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NF-kappaB activation through B cell receptor (BCR) ligation is critical for B cell development, survival and antigen-mediated activation of B cells. CARD domain and MAGUK-domain containing protein-1 (CARMA1), recently identified adaptor molecule, has been shown to play an essential role in BCR-induced NF-kappaB activation. CARMA1-deficient B cells fail to proliferate upon BCR stimulation, leading to defective humoral responses. Surprisingly, CARMA1-deficient B cells are also defective in CD40-induced proliferation. The mechanisms responsible for CD40-induced proliferation defect have not yet been characterized. In this study, we show that signaling cascades activated by CD40 stimulation are largely unaffected in CARMA1-deficient B cells. Instead, we have found that the defective proliferation of CARMA1-deficient B cells is due to two events. First, CARMA1-deficient B cells show defective cell-cycle progression. Secondly, the numbers of marginal zone (MZ) B cells, which are the main responders upon CD40 stimulation, are greatly diminished in CARMA1-deficient mice. Since B cell maturation requires basal signaling through BCR and NF-kappaB activation, we propose that impaired BCR signaling in CARMA1-deficient mice leads to defective maturation of MZ B cell population, which in turn, contributes to impaired proliferation upon CD40 stimulation.  相似文献   
High‐throughput sequencing (HTS) is considered a technical revolution that has improved our knowledge of lymphoid and autoimmune diseases, changing our approach to leukaemia both at diagnosis and during follow‐up. As part of an immunoglobulin/T cell receptor‐based minimal residual disease (MRD) assessment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients, we assessed the performance and feasibility of the replacement of the first steps of the approach based on DNA isolation and Sanger sequencing, using a HTS protocol combined with bioinformatics analysis and visualization using the Vidjil software. We prospectively analysed the diagnostic and relapse samples of 34 paediatric patients, thus identifying 125 leukaemic clones with recombinations on multiple loci (TRG, TRD, IGH and IGK), including Dd2/Dd3 and Intron/KDE rearrangements. Sequencing failures were halved (14% vs. 34%, P = 0.0007), enabling more patients to be monitored. Furthermore, more markers per patient could be monitored, reducing the probability of false negative MRD results. The whole analysis, from sample receipt to clinical validation, was shorter than our current diagnostic protocol, with equal resources. V(D)J recombination was successfully assigned by the software, even for unusual recombinations. This study emphasizes the progress that HTS with adapted bioinformatics tools can bring to the diagnosis of leukaemia patients.  相似文献   
Allotype- or idiotype-specific CD4+ T cells have been reported to recognize immunoglobulin (Ig) peptides presented by class II molecules. In contrast, few data are available concerning the generation of Ig peptide-specific CD8+ T cells. We have therefore investigated whether T-depleted spleen cells from Ig x light chain-expressing 129/Sv mice (129x+/+) could induce, in Cx knockout mice (129 x?/?), the generation of Ig constant x light chain region (Cx)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). The determination of TCRβ chain expressed by nine CTL clones, together with the use of a library of overlapping peptides spanning the whole Cx sequence, show that the B cells from x+/+ mice are able to elicit in Cx knockout mice, the emergence of a diverse CTL repertoire that recognizes one single Cx peptide presented by the H-2Kb class I molecule. In addition, these data support the notion that B cells are able to process and present on their class I molecules, peptides generated from their own x light chains.  相似文献   
The repertoire of antibodies (Abs) produced upon vaccination against a particular antigenic site is rarely studied due to the complexity of the immunogens. We received such an opportunity when one rhesus macaque was immunized six times at 0, 4, 10, 16, 32, and 143 weeks with C4-447 peptide containing the 8-mer epitope for human monoclonal Ab (mAb) 447-52D specific to the V3 region of gp120 HIV-1. Strong anti-V3 antibody responses reached 50% binding titer in serum of 10−5 at week 10 that declined to 10−3 by week 70. After an additional boost of C4-447 peptide at week 143, titers rebounded to 10−5 at week 146, or 2.7 years after the first immunization. Using the blood sample at week 146, we produced 41 V3-specific recombinant mAbs by single B cell isolation and cloning. Sequence analysis revealed 21B cell lineages, single and clonally related, based on immunoglobulin gene usage and CDR3s. The broad repertoire of Abs directed to a small antigenic site shows the targeting potency of a vaccine-elicited immune response in rhesus macaques.  相似文献   
The ectodomain of matrix protein 2 (M2e) has remained remarkably conserved amongst human influenza A viruses and is a target for Abs with protective activity. For these reasons, M2e is being investigated for its potential as a broadly protective influenza A virus vaccine. Here, we report on the fine specificity and sequence of seven M2e-specific mAbs isolated from three BALB/c mice after different immunization protocols. The mAbs recognized epitopes comprised within a 13 aa long peptide corresponding to M2e(4-16). They originated from 4 distinct precursor B cells and showed a highly restricted variable (V) gene usage, in that their heavy chain V regions were all formed by the same VH, D and JH gene segments and their light chain V regions made use of only two distinct Vκ genes (Vκ19-15/IGKV6-15 and Vκ8-30/IGKV8-30; NCBI/IMGT annotation, respectively). The consensus sequence of the expressed VH genes belongs to the J558/HV1 family. It showed 96% identity with the BALB/c germline gene J558.n/IGHV1S137 and 100% identity with a VH gene expressed by several BALB/c B-1 B cells. This suggests that the consensus sequence is that of a functional BALB/c germline VH gene. The genetic restriction of this response may in part underlie the generally poor M2e-specific Ab response induced by infection.  相似文献   
Li J  Geissal ED  Li W  Stollar BD 《Molecular immunology》2005,42(12):1475-1484
To test the fate of developing B cells with autoreactive receptor components, we studied mice homozygous for a knock-in transgene coding the VH domain of an IgM ssDNA-binding antibody. The transgene has unmutated C57 BL/6 V gene segments. Homozygous knock-in mice developed normal numbers of spleen and bone marrow B cells and normal serum Ig concentrations, and had the same low level of serum anti-ssDNA antibody as non-transgenic mice. Mature B cells expressed the transgene, and it underwent mutation and class switching. In young knock-in animals, nearly all IgM and some IgG cDNA clones from bone marrow and spleen contained the transgene VHDHJH, with few or no mutations. In many IgM clones from older animals, however, and many IgG clones from both young and old mice, VH domains were revised by productive replacement with a new VHDH segment. VL segments were diverse. Immunized homozygous knock-in mice produced serum antibodies to polysaccharide, nucleic acid and protein antigens. Monoclonal IgM and IgG antibodies to nucleic acids used either transgenic or revised VH domains; but all of 20 IgG monoclonal antibodies to thyroglobulin used revised VH domain genes. Thus, B cells expressing an autoreactive (ssDNA-binding) VH domain did progress through development and were precursors for cells producing IgM and IgG, but underwent extensive VH gene revision in diversification of antibody responses.  相似文献   
In recent years, the subject of natural antibodies has been revisited and the immunobiological roles of these humoral factors are being better defined. These antibodies are secreted by distinct sets of innate-like B cells, B-1 cells and marginal zone B cells, which arise early in development to become the sources of natural immune memory. Due to their interactions with a variety of self-determinants, natural antibodies have previously been postulated to play roles in the maintenance of host homeostasis. A central paradigm has recently been developed from the demonstration that oxidation derived epitopes on apoptotic cells and oxidized low-density lipoproteins are recognized by the phosphorylcholine-specific germline encoded B-1 cell natural antibody, T15, which has provided important insights into possible house-keeping functions under both normal and pathological conditions. In this review, the potential functions of natural antibodies in the pathogenesis and progression of the chronic inflammatory condition of atherosclerosis are discussed, as well as their capacities for apoptotic cell binding and clearance. These interactions of natural antibodies and oxidation-epitopes from phospholipids appear to provide a dynamic immunobiological connection linking host responses in infection, autoimmunity and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Two major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-reactive T cell clones derived from H-2b mice, generated against the allogeneic Ld molecule, were found to recognize the H-2b class II mutant Abm12 molecule as well. In addition, these clones also recognize the class II As molecule, and display a class II-dependent reactivity to staphylococcal enterotoxin B. Neither the class I nor the class II alloreactivities of the clones were found to be dependent on other MHC molecules. Both clones express CD4+CD8? phenotypes. The CD4 molecule appears to be involved in their class II reactivity, while little or no role for CD4 could be detected in the class I reactivity. This is the first report of a class I/class II cross-reactivity being mediated by CD4+ T cells. The structural basis for this cross-reactivity is discussed.  相似文献   
We studied the competitive repopulation by different B cells of irradiated mice reconstituted with bone marrow from either congenic or Ig-transgenic (TG) mice mixed at different ratios. We found that after reconstitution, the number of B cells recovered in the different chimeras is similar and independent of the ratio of injected cells. In chimeras hosting TG and non-TG cells, the relative representation of the donor cell lineages diverges from the ratios present in the inoculum, i.e. at the periphery, non-TG cells are preferentially selected. Selection of non-TG cells only occurs when population growth plateaus, i.e. when resources become limiting and competition starts to operate. Selection of non-TG cells depends on surface Ig expression, and they are selected because they have a longer survival. Finally, the life-expectancy of the same B cell population differs depending upon the second population present. The present results show that the life-span and the population size of each B cell clone can be altered (interfered with) by the presence of a second cell population, demonstrating the existence of cellular competition among B cells. Our findings establish the role of cellular competition in the selection of B cell repertoires and the existence of a hierarchy of B cell selection in the absence of antigenic stimulation. The implications of cellular competition on our understanding of the immune system are discussed.  相似文献   
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