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目的:了解医科大学生心理特性之间相互关系,为心理素质培养提供理论依据。方法:选用支配性量表、社会责任感量表、人际沟通调查表、成就动机量表、行为类型问卷、16PF及SCL-90等心理量表测查医科大学生,对各量表得分进行相关分析。结果:人际沟通、社会责任感与支配性三者相互之间成正相关;A型行为与追求成功的动机正相关,与社会责任感、支配性负相关;负性情绪与人际沟通、社会责任感、支配性负相关,与16PF的M因素、Q3因素正相关。结论:社会责任感和支配性有利于人际交往;A型行为者可能有缺乏社会责任感倾向;加强责任感、正义感、自信心,善于与人沟通有利于改善情绪状态;过于放纵自己或对自己过于苛刻都可能容易出现负性情绪。  相似文献   
目的:在教学系统中,试卷质量是一个重要的指标因素,本文旨在探讨评估试卷质量的客观方法。方法:利用灰色关联分析模型。结果:对教研室几年来的试卷质量进行了分析,得到各年度试卷从优到劣的排列顺序是1998(r(5)=0.83),1997(r(4)=0.67),1996(r(3)=0.55),1995(r(2)=0.51),1994(r(1)=0.48)。结论:灰色关联分析是一处理多因素问题的好方法。  相似文献   
The effects of a polymer, the Li-salt copolymer of methyl-methacrylic acid, and its methyl ester on the motion of drug molecules in hydrocolloids were studied. The investigation was carried out by means of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) using the model nitroxide tempol, and the spin-labeled drugs lidocaine (si-lid) and dexamethasone (sl-dex). Synthesis of sl-dex was performed. Spin-labeled molecules dissolved in hydrocolloids undergo a fast reorientation motion. The decreasing order of rotational correlation times () —sl-dex > si-lid > tempol—suggests that the size and the shape of the molecules strongly affect their motion. The inhibition of motion of larger molecules depends also on their flexibility. The values indicate proportionality of the microviscosity of hydrocolloids to the polymer concentration. Rotational motion is dependent on the local environment conditioned by the free spaces between polymer molecules.  相似文献   
The location of amino acids in soluble or membrane proteins is related to the hydrophobicity of the side chains. Amino acid hydrophobicity values are based upon the thermodynamics of transfer from an aqueous to a nonaqueous environment. However, for certain hydrophilic residues uncertainty exists on the appropriate hydrophobicity values. We have measured the octanol- water partition coefficients (P o/w) of tripeptides of the sequence N-14-C-acetyl-Ala-JT-Ala-NH-tButyl (AcAlaXAlaNHtButyl), where the central residue X was either Gly , Ala, Phe, Trp, Pro, His, Asp, or Glu. The P o/w for the tripeptides agreed reasonably well with values calculated by the fragment method of D. J. Abraham and A. J. Leo (Proteins Struct. Func. Gen. 2, 130–152, 1987). The log P o/w of the uncharged form was 1.6,2.7, and 2.5 greater than the log P o/w of the ionized form for the His, Asp, and Glu peptide, respectively. The new data on the pH dependence of the ionizable side chains, His, Asp, and Glu, should result in better prediction of the partition coefficient of peptides as a function of pH. The thermodynamic parameters were determined from the temperature dependence of partitioning. In the temperature range studied (2 to 65°C) the transfer of tripeptides from water to octanol was entropy governed except for the ionized peptides. A heat capacity term was necessary to account for the transfer of tripeptides containing non polar residues. The heat capacity change for transfer from water into octanol was –45, –73, –81, and –88 cal/mol K for Ala, Phe, Trp, and Pro peptides, respectively. Peptides containing Gly, His (pH 7.2), and the uncharged forms of Asp, Glu, and His did not show a significant change in heat capacity. The side-chain contribution of the central residue X (G X) to the free energy of transfer was obtained from the difference between the free energy o f transfer of the peptide containing the central residue X and the Gly peptide; G X = G (AcAlaGlyAlaNHtButyl) - G (AcAlaGlyAlaNHtButyl). The relative order of hydrophobicity of the side chains correlated well with previous studies. However, a significant difference was found for the absolute hydrophobicity between the present study and experimental data on N-acetyl amino acid amide derivatives (J. Fauchere and V. Pliska, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 18(4), 369–375, 1983). The G X values at pH 7.2 were 0, –0.13, –2.19, –2.52,–0.29, –0.16, 3.50, and 3.12 kcal/mol for Gly, Ala, Phe, Trp, Pro, His, Asp, and Glu, respectively. These hydrophobicity values in a tripeptide environment provide suggested values for a hydrophobicity scale.  相似文献   
运用现代微观检测方法明确310例自然流产患者的病因,结果显示与免疫因素有关的病例有172例(55.48%),其中免疫功能低下者92例(29.68%)、自身免疫异常者42例(13.55%)、同种免疫异常者38例(12.26%);其次为与内分泌因素有关的病例有87例(28.06%)。按中医辨证分型,肾气亏虚型161例(51.93%),气血亏虚型62例(20.00%),实证或虚实夹杂证87例(28.07%)。提示:从自然流产的西医病因分类与中医辨证的相关性上可探索中西医结合的诊治规律。  相似文献   
以参数相关理论为指导,优化南昌链霉菌生物合成梅岭霉素种子制备工艺。结果表明,培养20~35h后,pH7.30~7.50,总糖<0.35%,pmv>10%,溶磷<100μg/ml,菌丝分化启动有利于提高梅岭霉素的发酵效价。  相似文献   
 目的 对红霉素缓释微囊的体内外相关性进行了研究,并对模型在预测体内数据方面的性能进行了考察。方法 应用美国缓、控释制剂专业委员会推荐的水平A、水平B两种体内外相关的模型。收集红霉素缓释微囊12 h的体外溶出数据。同时以家兔为实验动物,灌服微囊后收集血药浓度。应用水平A相关性模型,采用反卷积方法获得体内吸收百分数,并与体外溶出百分数进行比较。同时进一步运用基本的和扩展的卷积-反卷积方法对微囊的体内外相关性进行研究。对水平B相关性模型在药物相关性研究上的应用也进行了考察。结果 水平A模型和水平B模型都得到比较好的结果。结论 两种模型都能刻画体内外的相关性,水平A相关性模型可以得到较水平B相关性模型更多的关于药物体内外相关性的信息。  相似文献   
目的了解大学生社交焦虑和班集体人际关系现状,为高校心理健康保健提供确实的依据。方法对重庆市3所大学共5个班进行交往焦虑量表和大学班级集体人际关系问卷调查。结果农村大学生的社交焦虑高于城镇大学生;男生的负向人缘系数高于女生;非独生子女大学生的负向人缘系数高于独生子女大学生;大学生社交焦虑与负向人缘系数呈显著负相关,大学生的自我认知和自我体验与实际的人际关系并不完全一致。结论大学生社交焦虑与负向人缘系数呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
《伤寒论》以六经为纲,以证候为目,不仅叙述了外感伤寒热病的六经传变发病过程,也充分揭示了机体多系统疾病的发生、发展与结局的内在机制。认为伤寒热病的急性发病规律与六经中不同的传变机制,和现代医学多脏器功能障碍综合征(MODS)相似。其中的急下证、蓄血证、蓄血发黄证等,均与MODS不同的器官损伤密切相关。深入研究《伤寒论》辨治规律与MODS的相关性,对于拓宽MODS的临床治疗途径,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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