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The potential role of the neonatal intensive care nurse in mental health promotion is explored. The focus is upon assessment and intervention of families who are at risk for child abuse and future dysfunction. The importance of support systems during a crisis period is emphasized.  相似文献   
From its beginnings in 1955, the American College of Nurse-Midwives has supported the concept of Quality Care Assessment and Assurance (QCAA) and charged its members with responsibility to involve themselves in such activities within their practice. Six tools are reviewed that represent a sound basis for the development of QCAA programs within nurse-midwifery practice, the ultimate goal being the provision of optimal health care to women and the childbearing family.  相似文献   
A significant recent advance that has occurred world over in the continuously evolving field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) practice is the introduction of Cardiac applications. Cardiac MRI has moved to the centre stage of clinical management strategy by non-invasively imaging the structure as well as function of the heart. It has a wide range of specific applications such as delineation of morphological anatomy, quantification of flow and pressure across cardiac valve dysfunction, evaluation of myocardial function, assessment of infarcts, mapping coronary arteries and so on. Evaluation of congenital heart disease (CHD) is an important application of Cardiac MRI since the morphological details of chambers, septum, defects and anomalous connections are depicted accurately. Besides, flow information across valves, chambers, outflow tracts and shunts are also provided. This article describes our experience in the use of cardiac MRI in congenital heart disease.Key Words: Cardiac MRI, Congenital heart disease, Cyanotic and Acyanotic heart disease  相似文献   
The resources of motivation and knowledge that make the nurse a valuable support to the new mother initiating breastfeeding are needed again, equally as much, as the nurse prepares the mother for self-care at home and remains available for counseling afterwards. There are general guidelines for promoting continued breastfeeding success and for avoiding potential problems. The nurse should be familiar with these and with how to proceed in special situations and with specific breastfeeding problems. "Self-Care for Continued Breastfeeding" and "Some Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions", presented below, end the series on breastfeeding begun in the July/August issue.
The advantages of continuing breastfeeding beyond the neonatal period are reviewed and general guidelines for selfcare at home are discussed. Developmental changes in the instant and psychological and physical changes in the mother are outlined and related to breastfeeding success. Advice for working mothers and for weaning is also presented.  相似文献   
A 44-year-old male patient was hospitalised with paranoid schizophrenia in 1985. Depot neuroleptic treatment was started which successfully prevented further psychotic relapses for the next ten years. His myasthenia gravis started with bulbar signs in 1997 and the symptoms soon became generalized. The diagnosis of myasthenia gravis was confirmed by electromyography, by positive anticholinesterase test and by the detection of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies in the serum. Mediastinal CT examination showed enlarged hilar lymph nodes on the left but no thymic pathology was observed. Mediastinoscopy was performed and biopsies were obtained from the affected nodes. Histology revealed sarcoidosis. The patient suffered respiratory crisis following the thoracic intervention (in September 1998). Combined oral corticosteroid (64 mg methylprednisolone/e.o.d.) and azathioprine (150 mg/day) treatment regimen was initiated and complete remission took place in both the myasthenic symptoms and the sarcoidosis. The follow-up CT scans showed no mediastinal pathology (January 2000). During steroid treatment a transient psychotic relapse occurred which was successfully managed by supplemental haloperidol medication added to his regular depot neuroleptics. The patient currently takes 150 mg/day azathioprine and receives 40 mg/month flupentixol depot i.m. His physical and mental status are stable and he has been completely symptom free in the last 24 months. The association of myasthenia gravis and sarcoidosis is very rare. To our best knowledge no case has been reported of a patient suffering from myasthenia gravis, sarcoidosis, and schizophrenia at the same time.  相似文献   
Abstract  To provide rigour when preparing a research design, the researcher needs to carefully consider not only the methodology but also the philosophical intent of the study. This, however, is often absent from reported research and provides the reader with little evidence by which to judge the merits of the chosen methodology and its influence on the study. The purpose of this paper is to set out the case for critical realism as a framework to guide appropriate action in practice development and realistic evaluation for understanding the consequences of those actions.
It is evident that critical realism and critical social science share common ground. Emancipatory practice development (ePD) is based on the philosophy of critical social science and therefore by virtue is linked to the tenets of critical realism. Until now, the evaluation of ePD programme has been well served by 4th-generation evaluation. However, this paper outlines the need for a different approach to evaluation, one that is based on critical realism, that is concerned with emancipation, and that can be used in the ever-changing environment of clinical practice. Realistic evaluation not only links strongly to ePD programmes, but also serves as the basis for effective research questions that will test the outcomes of the research and inform the transferability of ePD mechanisms into differing contexts.  相似文献   
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