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Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MC) is an extremely rare subtype of chondrosarcoma. A tumor specific fusion gene, HEY1‐NCOA2 fusion, was recently identified in this tumor. The finding raises the possibility that the diagnosis of MC can be improved by examining the fusion gene. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the efficacy of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in detecting HEY1‐NCOA2 fusion for the diagnosis of MC. Specimens from 10 patients diagnosed with MC were used for the study. Dual‐color FISH was performed using two different probes that specifically hybridize to HEY1 and NCOA2, respectively. Fusion signals were identified in all but two specimens, in which no signal was detected, presumably because of inadequate sample preparation. In accordance with results of a previous study, FISH analysis was highly sensitive in detecting HEY1‐NCOA2 fusion in adequately prepared MC samples. The current study adds further support for the use of HEY1‐NCOA2 fusion as a valid diagnostic marker for MC.  相似文献   
Fucosidosis is a rare autosomal recessive disorder resulting from a deficiency of α-L-fucosidase. Recently, various mutations have been reported in this disease, but it is difficult to elucidate the phenotype from the genetic mutations. We report a patient with chronic infantile type fucosidosis, with a compound heterozygote of a nonsense mutation (W148X, Trp at codon 148 to stop codon) and a large deletion, including all exons. This is the first report of a large deletion demonstrated in fucosidosis. It is interesting that this patient has a relatively mild clinical course despite the absence of the mRNA. This case also indicates the difficulty in determining the phenotype from the genotype in fucosidosis. Received: February 19, 1999 / Accepted: April 16, 1999  相似文献   
Identification of antigenic peptides expressed on cancer cells enables us to treat cancer patients with peptide-based immunotherapy. Although optimal protocols for peptide-based vaccines have not yet been elucidated, boosting the immune system could be a better approach than priming the immune system to elicit prompt and potent peptide-specific T-cell responses in cancer patients. With this possibility in mind, the authors undertook a clinical trial in which cancer patients were vaccinated with peptides (maximum 4) after confirmation of pre-existing peptide-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) precursors in the periphery. Fourteen patients (seven with melanoma and seven with other types of cancer) positive for either HLA-A24 or HLA-A2 were enrolled in this study. Fourteen and 16 peptides were used to screen for HLA-A24+ and HLA-A2+ patients, respectively. The vaccination was well tolerated, and the only adverse effects were local pain and fever. Kinetic analysis revealed that peptide-reactive CTLs increased after peptide vaccination in 7 of 14 patients. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) reactive to the administered peptides was detected in 2 patients before vaccination, although it became detectable in 8 of the other 12 patients after the peptide vaccination. Stable disease for more than 6 months was observed in five patients (one with melanoma and four with other types of cancer); all of these patients showed increased levels of peptide-specific IgG. These results indicate that peptide vaccination of patients showing evidence of pre-existing peptide-specific CTL precursors can be applied in further clinical trials aimed at the treatment of melanoma and other types of cancer.  相似文献   
In this study of surgical procedures for various tachyarrfiythmias, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome comprised most of the cases. An endocardial approach was used to ablate accessory pathways. Additional use of cryocoagulation after surgical incision of the atrium, previously routinely performed, is at present only done occasionally for septal accessory pathways.

Ventricular tachycardia (VT) was the next most frequent condition. The surgical procedures for ischemic and nonischemic VTs are completely different, although both are based on the principle of complete electrophysiologic mapping. For ischemic VT, surgery consists of resection of the left ventricular aneurysm and excision or cryocoagulation of the endocardium, or both. For nonischemic VT, either excision of the entire thickness of the myocardium (2.0 × 2.5 cm on average) at the earliest excitation site of the right ventricle and cryocoagulation of the area of delayed potential or only incision and cyrocoagulation of the left ventricle were performed to avoid reduction of the left ventricular cavity.

Ectopic atrial tachycardia was cured by excision of the earliest excitation site without use of a heart-lung machine, when the focus was located in the atrial free wall. Other successful treatments were of reentrant atrial tachycaroia by cryocoagulation, atrial flutter by cryocoagulation of impulse pathways at the coronary sinus and around the atrioventricular node, and a new surgery for atrial fibrillation and flutter, which retained sinus rhythm. Johnson's procedure was used for surgical ablation of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 75 patients with advanced inoperable gastric cancers, referred to the National Cancer Center Hospital between 1962 and 1982, was performed. According to the Borrmann classification based on X ray findings, Type 1 was found in 3 patients, Type 2 in 5, Type 3 in 40, and Type 4 in 15. Twelve patients could not be classified. The histological type was papillary adenocarcinoma in 7 patients, tubular adenocarcinoma in 23, mucinous carcinoma in 6, poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma in 14, signet ring cell carcinoma in 12 and others in 13. The site of remote metastasis in 19 patients was Virchow's lymph node in 8 patients, Douglas pouch in 3, liver and lung in 2 each and others in 4. All patients were treated by a either telecobalt 60 unit or a linear accelerator using 6 Mv photon and the total dose to primary lesion was 4000 cGy in 5 weeks to 7000 cGy in 8-9 weeks. Complete response (CR) was achieved in 6 patients or 8.0%, partial response (PR) in 46 or 61.3%, and no change (NC) in 23 or 30.7%. The response rate based on the sum of CR and PR was about 70%. The 50% survival period in months was 26.5, 7.3, and 3.2, respectively for patients with CR, PR, and NC. For the response of advanced gastric cancer to chemotherapy in the National Cancer Center Hospital, the combined use of UFT and Mitomycin C gave the highest rate, 46%. As for as local response is concerned, the response rate to radiation was 70%, a better result than that of chemotherapy alone.  相似文献   
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