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目的:评价手感法、X线法和电测法联合应用测量根管工作长度的准确性.方法:选择离体牙123颗,216个根管按照牙根有无明显吸收分成两组,用三种方法分别测量两组的根管工作长度,将三种方法测量的结果平均得出三种方法联合应用的根管工作长度和准确率,并与电测法的准确率进行比较.结果:三联法在正常离体牙组的准确率(93.6%)略高于电测法(90.3%和89.5%).但无显著性差异(P>0.05),而在牙根吸收组三联法的准确率(90.2%)则明显高于电测法(78.3%和73.9%).有显著性差差异(P<0.05).根管预备前后电测法的准确率在两组中皆无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论:手感法、X线法和电测法联合应用能提高牙根有明显吸收的牙齿根管长度测量的准确性.  相似文献   
目的 观察并比较新型三重抗生素(奥硝唑、环丙沙星和米诺环素)糊剂单独及与氢氧化钙糊剂联合应用对再治疗根管内粪肠球菌的杀灭效果及近期临床疗效。方法 收集根管治疗失败病例需根管再治疗的单根管患牙149颗。随机分为5组,分别为氢氧化钙糊剂组(CH组)、传统三重抗生素(甲硝唑、环丙沙星和米诺环素)糊剂组(TAP组)、新型三重抗生素糊剂组(NTAP组)、氢氧化钙+新型三重抗生素糊剂组(CH+NTAP组)、樟脑酚组(CP组)。取出根管内充填物后,分别于根管预备前、根管预备后及根管封药7 d后检测根管内粪肠球菌数量,并于封药7 d后进行近期临床疗效评定。结果 各组根管预备后及根管封药7 d后根管内粪肠球菌数量均较根管预备前下降(P均<0.05),根管封药7 d后根管内粪肠球菌数量均较根管预备后下降(P均<0.05)。根管封药7 d后CH组、TAP组、NTAP组、CH+NTAP组根管内粪肠球菌数量均低于CP组(P均<0.05),NTAP组和CH+NTAP组均分别低于CH组和TAP组(P均<0.05),TAP组低于CH组(P<0.05)。根管封药7 d后CH组、TAP组、NTAP组、CH+NTAP组的临床疗效均优于CP组(P均<0.05),TAP组、NTAP组及CH+NTAP组的疗效均优于CH组(P均<0.05),但TAP组、NTAP组及CH+NTAP组3组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 氢氧化钙糊剂、三重抗生素糊剂、氢氧化钙联合三重抗生素糊剂作为根管消毒药物,均对再治疗根管内粪肠球菌有较好的抗菌效果和近期临床疗效,特别是新型三重抗生素糊剂,值得临床上推广应用。  相似文献   
目的: 比较4种不同技术对弯曲根管根尖区气锁的去除效果。方法: 40个45°弯曲模拟树脂根管经WaveOne Primary预备后,软蜡封闭根尖孔,所有样本随机分为4组(n=10)。通过30 G侧方开口冲洗针头将显影液注射入根管内,锥形束CT(cone-beam computer tomography,CBCT)扫描,计算根管内气锁体积,随后分别使用光诱导光声流(photon induced photoacoustic streaming, PIPS)激光荡洗法、牙胶尖法、超声荡洗法和声波荡洗法去除根管内气锁。CBCT扫描计算剩余气锁体积。结合根管内气锁体积和剩余气锁体积,计算气锁去除百分比,进一步计算初始和剩余气锁长度。结果:各组初始气锁体积差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。PIPS激光荡洗组的剩余气锁体积为0 mm3,牙胶尖组为(0.02±0.07) mm3,两组均显著小于超声组[(0.20±0.09) mm3)]和声波组[(0.23±0.06) mm3, P<0.001]。计算气锁去除百分比显示,PIPS激光荡洗组和牙胶尖组分别为100.00% (100.00%,100.00%)和100.00% (77.66%,100.00%), 亦显著高于超声荡洗组[70.37% (56.41%,91.43%)]和声波荡洗组[63.54% (51.47%, 74.00%),P<0.001]。剩余气锁长度方面,PIPS激光荡洗组是0 mm,牙胶尖组是(0.15±0.47) mm,两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但均显著小于超声组[(2.21±0.09) mm]和声波组[(2.34±0.08) mm,P<0.001],超声组和声波组的剩余气锁长度约为荡洗锉尖到根尖孔的距离。结论:PIPS激光荡洗法和牙胶尖法能够有效去除弯曲根管根尖区气锁。  相似文献   
目的探索B 超定位引导骶裂孔穿刺法和传统体表定位法穿刺骶管麻醉的成功率与并发症。方法选取该院肛肠科和泌尿外科97 例会阴部手术患者,随机分为两组,观察组(B超定位)51 例,对照组(传统方法)46例。观察组采取线性高频B超探头纵横十字交叉法定位。探及骶裂孔后,将纵置的探头下部置于骶裂孔上方,采用声场内平面技术,将注射针头经超声探头下缘,与皮肤呈45°角缓慢进针。根据超声实时显像图像,引导和调整穿刺方向及深度,直至针尖完全位于骶管腔中。对照组采取传统体表定位法穿刺。结果观察组一次穿刺成功率、血管损伤率、穿刺次数及穿刺时间与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(p <0.05)。观察组1 例穿刺失败,是因为初次实施B超定位穿刺时,未注意避开静脉丛,导致血管损伤。结论B 超引导下骶管麻醉,不但大大提高穿刺成功率,而且节约操作时间,减少穿刺次数,减少血管损伤并发症,有很好的临床推广应用价值。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: The change in obstetrical practices over the last decade in favor of trials of labor in patients with uterine scars has resulted in increased incidences of uterine ruptures. Although neither repeat cesarean delivery nor a trial of labor is risk free, evidence from a large multicenter study shows vaginal birth after the cesarean (VBAC) is associated with shorter hospital stays, fewer postpartum blood transfusions, and a decreased incidence of postpartum maternal fever. The uterine rupture remains the most serious complication associated with VBAC. Factors associated with uterine rupture include excessive exposure to oxytocin, dysfunctional labor, and a history of more than 1 cesarean delivery.2 Because uterine rupture may be a life-threatening event, intrapartum surveillance and the ability to perform an emergency surgery are both necessary when trial of labor is allowed. Until now, no early symptoms pathognomonic to uterine rupture had been described. We share our experiences with the novel approach to the problem - an intrapartum endoscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Endoscopic examination was accomplished by using the intraoperational fiberscope (Olympus and Endoview system (Costa Mesa, CA, USA). A gas-sterilized 25-cm long fiberscope is introduced into the amniotic cavity through the cervical canal after rupture of the membranes. The distance between the fiberscope and the object varies from 3 to 50 mm. The fiberscope has a separate channel for the fluid infusion (normal saline) throughout the procedure; the surgeon looks through the eyepiece directly and exhibits control over the flexible scope. The duration of endoscopy is less than 15 minutes. The inserting of the endoscopic device is very similar to that of insertion of an intrauterine pressure catheter. The IRB Committees of both participating institutions approved the study protocol. Twenty-eight patients with an unknown or poorly documented site of the uterine scar were included in the study. An ultrasound examination had been performed on all patients prior to endoscopy to assess fetal wellbeing and placental location. The ages of the patients ranged from 21 to 38 years. Eighteen women had 1 previous cesarean delivery, and 10 had 2. The performance of intrapartum endoscopy did not interfere with fetal monitoring; 21 fetuses were monitored externally, 7 internally. Indications for previous cesarean deliveries were as follows: fetal distress in 11 cases, failure to progress in labor in 8, placenta previa in 2, and unknown in 7. Twenty-one patients delivered vaginally; 7 had had repeat cesarean deliveries. All neonates were born in satisfactory condition. The Apgar scores at 1 minute varied from 7 to 9 and at 5 minutes from 8 to 10. The integrity of the uterine wall was assessed by manual postpartum uterine exploration in each case of vaginal delivery and by visualization and palpation of the scar site in each abdominal delivery. RESULTS: The lower uterine segment and contractile portion of the anterior uterine wall were visualized successfully in all patients. In 25 patients, the presumed scar site looked totally indistinguishable from the rest of the lower uterine segment and anterior uterine wall. Two scars were identified as vertical in 2 patients who were delivered by a repeat abdominal operation. A vertical scar appears as a groove running in a cephalad-caudad direction from the lower uterine segment into the contractile portion of the anterior uterine wall. The usefulness of the intrapartum endoscopy is best demonstrated by the following case reports (2 of 28 study cases).  相似文献   
AF系统治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折伴椎管狭窄   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:运用AF系统治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折伴椎管狭窄,并观察分析临床效果。方法:采用AF系统治疗26例胸腰椎爆裂性骨折伴椎管狭窄,随访总结手术疗效。结果:随访6-35个月,平均13个月,疗效满意,优良率84.6%。结论:AF系统是治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折伴椎管狭窄较好的方法,具有操作简单,复位良好,固定安全可靠,椎体前缘高度恢复理想,Cobb's角矫形充分的优点,是值得推广运用的一种治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折伴椎管狭窄的方法。  相似文献   
单纯性腰椎管狭窄症手术方法比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
目的 比较单纯性腰椎管狭窄症的手术方法,并介绍棘突截骨椎管成形术的临床应用。方法 对48例单纯性腰椎管狭窄症患者分组进行椎板切除术,椎板开窗术和棘突截骨椎管成形术,术后进行Oswestry疗效评分和影像学观察。结果 术后1年疗效优良率椎板切除组为81.9%,椎板开窗组为79.7%,椎管成形组为82.1%,疗效优良率各组无显著差别,术后4年疗效优良率椎板切除组为74.3%,椎板开窗组为78.2%。椎管成形组为80.4%。术后4年椎板切除组疗效下降显著,椎板开窗组和椎管成形组疗效下降不显著,术后1年所有患者X线检查未显示腰椎不稳定,术后4年X线显示有5名患者腰椎不稳定或退行性滑脱,其中椎板切除组3例,椎板开窗组和椎管成形组各1例。结论 椎板切除术,椎板开窗术,椎管成形术治疗单纯性腰椎管狭窄,3组术后近期疗效均满意,术后中期评估表明椎管成形术和椎板开窗术优于椎板切除术,后者腰椎不稳定和交界处再狭窄发生率较高。  相似文献   
目的:探讨Protaper镍钛器械根管预备不可复性牙髓炎后残髓与IAE的关系。方法:按Crown-down预备技术进行根管预备,约诊时记录初次预备后是否疼痛和发生时间、程度并做再次清理预备,仔细观察是否存在残髓和预备过程疼痛与否,必要时行多次清理和预备。结果:第1次预备后疼痛者往往在第2次预备时发现残髓。结论:残髓的存在是导致根管治疗期间疼痛应足够重视的原因之一,约诊期间最好行二次或以上次数的根管清理和预备。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (PDT), standard endodontic treatment and the combined treatment to eliminate bacterial biofilms present in infected root canals. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten single-rooted freshly extracted human teeth were inoculated with stable bioluminescent Gram-negative bacteria, Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to form 3-day biofilms in prepared root canals. Bioluminescence imaging was used to serially quantify bacterial burdens. PDT employed a conjugate between polyethylenimine and chlorin(e6) as the photosensitizer (PS) and 660-nm diode laser light delivered into the root canal via a 200-micro fiber, and this was compared and combined with standard endodontic treatment using mechanical debridement and antiseptic irrigation. RESULTS: Endodontic therapy alone reduced bacterial bioluminescence by 90% while PDT alone reduced bioluminescence by 95%. The combination reduced bioluminescence by >98%, and importantly the bacterial regrowth observed 24 hours after treatment was much less for the combination (P<0.0005) than for either single treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Bioluminescence imaging is an efficient way to monitor endodontic therapy. Antimicrobial PDT may have a role to play in optimized endodontic therapy.  相似文献   
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