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Selecting a proper support in the catalyst system plays an important role in hydrogen production via ethanol steam reforming. In this study, sol gel made alumina supports prepared for nickel (Ni) catalysts were calcined at different temperatures. A series of (Ni/AlS.G.) catalysts were synthesized by an impregnation procedure. The influence of varying the calcination temperature of the sol gel made supports on catalyst activity was tested in ethanol reforming reaction. The characteristics of the sol gel alumina supports and Ni catalysts were affected by the calcination temperature of the supports. The structure of the sol gel made alumina supports was transformed in the order of γ → (γ + θ) → θ-alumina as the calcination temperature of the supports increased from 600 °C to 1000 °C. Both hydrogen yield and ethanol conversion presented a volcano-shaped behavior with maximum values of 4.3 mol/mol ethanol fed and 99.5%, respectively. The optimum values were exhibited over Ni/AlS.G800 (Ni catalyst supported on sol gel made alumina calcined at 800 °C). The high performance of the Ni/AlS.G800 catalyst may be attributed to the strong interaction of Ni species and sol gel made alumina which lead to high nickel dispersion and small particle size.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Local ablation therapy has been shown to be effective for small hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); however, HCC recurrence is very frequent even after apparently curative treatment. In particular, recurrent HCC may be more prone to subsequent recurrence, although quantitative data are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the difference in the risk for subsequent recurrence, if any, between primary and recurrent cases. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted of 376 patients with HCC (uninodular and 100 ng/mL, treatment other than radiofrequency ablation, HCV antibody positivity, and tumor multinodularity also remained as significant predictors. CONCLUSION: Hepatocellular carcinoma at second or later recurrence is three times as prone to subsequent recurrence as is primary HCC, when compared with adjustment for other tumor and hepatic factors.  相似文献   
The mechanisms by which alcohol exacerbates liver injury in patients with hepatitis C are unknown. We used the hepatitis C virus (HCV) subgenomic replicon cell system to evaluate the effect of ethanol on HCV replication and viral protein synthesis. Our results demonstrate that alcohol stimulates HCV replicon expression at both HCV-RNA and protein levels. Furthermore, we observed that ethanol treatment showed an additive effect in cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) protein expression and activity already induced by HCV viral proteins, and in turn increased HCV viral expression. Our results suggest that COX-2 activity is involved in ethanol-induced HCV-RNA and NS5A protein expression, because acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), a COX-1/2 inhibitor, blocked this induction and downregulated COX-2 protein expression and activity. Therefore, we suggest that ethanol increases HCV replication expression, at least in part, by upregulating a key cellular regulator of oxidative stress pathway known as COX-2 or its products.  相似文献   
瘤内注射酒精、门静脉灌注化疗联合治疗肝癌23例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨瘤体内注射无水酒精(PEIT)与门静脉灌注化疗联合应用治疗肝癌的价值。方法 23例均在超声引导下穿刺同时进行两种方法的介入治疗,瘤体行单点或多点注射,门静脉灌注化疗药物为5-Fu,顺铂,白介素Ⅱ。结果 23例中瘤体缩小2cm以上者8例,1-2cm者11例,无变化3例,增大1例,有门静脉癌栓4例,治疗后癌栓消失3例,缩小1例,瘤体声像图动态变化;维持高回声的13例,中回声7例,低回声1例,混合回声2例,CDFI:治疗前16例可测及血流频谱者治疗后均无血流显示,AFP测定,治疗前13例增高者,治疗后有12例降至正常,1例明显下降为50ng/ml。治疗后17例活检,14例为坏死组织,3例仍可见癌细胞,结论 PEIT与门静脉注化疗的联合应用不仅对原瘤体有灭活作用。使肝癌的重要指标转阴率高,还可治疗门脉内癌栓,并有效预防肝内新生病灶,因此该方法对延长患者生存期,提高生存质量有重要临床价值。  相似文献   
目的探讨2%葡萄糖酸氯己定皮肤消毒液在经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(peripherally inserted central catheter,PICC)维护中的应用效果。方法 2013年5-9月便利选择南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院肿瘤中心行PICC置管并在门诊进行导管维护的肿瘤患者60例,按置管先后将其分为观察组和对照组各30例,对照组按照传统方法消毒,观察组采用2%葡萄糖酸氯己定局部皮肤消毒2次,比较两组患者皮肤细菌学培养结果、导管相关性感染的发生情况、PICC维护时间及耗材成本。结果两组患者均随访4周,均未出现导管相关性感染;PICC维护耗材成本,观察组为1.45元/(例·次),对照组为0.74元/(例·次),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);贴膜下皮肤细菌学培养结果及PICC导管维护时间观察组均少于或短于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.01)。结论 2%葡萄糖酸氯己定皮肤消毒液应用于PICC维护,安全性高,效果好,且省时方便,有利于降低人力成本,提高临床工作效率。  相似文献   
目的观察外科手消毒方法的临床实际消毒效果。方法通过现场问卷调查和棉拭子涂抹采样检测方法 ,观察了采用两种消毒液,同样进行免刷式外科手消毒方法后的效果。另外对50名医护人员针对两种手消毒方法的依从性进行问卷调查。结果 200份检测结果均符合消毒技术规范标准。问卷调查结果显示,绝大多数医护人员愿意采用免刷式外科手消毒方法。结论此外科手消毒方法安全、高效、操作简便、经济,减少了医护人员皮肤不适,大大提高了外科手消毒的依从性。  相似文献   
[目的]观察两种不同导电剂在心电图检查中的应用效果.[方法]将1 000例常规心电图检查的住院病人随机分为对照组和观察组,每组500例,对照组采用75%乙醇作为导电剂,观察组采用生理盐水作为导电剂.比较两组病人一次采图成功率、病人满意度、舒适度和皮肤过敏情况.[结果]观察组的一次采图成功率为97.6%,对照组为96.2%,两组比较差异无统计学意义;观察组病人满意度、舒适度均高于对照组;观察组无一例发生皮肤不良反应,对照组发生皮肤过敏18例(0.2%).[结论]采用温生理盐水作为导电剂可提高心电图检查病人的满意度和舒适度,减少皮肤变态反应的发生.  相似文献   
饮酒对长期酗酒者MCA血流灌注影响的TCCD对照研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨饮酒对长期酗酒者脑血流灌注影响的规律。方法 应用经颅彩色多普勒 (TCCD) ,对 76例酗酒者 (实验组 )及 5 2例非酗酒者 (对照组 )分别在饮酒前、饮酒后 30 min、1h、 2 h测定脑血流动力学参数 :收缩期峰值流速 (Vp)、舒张末期流速 (Vd)、平均血流速度 (Vm)、搏动指数 (PI) ,并观察频谱形态。采用同一品牌和批号的市售白酒 ,饮酒量按纯酒精折算 (0 .6 5 g/kg) ,实验于晚餐前 2 h开始 ,2 0 min内饮入。结果  (1)酗酒者饮酒前双侧大脑中动脉 (MCA)基础血流速度 (Vp、 Vd及 Vm)均较正常减低、搏动指数 (PI)增大(P分别 <0 .0 1或 <0 .0 5 ) ,以平均血流速度 (Vm )减低最明显。血流频谱形态圆钝 ,S1 、 S2 峰融合 ,S2 >S1 。酗酒者饮酒后 30 min血流动力学参数较饮酒前变化不明显 ,1h后血流速度较饮酒前增高 (P<0 .0 1或 <0 .0 5 ) ,饮酒后 2 h各血流动力学参数基本恢复到饮酒前状态 ;(2 )非酗酒者饮酒后 30 min脑血流速度明显增高 ,1h后达到高峰 ,2 h后基本恢复到饮酒前状态 ;饮酒后脑动脉血流频谱 S1 峰较饮酒前尖耸。结论 本研究显示 :是否长期酗酒脑血流灌注情况有所不同、对急性酒精干预的反应不同 ;揭示了长期酗酒者对脑血流灌注的损害 ,对慢性酒精中毒、酒精性脑病的早期诊断和防治提供一  相似文献   
Pyrrolidon carboxypeptidase (Pcp) is an omega peptidase that removes pyroglutamyl N-terminal residues of peptides such as thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), which is one of the neuropeptides that has been localized into many areas of the brain and acts as an endogenous neuromodulator of several parameters related to ethanol (EtOH) consumption. In this study, we analysed the effects of chronic EtOH intake on Pcp activity on mouse frontal cortex synaptosomes and their corresponding supernatant under basal and K+ -stimulated conditions, in presence and absence of calcium (Ca2+) to know the regulation of Pcp on TRH. In basal conditions, chronic EtOH intake significantly decreased synaptosomes Pcp activity but only in absence of Ca2+. However, supernatant Pcp activity is also decreased in presence and absence of calcium. Under K+-stimulated conditions, chronic EtOH intake decreased synaptosomes Pcp activity but only in absence of Ca2+, whereas supernatant Pcp activity was significantly decreased only in presence of Ca2+. The general inhibitory effect of chronic EtOH intake on Pcp activity suggests an inhibition of TRH metabolism and an enhancement of TRH neurotransmitter/neuromodulator functions, which could be related to putative processes of tolerance to EtOH in which TRH has been involved. Our data may also indicate that active peptides and their degrading peptidases are released together to the synaptic cleft to regulate the neurotransmitter/neuromodulator functions of these peptides, through a Ca2+ -dependent mechanism.  相似文献   
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