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The Regression of Offspring on Mid-Parent (ROMP) method is a test of association between a quantitative trait and a candidate locus. ROMP estimates the trait heritability and the heritability attributable to a locus and requires genotyping the offspring only. In this study, the theory underlying ROMP was revised (ROMPrev) and extended. Computer simulations were used to determine the type I error and power of the test of association, and the accuracy of the locus-specific heritability estimate. The ROMPrev test had good power at the 5% significance level with properly controlled type I error. Locus-specific heritability estimates were, on average, close to simulated values. For non-zero locus-specific heritability, the proposed standard error was downwardly biased, yielding reduced coverage of 95% confidence intervals. A bootstrap approach with proper coverage is suggested as a second step for loci of interest.
ROMPrev was applied to a study of cardiovascular-related traits to illustrate its use. An association between polymorphisms within the fibrinogen gene cluster and plasma fibrinogen was detected (p < 0.005) that accounted for 29% of the estimated fibrinogen heritability. The ROMPrev method provides a computationally fast and simple way of testing for association and obtaining accurate estimates of locus-specific heritability while minimizing the genotyping required.  相似文献   
一般人群中人格维度与心身症状的相关研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:探讨在健康人群中稳定的人格特点与某一时期心身症状的测量之间的关系。方法:对721名被试施测人格量表(QZPS)和SCL-90,通过回归和相关分析探讨两者之间的关系。结果:严谨、沉稳、决断、淡泊和情绪性等人格因素与SCL-90的因子分数正相关,其它人格因素则与SCL-90的因子分数负相关。控制人格因素间的相关之后,进入每个预测心身症状回归方程的人格因素分别为3-5个,其中严谨、自制、沉稳、重感情和热情的回归系数是正值,其它为负值,表明行事严谨、自我克制以及对人热情和重感情等人格特点与心身症状的出现是一致的。结论:人格维度对心身症状有一定的预测能力。  相似文献   
目的 探讨在押女性毒品犯人格的基本特征、类型特征及其影响因素。方法 以252名在押女性毒品犯为被试,对CPI的测验数据进行t检验、Z检验和F检验。结果 ①女性毒品犯不仅与常模团体相比较具有显著特征.而且与男性毒品犯相比较也存在特殊性;②女性毒品犯在4种人格类型上的分布不平衡.较多地在Delta型;③民族、地域、年龄及关押时间对女性毒品犯的人格特征的变异均有一定影响.但减刑次数未见反映出被试人格积极改变的效果。结论 女性毒品犯广泛而明显的消极性人格特征,并与民族、地域、年龄及关押时间有关。  相似文献   
Cluster analysis of the MMPI has been utilized widely in the chronic low back pain literature to try to identify reliable patient subtypes predictive of treatment outcome. We extended this methodology to patients with heterogeneous chronic medical conditions by replicating prototypic MMPI cluster group profiles and by relating cluster groups to clinical baseline and outcome data. Subjects were two independent samples (n=254 and n=263) of chronically ill patients admitted to an inpatient medicine/psychiatry unit. Using a four-cluster solution, similar cluster profile groups were replicated in both samples. Consistent differences emerged between cluster groups on functional impairment, psychiatric diagnoses, depression, and psychosomatic symptoms. Cluster group membership also predicted changes in functional impairment and depression six months after treatment. Results are discussed in terms of similarities between chronic low back pain and chronic illness and tailoring treatment to different patient types.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.  相似文献   
中学生焦虑与其相关影响因素的综合研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
目的:综合探讨中学生焦虑状况与其相关影响因素的关系。方法:采用中学生焦虑量表、青少年生活事件量表、艾森克人格问卷、中学生父母教养方式量表和应对量表对558名中学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)中学生整体的焦虑处于轻度水平,52.6%的学生存在不同程度的焦虑问题,男女生在焦虑水平上不存在较为明显的性别差异,年级差异在焦虑水平上表现也不明显。(2)中学生焦虑与生活事件、父母教养方式、人格和应对方式各因子均有十分显著的相关关系,进一步的回归分析结果表明有八个因素对焦虑的预测作用十分明显,具体为不良情绪应对、学习压力、神经质、父放任型教养方式、人际压力、母过分保护和干涉、解决问题和精神质。结论:中学生中存在较为明显的焦虑问题,多个因素对焦虑有预测作用。  相似文献   
目的研究试图通过对海口市三甲医院医务人员人格特质的测量与分析,在与全国常模进行对比的情况下,得出海口市三甲医院医务人员人格特质的基本描述,建立医务人员人格特质的常模,为最终科学地建立海南省医学人才人格特质考评体系奠定必要的工作基础,也为海南省医学人才的培养和利用提供一项可行性的管理模式.方法采取分层整群随机抽样方法对海口市五家三甲医院医务人员人格特质进行调查,使用国际著名的人格问卷-加利福尼亚心理调查表CPI作为工具,对海口市三甲医院医务人员人格特质进行调查.结果被调查的海口市三甲医院588名医务人员人格类型分布以Beta型为主,各型分布情况为:Alpha型171人,占29.1%,Beta型302人,占51.4%,Gamma型59人,占10.0%,Delta型56人,占9.5%;在V3自我实现水平上海口市三甲医院医务人员有较高得分,除1例处于第二水平和4例处于第三水平外,其余583例都分别处于第四至第七水平;海口市三甲医院医务人员在20个分量表的测试中,在CS、IN、EM、SC、GI、WB、CM、TO、AI、AC、IE、PY、FX等13个分量表的平均得分上明显高于全国常模组(P〈0.01),而在DO、SY、SP、SA、SO 5个分量表平均得分上明显低于全国常模组(P〈0.01).结论海口市三甲医院医务人员各分量表平均得分大部分高于全国常模水平,尤其是在测量成就潜能方面的3个分量表AC、AI、IE平均得分全部明显高于全国常模水平(P〈0.01),表明海口市三甲医院医务人员较常模有更强烈的成就动机,对智力活动与知识成就有较强的追求,在工作中能更有效地发挥智能,注重办事效率,见识广博,比较适合在激励自由和个人首创精神的场所独立地开展工作,并且能够专心于别人看来较为枯燥的工作.在测量社会价值内化程度的7个分量表中有5个(SC、GI、CM、WB、TO)高于全国常模水平.  相似文献   
精神分裂症子女个性行为特征的对照研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探索材神分裂症子女的个性和行为特征。方法 分别用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)和Achenbach儿童行为量表(CBCL),对研究组53例精神分裂症子女,对照组50例正常儿童评定。结果 两组儿童EPQ各项因子分无显著差异,在CBCL分析中,研究组退缩、社交问题和内向因子分显著高于对照组。研究组男童焦虑抑郁,女童躯体主诉分值也显著高于对照组。结论 精神分裂症子女个性无异常。存在有内向,退缩.社交困难等行为问题.应对其早期干预。  相似文献   
In this study we examined the relationship of psychopathology and personality dysfunction to neuroendocrine functioning. MMPI profiles were examined for 30 psychiatric inpatients with major depression who were suppressors (60%) and nonsuppressors (40%) on the dexamethasone suppression test. There were no differences between suppressors and nonsuppressors on any of the MMPI scales or on DSM-III Axis-II diagnosis. When subdivided according to T-score elevations above 70 on MMPI scales 4 and 6, or 4 and 9, 30% of the sample, however, met criteria for personality dysfunction. Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of suppressors (50%) evidenced personality dysfunction than did the nonsuppressors (8%). This suggests that certain MMPI scales are able to identify a subgroup of depressed patients with personality disturbances who also have a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysfunction.  相似文献   
41名肢残者十六项人格特质测验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张丹 《中国心理卫生杂志》1989,3(6):248-249,271
应用“卡特尔十六项人格特质测验问卷”,对41名肢残者和40名健全人进行对照研究。结果表明,肢残人较健全人在孤独性上具有明显的差异,偏于缄默,固执,关注外界信息,具有一定的防卫倾向。肢残人富于实验性,较健全人更自由、激进、好学,具有较强的独立工作能力,希望生活更充实多彩。在各项能力水平上,肢残上与健全人没有显著差别。不同性别肢残人人格特质在敏感性上差异明显,女性较理智和着重现实,而男性则偏于敏感,易感情用事。  相似文献   
Behavioral and neuroendocrine differences may be postulated in hirsute subjects since central effects of gonadal steroids are well established. We conducted a controlled clinical study with 25 consecutive young hirsute participants compared with 20 consecutive controls. Neuropsychological evaluation included the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Edinburgh Inventory of Manual Preference (EIMP). Neuroendocrine reactivity was assessed by the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol responses to corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH). Hirsute participants presented a flattened personality profile with lower neurotic triad scores--146 +/- 20 versus 166 +/- 28. Left-hand preference was more common in hirsute participants--4/21 versus 0/20. Decreased ACTH [area under the curve (AUC)--36 +/-2 8 vs. 72 +/- 63 pg/ml h] and cortisol (AUC--18 +/- 4 vs. 25 +/- 10 microg/dl h) responses to CRH were found in the hirsute group. In the hirsute group, higher manual preference scores were associated with lower ACTH responses to CRH, while the opposite association was found in the control group. In the hirsute group, the hyporeactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis was associated with lower behavior-deviant scores, while in the control group, the hyporeactive HPA axis was associated with more psychopathology. We conclude that personality and HPA axis reactivity are different in hirsute female participants when compared with controls, with a trend for differences regarding handedness. Personality and handedness are differently associated with HPA reactivity. Distinctive features in hirsute participants are probably established very early during ontogenic development.  相似文献   
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