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Recently, the SNPs rs11614913 in hsa‐mir‐196a2 and rs3746444 in hsa‐mir‐499 were reported to be associated with increased breast cancer risk, and the SNP rs2910164 in hsa‐mir‐146a was shown to have an effect on age of breast cancer diagnosis. In order to further investigate the effect of these SNPs, we genotyped a total of 1894 breast cancer cases negative for disease‐causing mutations or unclassified variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2, and 2760 controls from Germany and Italy. We compared the genotype and allele frequencies of rs2910164, rs11614913 and rs3746444 in cases versus controls of the German and Italian series, and of the two series combined; we also investigated the effect of the three SNPs on age at breast cancer diagnosis. None of the performed analyses showed statistically significant results. In conclusion, our data suggested lack of association between SNPs rs2910164, rs11614913 and rs3746444 and breast cancer risk, or age at breast cancer onset. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Several studies investigated associations of IFN-γ rs2430561 T/A,IL28 B rs12979860 C/T and ERα rs2077647 T/C gene polymorphisms with outcomes of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection,but the results were controversial.Therefore,we performed a meta-analysis of all published observational studies to address this inconsistency.Literature was searched in online database and a systematic review was conducted based on the search results.A total of 24 studies were included and dichotomous data were presented as odds ratio(OR) with a 95%confidence interval(CI).The rs2430561 T allele was associated with reduced persistent HBV infection risk(T vs.A:OR,0.690;95%CI,[0.490,0.971]),while the rs2077647 T allele significantly increased the risk of persistent HBV infection(T vs.C:OR.1.678;95%CI,[1.212,2.3231).Rs 2077647 CC might play a role in protecting individuals against HBV persistence(TT vs.CC:OR,4.109;95%CI,[2.609,6.473]).Furthermore,carriers of the rs2430561 TT genotype were more likely to clear HBV spontaneously compared with those of the AA genotype(TT vs.AA:OR,0.555;95%CI,[0.359,0.856]).For rs12979860 C/T polymorphism,no significant correlation with HBV infection outcomes was found.In subgroup analyses,the results were similar to those of overall analysis.However,for rs2077647 TT vs.TC+CC,significantly increased risks were observed in the Asian and hospital-based population,but not in the overall analysis.IFN-γrs2430561 T/A and ERα rs2077647 T/C genetic polymorphisms were associated with outcomes of HBV infection,but no association was found between IL28 B rs12979860 C/T and HBV infection.  相似文献   
SNP rs498055 in the predicted gene LOC439999 on chromosome 10 was recently identified as being strongly associated with late-onset Alzheimer disease (LOAD). This SNP falls within a chromosomal region that has engendered continued interest generated from both preliminary genetic linkage and candidate gene studies. To independently evaluate this interesting candidate SNP we examined four independent datasets, three family-based and one case-control. All the cases were late-onset AD Caucasian patients with minimum age at onset ≥ 60 years. None of the three family samples or the combined family-based dataset showed association in either allelic or genotypic family-based association tests at p < 0.05. Both original and OSA two-point LOD scores were calculated. However, there was no evidence indicating linkage no matter what covariates were applied (the highest LOD score was 0.82). The case-control dataset did not demonstrate any association between this SNP and AD (all p-values > 0.52). Our results do not confirm the previous association, but are consistent with a more recent negative association result that used family-based association tests to examine the effect of this SNP in two family datasets. Thus we conclude that rs498055 is not associated with an increased risk of LOAD.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of Fc receptor-like 3 (FCRL3), an excellent susceptibility gene, as predisposing factors for human autoimmune diseases (ADs). However, the results remain inconclusive. To assess the effect of four selected SNPs (rs7528684, rs11264799, rs945635 and rs3761959), we conducted a meta-analysis with 34 case-control studies. Summary odd ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for the polymorphisms in FCRL3 and ADs risk were evaluated. Furthermore, this meta-analysis was performed by using allele comparisons, as well as stratified analyses by ethnicity and disease phenotypes under different genetic models. Our data showed that the TC, TT?+?TC genotypes of rs7528684 contributed to a lower risk of ADs, compared with the CC carriers (OR?=?0.91, 95% CI?=?0.85–0.97; OR?=?0.91, 95% CI?=?0.85–0.98). In comparison with rs7528684 TC genotype, the TT?+?CC carriers were significantly associated with higher ADs risk (OR?=?1.03, 95% CI?=?1.00–1.07). In terms of stratified analyses by ethnicity and disease phenotypes, there were significant associations of rs7528684 polymorphism both with ADs in Asians and Europeans, and with rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ disease, type-1 diabetes, and other ADs under different genetic models. Moreover, significant associations were also found to be correlated with ADs risk for the SNP rs11264799 in mixed subgroup, for rs945635 in Europeans, North Americans and mixed group, and for rs3761959 in North Americans. These findings indicate that the polymorphisms in FCRL3 may play a role in the pathogenesis of ADs.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported the association between the CARD8 gene polymorphism rs2043211 and the susceptibility to Crohn’s disease (CD), but the results have remained quite contradictory. Therefore, the aim of the meta-analysis was to explore whether the CARD8 rs2043211 polymorphism has an effect on CD risk. We performed a systematic literature search for related articles published up to July 2014 in multiple databases. Six eligible articles containing eight studies were selected. Odds ratios (ORs) as well as their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to estimate the association between the CARD8 polymorphism and CD risk in different genotypic models. Heterogeneity analysis was also performed and publication bias was taken into account. Subgroup analyses were conducted according to different ethnicities, as well as different types of CD. In the pooled analyses, no statistical significant association was found between the CARD8 polymorphism and CD risk in the overall population or Caucasian subgroup in the additive model (overall population: OR?=?0.93, 95% CI?=?0.87–1.01; Caucasian: OR?=?0.93, 95% CI?=?0.83–1.05). However, subgroup analysis based on different CD types showed a significant association between the CARD8 polymorphism and CD risk in the additive model (ileal CD: OR?=?0.83, 95% CI?=?0.70–0.98; stenotic or fistulizing CD: OR?=?0.81, 95% CI?=?0.72–0.92). Our results indicated that CD may involve different types of pathogenesis and have variable clinical manifestations. In patients with ileal, stenotic or fistulizing CD, the mutant-type rs2043211 polymorphism may generate a potentially protective effect.  相似文献   
背景:前期研究已经发现,2型糖尿病的易感基因脂联素基因、钙蛋白酶10基因等与中国肾移植患者移植后糖尿病的发生显著相关。猜测其他2型糖尿病的易感基因是否也与移植后糖尿病相关。 目的:分析锌转运蛋白-8(SLC30A8)基因多态性与移植后糖尿病的相关性。 方法:采用实时荧光定量PCR法检测97例移植后糖尿病患者和301例未发生移植后糖尿病的肾移植患者(对照组)的SLC30A8 rs13266634的基因型,采用 logistic 回归分析该基因多态性与移植后糖尿病的相关性。 结果与结论:移植后糖尿病组和对照组患者rs13266634的等位基因频率和基因型分布差异具有显著性意义  (P < 0.05)。用性别、移植时年龄、体质量和体质量指数等危险因素进行校正后,CC基因型患者肾移植后发生移植后糖尿病的风险是TT基因型患者的2.108倍(OR=2.108,95%CI: 1.075-4.131,P=0.044);CC+CT基因型患者肾移植后发生移植后糖尿病的风险是TT基因型患者的1.862倍(OR=1.862,95%CI: 1.049-3.306,P=0.034)。提示SLC30A8基因rs13266634的C等位基因是肾移植后发生移植后糖尿病的独立危险因素。  相似文献   
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