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肿瘤疗效的评定,历来为医疗界和广大肿瘤患者所关注。经典的抗癌模式认为"治愈癌症必须把最后一个癌细胞杀死或清除",对此,人们采取了扩大的手术、强化化  相似文献   
产后尿潴留的主要原因有:①产程延长使胎头压迫膀胱三角区时间过长,引起膀胱黏膜充血、水肿所致;②产妇腹壁松弛,膀胱容量增加,而肌张力低,腹压下降,遁尿肌收缩乏力,加上会阴伤口疼痛,害怕排尿;③会阴及尿道口的创伤疼痛,反射性引起尿道括约肌痉挛。排尿抑制,④产后疲劳,不习惯床上排尿。我院自2004年11月~2006年1月对50例产后尿潴留应用开塞露诱导排尿,获得良好效果,现总结报告如下:  相似文献   
中西医结合是我院办院方向,同时也是我院办院特色。中西医结合事业的发展,需要中西医结合方面人才的共同努力,其中很重要的方面是对中西医结合人才的培养。一个好医生,一位名医的成长,在临床实习期间的培养是至关重要的。临床实习相当于孵化器作用,医生的很多品质都是在实习过程中培养出来的,如爱心、责任心、敬业精神、专业兴趣等。因此,作为临床带教老师,不仅要有精湛的技艺,更重要的是高尚的人品,同时,还要有明确的奋斗目标。我们深深体会到临床带教对一位好医生的成长所起的重要作用。下面就中西医结合外科临床教学的工作体会介绍如下。  相似文献   
本文以果子狸外周血淋巴细胞离体培养,制备染色体标本,分析染色体G带带型,结果显示每对染色体的G带带型特征及分布情况,可识别同源染色体对,达到准确地配对。  相似文献   
鸡尾酒是“活色生香的艺术”,想象力与情感张力,一如所有艺术创作的原动力。夏夜与三五知己相约,去品尝以各种各样的基酒做主角,勾兑上果汁等其他饮料的鸡尾酒。一丝狂野,一点儿飘飘然——让我们感受来自灵魂深处的自由与奔放。[编者按]  相似文献   
Objective Based on the Helical Ventricular Myocardial Band (HVMB) theory proposed by Torrent-Guasp,the ventricular myocardial hand extends from the root of the pulmonary artery to the root of the aorta with two helical coils.This new theory is considered as a revolutionary concept for further understanding the global, three-dimensional and functional architecture of the ven- tricular myocardium. No repot had described techniques for disecting HVMB while keepin~ the integrity of the coronmy artery sys- tern. We explored techniques for dissecting HVMB in swine.Methads 33 fresh swine hearts were randomly divided intoll groups, 3 bearts in each. 160% barium sulfate (type I)suspmmion was injected into the coronary artery system. The coronary arteries were li- gated. The strial tissue was removed following puuing the hearts in boiling water then cooling for several hours. The superficial coro- nary vessels and fat tissue around the atrio-ventricular taxi inter-ventricular sulcus we~'e preserved. Some branches of the left anterior descending artery, distal segment, of posterior descending branch, and middle and distal segment of obtuse marginal branches were mu- tilated appropriately. HVMB dissection was completed with fingers in accordnce with Torrent Guasp' s technique. Results A contin- ued bundle of muscle, originated at the root of pulmonary artery and ended at the root of aorta, was unwrapped along the major dire- tion of the cardiac muscle fiber in all of the 33 hearts with spating of the coronary artery. The swine hearts' ventricular myocandium was cumosed of two loops, with basal loop firm the root of the pulmonart artery to the anterior papillary muscle and apical from the beginning of the anterior papillary muscle to the root tithe aorta. Each loop consisted of two segments: the right segment-coincid- ing with the right ventricular free wall and the left segment-coinciding with the basal d the left ventricular free wall. Posterior papillary muscle, which belongs to the descendant segment, denmrcated the border between the descendent and the ascendant of the HVMB's apical loop. Conclusion Although controversies about the theory of the HVMB remain, we have dissected the HVMB in the swine hearts' ventricular myocardium successfully with sparing of the coronary artery systems. This dissection procedure provides technical information for the studies of associated diseases based on the theory of HVMB.  相似文献   
患者女,43岁。8年前,因左乳肿物曾行纤维腺瘤切除术,术后4年,因左乳瘢痕增大变硬行左侧乳房切除术,病理示黏液型低度恶性纤维组织细胞瘤,术后未行放射及化疗。检查:一般状况好,无手术禁忌证。患侧乳房缺损,无锁骨下凹陷,腋前襞丰满,胸大肌发育正常。对侧乳房基本正常,体积不大。入院诊断:手术后左侧乳房缺失。治疗过程:患者在全麻下行Super-charged TRAM皮瓣左侧乳房再造术。术中形成以右侧为肌蒂的TRAM皮瓣,同时尽可能长地留取右侧腹壁下动静脉系统备用,左侧腹壁下动静脉予以结扎。  相似文献   
例1男,14岁。因头痛、视物不清、行走不稳10d入院。患者8个月前因同样的症状被诊断为梗阻性脑积水,在当地医院行脑室-腹腔分流术,术后原症状消失,复查头颅CT示原扩大的脑室恢复正常。入院前10d原症状复发,头颅CT示梗阻性脑积水。检查原分流的分流泵,分流泵按下后复位困难。行右侧侧脑室前角脑室-腹腔分流术,第2天  相似文献   
颊脂肪垫瓣在修复口腔颌面部缺损中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨颊脂肪垫瓣在修复口腔颌面部缺损的应用和效果.方法将颊脂肪垫形成一蒂在后方的颊脂肪垫组织瓣转移至缺损区,在无张力下与创缘缝合,表面轻轻用碘仿纱布缝线包压法固定.用以修复口腔颌面部的良恶性肿瘤手术或损伤留下的缺损以及口腔上颌窦瘘共18例.其中修复腭部缺损2例,上颌骨切除后缺损7例,颊黏膜癌切除后缺损3例,颊部良性肿瘤切除后缺损4例,磨牙后区黏表癌切除后缺损1例,封闭拔牙后口腔上颌窦瘘1例.结果术后10 d去除碘仿纱布,见颊脂肪垫轻度水肿,2~4周后水肿明显消退,颊脂肪垫表面逐渐上皮化,6~8周内表面完全上皮化,3个月后再生黏膜与正常口腔黏膜相似.全部病例效果满意,无感染、坏死等并发症发生.结论带蒂颊脂肪垫瓣修复口腔颌面部缺损,方法简单、易行,效果满意,值得推广.  相似文献   
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