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急诊左半结肠一期切除吻合术25例治疗体会   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨急诊左半结肠切除一期肠吻合的可行性。方法腹腔探查完后,用布带结扎横结肠,游离肠系膜后,于预切除肠段的上端切开作肠外减压,挤压排空粪便,切除病变肠管,端端吻合,术后作肛管扩张,停留肛管引流,胃肠减压。结果全部病人预期痊愈出院,无发生吻合口漏和腹腔污染。结论该法有利于吻合口的愈合,增加左半结肠一期切除吻合的安全性,减少第2次手术痛苦,可推荐为左半结肠急诊切除一期吻合的良好方法。  相似文献   
Summary Obturator hernias comprise a rare group of abdominal hernias. They are often diagnosed when the small bowel has become obstructed and the patients are operated on without the causes of the obstruction being known. Although many techniques for closure of the defect are available, there is no agreement at the present time as to which is the procedure of choice.  相似文献   
Cast syndrome     
The term cast syndrome is used to denote duodenal obstruction occurring after application of a corrective plaster cast to patients with scoliosis. We report a classical case in a 14-year-old female who required surgical intervention after conservative treatment failed. Six months later the patient had no further gastrointestinal symptoms. Clinical, radiological, and pathological details as well as the surgical treatment are described and discussed. Offprint requests to: M. E. Martín Hortigüela  相似文献   
The posterior urethral valve uropathy: Results of treatment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nineteen children treated for posterior urethral obstruction due to congenital valve in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria, over a 9-year period have been analysed. Their ages ranged from birth to 12 years. Results show that associated kidney pathology may be irreversible even after successful excision of the valve. This determines the final prognosis, which is worse the younger the child at presentation.  相似文献   
When nasotracheal intubation with a fiberoptic bronchoscope is performed, the tube may be blocked in the nasal cavity or larynx, resulting in several complications including epistaxis and hoarseness. We review the causes and complications of tube blockage and discuss optimal techniques for minimizing it.  相似文献   
Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) is a major problem in completely duplicated ureters. So far, the treatment of choice has been the reimplantation of the two ureters in their common sheath, the ureterocystoneostomy en bloc according to Politano-Leadbetter's or Cohen's procedure. In recent years, some pediatric surgeons and urologists have questioned the efficacy of this method. We therefore analyzed 62 children with 69 duplicated ureters treated en bloc by Politano-Leadbetter's procedure during the 20-year period 1971 – 1990. Postoperative follow-up was up to 16 years. We noted only 1 recurrence of reflux as well as 2 stenoses. Long-term results as far as function was concerned were also favorable in 40 duplicated renal units. Thus, ureteral reimplantation en bloc remains a simple and safe procedure for treating VUR in completely duplicated ureters.  相似文献   
目的观察胰高血糖素对胆道梗阻大鼠肝脏葡萄糖和酮体合成作用的影响。方法大鼠胆道结扎48小时后,用胶原酶灌流后分离肝细胞,加入胰高血糖素温育,用分光光度计按标准酶学方法检测葡萄糖、乙酰乙酸和三羟基丁酸。结果在基础或最大刺激条件下,加胰高血糖素结扎组、假手术组葡萄糖异生均明显大于未加胰高血糖素组(P<0.05),加胰高血糖素对结扎组和假手术组的酮体异生无促进作用。结论胰高血糖素对胆道梗阻48小时大鼠肝细胞的糖异生存在有意义的刺激作用,对酮体异生则无刺激作用  相似文献   
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