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The gene Bcl11b, which encodes zinc finger proteins, and its paralog, Bcl11a, are associated with immune-system malignancies. We have generated Bcl11b-deficient mice that show a block at the CD4-CD8- double-negative stage of thymocyte development without any impairment in cells of B- or gammadelta T cell lineages. The Bcl11b-/- thymocytes showed unsuccessful recombination of V(beta) to D(beta) and lacked the pre-T cell receptor (TCR) complex on the cell surface, owing to the absence of Tcrb mRNA expression. In addition, we saw profound apoptosis in the thymus of neonatal Bcl11b-/- mice. These results suggest that Bcl11b is a key regulator of both differentiation and survival during thymocyte development.  相似文献   
A clone of NIH3T3 transformant (H3) can yield subcutaneous tumors and experimental pulmonary metastasis in nude mice. Compared to H3 in culture, the cells after in vivo tumor growth (H3-N) acquired enhanced tumorigenicity and metastatic ability. Also, indirect immunofluorescence revealed that cellular fibronectin (c-FN) of H3-N was decreased remarkably. We have studied the interactions between H3 and extracellular matrices to elucidate these phenomena. In the present study, we observed the effect of NIH3T3, H3, and H3-N cultured in type I collagen gel. Morphologically in the collagen gel, NIH3T3 assumed an extensive elongated fiber-like shape, H3 assumed a moderately elongated shape, and H3-N assumed a round or spindle shape with short pseudopodia. Compared to conventional cultures on dishes, cell proliferation of all three types was suppressed in collagen gel, but the degree of the suppression was least in H3-N. As a result, H3-N grew fastest in collagen gel. The variants which acquired growth advantage in the subcutaneum of mice also kept it in collagen gel. H3 cells were cultured in type I collagen gel for 4 weeks, a period comparable to that of tumor formation in nude mice. The cells after this long-term culture (H3-C) acquired enhanced tumorigenicity and metastatic ability nearly equal to that of H3-N. FACS analysis revealed that the c-FN of H3-C had decreased to a value comparable to that of H3-N. This means that type I collagen gel as well as subcutaneous tissues could select variants of H3 with less c-FN through proliferation. Moreover, it is suspected that lattices of type I collagen regulate cell proliferation of fibroblast via c-FN. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A novel non-peptide prolyl endopeptidase (PPCE) inhibitor, Y-29794, has been identified. Y-29794 selectively and competitively inhibited rat brain PPCE (Ki = 0.95 nM) in a reversible manner. Ex vivo study demonstrated that Y-29794 could penetrate into brain to exhibit dose-dependent and long-lasting inhibition. Furthermore, Y-29794 was found to potentiate the effect of TRH on the release of ACh in the rat hippocampus. These results indicate that Y-29794 is an orally active, potent and specific PPCE inhibitor and should be of value in studies on the physiological role of the enzyme in neuropeptide metabolism especially in memory process.  相似文献   
Previous work had shown a large accumulation (up to 50% of mtDNA) of a noninherited T414G transversion at a critical control site for mtDNA replication in skin fibroblasts from the majority of human subjects above 65 years old, and its absence in younger individuals. In the present studies, long-term in vitro culture of several fibroblasts populations carrying the heteroplasmic T414G mutation revealed an outgrowth of the mutant cells by wild-type cells. This observation supported the previous conclusion that the mutation accumulation is an in vivo phenomenon, while, at the same time, indicating intrinsic physiological differences between mutant and wild-type cells. Furthermore, subcloning experiments revealed a striking mosaic distribution of the mutation in the original fibroblasts populations, as shown by its presence, in heteroplasmic or homoplasmic form, in a fraction (18–32%) of the fibroblasts, and its absence in the others. In other investigations, transfer of mitochondria from mutation-carrying fibroblasts into mtDNA-less 143B.TK0 206 cells revealed the persistence of the mosaic distribution of the mutation, however, with a near-complete shift to homoplasmy. The generality of the latter phenomenon would exclude a founder effect by one or few mitochondria in the transformation experiments, and would rather point to the important role of the nuclear background in the in vitro behavior of the T414G mutation. The stability of the homoplasmic mutation in 0 cell transformants provides a powerful tool for analyzing its biochemical effects.  相似文献   
Objectives It is likely that genetic factors play a role in the etiology of chronic sinusitis, and airway inflammation is an important pathological feature in chronic sinusitis. We hypothesized that individuals with greater inflammatory responses may be more likely to acquire the disease. Polymorphisms of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) genes have been described, and certain inflammatory diseases are reportedly associated with certain alleles of TNF genes. The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is an association between some alleles of TNF genes and chronic sinusitis. Study Design Thirty‐eight Japanese patients with intractable chronic sinusitis were selected on the basis of the following criteria: 1) persistent mucous or mucopurulent nasal discharge and/or postnasal dripping for longer than 3 years and 2) opacification in bilateral maxillary sinuses and ethmoid cells on plain radiographic films. Methods Both tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) and tumor necrosis factor‐β (TNF‐β) gene polymorphisms were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with restriction fragment length polymorphisms in these patients and 35 healthy control subjects. Results A significantly higher frequency (P < .05) of TNFB*2 allele of TNF‐β gene polymorphism was observed in patients with chronic sinusitis (74%) compared with control subjects (56%). There was no association between alleles of TNF‐α and chronic sinusitis. Conclusion We concluded that TNF‐β gene polymorphism may form a component of the genetic predisposition to chronic sinusitis in Japanese patients.  相似文献   
To investigate the adequate extent of esophagectomy and lymphadenectomy for an esophageal cancer localized at the cervicothoracic junction, the mortality and morbidity rates, survival rates, and patterns of recurrence were retrospectively analyzed in two groups—14 patients who underwent total esophagectomy with or without laryngectomy and 15 patients who underwent proximal esophagectomy with or without laryngectomy—at Kurume University Hospital from 1981 to 1996. Proximal esophagectomy with or without laryngectomy resulted in a lower hospital mortality rate and better overall survival for patients who underwent curative esophagectomy compared with total esophagectomy with or without laryngectomy. Multivariate analysis indicated that the extent of esophagectomy (total esophagectomy versus proximal esophagectomy) was not a prognostic factor. The incidence of recurrence was not different between the two groups. Lymph node metastasis or recurrence from such esophageal cancers was localized to the neck and upper mediastinum. For an esophageal cancer localized at the cervicothoracic junction, therefore, proximal esophagectomy with or without laryngectomy and with cervical and upper mediastinal lymphadenectomy could be better indicated for preselected patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: It is important to minimize the incidence of ineligible cases to improve the quality of clinical trials. To determine factors which may influence the incidence of ineligible cases, the incidence of and reasons for ineligibility in clinical trials were retrospectively analyzed. METHODS: We retrospectively examined the incidence of and reasons for ineligibility for inclusion in eight clinical trials conducted by the Lung Cancer Chemotherapy Study Group of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group and four trials financed by trust funds from a pharmaceutical company. RESULTS: In these 12 clinical studies, the incidence of ineligibility was 4.2% (32/762) (range 0-10.6%). Specific factors that might influence the incidence of ineligible cases were then analyzed. There was a significant difference in the incidence of ineligibility between the methods of registration (P < 0.05). The incidences using a central registration and without using a central registration system were 2.8% (9/322) and 5.2% (23/440) respectively. We also analyzed ineligible cases in clinical studies published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. In clinical studies published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology recently and 10 years ago, the incidences of ineligible cases were 5.0% (942/18 878) and 4.1% (206/4995) respectively. In clinical studies on lung cancer published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology from 1984 to 1995, the incidence of ineligible cases was 4.7% (900/19,116). There was no significant difference in the incidence of ineligible cases between our 12 studies and the Journal of Clinical Oncology clinical studies by the chi 2 test (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the incidence of ineligible cases in our studies is similar to that in clinical trials published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Central registration systems are useful for checking for ineligibility, and to increase the quality of clinical trials.   相似文献   
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