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This study explored relationships, before and after surgery, between perceived stress and the activity of white‐blood cells (neutrophils) in 82 patients undergoing heart surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (CPB). On the evening before surgery and at follow‐up, 6‐weeks after discharge, patients completed self‐administered standard psychological measures. Small peripheral blood samples were taken, from which neutrophil activity was quantified using nitro‐blue tetrazolium (NBT) and luminol‐dependant chemiluminescence (phagocytic capacity). There were consistent, statistically significant associations between stress and percentageNBT cells at baseline and at follow‐up. Regression analysis showed that perceived stress was a predictor of neutrophil activity at follow‐up suggesting that higher levels of stress are associated with higher levels of activity. Results from the phagocytic capacity data support and strengthen the NBT findings; in response to stimuli the phagocytic capacity of the neutrophils is reduced at baseline (high stress) and increased at follow‐up (lower stress). Significant decreases were found on perceived stress, anxiety, depression, negative affect and health‐related stress at follow‐up. Patients' self‐efficacy was high at baseline and remained high throughout the study. Results highlighted a consistent, significant relationship between perceived stress and the ‘activity’ of neutrophils. The implications of this finding are worthy of exploration given that stress‐activated neutrophils may adversely influence health outcomes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
目的: 探讨急性胰腺炎(AP)胰腺细胞凋亡的可能机制.方法: 胆胰管逆行加压注射4%的牛磺胆酸钠诱导大鼠AP,建立模型,应用末端脱氧核苷酸转换酶(TdT)介导的原位末端标记(TUNEL)法检测术后3h、6 h和12 h胰腺细胞凋亡情况,并对胰腺炎症细胞进行分类记教.结果: 胰腺炎组术后6 h胰腺凋亡细胞显著高于3 h和12 h(3 h P<0.05,12 h P<0.01);白细胞进行性增多,6 h巨噬细胞百分比明显高于3 h和12h(3 h P<0.05,12 h P<0.01),中性粒细胞百分比显著低于3 h和12 h(3 h P<0.05,12 h P<0.01).结论: AP胰腺细胞凋亡可能与炎症细胞的不同种类有关.  相似文献   
This investigation was conducted to establish whether guinea-pig trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-colitis was associated with a change in the number of neurones of the myenteric plexus, and, if so, whether select subpopulations of neurones were affected. Total neurones were quantified with human (Hu) antiserum, and subpopulations were evaluated with antisera directed against choline acetyltransferase, nitric oxide synthase, calretinin, neuronal nuclear protein or vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Colitis was associated with a loss of 20% of the myenteric neurones, most of which occurred during the first 12 h past-TNBS administration. During this period, myenteric ganglia were infiltrated with neutrophils while lymphocytes appeared at a later time-point. The neuronal loss persisted at a 56-day time-point, when inflammation had resolved. The decrease in myenteric neurones was not associated with a decrease in any given subpopulation of neurones, but the proportion of VIP-immunoreactive neurones increased 6 days following TNBS administration and returned to the control range at the 56 days. These findings indicate that there is an indiscriminant loss of myenteric neurones that occurs during the onset of TNBS-colitis, and the loss of neurones may be associated with the appearance of neutrophils in the region.  相似文献   
Background and Aims:  Increased numbers and enhanced functions of peripheral neutrophils have been observed in obstructive jaundice. However, the effects of obstructive jaundice on the bone marrow, that is neutrophil production and acquisition of neutrophil chemotactic activity, have been poorly understood. In the present study, differentials of bone marrow cells and chemotactic activity of bone marrow neutrophils were evaluated in bile duct-obstructed rats.
Methods:  Male Wistar rats underwent either bile duct obstruction for 10 days or bile duct obstruction for 4 days followed by 6 days' internal biliary drainage. Differentials of peripheral blood and bone marrow cells were sequentially determined. Chemotactic activity of peripheral and bone marrow neutrophils was evaluated with a modified Boyden method using interleukin-8 (recombinant rat Gro-β) as a chemoattractant.
Results:  Numbers of peripheral neutrophils significantly increased after bile duct obstruction. Significant increases in the myeloid/erythroid (M/E) ratio of bone marrow cells were observed after bile duct obstruction. The neutrophil proliferative pool (promyelocytes and myelocytes) increased initially, followed by an increased neutrophil storage pool (metamyelocytes, bands, and segmented neutrophils). The M/E ratio as well as the neutrophil proliferative and storage pools normalized after internal biliary drainage. Chemotactic activity was enhanced in both peripheral and bone marrow neutrophils after bile duct obstruction, and enhanced chemotaxis was alleviated with internal biliary drainage.
Conclusion:  The present results strongly suggest the principal role of the bone marrow in increasing the number of neutrophils and their chemotactic activity during obstructive jaundice.  相似文献   
Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies in systemic vasculitis.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are important diagnostic markers in vasculitic disorders. In a study of 164 patients with various clinical syndromes associated with vasculitis, 60 were found to have the antibody, as detected by indirect immunofluorescence; 23 had the so-called perinuclear antibody pattern, and of these, 15 had antibodies to neutrophil myeloperoxidase in an ELISA. These patients had multi-system involvement, and 14 of the 15 had histological evidence of small-vessel arteritis in the kidneys. In preliminary experiments, the isolated IgG from one patient was shown to inhibit luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of fluid phase myeloperoxidase.  相似文献   
Although the mouse has been used extensively as a model for the study of host-parasite relationships, murine neutrophils have not been used nearly as often as PMNs from other species for in vitro functional assays due to lack of a commonly used procedure for murine neutrophil collection. These studies compared two eliciting agents and characterized the phagocytic and bactericidal activity of murine polymorphonuclear neutrophils elicited from the peritoneal cavity. We examined the effects of mouse strain (BALB/c, C57BL/6 and DBA/2) and sex, eliciting agent (0.2% glycogen vs. 3% fluid thioglycolate medium) and donor sacrifice method (ether vs. cervical dislocation) on the number of neutrophils recovered in peritoneal exudate. The greatest number of neutrophils was harvested when mice were sacrificed 5 h after intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 ml of 3% thioglycolate medium. This method as described allows reproducible collection of adequate numbers of neutrophils for use in in vitro assays of neutrophil phagocytic and bactericidal function.  相似文献   
The cells of the innate immune system mobilize a coordinated immune response towards invading microbes and after disturbances in tissue homeostasis. These immune responses typically lead to infection control and tissue repair. Exaggerated or uncontrolled immune responses, however, can also induce acute of chronic inflammatory pathologies that are characteristic for many common diseases such as sepsis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, or Alzheimer's disease. In recent years, the concerted efforts of many scientists have uncovered numerous mechanisms by which immune cells detect foreign or changed self-substances that appear in infections or during tissue damage. These substances stimulate signaling receptors, which leads to cellular activation and the induction of effector mechanisms. Here, we review the role of inflammasomes, a family of signaling molecules that form multi-molecular signaling platforms and activate inflammatory caspases and interleukin-1β cytokines.  相似文献   
It has been recently reported that neutrophils are involved in the regulation of NK cell activity. However, the mechanism of such regulation is unclear. The present study was designed to investigate the mechanisms involved in the regulation of NK cytotoxicity by human neutrophils. The role of indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory drug, in this interaction was studied. NK cells were purified from peripheral blood obtained from normal individuals. NK cell cytotoxicity was tested on K 562 cell line by Cr release assay. Autologous neutrophils obtained from peripheral blood were stimulated by opsonized zymosan either in the presence or absence of indomethacin. The role of neutrophil supernatant containing oxygen radicals and prostaglandins on NK cytotoxicity was examined. It was shown that supernatants from stimulated neutrophils significantly inhibited (P less than 0.05) the autologous NK cell cytotoxicity. The presence of indomethacin in the in vitro reaction mixture, or given orally to donors, partially or completely abolished the inhibitory effect of neutrophil supernatant. Indomethacin inhibited prostaglandin E2 release, and luminol-enhanced, myeloperoxidase-mediated chemiluminescence of activated PMN. Diafiltration of neutrophil supernatant showed that the inhibitory activity was present in the fraction containing molecules lower than 5,000 daltons. In conclusion, our findings indicate that down-regulation of NK cytotoxicity is mediated by prostaglandins produced by stimulated neutrophils and possibly by oxygen radicals.  相似文献   
Previous studies of experimental Bacillus anthracis cutaneous infections in mice have implicated hair follicles as a likely entry site. Hairless HRS/J mice were used to investigate this possibility because of their non-functional hair follicles that lack penetrating hair shafts. These mice also have diminished macrophage function, increased susceptibility to Listeria, and enhanced neutrophil responses. HRS/J and Balb/c mice were found to be resistant to epicutaneous inoculation with Bacillus anthracis (Sterne) spores onto abraded skin when compared with DBA/2 mice or leucopenic C57BL/6 mice. The HRS/J mice also resisted spore injections that bypassed hair follicles. Haired HRS/J heterozygote mice demonstrated similar reduced susceptibility to B. anthracis spores. Hairless HRS/J mice that were made leucopenic did become susceptible to the epicutaneous spore inoculations. Histologically, the hairless and haired HRS/J mice showed markedly reduced numbers of organisms in hair follicles and the interfollicular dermis when compared even with the resistant Balb/c mice; inflammatory cell infiltrates in the superficial dermis were increased in the HRS/J mice compared with more sensitive strains. Therefore, resistance in the HRS/J mice was apparent at the initial site of epicutaneous inoculation and seemed related to an accumulation of dermal neutrophils rather than to a lack of functional hair follicles.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of TNF-α or GM-CSF on the production of reactive oxygen species (as measured by chemiluminescence) and degranulation responses of neutrophils to opsonized inflammatory microcrystals. TNF-α in the 10–2000 pm or GM-CSF in the 2–200 pm concentration range caused the concentration-dependent amplification of neutrophil chemiluminescence responses to both calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) and monosodium urate monohydrate (MSUM) crystals. Degranulation responses, as measured by the extracellular release of the granule enzymes myeloperoxidase or lysozyme, were amplified by ≈ 50–100% for both MSUM or CPPD crystal-induced neutrophil activation when cells were pretreated with TNF-α at 2000 pm or GM-CSF at 75 pm.  相似文献   
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