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Frequency receptive fields (RFs) were determined before and after pairing iontophorectic administration of acetylcholine (ACh) with a repeated single-frequency stimulus in the auditory cortex of barbiturate-anesthesized cats. In 58% of the cells, the paired ACh + tone treatment produced subsequent alterations of frequency RFs. In half of these cases, the RF modifications were highly specific to the frequency that had been paired with ACh. Atropine antagoized the frequency-effects of ACh, suggesting that they were mediated via muscarinic cholinergic receptors.  相似文献   
Capsaicin (50 mg/kg s.c./25 μl) was administered to rats on the 2nd and 5th days after birth. The animals were raised, and from the age of 3 months the properties of the evoked activity were tested in the contralateral barrelfield. This neonatal capsaicin treatment was found to induce profound changes in the responsiveness of the barrel cortex in the adult rats: (1) the receptive field of the neurons in the Cl barrel was expanded; units within a particular barrel were driven by a significantly larger number of vibrissae than in the controls. (2) The rate of discharge evoked by the related vibrissa deflection was enhanced, while (3) the angular sensitivity of the neurons was decreased. (4) The most prominent change in cortical activity was observed by autoradiography: capsaicin-treated rats exhibited an enhanced labelling of different types of neurons throughout the hemisphere (surpassing the cortical representation of stimulated vibrissae). The present observations indicate that neonatal capsaicin affects the functional activity of the rat somatosensory cortex. It is suggested that unmyelinated sensory afferents play a role in the development of the rat somatosensory system.  相似文献   
Summary The growth of fetal kidney volume was studied in 290 specimens taken from 145 fresh human fetuses (85 males and 60 females) with gestational age ranging from 13 to 36 weeks postconception (WPC). Normative equations and curves of the growth of renal volume were obtained for male and female fetuses and for the whole sample in the second trimester (13–24 WPC) and in the third trimester (25–36 WPC) of gestation. There was no difference between the growth in volume of the right and left kidneys. Fetal kidney volume increases with a more intense rhythm in the early fetal period (13–24 WPC). During the second trimester, there was no difference between the values for renal volume of male and female fetuses. In the third trimester, male fetuses had renal volumes significantly greater than the female fetuses. The normative parameters of renal volume could have practical applications in detection and monitoring of renal anomalies in fetal and perinatal urology.Supported by grants 302, 369/86.4/BM-FV from the National Conucil of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil) and Grant E.29/170.787/89 from the Rio de Janeiro Foundation for Research Support (FAPERJ).  相似文献   
Current knowledge on the anatomy of area 3a of the cat mainly derives from the cyto- and myeloarchitectonic study of Hassler and Muhs-Clement (J Hirnforsch 6:377, 1964). Previous investigations in the cat had failed to identify a cortical region comparable to monkey's area 3a. In the present study, Nissl, myelin, acetylcholinesterase, and cytochrome oxidase staining techniques were applied to coronal and sagittal serial sections of the cat brain. Area 3a appears as a slender band of cortex between areas 4 and 3b, and in Nissl-stained sections it is mainly characterized by an attenuated granular layer IV, overlying a thin layer V with pyramidal cells of various sizes, including a few large ones. These cytoarchitectonic features are sufficient to differentiate area 3a from neighboring areas, although the borders between them are not sharp in many cases. After the Nissl staining, the acetylcholinesterase staining proved to be the most helpful in defining the structure and borders of area 3a. Acetylcholinesterase staining was dense in layer I (in contrast with a lighter staining of outer layer I in area 4), and light in layers II and IIIa, changing to moderate in IIIc and IV (a pattern which is accentuated in area 3b). Myelin and cytochrome oxidase techniques also yielded differential staining patterns of area 3a and neighboring areas 4 and 3b, although the borders were not easily drawn with these techniques. Whereas our cyto- and myeloarchitectonic findings were comparable to those of Hassler and Muhs-Clement ('64) and applied well to area 3a in the convexity of the hemisphere, we found that most of the area 3a described by these authors in the medial face of the hemisphere had a number of distinguishing architectonic (as well as connectional and physiological) features which enabled us to define it as a separate area (7m). The techniques we used to delineate area 3a are compatible with most current procedures of histo- and immunohistochemical staining of the brain, and may also provide valuable supporting data for electrophysiological studies.  相似文献   
Transient rearrangements of finger representation in primary somatosensory cortex induced by an anesthetic block of the sensory information from adjacent fingers have been shown invasively in animals. Such a phenomenon has been now replicated in seven healthy human volunteers. Somatosensory Evoked Fields (SEFs) have been recorded during separate electrical stimulation of the 1st, 3rd, or 5th finger. Recordings were obtained in control conditions (stage A), following complete ischemic anesthesia of the 4 non-stimulated fingers (stage B), and after regaining sensation (stage C). SEFs were recorded using a 28-channel DC-SQUID magnetometer; a single position of the sensor was enough to identify the source of N20m, P30m and following components using the Equivalent Current Dipole (ECD) model. The amount of afferent input during stages A through C was monitored with surface electrodes placed on the nerve at wrist and elbow. No variation of the nerve compound potential was observed during stages A through C. In stage A, the localizing algorithm was able to discriminate the individual finger representation in accordance with the somatotopic organisation of the sensory homunculus. It was observed that the ECDs responsible for the cortical responses from the unanesthetized finger were significantly changing following a relatively brief period of sensory deprivation from the adjacent fingers. Such changes of the ECDs with respect to the control conditions were characterized by an increase in strength and deepening for the middle finger, and by a shift on the coronal plane for the thumb and the little finger (medial for the former, lateral for the latter). Such changes became progressively evident in stage B, but were persisting in stage C.  相似文献   
背景与目的:由于缺乏特异性临床和影像表现,肿块型中枢神经系统原发性血管炎(primary angiitris of central nervous system,PACNS)常被误诊为胶质瘤.本文旨在探讨肿块型PACNS的诊断与鉴别诊断。方法:回顾性分析手术治疗的37例肿块型PACNS患者的临床及影像表现。结果:85.3%的患者出现局灶性神经功能减退,55.9%患者有不同程度皮层高级功能减退症状。70.6%的颅内病变累及脑皮层:73.5%患者的正常区域脑血管周围间隙增宽,其中76%出现血管强化;病变出现特征性的“C”形强化。结论:局灶性神经功能和高级功能减退、病变累及皮层和“C”形强化等特征.有助于诊断肿块型PACNS。  相似文献   
胎儿宫内发育迟缓的实验动物模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
综述了至今已建立的IUGR实验动物模型并对几种常见的实验模型进行了比较。  相似文献   
超声引导下注射皮质类固醇治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨超声引导下注射皮质类固醇治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎的方法及效果。方法 38例狭窄性腱鞘炎患者,按药物注射方法的不同随机分成2组。治疗组(21例)在10-MHz超声引导下向腱鞘内腱周间隙内穿刺注射醋酸强的松龙0.6 ml,对照组(17例)采用闭合穿刺法注射等量药物。注射前及随访时(注射后3周)测定疼痛强度视觉类比评分(Visual analogue score,VAS)。结果 随访时疼痛消失率治疗组为81%、对照组为53%,VAS下降值治疗组为[(6.8±1.9)x±s,下同]对照组为(5.1±3.0)。结论超声引导下将针尖穿刺于腱鞘内腱周间隙的操作简单、准确并可实时观察药物的分布,是治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎的较好方法。  相似文献   
目的:探讨产程中改变产妇体位以矫正胎位。方法:选择临产至宫口开全经B超及内诊检查为枕后位的初产妇200例,随机分为观察组与对照组各100例,在产程中指导观察组产妇取侧俯卧位,利用胎儿重力、羊水浮力、子宫间歇性收缩的合力作用,使胎头下降时逐渐从枕后位转至枕前位娩出,并与对照组比较。结果:观察组91例(91%)胎儿由枕后位转至枕前位经阴道分娩,剖宫产9例(9%);对照组经阴道分娩仅16例(16%),剖宫产84例(84%)。两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:在产程中指导产妇取侧俯卧位,用以矫正胎位不正是降低难产发生率的有效方法。  相似文献   
The distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity was studied in the brain of the lizard Gallotia galloti, in order to gain insight into the comparative topography of this peptide. Antisera against both NPY and its C-terminal flanking peptide (C-PON) were used, demonstrating a general coexistence of both peptides, as described in other vertebrates. Most NPY-like immunoreactive (NPY-LI) cell bodies were observed in the telencephalon, specifically in various olfactory structures, all cortices, septum, basal ganglia (except for the globus pallidus), the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, the amygdaloid complex, and the bed nucleus of the anterior commissure. NPY-LI cells were also seen in the preoptic and hypothalamic regions and the dorsal thalamus (mainly in the perirotundal belt), as well as in the mesencephalic tegmentum (in the ventral tegmental area, the substantia nigra, and the retrorubral area). NPY-LI fibers and terminals were widely distributed in the brain. All visual and auditory neuropiles were densely innervated. Specially dense plexuses were seen in the nucleus accumbens, the ventral pallidum, the suprachiasmatic and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei, the nucleus medialis thalami, the left habenula, and the central nucleus of the torus semicircularis. Our analysis shows that the distribution of NPY-like immunoreactivity in the forebrain of Gallotia largely resembles that of other vertebrates, whereas differences are mainly observed in the brainstem. The widespread distribution of NPY in the lizard brain suggests several modulatory functional roles, either in local-circuit systems of the forebrain, or in various limbic, neuroendocrine, and sensory pathways.  相似文献   
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