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The function of ANP in the cardiovascular regulation is very similar with the TCM theory of "the Heart governs blood circulation". Using the method of cardiac impedance to check cardiac output and the method of radioimmunoassay (RIA) to check plasma ANP, the result showed that in the status of Blood Deficiency Syndrome, cardiac function was impaired, there were reduced kinemia and stroke volume, as well as markedly raised plasma ANP and peripheral resistance. The above-mentioned indexes were significantly different from those of normal group (P < 0.01). Using multivariate regression analysis, cardiac output was negatively correlated with the plasma ANP (P < 0.05). 23 cases with Blood Deficiency Syndrome showed normal hemoglobin, but an evidently changed cardiac output and plasma ANP were closely related with the level of the Blood Deficiency. Both parameters might serve as the objective basis to reflect the level of Blood Deficiency to facilitate the clinical diagnosis of the patient.  相似文献   
Summary This study was designed to compare the degree of reactive astrogliosis occurring around a puncture wound in the brain of normal rats and at different intervals after a similar puncture wound in rats with a portocaval anastomosis. The gliosis was evaluated by the number of astrocytes, the thickness of their processes and the intensity of the glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity. After the puncture wound in the brain of rats with a portocaval anastomosis, the gliosis varied at different intervals being: (1) decreased at 10 days, (2) markedly increased at 5 weeks and (3) significantly decreased at 8, 12, and 16 weeks. These findings suggest that 5 weeks after portocaval anastomosis, an active proliferation of the metabolically altered astrocytes occurs with heightened synthesis of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the period of adaptive compensation, the so-called compensatory rebound. At 8 weeks or more after portocaval anastomosis, these altered astrocytes were considered to be in the phase of decompensation and incapable of maintaining the reactive response which occurred in normal rats. The compensatory rebound and decompensatory decline illustrate the dynamic plasticity of the reactive astrogliosis.Supported by grant from the National Foundation of Natural Sciences No. 386-0956. This paper was read at the XIth International Congress of Neuropathology, September 7, 1990 in Kyoto, Japan  相似文献   
朱平凤 《中南药学》2003,1(3):151-152
目的 分离和测定非那甾胺中5β-异构体杂质。方法 高效液相色谱法,色谱柱为DiamonsilTMC18柱(4.6 mm×200 mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈-四氢呋喃-水(3:1:8),流速为1.5 mL·min-1,检测波长为210nm,柱温25℃。结果 非那甾胺与5β-异构体能有效分离,两者最低检测浓度均为0.05μg·mL-1。结论 本法操作简便,重现性好,可有效控制非那甾胺的质量。  相似文献   
HPLC法测定阿奇霉素的血药浓度   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
目的 :建立阿奇霉素血药浓度的测定方法。方法 :采用HPLC紫外检测法 ,岛津CLC CN分析柱 ,流动相为 0 1mol·L-1磷酸二氢钠 甲醇 乙腈 ( 85∶7∶8,,V/V/V) ,pH 3 0~ 3 5 ,流速 1mL·min-1,柱温 4 0℃ ,检测波长 2 10nm ,灵敏度 0 0 0 3AUFS ,提取液为氯仿 正己烷 ( 3∶2 ,V/V) ,以峰面积外标法定量。结果 :阿奇霉素血药浓度线性范围 5 0~ 5 0 0 0 μg·L-1,平均回收率( 10 0 9± 2 7) % ,日内RSD 1 2 %~ 4 3% ,日间RSD 2 8%~ 6 8%。结论 :本法简便 ,分析速度快 ,灵敏度较高 ,重复性好 ,基本能适用于临床血药浓度测定及药动学研究。  相似文献   
瘤内注射重组人p53腺病毒治疗晚期肺癌临床试验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察重组人p53腺病毒注射液(rAd-p53)在晚期肺癌治疗中的疗效和毒副反应。方法 12例IIIb-IV期肺癌及3例肺转移癌,CT定位经皮肺穿刺瘤内注射rAd-p53,1 次/周×4/疗程;通过临床观察、CT及病理对照及短期随访进行评价。结果 治疗后2 月观察肿瘤缩小5例(33.3%),无变化7例(46.7%),增大3例(20%);治疗后病理观察:癌组织坏死,癌细胞稀少(6/11,54.5%);除自限性发热外,无明显毒副反应。结论rAd-p53瘤内注射治疗肺癌,无明显毒副作用,能较好地抑制局部肿瘤的发展,尤其对失去手术机会,不能耐受放化疗的患者,是一种可行的有前景的方法。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: On-line monitoring of light fluence during intraperitoneal photodynamic therapy (IP PDT) is crucial for safe light delivery. A flat photodiode-based dosimetry system is compared with an isotropic detector-based system in patients undergoing IP PDT. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Flat photodiodes and spherical detectors were placed side by side in the abdomen, for simultaneous light dosimetry in 19 patients. Tissue phantom experiments were performed to provide a preliminary estimate of the tissue optical properties of the peritoneum. RESULTS: The conversion factor between systems for 630-nm light was found to be 1.7 +/- 0.12. The mu(eff) of the tissues in the abdomen is estimated to vary between 0.5 cm(-1) to 1.4 cm(-1) assuming a mu(s)' = 7 cm(-1). CONCLUSIONS: The measured conversion factor should allow for comparison of light fluences with future clinical protocols that use an isotropic-based detector system. Differences in the optical properties of the underlying tissues may contribute to the variability in light measurements.  相似文献   
为探讨自制防滑钢针及Y形酒精滴管在下肢骨牵引病人中的应用效果.选择需行下肢骨牵引的病人100例,随机分成实验组和对照组各50例.实验组采用自制防滑钢针及Y形酒精滴管;对照组采用传统钢针及酒精点滴.观察2组病人钢针滑动、压疮、针道感染情况.结果实验组钢针牵引滑动率显著低于对照组(P<0.01).针道感染率明显低于对照组(P<0.01).表明应用自制防滑钢针及Y形酒精滴管效果确切,经济实用,使用方便,可有效避免并发症的发生.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We used a murine model of orthotopic corneal transplantation to determine whether host deficiency in ICAM-1 promotes survival of corneal grafts with different degrees of allodisparity. METHODS: ICAM-1-/- and wild-type C57BL/6 (ICAM-1+/+) received corneal grafts from the following strains of mice: BALB/c (fully mismatched), BALB.b (mismatched at multiple minor H only), or B10.D2 [including major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mismatch]. Graft rejection, induction of allospecific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses, and leukocytic infiltration of grafts were measured. RESULTS: There were no differences in long-term survival of allografts that were either fully mismatched or had only minor H disparity in ICAM-1+/+ vs. ICAM-1-/-hosts. However, whereas B10.D2 grafts were accepted in only 58% of the ICAM-1+/+ hosts, graft survival in ICAM-1-/- recipients was 100% (P=0.006). Moreover, none of the ICAM-1-/- mice receiving B10.D2 grafts developed allospecific DTH. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged survival seen in MHC-mismatched grafts in ICAM-1-/- mice, along with a suppressed DTH response to donor alloantigens after transplantation, suggest that ICAM-1 is associated with recipient sensitization to MHC alloantigens.  相似文献   
不同方法肺活检的评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
何明  杨淑玲 《北京医学》1997,19(1):26-28
总结肺活检100例,其中经皮穿刺肺活检58例,分别在X线,CT,B超引下进行,经纤维支气管镜肺活检42例,总诊断准确率为78%,其中肺癌诊断准确度为78.2%,良性病变为77.8%,全组并发症总发生率为26%,并对各种方法肺活检的临床价值进行了分析。  相似文献   
Thetrigeminalnervebranchesofftheoph-thalmic,mandibularandmaxillarybranchesfromthesemilunarganglion,whicharemainsensorynerveslnnervatingtheheadandtheface.Ifanyonebranchoftheminthedistribu-tionregionsofthetrigeminalnerveisaffectedbywind-cold,pressureorinflammatorystimulation,etc.,abnormalsensationorpainwillbeinducedinthecorrespondinginnervatedregion.Clinical-ly,patholOgicchangeoftheophthalmicbranchismorecommonandmaycausepainoftheorbitandtheforehead,andlacrimation;Patientswithpainofthemaxillarybr…  相似文献   
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