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Patients with clinical signs of alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency in the neonatal period usually present with prolonged obstructive jaundice. We report a patient with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency who presented with gallbladder enlargement in the neonatal period. This gallbladder enlargement may be due to cystic duct hypoplasia or atresia, which has been reported in association with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency. The diagnosis of alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency should be considered in neonates with gallbladder enlargement and prolonged obstructive jaundice.  相似文献   
Testing feces for occult blood is widely recommended as a means of detecting subclinical colorectal tumors. Guaiac tests such as Hemoccult® are the most widely used, but chemical sensitivity is relatively low and the tests are affected by dietary peroxidases, the state of fecal hydration, and certain drugs. The newly devised HemoQuant® and immunologic techniques appear more sensitive and specific, but they require further evaluation before widespread clinical usage can be recommended.Occult blood screening has both merits and weaknesses. Testing does uncover subclinical colorectal cancer, often at a relatively early stage, but whether this actually improves the prognosis remains to be proven. Benign neoplastic polyps are also detected, although it is debatable whether this is a valid rationale for screening. Test sensitivity for malignancy varies from good to moderate, but is poor for benign polyps. Specificity is usually around 97%–98%, yet the predictive value of a positive test for cancer is only about 10%: hence most test-positive individuals are needlessly subjected to invasive colonic investigations. Reported figures on public compliance with occult blood testing vary widely from excellent to poor. Published costs of screening are usually quite low, but these overlook important indirect and hidden expenses and are therefore misleading.On balance, the problems of occult blood testing currently appear to outweight the merits. This could change, however, with the newer testing techniques and with awaited mortality data from controlled clinical trials now underway.  相似文献   
Reports of parkinsonism in phenylketonuria are exceedingly rare. We report on a patient who had received a delayed diagnosis of phenylketonuria as an infant and subsequently developed levodopa-responsive parkinsonism at the age of 33. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using (123)I-FP-CIT ([(123))I]-2 beta-carbomethoxy-3beta-(-4-iodophenyl)-N-(3-fluoropropyl)-nortropane) used to measure dopamine transporter levels on two occasions, 7 and 9 years after the onset of neurological symptoms, were normal. Iodine-123-iodo-lisuride SPECT (IBZM) imaging, however, showed reduced caudate over putamen binding. This combination of imaging findings indicates a possible upregulation of postsynaptic D2 receptors in the context of intact presynaptic dopamine nerve terminal density.  相似文献   
Germline mutations in the neurofibromatosis type 2 tumour suppressor gene   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
The recent identification of the NF2 tumour suppressor genehas enabled large scale screening for pathological mutationsin the gene. We have sought germline mutations In the NF2 geneby SSCP and heteroduplex analysis of cDNA and genomic DNA samplesfollowed by cloning and sequencing of mutant alleles. In thepresent report we describe 11 putative pathological mutations,including five nonsense mutations, three short insertions ordeletions cauing frameshifts and three missense mutations. Moststop mutations and frameshift mutations were found In Individualsexpressing a severe phenotype while one of the three missensemutations was associated with a mild phenotype. Four unrelatedNF2 patients of the 93 tested were found to have identical nonsensemutations caused by a C to T transition (C169) in a CpG dinucleotide,which is a potential mutational hotspot in the NF2 tumour suppressorgene.  相似文献   
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