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Two embryonal CNS tumors, atypical teratoid/rabdoid tumor (AT/RT) and primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), may be confused with each other and misdiagnosed. Here we report an infant with a congenital supratentorial tumor, which was detected by fetal MRI at 37 weeks gestation. On routine histological examination, the tumor was composed mainly of small undifferentiated cells, among which many rhabdoid cells and occasional sickle‐shaped embracing cells were observed. No mesenchymal or epithelial areas were evident. Our impression was that the tumor was an atypical example of AT/RT. Immunohistochemically, almost all the tumor cells were strongly positive for vimentin. However, epithelial membrane antigen was notably negative, and most of the tumor cell nuclei were clearly positive for INI1. In addition, many tumor cells were positive for neurofilament protein. There were also occasional small areas containing many tumor cells positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein. Finally, a diagnosis of PNET, with a rhabdoid phenotype and expression of neuronal and glial markers, was made. In the present case, application of INI1 immunostaining was very helpful for distinguishing PNET from AT/RT.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: If the occlusion time of a closed chamber evaporimeter on the skin is too long, saturation might occur. We previously compared an open chamber and a closed chamber device on healthy volunteers. Comparable data on stripped skin with higher evaporation rates are not available. This study compares the sensitivity and correlation of open and closed chamber devices in a tape-stripping human model. The amount of tape removed SC was also quantified with a protein assay method. METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers (six male and four female; seven Caucasians and three Asian; mean age 38+/-16) were enrolled. In a randomized manner, one forearm was measured by an open chamber device and the opposite by a closed chamber device. After recording baseline measurements, 20 strippings were taken on each test site with tape disks. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) was measured at the end of 10 and 20 tape strippings at each test site. Stratum corneum (SC) aggregates in the strips was assayed. RESULTS: The mean values obtained from two devices were similar after 10 trips and 20 strips. There was no statistically significant difference. The closed chamber device showed a slightly higher (but not significant) inter-individual coefficient of variation. SC aggregates in the strips were similar and without a statistically significant difference. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that both devices might yield similar TEWL values on stripped human skin in vivo.  相似文献   
A patient with neutropenia and life-threatening infections secondary to T-γ lymphoproliferative disease, who did not respond to treatment with recombinant human G-CSF (filgrastim), was treated with filgrastim plus cyclosporine A (CyA). The patient achieved a good response in the absolute neutrophil count and subsequently required a dose reduction in the filgrastim. The patient was eventually discontinued from the CyA but continues on filgrastim alone. While on therapy, the large granular lymphocytes disappeared from the circulation and the beta-TCR rearrangement, which was present prior to beginning therapy, became undetectable. The patient had no significant toxicity to the CyA or the filgrastim and he has not experienced any serious infections or required hospitalization. Filgrastim has proven to be relatively nontoxic and of some benefit to patients with this disease and should probably be utilized first when treatment is necessary. However, if improvement is not observed, these findings suggest that a trial of the combination of CyA plus filgrastim may be beneficial.  相似文献   
We present six cases which illustrate the spectrum of clinical features, macroscopic findings and light microscopic findings of urine extravasation from the upper urinary tract. The early lesions are characterized macroscopically by an oedematous, glistening or gelatinous appearance to the renal perihilar and peripelvic fat. Light microscopically there is lipolysis with associated foamy macrophages, multinucleate giant cells and lymphocytes. Immunohistochemical staining for Tamm–Horsfall protein is strongly positive in the extracellular space and in the foamy macrophages confirming urine extravazation. Later lesions are characterized by cicatrization of fibrous tissue around the renal pelvis and hydronephrosis. Microscopically there is relatively bland fibrosis with occasional lymphocytes and histiocytic cells. The late lesions are also characterized by extracellular deposits of weakly eosinophilic, granular or hyaline material, the so called 'urinary precipitates'. These deposits stain strongly with diastase PAS and weakly positive for Tamm–Horsfall protein. The staining of these urinary precipitates is analogous to renal tubular hyaline casts, thus supporting the theory that they are derived from uroproteins. We consider that these deposits are pathognomic of past urine extravasation.  相似文献   
To assist in the selection of a preferable vitamin A deficiency control policy, a model has been developed to organize information on program costs and program-related effects. The model was designed to compare three approaches: (1) diet modification; (2) fortification of processed foods; and (3) periodic large doses. Health effects projected are rates of specific eye pathologies associated with vitamin A deficiency (xerophthalmia), and mortalities within age cohorts. Effectiveness is calculated as a function of coverage, biological efficacy, and incidence of vitamin A deficiency. The model was applied to data from the Province of West Java in Indonesia. The results of this application suggest that funding level considerations are an important factor in selecting a preferred control strategy. In addition to determining the relative resource requirements of alternative interventions aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality effects of vitamin A deficiencies, the model, using marginal cost and marginal effectiveness information, can serve as a guide to the most efficient allocation of resources for each type of intervention.  相似文献   
The detergent-soluble extract of rat ovary plasma membranes contained a Gs protein of about 100 kDa as shown by its elution behavior on a Bio Gel A-1.5m column. However, the cell membranes exposed to hCG (37° C, 15 min) contained in addition a higher molecular weight Gs protein complex of 300 kDa comprised of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) receptor (hCGR) and Gs. The complex bound with an affinity column of GTP-Sepharose and could be released with Gpp(NH)p and GTP inhibited this binding. The presence of the hCGR in the complex was shown by its binding to 125I-hCG. Furthermore, GTP inhibited the binding of hCG to the complex. These results indicate the presence of hCGR and Gs protein complex in the hCG-treated membranes. hCGR and Gs protein were individually purified and reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The protein-phospholipid vesicles showed saturation kinetics of binding of 125I-hCG and 3H-Gpp(NH)p. Incubation of phospholipid vesicles with hCG resulted in a 2–3-fold increase in the binding of 3H-Gpp(NH)p and GTPase activity. Activation of Gs protein was dependent on the length of incubation and the hormone concentration. Deglycosylated hCG was about 10 times less potent than hCG suggesting a role of carbohydrates of hCG in inducing hCG-Gs protein interactions. The data with the in vitro reconstitution system rule out the involvement of a carbohydrate-binding lectin in the function of the hormone.  相似文献   
Keratinocyte intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-I expression is induced by interferon (IFN)-gamma. It has been previously reported that IFN-beta suppresses IFN-gamma-induced ICAM-I expression in A431 cells, a human squamous cell carcinoma cell line. In this study, the suppression mechanisms were investigated at the post second messenger level. Both 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and calcium ionophore (A23187) induce ICAM-I expression in A431 cells. ICAM-I expression induced by either was not suppressed with cotreatment with IFN-beta. Furthermore, IFN-beta did not inhibit the translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) by TPA. It appears that the pathways involved in ICAM-I expression induced by activation of PKC or increased in intracellular Ca++ are not affected by IFN-beta.  相似文献   
Decorin, a collagen-binding small proteoglycan, is considered to have a specific function in the organization or stability of the collagen network. Therefore, alteration of its molecular properties may be of pathophysiological relevance during the development of cartilage damage. It is shown here that normal cartilage from rabbit knee-joint contains glycosaminoglycan chain-bearing core protein fragments of 39, 23, and 18 kDa, each one amounting to approximately 5-6% of the intact decorin core protein. Continuous infusion of human recombinant interleukin-1 alpha for 14 days (200 ng/day) into a knee-joint led in condylar cartilage to a reduction in the amount of intact core protein from 2 micrograms/mg wet tissue to about 1.1 micrograms/mg. The increase in its quantity found after infusion of heat-inactivated interleukin-1 was not statistically significant. The concentration of all three core protein fragments became reduced to a similar extent as the intact core protein under the influence of the cytokine, and additional fragments were not found. Surprisingly, there was a much smaller response to interleukin-1-treatment in patellar cartilage.  相似文献   
Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and the protein kinase C activator, 4-beta-phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu), both induced a pronounced and concentration-dependent stimulation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generation by purified guinea pig peritoneal eosinophils in the concentration range 1 nM-1 microM. The LTB4 response was inhibited competitively by the specific LTB4 receptor antagonist, U-75302, with a KB of 25 nM, while the concentration-response curves for both stimuli were shifted rightwards (3.8-fold and 2.8-fold for LTB4 and PDBu, respectively) by the competitive protein kinase C inhibitor, 1-O-hexadecyl-2-O-methylglycerol at a concentration of 300 microM. LTB4 appears, therefore, to induce respiratory burst in eosinophils via a receptor-mediated mechanism involving protein kinase C.  相似文献   
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