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传统观点认为覆[牙合]可为下颌的前伸运动提供引导,是维持良好的下颌后方铰链轴位所必需的。深覆[牙合]常被视为牙龈退缩、牙齿松动、咀嚼时下颌运动干扰及颞下颌关节紊乱病的病因。但矫治深覆[牙合]较困难,矫治后患者的覆[牙合]关系易复发至治疗前的状态。深覆[牙合]矫治后的稳定性一直是正畸医师关注的问题,大量研究表明,深覆[牙合]的复发不易预测,存在较多影响深覆[牙合]矫治后稳定性的因素。现对影响深覆[牙合]矫治后长期稳定性的可能因素进行综述。  相似文献   
在日常生活中,有不少人在早上起床后常有头昏脑胀的感觉,这主要是脑部供血不足所致。这里,介绍一套健脑操,对解除头昏很有效。最好每天做一遍,每次大概需要6分钟。1.上下耸肩运动:两足分开而立,与肩同宽,两肩尽量上提,使脑袋贴在两肩头之间,稍停片刻,肩头突然下落。做8遍。  相似文献   
上颌全口义齿基托多因素三维有限元分析,前伸运动三维轨迹算法模块的开发和应用,上饭全口义齿圊位与稳定性的三堆有限元分析,上颌半口义齿金属基托的计算机辅助设计[编者按]  相似文献   
目的观测替牙列骨性前牙反早期治疗前后下颌运动轨迹的变化,为骨性前牙反早期矫治提供依据。方法采用下颌运动轨迹超声波记录系统(ARCUSdigma系统),以兼顾髁状突平移和转动两种运动的运动中心和切点为下颌运动参考点,对处于替牙列早期的30例骨性前牙反者早期正畸治疗后以6个自由度对其空载开口和前伸运动进行比较研究。结果在空载开口运动中,当早期治疗结束时,运动中心的向上位移消失,在矢状位上的垂直向及水平向位移均增大,但无显著差异。当早期治疗结束时,切点的典型运动轨迹为先前移,再垂直下降,经过一段距离后再向后下方下降。在空载前伸运动中,当早期治疗结束时,运动中心的运动轨迹发生变化,为先向前下方运动,在矢状位的水平向位移显著大于矫治前。切点的典型运动轨迹变为先向前下方运动,在矢状位上的水平位移显著大于治疗前。结论处于替牙列早期的骨性前牙反患者,经早期口外支抗前牵治疗后,上下颌骨的相对位置发生改变,随着口内颌垫的不断磨除,逐步建立起的正常前部咬合引导关系使下颌功能运动趋于正常化。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Maxillofacial malformation limits the function of the mandible, produces the overload of the temporalmandibular joint leading to oral diseases. OBJECTIVE: To measure the characteristics of mandibular movement in populations with various types of dental occlusion. METHODS: Thirty-three volunteers (1 male and 32 females, mean age 21.71 years) meeting the inclusion criteria were enrolled from Dalian Medical University, China and divided into four groups: normal control (n=10), Angle’s class I, II, III malocclusion (n=10, 8, 5). The protrusion, lateral, opening motion trace of mandibular central incisor and the right mandibular first molar, and the trace from mandibular postural position to intercuspal position were measured using the mandibular kinesiograph. The features of different occlusal patterns were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 software. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In the trace of protrusion, lateral, opening and closing motion, there were significant differences in the trace of the right mandibular first molar’s Max.Slant between Angle’s class II malocclusion group and the other three groups (P < 0.05). In the trace of open wide and close fast, there were significant differences in the trace of mandibular central incisor in vertical distances between normal control group and Angle’s class I, III malocclusion groups (P < 0.05); there were significant differences in the trace of mandibular central incisor in Max.Slant between normal control group and Angle’s class I malocclusion group (P < 0.05); there were significant differences in the trace of the right mandibular first molar in vertical distances between Angle’s class II malocclusion group and the other three groups (P < 0.05); there were significant differences in the trace of the right mandibular first molar in Max.Opening velocity between normal control group and Angle’s class II, III malocclusion groups (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in free space between the four groups (P > 0.05). These results indicate that there are differences in the trace of mandibular central incisor and the trace of the right mandibular first molar in range and speed between different occlusal patterns. We can draw a conclusion that malocclusion has effects on the direction, range and speed of mandibular movement. 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   
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