of pyrogenal or contact hypothermia for 1 h to 28–30°C did not cause reactive inhibition to develop in adrenalectomized rats, but led to a significant increase in the level of pathological mitoses in the cornea from 4.3–6.3% in intact and adrenalectomized rats to 10.6–12.5% in adrenalectomized rats exposed to stress. Karyotypic analysis of the bone marrow cells under these conditions revealed a significant increase in the number of aneuploid cells (both hypo- and hyperdiploid).Central Research Laboratory, Khabarovsk Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. M. Chernukh.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 88, No. 9, pp. 338–341, September, 1979.  相似文献   
Heart rate reactivity to mental stress is substantially blunted early after heart transplantation, suggesting that the loss of neural modulation limits the cardiovascular response to mental stress. We tested whether reactivity to mental stress recovers during the first year after heart transplantation. Hemodynamic and respiratory responses to mental arithmetic challenge were studied in 20 heart transplant recipients 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. A normal comparison group was studied at equivalent intervals. Heart rate reactivity to mental arithmetic was significantly reduced in the cardiac transplant group compared to the normal subjects. This effect persisted up to 1 year after transplantation. Heart period variability in the heart transplant recipients was minimal in all three-test sessions. The findings suggest that no functional reinnervation or other compensatory adaptation occurs up to 1 year after heart transplantation.  相似文献   
Roman high (RHA/Verh)- and low (RLA/Verh)-avoidance rats are selected and bred for rapid versus nonacquisition of two-way, active avoidance behavior in the shuttle box. RHA/Verh rats generally show a more active coping style than do their RLA/Verh counterparts when exposed to various environmental challenges. The central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) is known to be involved in the regulation of autonomic, neuroendocrine, and behavioral responses to stress. Its involvement in the selection of coping strategies has also been suggested. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) seems to be one of the key neurohormones in the control of CeA output. Neuroanatomical studies have revealed that the majority of CRH fibers from the CeA have direct connections with autonomic regulatory nuclei in the brain-stem, e.g. lateral parabrachial nucleus (lPB). The effects of CRH (30 ng) on modulating CeA activity were studied by infusion of CRH into the CeA during conditioned stress (inescapable foot-shocks) in RHA/Verh and RLA/Verh male rats. Heart-rate responses after CRH treatment were not changed in either line. However, distinctly different behavioral responses were seen after CRH infusion into the CeA of both rat lines. A decrease in immobility responses was seen in both RHA/Verh and RLA/Verh rats, while an increase in exploration was observed in RHA/Verh rats only in the conditioned stress situation. Rearing levels were increased in the RHA/Verh rats, whereas they were decreased in the RLA/Verh animals. As a result of CRH infusion, the number of FOS immunoreactive cells in the lPB of RLA/Verh rats was decreased, whereas an opposite response was found in RHA/Verh rats. These results indicate that the CRH system of the CeA connected with output brain-stem areas is differentially involved in the cardiovascular and behavioral responses of these rats having different coping styles.  相似文献   
Psychological functioning across stages of treatment for infertility   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Psychological functioning was examined for a cross section of 104 couples in different stages of medical investigation for infertility. Couples were separated into three stages based upon the length of time they had been pursuing medical treatment for infertility: year 1, year 2, and year 3 and beyond. Emotional strain was moderately elevated during the first year, returned to more normal levels during the second year, and showed marked increases beyond year 3. Indices of marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction were stable across the first two stages but deteriorated after the third year. These data suggest that the stage of treatment may exert a major influence upon psychological functioning for infertile couples pursuing medical assistance. The results are consistent with a model of psychological strain that reflects an acute stress reaction to the initial diagnosis and treatment overlaid with a chronic strain response to longer-term treatment.Research was aided by a grant-in-aid of research from Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, a research fellowship from the University of South Carolina, and NIMH Institutional Training Grant MH-15930.  相似文献   
Voluntary and forced exercise decrease morbidity and mortality in laboratory animals. Caloric restriction has similar effects on health and unique benefits on life span. Nonetheless, in most experiments, animals do not have access to physical activity and are fed ad libitum (AL). We hypothesized that with regular access to either unlimited running wheel exercise (EX) or limited physical activity (PA), key biomarkers of health would be enhanced enough to counter some consequences of a sedentary AL lifestyle. This 16-month study compared body weight, tumor number and size, tissue lesions, oxidative stress, and reactive stress in (1) sedentary animals with no access to physical activity (SED); (2) animals with access to hour-long, twice weekly activity in a large box (PA); and (3) animals with access every other day to a running wheel (EX). At the end of the study, EX body weight was 8-9% lower than PA and SED. In addition, EX had no kidney lesions versus 50% in PA and SED, and had smaller tumor size (10+/-2 vs. 14+/-4 and 30+/-4 mm). Exhaustive exercise lowered glutathione/oxidized glutathione ratio in EX and PA, but in SED, the ratio was depressed even in resting animals. In all treatments, prolactin (PRL) levels were lower in resting animals than in acutely exercised animals. In conclusion, EX had the most favorable health biomarkers while SED had the least. PA did not confer gross health benefits different than the SED group, but was biochemically more similar to EX animals.  相似文献   
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