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目的:了解2011年我院住院患者抗菌药物使用情况,给临床合理用药提供参考。方法:提取2011年每月我院住院患者抗菌药物消耗数据,对用药频度(DDDs)、限定日费用(DDC)、抗菌药物使用强度(AUD)等进行统计分析。结果:2011年我院住院患者抗菌药物使用剂型以注射剂为主;头孢菌素类和β-内酰胺+β-内酰胺酶抑制剂复方制剂占抗菌药物总DDDs的1/2,头孢菌素类中又以第3代头孢菌素的DDDs最高;大环内酯类的使用主要以口服制剂为主。氟喹诺酮类与β-内酰胺+β-内酰胺酶抑制剂复方制剂的DDDs、AUD和销售金额构成比逐月下降。结论:我院抗菌药物使用日趋合理,但仍存在用药不合理现象,有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
目的:探讨我院抗菌药物使用强度(AUD)的计算方法及指标制定。方法:将我院2011年使用抗菌药物的出院患者按年龄分成新生儿组、儿童组和成人组,统计使用抗菌药物的出院患者例数、各组患者比例、新生儿组和儿童组患者的平均体质量、平均体质量与70kg的转换率,以限定日剂量(DDD)乘以转换率计算新生儿的DDD和儿童的DDD。采用两种方法计算AUD,一种方法是所有出院患者的AUD均以DDD计算,以AUD1表示;另一种方法是新生儿组、儿童组和成人组患者的AUD分别以各自的DDD计算,以AUD2表示。2012年的AUD指标制定为各月应力争控制在2011年的AUD1以下。结果:我院2011年共有18007例出院患者使用抗菌药物,其中新生儿组、儿童组和成人组患者比例分别为15.67%、25.92%和58.41%。新生儿组和儿童组患者的平均体质量分别为(3±1)kg和(10±6)kg。2011年AUD1为26DDDs/100人/天,AUD2为95DDDs/100人/天。2012年的AUD指标为各月AUD应力争控制在26DDDs/100人/天以下。结论:在我院出院患者中,成人、新生儿和儿童均是抗菌药物的主要使用者;我院的AUD指标应该在综合医院和儿童医院的AUD之间。新生儿和儿童的AUD分别以新生儿的DDD和儿童的DDD计算,可以更准确地测算出其暴露于抗菌药物的广度和强度。  相似文献   
目的 分析2017-2019年中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九八八医院特殊使用级抗菌药物的使用情况,为规范化管理和临床合理用药提供参考依据。方法 对2017-2019年中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九八八医院特殊使用级抗菌药物的使用数量、销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)、使用强度(AUD)、日均费用(DDC)及药品排序比(B/A)等指标进行回顾性统计和分析。结果 2017-2019年,特殊使用级抗菌药物的总销售金额呈逐年递增趋势,其中亚胺培南西司他丁(进口)连续3年排名第1位。DDDs值基本呈增长趋势,其中亚胺培南西司他丁(进口)和伏立康唑的DDDs值排序连续3年变化明显。亚胺培南西司他丁(国产)和伏立康唑的AUD连续3年不断上升。2018年之后,亚胺培南西司他丁(进口)的AUD明显下降,其他药物的AUD基本保持不变。各药物的DDC基本保持不变。进口亚胺培南西司他丁、伏立康唑和两性霉素B的B/A连续3年变化明显且偏离1.00较大,其他药物的B/A均接近1.00。结论 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九八八医院特殊使用级抗菌药物的临床应用基本合理,但个别药物使用存在问题。医院应继续加强管理,采取必要措施,促进药物合理使用,有效遏制和减缓细菌耐药性的产生。  相似文献   

Objective: The co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) is common. Individuals with PTSD/AUD commonly drink to cope with PTSD symptoms, which maintains PTSD/AUD, and may result in increased craving for alcohol. Negative affect is implicated in negative reinforcement models of craving. Further, Emotional Processing Theory posits that posttraumatic cognitions lead to the experience of negative affect, which may result in increased craving in PTSD/AUD. The current study aims to advance the understanding of craving in PTSD/AUD by evaluating if specific posttraumatic cognitions (e.g., cognitions about the self, world, and self-blame) are associated with increased negative affect, and whether higher negative affect is associated with heightened craving. Methods: Three separate simple mediation models were utilized to test if negative affect mediated the relationship between each specific posttraumatic cognition type and craving among 136 treatment-seeking veterans with PTSD/AUD. Results: We found that negative affect mediated the association between all posttraumatic cognition types and craving. Specifically, viewing oneself as being unable to handle PTSD-related distress, viewing the world as very dangerous, and blaming oneself for one’s role in a traumatic event were all associated with increased negative affect, which was related to higher craving. Conclusions: Given that posttraumatic cognitions improve via trauma-focused treatment for PTSD, future work should evaluate whether improvements in posttraumatic cognitions via trauma-focused treatment lead to decreased negative affect and craving in PTSD/AUD.  相似文献   
目的:评价某三级甲等传染病医院实施干预措施后氟喹诺酮类药的应用情况。方法:对该院2007-2012年每年3、4月和10、11月氟喹诺酮类药的用药频度(DDDs)、使用强度(AUD)等进行回顾性分析。结果:每年4个月中氟喹诺酮类药的DDDs从2007年的2132下降至2012年的615;AUD由2007年的4.64DDDs/100人/天下降至2012年的0.92DDDs/100人/天;住院患者使用该药的比例从2007年的14.85%下降至2012年的2.36%,降幅达84.10%。氟喹诺酮类药销售金额降幅达75.52%,日均费用由2007年的2.62元下降至2012年的0.44元,平均降幅达83.20%。以全院该类药消耗DDDs/100接诊人次和以全院该类药消耗DDDs/100住院日两种方式表示的全院氟喹诺酮类AUD显示有良好的相关性(r=0.99,P〈0.05)。各年度10、11月该类药的DDDs、AUD均低于同年3、4月水平。结论:实施长期干预措施,结合医院有效的感染控制,氟喹诺酮类药用量呈逐步、稳定和明显减少的趋势。  相似文献   
Why do people with Alcohol Use Disorder [AUD] frequently relapse after completing treatment? This study examines the experience of relapse compared to near-relapse, thereby illustrating the difference between relapsing and staying abstinent when faced with a high-risk situation. Through twelve qualitative interviews and subsequent Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, we found that the experiences could be understood in terms of two themes: a) regulation of self, and b) the role of other people. Relapse specifically was characterized by the use of alcohol as a means of self-regulation combined with the sense of being disconnected from other people. The implications are that current relapse models need to place more emphasis on the interpersonal aspects of relapsing. The implications for practice are that AUD patients should be assisted in building new and/or strengthening existing ties to social networks.  相似文献   
BackgroundFew studies have investigated protective factors against suicide.ObjectivesTo identify whether reasons for living (RFL), measured with the Reasons for Living Inventory (RFLI), protect against suicidal ideation (SI), attempts (SA) and suicide death.MethodThis systematic review followed the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis) statement guidelines. PubMed database was searched for studies published until October 2015. Studies were eligible if they used RFLI or one of its versions. All eligible studies were included, regardless of study design, quality indicators, and target populations. No publication year limit was imposed. We included 39 studies.ResultsRFL may protect against SI and SA and yield a predictive value. The role of two specific reasons for living (Moral Objections to Suicide and Survival and Coping Beliefs) was particularly emphasized. No study investigating suicide death was found.ConclusionRFL may moderate suicide risk factors and correlate with resilience factors. Moreover, RFL may depend on and interact with numerous factors such as DSM-IV Axis I disorders, personality disorders and features, coping abilities and social support. Clinicians could develop therapeutic strategies aimed at enhancing RFL, like Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, to prevent suicidal thoughts and behaviors and improve the care management of suicidal patients.  相似文献   
Background: It is critical that our alcohol screening instruments maintain their accuracy at detecting DSM-5 Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) symptomatology. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is one of the most widely used alcohol screening instruments, despite no studies evaluating its performance for detecting DSM-5 AUDs. Objectives: The present study evaluated the performance of the AUDIT in the screening of DSM-5 AUDs in non-treatment seeking college students. Methods: Participants (N = 251) were undergraduate students who had at least one binge drinking occasion in the past 90-days. Results: The AUROC value for DSM-5 AUD status in the overall sample was.779 (SE =.029; 95% CIs =.721 to.837). The AUROC values for the reference groups of any DSM-IV AUD and any binge drinker were.798 (SE =.028; 95% CIs =.742 to.853) and.827 (SE =.03; 95% CIs.768 –.886), respectively. A similar pattern of findings emerged between males and females. Gender differences emerged in the identification of AUDIT cut-off scores. A score of ≥ 8 and ≥ 9 had the best balance of sensitivity and specificity for females and males in college, respectively. Conclusion: Findings indicate that the AUDIT has a reasonable degree of diagnostic proficiency in screening for DSM-5 AUDs in college students.  相似文献   
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