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Objectives To evaluate uterine artery resistance during multiovulation induction in relation to the implantation rate in patients attendingin vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.Patients Multiovulation induction for IVF was monitored by daily determination of the pulsatility index (PI) of the uterine arteries, obtained by a transvaginal probe (6.5 MHz) implemented with color-flow imaging. Doppler data were obtained from 5 days before hCG administration to the day of follicular aspiration. One IVF cycle was monitored in 70 patients. In 17 patients, 41 IVF cycles were monitored until a successful attempt occurred.Results In the 70 patients studied during one IVF attempt, the PI of the uterine arteries significantly varied (P < 0.001) in the different phases of the cycle. In the 24 patients who conceived, a significantly lower PI (P < 0.03) was found throughout the cycle. This result was mainly due to a highly significant difference of PI values observed the day after hCG administration (P < 0.005). In the 17 patients who conceived after 1 to 4 negativein vitro fertilizations, no significant difference in PI was observed in the uterine artery resistance in cycles in which implantation was or was not successful.Conclusions Uterine artery resistance varies significantly during phases of the induction therapy. Uterine artery resistance is lower throughout the course of multiovulation induction in patients with higher pregnancy rates. The PI on the day after hCG administration was the best index of pregnancy rate. Low uterine artery resistance was present even in negative attempts in patients who eventually achieved a successful implantation. PI values 3 can be considered a favorable prognostic factor for future IVF cycles.Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Montreal, 1993 and the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, November 5–10, 1994, San Antonio, Texas.  相似文献   
目的:了解联合激素替代治疗(HRT)对子宫内膜金属基质蛋白酶(MMP)9及其组织抑制物(TIMP)1表达的影响,探讨其表达与HRT妇女不规则子宫出血之间的关系。方法:宫腔镜活组织检查提取57例HRT合并不规则子宫出血妇女出血期间和出血停止后3月子宫内膜(A1,A2组),以同期HRT但不合并出血的绝经期妇女20例(B组)和未接受HRT绝经期妇女20例(C组)作对照。免疫组织化学标记观察MMP-9、TIMP-1蛋白质阳性表达及其分布。结果:不规则出血妇女中MMP-9低水平表达,与其他各组之间没有显著性差异,但其阳性细胞更多地分布于蜕膜化的基质细胞浆中。暴露于激素治疗妇女不规则子宫出血发生率显著增高,子宫内膜中TIMP-1表达显著高于未接受HRT的绝经期妇女。HRT伴出血妇女子宫内膜中TIMP-1表达均显著性增加,同一个体在出血期间的TIMP-1表达也显著高于出血停止后3月(χ^2=5.643,P=0.003)。接受HRT但从未出现不规则出血妇女子宫内膜TIMP-1表达也明显高于未接受HRT妇女(χ^2=4.411,P=0.036)。结论:HRT伴不规则出血妇女子宫内膜TIMP-1表达显著增加,与MMP-9之间平衡破坏,与正常月经出血表达方式完全不同。  相似文献   
Despite the existence of less costly and less invasive techniques to evaluate abnormal uterine bleeding, sharp curettage continues to be the most common form of endometrial sampling in the less developed world. Because manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) equipment is often associated with abortion care in countries where abortion is illegal, many practitioners have been slow to incorporate its use for other gynecological conditions. In this study, MVA was introduced in a large teaching hospital in El Salvador as an alternative for patients with abnormal uterine bleeding. Hospital cost, length of stay and complication rates were compared in a prospective, nonrandomized controlled study of 163 patients assigned to either traditional sharp curettage or MVA services. Patients were assigned to each group depending on the availability of trained providers. Methodologies for cost-savings analysis were modified to obtain more precise cost estimates. Use of MVA was associated with a significant cost savings of 11% and a hospital stay that was 27% shorter as compared to sharp curettage. Cost savings could be much higher if MVA was institutionalized as an ambulatory procedure with minimal or no preoperative evaluation and postoperative stay.  相似文献   
彩色多普勒超声检查子宫动静脉瘘14例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨子宫创伤所致子宫动静脉瘘患者彩色多普勒超声血流特征及指导临床治疗的价值。方法采用彩色多普勒超声观察14例既往有流产或剖腹产史子宫异常出血患者的子宫血流情况。结果14例创伤性子宫异常出血患者彩色多普勒频谱超声均观察到子宫肌层丰富血流信号;表现为特征性动静脉瘘区五彩镶嵌血流信号,瘘口处探及高速动脉血流频谱3例,表现为肌层回声不均,肌层湖泊样低速低阻血流频谱11例,其中1例动静脉瘘合并假性动脉瘤保守治疗成功;1例单纯子宫动静脉瘘行球囊压迫止血成功;1例子宫动静脉瘘合并宫腔残留,在子宫动脉栓塞后刮宫治愈;另11例抗炎止血保守治疗。结论子宫动静脉瘘是创伤性子宫异常出血的原因之一,彩色多普勒超声可用于其诊断并指导临床治疗和监测治疗效果。  相似文献   
目的:比较含Cu及含消炎药IUD释放Cu2+和吲哚美辛(IMC)的释放行为。方法:通过模拟人体宫腔内环境,采用火焰原子吸收光谱仪和UV-752分光光度仪测定TCu380A IUD、MLCu375 IUD和元宫型药Cu365IUD 300d内Cu2+和320d内IMC的释放行为。结果:3种Cu-IUDs的Cu2+都呈现了双相的释放行为:初始阶段的快速释放与随后的稳定缓慢释放。元宫型药Cu365IUD的Cu2+释放为零级过程,其内IMC的体外释放结果符合Weibull方程。结论:3种型号中,元宫型药Cu365IUD中Cu2+的释放最为稳定。依据IMC的体外释放特点,可以解释含药Cu-IUD防治置IUD副作用的功能。  相似文献   
Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics of caesarean scar pregnancy and to investigate its treatment.
Methods Clinical case records of 45 cases of caesarean scar pregnancy from June 2003 to September 2007 were reviewed. The characteristics and management of cases were analyzed.
Results The women's average age was 32.8 ± 5.1 years. All cases had amenorrhoea, and 27 cases had vaginal bleeding from spotting to morderate. Seven cases were misdiagnosed as normal early intrauterine pregnancy or inevitable miscarriage before dilation and curettage(D & C). In case of massive bleeding, caesarean scar pregnancy was diagnosed after D & C. Bleeding was controlled and uterus was conserved in 6 cases, and 1 case underwent hysterectomy because of uncontrollable bleeding. The remaining 38 cases had ultrasound scan, which indicated scar pregnancy before primary treatment, Eight cases were primarily treated with dilation and curettage, in which only 2 cases had slight bleeding in the operation and no further treatment, Nineteen cases were primarily treated with dilation and curettage after uterine artery embolization, in which 17 cases needed no further treatment and had no complications. The success rate was 89.4% (17/19). Eleven cases were primarily treated with trichosanthin 1.2 mg intramuscular. No one encountered massive bleeding, but 7 cases of these 11 cases needed extra treatment.
Conclusion Caesarean scar pregnancy must be cautious of especially in cases of inevitable miscarriage. Dilation and curettage followed uterine artery embolization can be used as the primary treatment for caesarean scar pregnancy.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the consistency in the uterine position between mock and real embryo transfer. METHODS: We reviewed 996 consecutive embryo transfer cycles (585 patients); 74% of patients had an anteverted (AV) uterus and 26% had a retroverted (RV) uterus at mock embryo transfer. All mock and real embryo transfers were performed under abdominal ultrasound guidance. RESULTS: Of 623 fresh embryo transfers in patients with an AV uterus at mock embryo transfer, only 2% became RV, while 55% of 213 embryo transfers in patients with an RV uterus on mock embryo transfer converted to AV at real embryo transfer (P < 0.0001). For frozen-thawed embryo transfer, 12% of AV uteri at mock embryo transfer became RV, while 33% of RV uteri became AV (P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that an RV uterus at mock embryo transfer will often change position at real embryo transfer. Misdirecting the embryo transfer catheter can be avoided by accurate knowledge of the uterine position at the time of embryo transfer, which can be more accurately assessed by routine ultrasound guidance. Additionally, patients with an RV uterus at mock embryo transfer should still present with a full bladder for embryo transfer, since a significant number will convert to an AV position.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Defective trophoblastic invasion in early pregnancy is involved in the pathogenesis of pre- eclampsia. This study investigates the relationship between Doppler assessment of uterine artery resistance and endovascular trophoblastic invasion in the first trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: Patients undergoing termination of pregnancy for non-medical reasons were categorized as having a low- or high-resistance uterine artery blood flow pattern by transabdominal Doppler ultrasound. Products of conception were examined histologically with regard to the extent of decidual endovascular trophoblast invasion. RESULTS: There were 14 low-resistance and 17 high-resistance uterine artery blood flow pregnancies identified at 10-14 weeks of gestation. Normal intradecidual endovascular trophoblast invasion was identified with a similar frequency in both groups (P=0.79). However, the proportion of decidual vessels with endovascular trophoblast invasion was significantly higher in the low-resistance pregnancies (49%) compared with the high-resistance ones (34%, P=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study support the use of uterine artery Doppler investigation for the non-invasive assessment of trophoblast invasion in early pregnancy. Further studies are necessary to clarify the biological significance of these observations and their potential clinical applications.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate and quantify clinical outcomes and spectral Doppler analyses of uterine arteries in patients with myoma undergoing uterine artery embolization (UAE) with gelatin sponge particles and lipiodol. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. SETTING: Tertiary medical center. PATIENT(S): Forty premenopausal women with symptomatic myoma. INTERVENTION(S): Uterine artery embolization with gelatin sponge particles and lipiodol. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURE(S): Hemoglobin, hematocrit, CA-125, pictorial blood loss assessment, visual analogue pain scale, questionnaire for symptoms, tumor volume, and spectral Doppler analyses of uterine arteries. RESULT(S): The mean follow-up period was 8.1 months (range, 6-12). Menstrual flow improved in 29 of 35 patients (83%) and decreased significantly by 78.4%. Menstrual pain improved in 27 of 35 patients (77%) and decreased significantly by 70%. Hematocrit and CA-125 improved significantly. The mean percentage reductions of uterine and myomal volumes were 40.2% and 54.9%, respectively. The mean peak systolic velocity of the uterine arteries decreased by 52%. The major complication rate was 2.56%. There was no correlation between tumor volume reduction and clinical outcome. CONCLUSION(S): Uterine artery embolization with gelatin sponge particles and lipiodol had satisfactory short-term outcomes, comparable to those associated with polyvinyl alcohol particles. Quantified and semiquantified measurements provided objective assessment of clinical outcomes. Serum CA-125 might play a role in clinical follow-up. Reduction of tumor volume is not predictive of UAE efficacy.  相似文献   
AIM: To evaluate saline infusion sonohysterography as an investigative modality in abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients, 52 perimenopausal and six postmenopausal women, with abnormal uterine bleeding were selected from the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Shrimati Sucheta Kriplani Hospital. After complete work-ups, transvaginal examinations were performed followed by sonohysterographies. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values were calculated for transvaginal sonography (TVS) and saline infusion sonohysterography as compared with findings of hysteroscopy/hysterectomy. RESULTS: Saline infusion sonohysterography was performed in 56 cases. It could not be done in one perimenopausal and one postmenopausal woman. Cavity was normal in 41 perimenopausal and five postmenopausal women. Ten women displayed abnormalities. Two had submucosal fibroids, two had intramural fibroids, one had fibroid polyp, three had endometrial polyps and two patients had endometrial growths. We found that TVS missed three endometrial polyps and one endometrial growth and led to mislabeling two intramural fibroids as submucosal. On comparing the sonohysterographic findings with those of hysteroscopy or hysterectomy, one endometrial polyp and one endocervical polyp was missed on sonohysterography, and one false positive growth was observed on sonohysterography. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and the negative predictive value of TVS were 84.8%, 79%, 82.4% and 82%, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and the negative predictive value of saline infusion sonohysterography were 94.1%, 88.5%, 91.4% and 92%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Saline infusion sonohysterography is a safe, convenient, time conserving, cost effective, easily accessible and acceptable investigative modality. It definitely enhances the diagnostic potential of TVS in assessment of endometrium and intracavitary pathologies.  相似文献   
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