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Abstract: Fifty -two patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), 10 of whom were 65 years or older at the time of diagnosis, were investigated by laparo-scopy. Laparoscopic findings in these 10 patients were evaluated and compared with those in younger patients. The 10 cases were composed of nine females and one male, and two had been diagnosed as having symptomatic PBC with skin itching, while the remaining eight had asymptomatic PBC. Two, seven and one case were in Scheuer's stage I, II and III, respectively, and eight had chronic non-suppurative destructive cholangitis (CNSDC) on liver biopsy specimens. The majority of senescent PBC patients had typical findings of the early stage of PBC on the liver surface; mild undulations in nine and reddish patches in eight. The laparoscopic findings in senescent PBC were relatively mild.  相似文献   
The importance of oxygen in maintaining the functional integrity of hepatocytes has been well established in a variety of experimental models, such as in vivo , perfused liver and isolated hepatocytes. However, one of the shortcomings of these systems is their short life span. Therefore, we have examined the effects of long-term hypoxia on cellular adenine nucleotide content and cellular functions, such as albumin production, urea production and DNA synthesis, in adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture. Hepatocytes were cultured at a density of 11 × 104 and 5 × 104 cells/0.18 mL per cm2 for the study of albumin and urea production and DNA synthesis, respectively, at various oxygen tensions (20, 12, 8 and 5%) for 24 h. Cellular ATP content in cultured hepatocytes in hypoxia gradually declined, corresponding to the decrease in oxygen tension, and the cellular ATP level at 5% oxygen was approximately 20% of that at 20% oxygen. Albumin production also decreased in parallel with the decrease in cellular ATP content in cultured hepatocytes in hypoxia. However, even when cellular ATP content gradually declined corresponding with the decrease in oxygen tension in cultured hepatocytes in hypoxia, such as at 8 or 5% oxygen, urea production remained at a high level; in contrast, DNA synthesis was completely suppressed. These results suggest that the cellular ATP content decreases in cultured hepatocytes during long-term hypoxia in relation to oxygen tension and that the relationship between decreased ATP levels and liver function in cultured hepatocytes during hypoxia differs for albumin production, urea production and DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
本文就115例腹会阴直肠切除术,对会阴伤口的两种不同处理方法进行分析比较.在年龄、性别、病理分期及恶性程度无明显差异的情况下,会阴伤口一期缝合组的平均愈合时间为16.90±4.35天,伤口敞开组为37.04±15.44天,差异显著(P<0.002).术后局部复发率分别为3/69例和2/46例,均为4.35%(P>0.05).一期缝合组的平均住院费用约为敞开组的46.87%~76.52%.作者指出,鉴于直肠癌逆行向下的淋巴扩散极为罕见,仅发生于高恶性或伴广泛淋巴转移的病例,因而对癌肿远端需切除2cm~3cm正常肠管而同时切除肛直肠环、不得不作手术者,会阴部清除范围无需太大,会阴伤口可分层完全缝合;对位于肛管内或侵及肛直肠环的癌肿,须彻底清除坐骨直肠窝脂肪结缔组织.本文两组术后局部复发率无差异,进一步表明这一认识的正确性.本组结果充分表明了会阴伤口一期缝合法的合理性与可行性.  相似文献   
Forty-one cases of chondrosarcoma from varying sites throughout the body, and treated exclusively by one of the authors (R. L. H.) from 1972 to 1990 were reviewed. The symptoms, signs, location of tumours, treatment and progress are presented. Particular attention was paid to modular bone replacement techniques. Excision and reconstruction of the bone or joint were carried out in 17 femora, five tibia and six humeri. Comparison between this method of management and other techniques is discussed. Titanium and alumina prostheses for the hip, femur, tibia, shoulder and humerus have been designed by the senior author. These are both inert and modular, and have been found to be superior to other methods of treatment in both function and cosmesis. They do not possess the same potential donor infection risks and other disadvantages of allograft replacement. Immediate postoperative weight bearing and mobilization are possible with these systems. The Huckstep prostheses allow for bony in growth into their porous coated alumina sleeves, spacers and stems. In addition, the titanium alloy locking component for the femoral stems has an elasticity half that of other metal alloys and this was found to minimize stress shielding.  相似文献   
The potential for morbidity and mortality in patients who have PID with febrile and nonfebrile illness is extremely high. Familiarity with the clinical manifestations of PID and collaboration with a pediatric immunologist are prerequisites for optimal short-term care of these complex patients. Conservative management with empiric broad-spectrum antimicrobials, early and aggressive surgical debridement of abscesses, and admission at a tertiary pediatric care center are often indicated.  相似文献   
A neuropathological study on 1540 consecutive autopsy brains ranging from 60 to 107 years of age revealed the following points. (1) Of the of the demented cases of the plaque-predominant type, 93% were complicated with multiple tiny cortical infarcts. They showed a tendency for dementia to develop before or after the appearance or worsening of a systemic disorder such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory infection and cancer. However, there was no case showing Alzheimer-type dementia (ATD). (2) The plaque-predominant type might be an extreme condition of brain aging in terms of senile plaques (SP). It is likely that although the pathological appearance of SP alone is not responsible for dementia, its coexistence with multiple cortical infarcts could be the cause of dementia. Therefore, this type should be distinguished from ATD. (3) Primary hippocampal degeneration could also be an extreme condition of brain aging in terms of neurofibrillary tangles. This condition was different pathologically from the hippocampal lesion in ATD. (4) Several characteristics of old-old and oldest-old patients were clarified.  相似文献   
本文应用彩色多普勒血流显像技术对40例肺肿瘤患者进行研究。全部病例均经手术及病理证实。结果表明:肺恶性肿瘤的内部及周边血流丰富,搏动指数(PI)和阻力指数(RI)低于肺良性肿瘤。因此,通过观察肺肿瘤的血流丰富程度及PI(界值<1),RI(界值<0.5).可做为辨别肺恶性肿瘤的参考条件。  相似文献   
Peritoneal desmoplastic small round cell tumors with divergent differentiation are recently described highly aggressive neoplasms with characteristic clinical, morphologic, and immunohistochemical features. This review covers 38 cases that have been reported in the literature. The average age of patients is 18.4 years, and males are affected twice as frequently as females. Tumors generally present as multiple peritoneal nodules without obvious organ involvement. Histology shows islands of small cells set in dense desmoplastic stroma. Immunohistochemical stains are usually positive for cytokeratins, epithelial membrane antigen, desmin, and vimentin. Many cases also stain for neuron-specific enolase but rarely for other neuroepithelial markers. Ultrastructural appearances range from undifferentiated small cells to larger epithelial elements. Paranuclear aggregates of intermediate filaments are characteristic. Dense-core granules and other neuroendocrine features have been described in a minority of cases. Some tumors respond to chemotherapy, but most patients die within months to a few years. The histogenesis of these tumors is uncertain.  相似文献   
Summary A 1,1,2-triphenylbut-1-ene with a 4-OH group at one C-1 phenyl ring and a chlorocarbamate mustard moiety at the second C-1 ring (compound 3) was synthesized in order to obtain a cytotoxic estrogen with a specific antitumor effect on estrogen-receptor-containing tumors. This compound was tested in comparison to the carrier (compound 1) and a compound (2) having a carbamate mustard group on both C-1 phenyl rings. The estrogen receptor affinity of compound 3 was only about one-quarter lower than that of compound 1, but much higher than that of compound 2. Compounds 2 and 3 showed only partially irreversible binding to the receptor owing to their relatively low alkylating properties. The growth inhibition of the receptor-positive MCF-7 breast cancer cell line by compound 3, but not by compound 1 or 2, was more pronounced than the inhibition of the receptor-negative line MDA. In vivo the hormone-dependent, transplantable mammary tumor MXT M3.2 of the mouse was much better inhibited by compound 3 than its hormone-resistent line MXT OVEX. Compounds 1–3 had no antiestrogenic properties in the mouse, but estrogenic activity was in the order 1>3>2. From these results and because the antitumor activity of compound 3 was superior to that of compounds 1 and 2 in the hormone-dependent tumor models, a selective, receptor-mediated cytotoxic effect of compound 3 on estrogen-receptor-positive tumors in obvious.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 234 and the Matthias Lackas StiftungDedicated to Prof. Dr. M. F. El Etreby on the occasion of his 50th birthday  相似文献   
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