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Creation of an assessment tool to apply Gordon's functional patterns to the community as a client was a rewarding and stimulating project. Through use of the CHAT, students developed an appreciation of the complexity and inter-relationship of numerous aspects of the community. They completed the nursing process by developing appropriate nursing diagnoses, and planning, implementing, and evaluating a health promotion project. As the students continue to use this tool in the health promotion course, the diagnoses which they generate are being collected. From this accumulated input the plan is to compile a list of common diagnoses which are appropriate to use when the community is the client.  相似文献   
Ectoparasites infesting a population of urban gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin) in northern Florida were collected monthly during 1974. Eleven species were identified: one flea (Orchopeas howardi (Baker], three suckling lice (Enderleinellus longiceps Kellogg & Ferris, Hoplopleura sciuricola Ferris, and Neohaematopinus sciuri Jancke), one tick (Dermacentor variabilis Say), two mesostigmatid (gamasid) mites (Androlaelaps casalis (Berlese) and A. fahrenholzi (Berlese], and four chiggers (Eutrombicula alfreddugesi (Oudemans), E. splendens (Ewing), Leptotrombidium peromysci Vercammen-Grandjean & Langston, and Parasecia gurneyi (Ewing]. The flea and three suckling lice represent core species of ectoparasites for the gray squirrel; the remainder are probably satellite species. Only E. longiceps varied significantly in prevalence or intensity of infestation among host age groups; subadult squirrels had higher intensities than adults. Peak prevalence of O. howardi occurred in January and attained maximum intensity in March, whereas both prevalance and intensity were minimum in August. Prevalence of H. sciuricola was maximum in November and remained at similar levels through June. It then declined significantly to its minimum in September-October. Intensity of infestation, however, was greatest in August, September, and January. Maximum prevalence of N. sciuri occurred from January to March and was minimum in September; intensity of infestation reached maxima in January, June, and August.  相似文献   
A four-day-old male neonate who underwent three exchange transfusions for jaundice owing to ABO incompatibility on three consecutive days is presented. A large intrahepatic hematoma developed as a complication of the third exchange transfusion. The baby fully recovered.  相似文献   
A frequent misconception is that delayed onset of respiration is the result of intrapartum asphyxia. However, many factors other than asphyxia can delay the onset of respiration after delivery. To understand the effect of asphyxia on both the fetus and the neonate, and in particular in delaying the onset of spontaneous respiration, it is convenient to consider chronic partial asphyxia and acute asphyxia separately. In this article, the values of the Apgar score and cord blood pH were also evaluated.  相似文献   
There has been concern about the number of interval cancers which have been detected within the National Breast Screening Programme. A series of 134 women presenting with interval cancers was studied by prospective audit and the rate and radiological classification of the tumours determined. The cancers were classified as true (67), false-negative (22), unclassifiable (28), occult (12), and minimal sign (5). The interval cancer rate did not achieve the new National Guidelines in either the first 2 years or the 3rd interval year. The false-negative cancers presented mainly in the 1st interval year, whereas the true cancers were predominantly confined to the 2nd and 3rd years. These data suggest that alterations to the screening programme may be beneficial. It may be, however, that the programme is still on the learning curve and this should be taken into account when interpreting these data.  相似文献   
Objective. To assess the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as compared with radiographic findings in osteonecrosis in divers. Design and patients. MRI scans and conventional radiographs of the shoulder, hip and knee joints of 23 professional male scuba divers were reviewed together with their clinical findings and personal histories. Correlations between the MRI findings and the radiographic evaluation, clinical symptoms, and personal history were then investigated. Results and conclusions. Lesions found on MRI in 23 divers included 27 in 39 proximal humeri, 17 in 36 proximal femora, 13 in 32 distal femora, and 12 in 32 proximal tibiae. Diffuse, marginated, or irregular patterns were observed. No lesions were seen in epiphyses of the distal femur or proximal tibia. We tried to classify these MRI findings by location and appearance. MRI showed no patients with only one affected bone. A close correlation between the MRI findings and maximum diving depth was observed in the proximal humerus. MRI depicted bone lesions that could not be detected on the radiographs. A routine MRI investigation of the hip joints should be performed in every diver in whom osteonecrosis is diagnosed at another site, for early detection of femoral head osteonecrosis. MRI of the shoulder joint is also the best surveillance in divers who dive deeper than 15?m.  相似文献   
Circular stereotactic callosotomy: A preliminary report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The authors propose a new method for performing Stereotactic callosotomy, which they have named circular callosotomy. The operating device is the original Riechert-Mundinger's string electrode, which can be protruded through a side window and by rotating the probe it is possible to cut the commisural pathways to the extent required. The anatomical results of the operation can be checked using MRI scanning.  相似文献   
Purpose: Following the widespread adoption of energy-dependent rare earth intensifying screens this study investigates the relevance of two conventions (the 10 kVp and kVp-to-the-4th-power rules) commonly used to calculate the kVp/mAs relationship.Methods: A stepwedge was exposed at standard kVp and mAs setting. The kVp was then increased in increments of 5 kVp, and appropriate mAs values were determined using a densitometer. These values were then compared with approximations from the rules previously mentioned.Results: Wide discrepancies are reported between appropriate and approximated values with the latter overestimating exposure by a factor of two.Discussion: Traditional theorems used to estimate the kVp/mAs relationship should no longer be used in modern imaging departments. Each film screen combination should be evaluated individually to ensure appropriate exposure settings.  相似文献   
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