OBJECTIVE: We investigate the synaptic factor for the recovery function of evoked responses using a repetitive stimulation technique. METHODS: Somatosensory evoked cortical magnetic field (SEF) was recorded following stimulation of the median nerve using single to 6-train stimulation in 8 healthy subjects. The SEF responses after each stimulus in the train stimulation were extracted by subtraction of the waveforms. RESULTS: An attenuation of the SEF components was recognized after the second of the stimuli, but there was no significant attenuation with the third or later stimulations. The root mean square (RMS) of the 1M (peak latency at 20 ms after stimulation) and 4M (70 ms) components were smaller than that of the single stimulation during the train stimulation, while the 2M (30 ms) and 3M (45 ms) components were not attenuated, but the 3M was facilitated at the fourth to sixth stimulation. CONCLUSION: The synaptic factor was not responsible for the attenuation of the SEF components during repetitive stimulation in healthy subjects. The SEF change disclosed a functional difference among the SEF components during the train stimulation, especially among the later components. 相似文献
Behavioral disturbances have been reported with subthalamic (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment in Parkinson's disease (PD). We report correlative functional imaging (fMRI) of mood and motor responses induced by successive right and left DBS. A 36-year-old woman with medically refractory PD and a history of clinically remitted depression underwent uncomplicated implantation of bilateral STN DBS. High-frequency stimulation of the left electrode improved motor symptoms. Unexpectedly, right DBS alone elicited several reproducible episodes of acute depressive dysphoria. Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) imaging was carried out with sequential individual electrode stimulation. The electrode on the left was within the inferior STN, whereas the right electrode was marginally superior and lateral to the intended STN target within the Fields of Forel/zona incerta. fMRI image analysis (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages, AFNI) contrasting OFF versus ON stimulation identified significant lateralized blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes with DBS (P < 0.001). Left DBS primarily showed changes in motor regions: increases in premotor and motor cortex, ventrolateral thalamus, putamen, and cerebellum as well as decreases in sensorimotor/supplementary motor cortex. Right DBS showed similar but less extensive change in motor regions. More prominent were the unique increases in superior prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate (Brodmann's area [BA] 24), anterior thalamus, caudate, and brainstem, and marked widespread decreases in medial prefrontal cortex (BA 9/10). The mood disturbance resolved spontaneously in 4 weeks despite identical stimulation parameters. Transient depressive mood induced by subcortical DBS stimulation was correlated with changes in mesolimbic cortical structures. This case provides new evidence supporting cortical segregation of motor and nonmotor cortico-basal ganglionic systems that may converge in close proximity at the level of the STN and the adjacent white matter tracts (Fields of Forel/zona incerta). 相似文献
High-frequency deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) improves the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). Opposite changes in mood, such as mania or depression, have been reported after surgery, but it is not known whether these side effects are specifically related to STN DBS. To learn whether STN DBS also influences the limbic loop, we investigated acute subjective psychotropic effects related to levodopa or bilateral STN DBS. After a median postoperative follow-up of 12 months, 50 PD patients completed the Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI), assessing subjective psychotropic effects in four conditions: off-drug/on-stimulation; off-drug/off-stimulation; on-drug/off-stimulation; and on-drug/on-stimulation. Both levodopa and STN DBS improved all the ARCI subscales, indicating subjective feelings of well being, euphoria, increase in motivation, and decrease in fatigue, anxiety, and tension. A suprathreshold dose of levodopa was significantly more effective than STN DBS, using the same electrical parameters as for chronic stimulation, on four of the five ARCI subscales. We concluded that 1) both STN DBS and levodopa have synergistic acute beneficial psychotropic effects in PD, 2) the psychotropic effects of both treatments need to be considered in the long-term management of chronic STN DBS, and 3) the results indicate an involvement of the limbic STN in mood disorders of PD. 相似文献
High frequency electrical stimulation by means of electrodes implanted into the brain has become an accepted technique for treatment of Parkinson's disease. The electrical field distribution normally inserted into the sub thalamic nucleus minimise abnormal brain activity. Square wave pulses of 1–3.6 V with duration of 60–90 μs at a frequency range of 130–185 pps are generally used. Every electrode unit consists of four cylindrical electrodes positioned in a row and can be switched on independently. This paper determines the contact impedance of the electrodes for different frequencies and proposes improvement to reduce the contact impedance between the electrodes and the brain. Measurements were performed by placing the electrodes in a tank filled with saline. Different frequencies were applied on two electrodes via a resistor. The current was measured through the resistor and the voltage was registered between one of the electrodes and a third non current carrying electrode. The obtained values were used to calculate the contact impedance. The result shows large contact impedance for the used frequency compared to the impedance of the treated tissue, which means that variation in contact impedance can result in variation in the electrical field applied to the tissue. 相似文献
A third-generation gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist(Cetrorelix) was used during ovarian stimulation in 32 patientsundergoing assisted reproduction, in order to prevent the prematureluteinizing hormone (LH) surge. In all patients, ovarian stimulationwas carried out with two or three ampoules of human menopausalgonadotrophin (HMG), starting on day 2 of the menstrual cycle.In addition, 0.5 mg of Cetrorelix was administered daily fromday 6 of HMG treatment until the day of ovulation inductionby human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). A significant drop inplasma LH concentration was observed within a few hours of thefirst administration of Cetrorelix (P<0.005). Moreover, noLH surge was detected at any point in the treatment period inany of the 32 patients. A mean oestradiol concentration of 2122±935ng/1 was observed on the day of the HCG administration, indicatingnormal folliculogenesis. Like LH, progesterone concentrationalso dropped within a few hours of the first administrationof Cetrorelix (P< 0.005). A 0.5 mg daily dose of Cetrorelixprevented a premature LH surge in all the 32 patients treated. 相似文献
Besides clinical efficacy, the mechanisms of action of deep brain stimulation (DBS) are still debated. To shed light on this complex issue, we have taken the opportunity to record the response of globus pallidus internus (GPi) neurones to 100 Hz stimulations in a case of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) where four pallidal electrodes were implanted. Three types of response were observed, 2/19 neurones were unaffected by DBS. About 7/19 neurones were inhibited during DBS stimulation and 10/19 neurones were excited during DBS stimulation. Both effects ceased when DBS was turned off. Inhibited neurones were situated lower that exited ones on the trajectory (1.25 and 4.65 mm above the center of GPi respectively). These observations suggest that locally DBS induces a reversible inhibition of neurone firing rate while at the same time distantly exciting the main afferents to and/or efferents from the GPi. Both actions would result in a strong GPi inhibition that does not preclude increased outflow from the GPi. 相似文献
Background. A major concern in evaluating dynamic cardiomyoplasty has been whether the synchronous stimulation of latissimus dorsi muscle is essential for benefit or not. We studied 10 patients to determine the efficacy of the systolic augmentation generated by the synchronous electrical stimulation of the latissimus dorsi muscle.
Methods. Left ventricular ejection fraction, end-systolic and end-diastolic volume indexes, and stroke volume index obtained during resting, peak exercise, and recovery periods (“on” values) were compared with those obtained 1 week after cessation of electrical stimulus (“off” values). Double product and estimated total body oxygen consumption at peak exercise were also calculated and compared.
Results. Higher ejection fractions (0.36 ± 0.07 versus 0.33 ± 0.06 at rest, 0.40 ± 0.07 versus 0.33 ± 0.07 peak exercise, and 0.37 ± 0.06 versus 0.31 ± 0.06 at recovery) and lower end-systolic volume indexes with relatively constant end-diastolic volume indexes were observed with the cardiomyostimulator on. Further, exercise response was better with the cardiomyostimulator on. Double product indirectly reflected better myocardial oxygen supply/demand ratio when on at peak exercise (17 ± 2.2 mm Hg × beats/min × 10−3 for on versus 19 ± 2.6 mm Hg × beats/min × 10−3 for off). Estimated total body oxygen consumption was improved at peak exercise when the cardiomyostimulator was functional (12 ± 2.7 mL · kg−1 · min−1 versus 11 ± 2.6 mL · kg−1 · min−1).
Conclusions. Current data suggest a true systolic assist during synchronous contractions of the latissimus dorsi muscle. It is thought, therefore, that synchronous electrical stimulation is essential for maximum benefit and all the beneficial effect of cardiomyoplasty certainly cannot be attributed to simple wrapping itself. 相似文献
Concerns have been raised recently about the possible associationbetween superovulation and ovarian cancer. In order to contributeto the limited literature on this important issue, two casesof ovarian tumours in women who had undergone multiple ovulationinductions are presented. In the first case, the patient hadsecondary anovulatory infertility. She was treated with humanmenopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) alone and in combination withclomiphene citrate or buserelin for six cycles. She then underwentovarian stimulation with buserelin/HMG in the long protocolfor in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. In preparationfor a new IVF/embryo transfer attempt, 8 months later, the screeningultrasound revealed a cystic formation of the left ovary andan enlargement of the right. During laparotomy, both ovarieswere found to bear large tumours (approximately 6x5x4 cm) whichwere removed. Histological examination showed that they wereepithelial tumours (serous-papillary cystadenomas) of borderlinemalignancy. The patient conceived spontaneously 1.5 years afterthe operation. In the second case, the patient presented withsecondary anovulatory infertility. She underwent ovulation inductionwith clomiphene/HMG and with buserelin/HMG in the long protocol,and intra-uterine insemination with husband's spermatozoa andconceived (singleton pregnancy). She was delivered by Caesareansection, during which a cystic tumour of the left ovary wasremoved. Histological examination revealed a benign mucous cystadenomaof the ovary. In conclusion, the clinical information from thesetwo cases does not support a causal association between ovarianstimulation and ovarian tumours but does potntially supporta facilitating one. 相似文献