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Purpose: Assessment of a second surgical conservative treatment (T) [N = 41] compared to total mastectomy (M) [N = 93] for ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence after initial breast conserving surgery in a retrospective study of 134 patients. Results: Five years global survival was 82.5% in each group. No statistical difference for the specific survival and survival without metastasis. The 5 years local control was 92.9% in group M and 66.2% in group T (RR = 4.48). Lymphovascular invasion (LVI), multifocal tumors, and clinical symptoms of the recurrence are pejorative factors for survival. Over the 134 patients, 25 have preserved their breast. Conclusion: In order to lower the risk of recurrence after a second breast conserving surgery, one may propose this second conserving surgery for an isolated recurrence, < 2 cm, low grade, without LVI and strictly unifocal. Surgery must ensure clear margins and a good cosmetic result. The patient is involved in the choice of the treatment.

Objectif: Évaluation d’un deuxième traitement conservateur (T) [n = 41] par rapport à une mastectomie totale (M) [n = 93]. Étude rétrospective unicentrique de 134 patientes ayant présenté une récidive mammaire homolatérale isolée et opérable. Résultats: La survie globale à cinq ans est de 82,5 % dans les deux groupes. Pas de différence significative pour la survie spécifique et la survie sans métastase dans les deux groupes. Le contrôle local à cinq ans est de 92,9 % dans le groupe M et de 66,2 % dans le groupe T (RR de nouvelle récidive de 4,48). La présence d’emboles, le caractère multifocal et la révélation clinique de la récidive sont des facteurs pronostiques péjoratifs de survie. Sur l’ensemble de la série (n = 134), 25 (18,6 %) ont conservé leur sein. Conclusion: Pour minimiser le risque de récidive après un second traitement conservateur, on peut envisager cette chirurgie si la récidive est isolée, de petite taille, de bas grade, sans embole, et strictement unifocale. L’acte chirurgical doit assurer des marges saines et un résultat esthétique satisfaisant. La patiente participe au choix du traitement.  相似文献   
Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma are tumors leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Over the last 20 years, several major advances allowed a better characterization of these tumors, either from an imaging or from a genetic viewpoint. This is especially the case for the hereditary characteristics of these tumors, as roughly 20 new genes have been identified. This is why the initial steps of the management of a pheochromocytoma and/or a paraganglioma now require a dedicated tertiary referral center. The aim of this review is to depict the diagnostic steps of these tumors, so as to allow the clinician to determine the optimal therapeutic strategy.

Les phéochromocytomes et les paragangliomes sont des tumeurs rares responsables d’une surmorbidité et d’une surmortalité. Au cours de ces 20 dernières années, de nombreuses avancées ont permis de mieux les caractériser sur le plan phénotypique (via l’imagerie métabolique) et génotypique (avec la mise en évidence de nombreux gènes de pré- disposition). La prise en charge d’un phéochromocytome ou d’un paragangliome nécessite désormais le recours à un centre expert dès la phase diagnostique. L’objectif de cette revue est de souligner les principales caractéristiques de ces tumeurs, et ce, afin de sensibiliser le clinicien aux différentes étapes permettant d’aboutir à une prise en charge optimale.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND Adult-onset Ménétrier’s disease is strongly associated with Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)infection and an elevated risk of carcinogenesis.Cases of early-stage gastric cancer developed in H.pylori-negative Ménétrier’s disease are extremely rare.We report a case of early gastric cancer in H.pylori-negative Ménétrier’s disease that was curatively resected with endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD).CASE SUMMARY A 60-year-old woman was referred to our hospital after her medical examination detected anemia.Contrast-enhanced upper gastrointestinal(UGI)radiography revealed translucency of the nodule-aggregating surface with giant rugae.Blood tests showed hypoproteinemia and were negative for serum H.pylori immunoglobulin G antibodies.The 99mTc-DTPA-human serum albumin scintigraphy showed protein loss from the stomach.UGI endoscopy showed a 40-mm protruding erythematous lesion on giant rugae of the greater curvature of lower gastric body,suggesting early-stage gastric cancer due to Ménétrier’s disease.En bloc resection with ESD was performed for diagnosis and treatment.Histology of ESD showed well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.The cancer was confined to the mucosa,and complete curative resection was achieved.Foveolar hyperplasia and atrophy of the gastric glands were observed in non-tumor areas,histologically corresponding to Ménétrier’s disease.Three years after ESD,gastric cancer had not recurred,and Ménétrier’s disease remained in remission with spontaneous regression of giant gastric rugae.CONCLUSION Complete curative resection was achieved through ESD in a patient with earlystage gastric cancer and H.pylori-negative Ménétrier’s disease.  相似文献   
结核病是由结核分枝杆菌引发的一种传染病。1882年,结核分枝杆菌(mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mtb)由Robert Koch发现,至今仍是致人类死亡主要病原体之一。更可怕是,多重耐药(MDR)和广泛耐药(XDR) Mtb患病率的明显增加。上世纪90年代,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization, WHO)宣布结核病处于全球性紧急状态。结核病的最佳预防措施是接种疫苗,但是卡介苗(bacille Calmette-Guérin,BCG)对成人的保护效力不完全。随着Mtb基因序列的检测成功,疫苗的研究取得了重大的进展,已经有十几种候选疫苗准备或已进人体临床试验阶段。当前热门的候选疫苗包括重组BCG疫苗、减毒Mtb活疫苗和亚单位疫苗等。本文将从这些方面进行综述。  相似文献   
目的归纳、分析S啨zary综合征的临床表现特征,提高对该病的诊疗水平。方法报告1例S啨zary综合征患者,并复习相关文献。结果患者男59岁,以全身皮肤潮红伴瘙痒为主要特征,外周血淋巴细胞达171.9×109/L,骨髓中异常淋巴细胞达33.5%,经大剂量糖皮质激素等治疗后缓解。1994年至今国内共报道11例S啨zary综合征患者,男性10例占90.9%,平均年龄56.9±19.1岁,以红皮病、剧痒为显著皮肤表现。结论S啨zary综合征是一种较罕见的T细胞淋巴瘤,多见于老年男性,早期皮肤损害显著但不典型,易被误诊为神经性皮炎、湿疹等。  相似文献   
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and approximately 80% of patients will receive hormone therapy. If survival rate after breast cancer patients is the most important, their treatment, induces strong side effects on quality of life, including joint pain which is encountered by one woman in two. These joint pains are likely to reduce compliance with the treatment and consequently impact survival. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the potential benefit of adapted physical activity to relieve pain and its impact on daily functions. The APAISE protocol, described in this article, is a prospective observational study carried out in women operated on for breast cancer and suffering from pain induced by hormone therapy (approximately 50 women followed up in 2 living areas). The main objective is to evaluate the evolution of pain in the context of an adapted physical activity supervised by a sports educator over a period of 3 months. In addition to pain and its interference, the other parameters studied are quality of life, therapeutic compliance and the level of physical activity. All these indicators will be measured at inclusion, at 3 months and at 6 months. In addition to an expected benefit on the well-being of patients, the results should shed light on the links between physical exercise and pain and in the long term reinforce recommendations in terms of physical activity in breast cancer patients.

Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme, l’un de ceux qui présente le meilleur taux de survie, et pour lequel environ 80% des patientes recevront une hormonothérapie. Si les patientes présentent un pronostic de survie favorable, leur traitement hormonal induit des effets indésirables impactant sur la qualité de vie, parmi lesquels les douleurs articulaires rencontrées chez une femme sur deux. Ces douleurs articulaires sont susceptibles de diminuer l’observance au traitement et par conséquent d’impacter la survie. Dans ce contexte, ce travail vise à évaluer le bénéfice que pourrait présenter l’activité physique adaptée pour soulager ces douleurs et leur retentissement. Le protocole APAISE, décrit dans cet article, est une étude observationnelle prospective menée chez des femmes opérées d’un cancer du sein présentant des douleurs induites par hormonothérapie (environ 50 patientes suivies dans 2 bassins de vie). L’objectif principal est d’évaluer l’évolution des douleurs dans le cadre d’une activité physique adaptée encadrée par un éducateur sportif sur une durée de 3 mois. Outre la douleur et son retentissement, les autres paramètres étudiés sont la qualité de vie, l’observance thérapeutique et le niveau d’activité physique. Tous ces indicateurs seront mesurés, à l’inclusion, à 3 mois et à 6 mois. Outre un bénéfice attendu sur le bien-être des patientes, l’étude vise à éclairer les liens entre l’exercice physique et la douleur et à long terme de renforcer les recommandations et préconisations en matière d’activité physique chez les femmes traitées pour un cancer du sein.  相似文献   
A maxillo-facial surgeon manages patients with bone defects due to trauma, malformations or of iatrogenic origin. The surgical management has potentially deleterious effects and its cost for society is increasing. Hence, it is crucial to develop techniques stimulating bone growth, stimulating the regeneration of a fracture or filling bone deficit. Ultrasounds (US), vibrations of the same nature as sound but with frequencies above the highest audible frequency for men (above 20 kHz), are used in many fields, particularly in medicine, usually at frequencies of around 0.5 to 5 MHz (million cycles per second). Their biological effects are not fully understood yet, but it is well known that US have effects on organic tissues when their mechanical energy is converted into thermic energy. These effects induce vasodilation and modification of membrane permeability. Several publications present the benefit of US for the stimulation of bone regeneration after a fracture. We present an overview of current knowledge on the effect of pulsed ultrasound on craniofacial bone regeneration, with study results conducted within Inserm unit U1032 in Lyon, the current reference lab on this issue.  相似文献   
The currently available options for tooth-loss are prostheses, implants, or surgery (auto-transplantation). They all have their limitations. The emergence of tissue engineering, 15 years ago, was made possible by a better knowledge of the various stages of dental development, and the mastery of stem cell differentiation. It opened a new alternative approach for tooth regeneration. Even if animal experiments have demonstrated that it was possible to obtain a biological tooth from stem cells, two major issues remain to be discussed. Is it possible to use induced pluripotent stem cells instead of embryonic stem cells, which raise an ethical problem? Is it possible to reproduce a dental crown with an adapted shape and colour? Or should we consider the simpler creation of a biological root secondarily covered by a ceramic prosthesis? Our study mentions the main landmarks and the key cells involved in the embryological development of the tooth, establishes a mapping and a list of the various types of stem cells. It details the various methods used to create a biological implant.  相似文献   
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