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消瘀散消肿止痛作用的实验观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
消瘀散在临床运用中有较好的消肿止痛之功效.为了证实其药理作用,作者用大白鼠建立急性软组织损伤和血肿的实验模型,使用消疾散进行治疗。观察结果表明该药能够有效抑制创伤性无菌性炎症反应,促进血肿吸收,提高实验动物的痛阈值;而且药效随作用时间的延长而逐渐增加。实验结果为该药的消肿止痛作用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
危重病患儿应激性高血糖的临床研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对探讨应激性高血糖对危重病患儿的影响,我院ICU1995年1月-1995年12月对255例急性病患儿进行了血糖监测,结果血糖〉6.67mmol/L107例;高血糖与器官功能障碍关系密切,一个和三个顺官功能衰竭时血糖分别为8.89±3.03mmol/L和13.20±4.45mmol/L。两个和 器官功能衰竭时血糖分别为10.63±4.82mmol/L和16.80±10.46mmol/L:,血虎高期  相似文献   
C Zhu  H Zhang  G Xu  L Xu 《中国中药杂志》1998,23(1):8-10, 61
Based on the resources investigation and taxonomic research on the plants of Actinidia in Hunan Province, 15 species and 5 varieties together with their distribution and utilization are reported. A key is set forth according to the differences among the above species and varieties.  相似文献   
Cerebral ischemia induces hyperlocomotion in gerbils, and sensorimotor and cognition dysfunctions in rodents ; however little is known about the spatio-temporal organization of locomotor activity after ischemia. In this study, we continuously (22 h) assessed the spatio-temporal organization of locomotor activity in focal cerebral ischemic mice in an open field with feeding and drinking supplies. To observe the spatio-temporal changes,  相似文献   
Rationale: Drug abuse is serious and costly health problems. Present understanding that drug addiction is a chronic brain disease paves the way for pharmacotherapy. Unfortunately, few medications have proven effective for the treatment of addiction and dependence. Searching novel strategies of pharmacotherapy against drug addiction are challenging. Agmatine ( decarboxylated L - arginine), an endogenous imidazoline receptor ligand, with multiple pharmacological profiles including its NMDA antagonistic properties, attracts the attention for its potential therapeutic efficacy for drug addiction.  相似文献   
The involvement of cholinergic transmission in heroin self - administration and the reinstatement of heroin - seeking was examined in rats trained to nose - poke for intravenous heroin. Systemic treatment with physostigmine modestly reduced the acquisition and rate of heroin self-administration. Following 10 -14 days of self-administration, rats were left in the home environment for 14 days. Withdrawn animals were evaluated for context-induced nosepokes during the first hour after being returned to the self-administration apparatus. One hr later a conditioned stimulus ( house light, light in the nose-poke hole, sound of the infusion pump) was presented to initiate cue-induced reinstatement.  相似文献   
通过酵母双杂交系统从一个随机DNA片段文库中筛选到一个编码能与β-内酰胺酶结合的短肽SIPIS04—01的DNA序列,将它克隆到pGEX-4T-1的多克隆位点中,得到重组质粒pYG205。当用适量的IPTG诱导后,携带pYG205的E.coli DH5α能表达短肽SIPIS04-01-GST融合蛋白。利用谷胱甘肽Sepharose 4B亲和层析介质分离纯化短肽SIPIS04-01-GST融合蛋白,经凝血酶切割并分离纯化后,体外试验表明短肽SIPIS04-01具有抑制β-内酰胺酶的作用。  相似文献   
The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) contributes to reperfusion-induced arrhythmias. In the present study, the antiarrhythmic effects of tempol and tiron, two membrane-permeable radical scavengers, on reperfusion-induced arrhythmias in rats in vivo were investigated. The anaesthetized rats were subjected to 5 min of left descending coronary artery (LAD) occlusion followed by 30 min of reperfusion. All rats pretreated with saline developed ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) at the onset of reperfusion, and most of the rats died from irreversible VF at the end of reperfusion. However, pretreatment with tempol (30 or 100 mg kg(-1)) 5 min before reperfusion reduced mortality, arrhythmia score and the incidence and duration of VT and VF. In the rats pretreated with high dose of tempol (100 mg kg(-1)), no VF happened and all rats were alive at the end of the experiment. The arrhythmia score was also significantly decreased compared with that of rats pretreated with saline (0.80 +/- 0.4 versus 5.6 +/- 0.4, P < 0.01). Tiron also provided nearly complete protection against reperfusion-induced arrhythmias when given 2 min before reperfusion. On the other hand, intravenous administration of tempol induced decreases in mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and pressure rate index (PRI), a relative indicator of myocardial oxygen consumption. In order to determine whether the antiarrhythmic effects of tempol were secondary to the reduction of myocardial oxygen consumption, continuous electrical stimulation of the aortic depressor nerve (3 V, 10 ms and 10 Hz) was carried out in a group of rats to induce decreases in MAP, HR and PRI similar to those in the high dose of Tempol group. However, these rats did not show significant changes in the severity of reperfusion-induced arrhythmias. We conclude that both tempol and tiron significantly reduce reperfusion-induced arrhythmias in rats, and this protective action is independent of hemodynamic effects.  相似文献   
Dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in tumors is restricted by relaxivity effects, which may obscure any abnormality of first-pass kinetics in the re-circulation phase. The purposes of this study were a) to document the magnitude of relaxivity effects with a variety of commonly used MR susceptibility imaging techniques; and b) to determine whether the re-circulation phase of the first-pass curve in tumors differs from that in normal tissue. We have confirmed that residual relaxivity effects can be eliminated from dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced data by several techniques. Application of these methods to enhancing vascular tumors allows detection of abnormalities in the re-circulation phase, which would otherwise be obscured. These abnormalities are independent of relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) and presumably represent deviations from the predicted gamma variat flow pattern seen in normal tissues. We believe that the parameter rR described here provides an indicator of the chaotic nature of neovascular angiogenesis, which may be of benefit in diagnosis and management.  相似文献   
目的 探讨新西兰大白兔蜗神经直接动作电位 (directcochlearnerveactionpotential,DCNAP)的记录方法和特征 ,建立术中听觉监护动物模型。方法 纯种新西兰大白兔 6只 (12耳 ) ,乙状窦后进路暴露小脑、脑干及双侧桥脑小脑角区 ,插入针状电极于蜗神经 ,记录DCNAP ,并按常规方法记录听性脑干反应 (auditorybrainstemresponse ,ABR)。结果 用本方法记录的DCNAP具有振幅大、波形稳定、重复性好、记录时间短的特点 ,但个体差异较大。结论 在蜗神经桥脑小脑角区用针状电极可以可靠记录到DCNAP ,是术中听觉监护的可行方法  相似文献   
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