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Chelation therapy with deferoxamine is effective in preventing the risk of transfusional iron overload, but treatment failure is common because of noncompliance. To reduce the transfusional iron load, we have evaluated longterm erythrocytapheresis in 14 subjects with sickle cell disease and stroke (11) or other complications (3) as an alternative to simple transfusion. Subjects were treated with erythrocytapheresis using the Haemonetics V50 (Haemonetics Corp, Braintree, MA) to maintain the target pretransfusion hemoglobin S (Hb S) level less than 50% for 6 to 71 months. The transfusional iron load and the donor blood usage were analyzed for a 6- to 36-month study period and were compared with similar data from a subset of 7 subjects previously treated with conventional (target Hb S < 30%) and modified (target Hb S < 50%) simple transfusion protocols. The effect of erythrocytapheresis on iron accumulation was determined by assessment of serum ferritin levels in the absence of iron chelation. The mean transfusional iron load and donor blood usage with erythrocytapheresis were 19 +/- 14 mg iron/kg/yr (range, 6 to 50) and 188.4 +/- 55.2 mL packed-red blood cells (RBC)/kg/yr (range, 107 to 281), respectively. Of 6 subjects receiving no iron chelation therapy, 5 maintained normal or nearly normal serum ferritin levels during 11 to 36 months of erythrocytapheresis. In comparison with conventional simple transfusion and modified simple transfusion, erythrocytapheresis reduced iron loading by 87% (P < .01) and 82% (P < .01), respectively, but increased donor blood usage by 23% and 73%, respectively. Subjects with pre-erythrocytapheresis Hb levels > or = 8.0 g/dL had lower iron accumulation (P < .001) and less donor blood usage (P < .005) than subjects with Hb levels < or = 8.0 g/dL. Although donor blood usage is increased in comparison with simple transfusion, long-term erythrocytapheresis markedly reduces or prevents iron accumulation. This form of transfusion therapy allows the cessation of iron chelation in well-chelated subjects and, if used as the initial form of transfusion therapy, may prevent long-term complications of sickle cell disease without risk of iron overload and the need for chelation therapy.  相似文献   
To test the efficacy of poststorage bedside leucodepletion of blood products in the prevention of primary HLA alloimmunization and its clinical sequelae, 172 patients with hematologic malignancy requiring intensive red blood cell and platelet support were randomized to receive either standard or filtered red blood cells and platelets. Quality control of bedside filtration was explored by sequential sampling downstream of the filter, but this did not predict the total number of leucocytes transfused. After exclusions, 123 evaluable patients were assessed every two weeks until the end of therapy. HLA antibodies developed in 21 of 56 (37.5%) nonfilter (NF) and 15 of 67 (22%) filter (F) patients (risk ratio estimate, 0.60 [95% confidence interval, 0.34 to 1.05]; P = .07). Patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML; n = 53) had higher alloimmunization rates in both arms of the study, with a greater effect of filtration (62.5% NF and 31.0% F; P = .025). Bedside filtration did not affect the overall incidence of febrile transfusion reactions (FTRs; 37% NF and 34% F; P = .71) or of platelet refractoriness assessed in 50 patients (30% NF and 26% F), despite an association between broad HLA reactivity and both FTRs and refractoriness. However, FTRs were also seen in 28 patients without HLA antibodies. Five alloimmunized refractory patients (2 F and 3 NF) required HLA-selected platelets. This report, the first prospective study of bedside filtration, has failed to show clear clinical benefit. Methodological limitations may account in part for this failure, notably the difficulties in accurately assessing the number of leucocytes transfused.  相似文献   
Platelet transport towards the vessel wall is influenced by the hematocrit, red blood cell (RBC) size, and shape. Recent in vitro studies have indicated that RBC deformability may also influence platelet transport. The observation that isoxsuprine, a known vasodilating drug, caused increased RBC deformability in vitro and decreased platelet transport in vitro prompted us to study the effects of this drug in vivo. The study was performed in a double-blind cross- over study of isoxsuprine v placebo in ten patients with peripheral arterial insufficiency. RBC deformability was estimated from viscosity measurements using the blood viscosity equation of Dintenfass and expressed as T value. Platelet transport was studied in an annular perfusion chamber according to Baumgartner. Human umbilical arteries were used as blood vessels. Perfusion studies were performed with whole blood or with RBCs of the patients mixed with normal platelets and plasma at a standardized hematocrit and platelet count. An increase in RBC deformability concomitant with a decrease in platelet adherence was observed in patients on isoxsuprine with a drop in T value of approximately 0.06 (from 0.91 toward 0.86), and a concomitant decrease in platelet adherence of 20% to 40%. These observations differed significantly from the results in the placebo group and showed a significant group-period interaction at the cross-over of medication (analysis of variance). The effects on platelet adherence were observed at high vessel wall shear rate (1,800 s-1) with perfusates consisting of patients' RBCs and donor plasma and platelets at standardized hematocrit and platelet count. No differences were observed under these conditions at a shear rate of 300 s-1. When whole blood of patients was used, nonsignificant effect was observed at shear rates of 300 s-1 and 1,800 s-1. This was probably caused by the added noise due to variations in hematocrit and platelet number. These data demonstrate that isoxsuprine increases RBC deformability, and they suggest the possibility of decreasing platelet-vessel wall interaction in vivo by manipulation of RBC deformability.  相似文献   
<正>BACKGROUND:Cell therapy has been promising for various diseases.We investigated whether transplantation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells(h UCMSCs)has any therapeutic effects on D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide(Gal N/LPS)-induced fulminant hepatic failure in mice.METHODS:h UCMSCs isolated from human umbilical cord were cultured and transplanted via the tail vein into severe combined immune deficiency mice with Gal N/LPS-induced fulminant hepatic failure.After transplantation,the localization and differentiation of h UCMSCs in the injured livers  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) in the third trimester or early postpartum period can lead to fatal liver damage. Its traditional therapy is not very effective in facilitating hepatic recovery. The safety and effect of plasma exchange (PE) in combination with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) (PE+CRRT) for AFLP still needs evaluation.
METHODS: Five AFLP patients with hepatic encephalopathy and renal failure were subjected to PE+CRRT in our department from 2007 to 2012. Their symptoms, physical signs and results were observed, and all relevant laboratory tests were compared before and after PE+CRRT.
RESULTS: All the 5 patients were well tolerated to the therapy. Four of them responded to the treatment and showed improvement in clinical symptoms/signs and laboratory results, and they were cured and discharged home after the treatment. One patient succeeded in bridging to transplantation for slowing down hepatic failure and its complications process after 2 treatment sessions. Intensive care unit stay and hospital stay were 9.4 (range 5-18) and 25.0 days (range 11-42), respectively.
CONCLUSION: PE+CRRT is safe and effective and should be used immediately at the onset of hepatic encephalopathy and/or renal failure in patients with AFLP.  相似文献   
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in Kawasaki disease: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 3-year-old boy presented with the fever, conjunctivitis, rash, and lymphadenopathy diagnostic of Kawasaki disease. Treatment with antibiotics, aspirin, and intravenous immunoglobulin was instituted. The hematocrit decreased from 35 percent on admission to 11 percent by hospital Day 10, and the white cell count had increased from 13.7 to 42 × 10(3) per microL, and the patient had a leukoerythroblastic blood smear. The direct antiglobulin test demonstrated IgG but not complement on the red cell (RBC) surface. An acid eluate reacted (titer of 4) with all panel cells in the antiglobulin phase. Intravenous immunoglobulin from the same lot used for treatment did not contain antibody that reacted with the patient's group O RBCs or a panel of group O RBCs, but did contain IgG anti-A and -B (titer of 4). The patient received a transfusion and was given methylprednisone. The direct antiglobulin test and acid eluate were negative 4 days later. The patient had an uneventful recovery. The distinction between antibody-mediated hemolytic anemia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia is important in the treatment of this disease.  相似文献   
目的:观察示指桡侧指背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣移植对示指指端缺损的修复效果。方法:选择2002-08/2005-09南华大学附属第一医院急诊收治的外伤性示指末节部分缺损患者13例,手术方法的选择在术前均得到患者同意,且得到医院伦理道德委员会批准。组织缺损大小在1.5cm×1.0cm~2.0cm×1.5cm之间,所有缺损均有指骨和(或)大部分的指腹组织缺损,采用示指桡侧指背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣移植修复,皮瓣设计:旋转点位于近侧指间关节的近端,皮瓣轴为示指的桡背侧,皮瓣部分设计在第2掌指关节的近侧,蒂宽约0.8mm。术后定期随访,主要观察皮瓣质地和感觉的恢复情况,将感觉恢复的评估标准分为5级:S1:无感觉;S5:在神经单一分布区恢复两点鉴别能力。结果:13例患者全部进入结果分析,无脱落。①术后随访三四个月者10例,随访五六个月者3例。②术后9例皮瓣完全成活;4例皮瓣远端部分坏死,经换药表皮爬行创面愈合。③外形基本满意,皮瓣色泽、质地良好。④术后1个月随访时,3例患者两点辨别觉大于6.0mm,感觉恢复S4;术后五六个月随访时,3例患者两点辨别觉4.0~6.0mm,感觉恢复S5。结论:示指桡侧指背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣设计的旋转点位于近侧指间关节的近端,可以简化手术而不影响皮瓣存活,是示指部分缺损修复的可选方法。  相似文献   
Homozygous transcobalamin II deficiency maintained on oral hydroxocobalamin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zeitlin  HC; Sheppard  K; Baum  JD; Bolton  FG; Hall  CA 《Blood》1985,66(5):1022-1027
A case of transcobalamin II (TCII) deficiency in which a total absence of TCII was demonstrated both functionally and immunologically is reported. Unlike previously described patients, this child has been maintained on oral hydroxocobalamin, 2 mg daily, without any parenteral supplementation for the last five years. At the age of six years her development is normal and her health is good. Plasma cobalamin levels are in the range of 3,000 ng/L and most of this appears to be bound to a molecule, which on gel filtration, elutes with albumin. In an extended family study, a clear separation of heterozygotes from both the propositus and from normal subjects suggests that the underlying defect in this condition is confined to a single gene.  相似文献   
Myelitis and Guillain-Barré syndrome occurring concurrently after varicella infection is very rare. A 34-year-old man presented with progressive flaccid tetraparesis, facial palsy, respiratory failure, sensory loss and urinary incontinence one week after varicella infection. Clinical, imaging and electrodiagnostic studies supported the diagnosis of myelitis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. He improved with intravenous acyclovir and gammaglobulin.  相似文献   
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