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Fifteen patients were studied who had unusual reactions following insect stings. These included serum sickness, neurologic disease, renal disease, and delayed hypersensitivity-type reactions. The clinical features are briefly outlined. Measurements were made of serum venom-specific IgE and IgG antibodies. These antibodies were present in some patients and in these instances suggested an immunologic pathogenesis for the reactions. Alternative etiologies for the unusual reactions are also discussed.  相似文献   
A cytopathic astrovirus was isolated from pigs with acute diarrhea in an established cell line that was derived from porcine embryonic kidneys with the aid of trypsin. The virus showed a distinct cytopathic effect characterized by an enlargement of cells and the appearance of fine granules in the cytoplasm. Porcine astrovirus was shown to have an RNA genome, as determined by the effect of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine on its replication, and five polypeptides with molecular masses of 13,000, 30,000, 31,000, 36,000, and 39,000 daltons; and it was shown to be stable to lipid solvents and heating at 50 degrees C for 30 min but somewhat labile to acid (pH 3.0). The buoyant density of the isolate determined in CsCl was 1.35 g/ml. Seroconversion to the virus was evident in the paired serum specimens obtained from pigs with diarrhea that were housed at the farm where the disease occurred. The neutralization test on serum specimens collected randomly from 128 adult pigs of eight herds revealed that 50 of the serum specimens were positive for antibody to porcine astrovirus, although there was considerable variation in the prevalence among herds, ranging from 0 to 83%. Hysterectomy-produced, colostrum-deprived, 4-day-old pigs developed mild diarrhea after oral exposure to porcine astrovirus propagated in the cell culture; and the virus was isolated again from diarrheal stool specimens.  相似文献   
A modulatory neuron of feeding rhythm was newly identified in the buccal ganglia of the isolated central nervous system (CNS) of the terrestrial slug Incilaria bilineata. This neuron was termed the "feeding rhythm modulator" (FRM). Its morphological and electrical properties were compared with those of the MGC (metacerebral giant cell, a cerebral modulatory neuron of feeding rhythm). There was no direct connection between FRM and MGC. In order to investigate the control mechanism of the buccal central pattern generator, feeding rhythm was observed by varying the activities of MGC and FRM simultaneously. At a lower level of activity of MGC, feeding rhythm was not only sensitive to the activity of MGC but also to that of FRM. As the level of activity of MGC increased, feeding rhythm was exclusively controlled by the activity of MGC, and became unaffected by the activity of FRM. This indicates that cerebral neurons such as MGC primarily control feeding rhythm and modulate the contribution of FRM in a hierarchical manner.  相似文献   
Plasminogen activator (PA) converts plasminogen to plasmin, and plasmin activates the kinin cascade and latent extracellular matrix metalloproteases. The periodontal ligament serves to anchor the tooth to the alveolus and functions as a cushion between these hard tissues to migrate occlusal force during mastication. We reported previously that repeated mechanical tension force (MTF) as an experimental model of a traumatic occlusion, increased PA activity in human periodontal ligament derived fibroblast (hPLF) cells. In this study, the influence of in vitro cellular aging on MTF-stimulated PA activity in hPLF cells was studied. Aged hPLF cells produced a significantly higher PA activity when compared with those of young hPLF cells in response to MTF in a time- and magnitude-dependent manner. tPA mRNA levels in aged cells were higher than those in young cells, whereas PAI-1 mRNA remained unchanged and uPA mRNA was not detected. Because MTF-stimulated PA activity from hPLF cells was increased by in vitro cellular aging, aging of the periodontal ligament may affect the severity of the inflammation and the degradation of the extracellular matrix of periodontal ligament tissue by producing a large amount of PA in response to excessive force such as a traumatic occlusion.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in the hypothalamo-pituitary-testes axis of the Japanese wood mice (Apodemus speciosus) were studied. The testes, epididymis, pituitary and hypothalamus were compared between mice in the breeding season (July) and non-breeding season (October) using morphological techniques, and the plasma testosterone level was evaluated by enzyme immunoassay. Significant differences in these tissues were observed between the breeding season and the non-breeding season. Specifically, differences in the non-breeding season included 1) a decline in testicular and epididymal weights, arrest of spermatogenesis and decrease of serum testosterone concentration; 2) a decrease in the number of luteinizing hormone (LH)-, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)-, prolactin (PRL)-, and growth hormone (GH)-immunoreactive cells, and decrease in the size of FSH, PRL, and GH-immunoreactive cells; and 3) an increase in the size of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-immunoreactive neurons. Our findings indicate that the male adult Japanese wood mouse exhibits unique seasonal changes in the hypothalamo-pituitary-testes axis which are not found in laboratory mice.  相似文献   
We evaluated the respiratory functions of patients with pulmonary emphysema who underwent lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) by the mean transit time (MTT) with Xe-133 lung ventilation scintigraphy, forced expiration volume in 1 sec (FEV1.0), residual volume (RV), distance walked in 6 min (6-min walk), and the Hugh-Jones classification (H-J classification) before and after LVRS. In 69 patients with pulmonary emphysema (62 men, 7 women; age range, 47-75 years; mean age, 65.4 years +/- 6.1, preoperative H-J classification, III (two were II)-V) who underwent LVRS, all preoperative and postoperative parameters (MTT 3 weeks after LVRS and the others 3 months after LVRS) were judged statistically by the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test and Odds ratio. Every postoperative parameter was improved with a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared to preoperative parameters. MTT at 3 weeks after LVRS was not associated with %FEV1.0 and the H-J classification at 3 months after LVRS, but was associated with RV and a 6-min walk at 3 months after LVRS. MTT was useful for the clinical evalution of aerobic capability after LVRS.  相似文献   
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