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Galanin is a regulatory peptide with wide distribution in the central and peripheral nervous system and with numerous biological effects. Several radioimmunoassays based on antisera raised against porcine galanin have been used to measure immunoreactivity in rat tissues. However, considerable lack of parallelism has been observed between the porcine standard and rat tissue extracts, which may decrease the reliability of the quantitative data. The purpose of the present study was therefore to raise antibodies against rat galanin and establish a competitive radioimmunoassay for rat galanin. Two antisera, RatGal4 and RatGal5, were characterized in detail. The homogeneity of the immunoreactive material from several tissues was also investigated with column chromatography. At reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography more than 95% of the immunoreactive material from rat CNS eluted as a single peak in the position of synthetic rat galanin, whereas almost half of the immunoreactive material from the intestine eluted in positions different from the synthetic peptide. Extracts of rat brains as well as jejunum diluted in parallel with the standard curve for both antisera. We conclude that measurements of rat galanin based on these antisera are therefore more reliable than those based on antisera raised against porcine galanin.  相似文献   
Objective. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase‐1 (TIMP‐1) plays a major role in the regulation of tissue growth, including cancer growth. The TIMP‐1 protein can be determined in plasma, and increased plasma levels of TIMP‐1 are associated with a poor prognosis of colorectal cancer patients. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether tumour tissue release of the TIMP‐1 protein contributes to the increased plasma levels of TIMP‐1 observed in patients with colorectal cancer. Material and methods. Preoperative blood samples from a peripheral vein and intraoperative blood samples from a tumour artery, a tumour vein and from a peripheral vein were drawn from 24 patients undergoing elective, intended curative surgery for primary rectal cancer. TIMP‐1 levels were determined concurrently in plasma from all samples using a validated ELISA method. Counts of white blood cells and platelets were also carried out. Results. No significant differences between plasma TIMP‐1 levels could be demonstrated in any compartment. In particular, there was no significant difference in TIMP‐1 levels in plasma from tumour arteries and tumour veins. However, there was a significant decrease in neutrophil cell counts from tumour arteries to tumour veins (p<0.001). Conclusions. The present results do not support the current hypothesis that tumour cells contribute substantially to increased plasma TIMP‐1 levels observed in patients with colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Purpose. To evaluate inter- and intra-observer reproducibility of renographic quantitative parameters of input and output in children. Methods. 100 children with unilateral or bilateral uropathy were selected, aiming to cover the entire range of ages, overall glomerular filtration rate (GFR), differential renal function (DRF) and quality of drainage. Renograms were acquired and processed according to the EANM guidelines, using a non-commercial software. Following parameters were tested: DRF using integral and Patlak methods, normalized residual activity (NORA) and output efficiency (OE) at 20 min and on the late post-erect post-micturition acquisition. Three observers from the same department and one from Santiago (Chile) processed independently the 100 renograms using the same renal software. Two observers reprocessed the 100 renograms again two months later in order to evaluate the intra-observer reproducibility. Results and conclusion. No significant difference was observed between the four observers, whatever the considered parameter of input function or output. For left DRF (Integral and Patlak methods), 95% of the individual differences were between ?5% and +5 %. They were between ?0.5 and +0.5 units for both NORA 20 and NORA PM, and between ?10% and +10% for OE 20 and OE PM. Inter-and intra- observer reproducibility were comparable. Outliers tended to be more frequent for Patlak than for Integral. Very low GFR (< 20 mL/min/1.73 m2), very young age (first days of life), huge megaureters, NORA values higher than 2.0, OE values below 60% and bladder in the renal background area (ectopic kidney) were the main characteristics of extreme differences.  相似文献   
Influence of altered blood oxygen affinity on work performance in man was investigated. Increased in vitro blood oxygen affinity was achieved in vivo by partial DPG depletion induced by 70 hours of acidosis followed by acute restoration of acid-base balance by intravenous NaHCO3. Work performance tests with determination of submaximal and maximal oxygen uptake were performed at the two different DPG levels. Submaximal and maximal oxygen uptake remained unchanged when DPG decreased from 0.80 to 0.58 mol/mol Hb and P50 (7.4. BE=0) (oxygen tension at half saturation of hemoglobin) decreased from 26.4 to 24.0 mm Hg. Thus a small increase of in vitro whole blood oxygen affinity does not impair work performance in man.  相似文献   

Men and women with isolated osteoarthritis of the disc L5/S1 (excluding transitional anomalies) were compared against a corresponding group of healthy volunteers to see whether there is any geometric or statistical evidence that might constitute predisposing factors for isolated osteoarthritis of the disc L5/ S1. Arithmetic means, variances, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients were calculated for all the characteristics determined for the two groups. Multiple linear discriminant analysis was used to try to reproduce any classifications or groupings of the characteristic bearers on the basis of their characteristics. It was found that the position of the sacrum in the pelvis and the extent of lumbar lordosis are major predictors for isolated osteoarthritis of the discs L5/S1. To detect a predisposition for isolated osteoarthritis L5/S1, it is thus necessary to evaluate the position of the sacrum with regard to the pelvis and the degree of lumbar lordosis (excluding that of the fifth lumbar vertebra) in the angle system. This evaluation can be performed by measuring the dorsal inclination of the sacrum (the delta angle) and the Albrecht inclination.  相似文献   


Upper limb neurodynamic testing (ULNT) can be used clinically to assist in identifying neural tissue involvement in patients with upper quarter pain and dysfunction. Consideration for scapular positioning is a crucial component of ULNT standardization, as variations in positioning may dramatically impact sensory and motor responses. This study aimed to determine if there was a meaningful difference in test outcomes when the ULNT was performed in alternative scapular positions.


This cross-sectional study included 40 asymptomatic individuals. Repeated ULNT testing was performed on the dominant limb with the scapula blocked in neutral (ULNTb) and in scapular depression (ULNTd). Sensory responses, muscle activity, and range of motion outcomes were compared between the two test variations.


Pre-positioning in scapular depression (ULNTd) led to reduced elbow extension range of motion, provoked greater upper trapezius muscle activity and an earlier onset and broader area of sensory responses compared to ULNTb.


During ULNTb, the limbs were taken further into range and elicited reduced muscle activation and more localized sensory response providing a less vigorous version of the test. This study demonstrates that scapular positioning has a meaningful impact on ULNT test outcomes in healthy, asymptomatic individuals. The ULNTd can be considered a more vigorous version that may be appropriate when the cervical motions commonly utilized for structural differentiation are limited or contraindicated.  相似文献   
This article describes a change in the teaching and learning strategy for newly qualified neonatal nurses who wish to become qualified in the speciality (QIS) of neonatal nursing. Two modules have undergone revision in the light of feedback from the Regional Neonatal Network and evaluations from stakeholders. This paper provides the rationale for change and discusses developments in teaching and learning strategies, and the planning and implementing process involved in the change. Factors to take into consideration when evaluating the change and implications for future developments are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Within homelessness services recent policy developments have highlighted the need for integration and improved collaborative working and also, the need for “Psychologically Informed Environments” (PIES) in which workers are better equipped to manage the “complex trauma” associated with homelessness. Drawing on the findings of an evaluation of a multi-site development programme, this paper demonstrates how both these policy aspirations might be implemented through a single delivery vehicle (a community of practice). The paper describes how organizational, educational and psychosocial theory was used to inform programme design and reflects on the utility of these approaches in the light of the evaluation findings. It is reported that communities of practice can deliver significant performance gains in terms of building collaborative relationships and opening-up opportunities for interprofessional education and learning. Filling an important knowledge gap, it also suggested how (professional) participation in a community of practice might work to improve outcomes for service users. Most likely we see those outcomes as being linked to tackling exclusion by sustaining the workforce itself, that is in motivating workers to remain engaged and thinking positively in what is an emotionally challenging and stressful job role.  相似文献   
This special issue of Clinical Toxicology contains abstracts from the 2002 North American Congress of Clincal Toxicology Anual Meeting held September 24 - 29, 20002 in Palm Springs California. The abstracts have been grouped for online delivery based on the date and type of presentation as shown in the Program Outline for the conference. The Program Outline, Subject Index and Author Index for the meeting has been included at the end of each grouping for reference purposes.  相似文献   
目的探讨落实晨间护理有效的管理措施。方法制订晨间护理质量评分表,护士按照评分表质量要求实施晨问护理,对晨间护理实施三级质量控制。结果提高了护理质量和患者满意度(P〈0.01)。结论运用晨间护理质量评分表管理有助于夯实基础护理,提高护理质量。  相似文献   
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