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Study Objectives . To evaluate the pharmacodynamic antibacterial activity of ticarcillin-clavulanic acid (T-C) and ampicillin-sulbactam (A-S) combinations against reference bacterial strains in patients with end-stage renal disease maintained on long-term hemodialysis. Design . Randomized, crossover, controlled study. Setting . National Institutes of Health-funded general clinical research unit in a Veterans Administration Medical Center. Patients . Nine adult men with end-stage renal disease maintained on long-term hemodialysis. Two subjects did not complete the study due to problems of vascular access, and another withdrew for personal reasons. Interventions . On a nondialysis day, each subject was randomly administered either T-C 3.1 g or A-S 3 g as a slow intravenous infusion over 30 minutes. Serial blood samples were collected for measurement of antibiotic serum concentrations and determination of serum bactericidal titers. Following a washout period, the study was repeated with the alternative antibiotic combination. Measurements and Main Results . The mean observed apparent β-half-life of clavulanic acid was substantially shorter than that for the other three drugs. The bactericidal activity of both A-S and T-C against non-β-lactamase-producing (Nβ-LP) strains of S. aureus and E. coli was consistently high, as indicated by geometric mean SBTs of at least 1:5 at 24 hours. Against β-lactamase-producing (β-LP) S. aureus, the geometric mean SBTs for A-S were at least 1:25 throughout the study period, while the geometric mean SBTs for T-C decreased over 24 hours from 1:29 to 1:6. Against β-LP E. coli, the bactericidal activities for both A-S and T-C were poor, with geometric mean peak SBTs of only 1:6 and 1:3, respectively. The geometric mean SBT for T-C against this E. coli strain had declined to 1:1 at 6 hrs. Conclusion . Increasing the dosing interval for T-C in patients with end-stage renal disease may lead to periods of insufficient clavulanic acid to protect ticarcillin from β-lactamase degradation.  相似文献   
A decrease of heteronymous median nerve-evoked inhibition of corticospinal projections to forearm extensor muscles was reported in a group of 10 dystonic patients by Bertolasi and colleagues in 2003. Here we tested the excitability of corticomotoneuronal connections to both wrist extensor (ECR) and flexor (FCR) muscles after conditioning stimulation of median and also radial nerve at rest in a group of 25 patients with focal hand dystonia compared to 20 healthy subjects. We also investigated the effect of the wrist dystonic posture, either in flexion or in extension, on the afferent modulation of ECR and FCR motor evolved potentials (MEPs). The heteronymous (median-induced) but also homonymous (radial-induced) inhibitions (interstimuli intervals 13-21 ms) of ECR MEP size observed in healthy subjects were decreased in patients. In addition, homonymous (median-induced) facilitation of FCR MEP size was also decreased in patients while heteronymous inhibition (radial-induced) was not. Neither the involvement of the target muscle in the dystonic posture nor the origin of the afferent volley (from a dystonic muscle) influenced the degree of impairment of afferent modulation of the MEP. These findings support the view that a global abnormal somatosensory coupling in focal hand dystonia may contribute to an inadequate motor command to wrist muscles.  相似文献   
It is often difficult to make a clinical or histologic diagnosis of erythrodermic mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sézary syndrome (SS). Whereas the histologic parameters for making a diagnosis of MF with well-developed patch and plaque stage lesions are clearly defined, the same criteria appear to be less relevant for diagnosing MF in patients with erythroderma secondary to the disease. In order to better define the histologic features of erythrodermic MF and SS, we studied 28 routine histologic sections of 17 patients with known erythrodermic MF or SS. Sections were reviewed independently by 2 dermatopathologists. Each of 24 parameters was scored semi-quantitatively and the data were compared to data previously reported from a group of 64 patients with limited patch and plaque stage lesions of MF. When compared to biopsies from patients with limited patch/plaque lesions, biopsies taken from erythrodermic patients displayed more parakeratosis (p=0.0492) and acanthosis (p=0.0046), less disproportionate epidermotropism, fewer lymphocytes aligned within the basal layer (p=0.0045), fewer hyper-convoluted cells in the epidermis, more dermal hyperconvoluted cells (p=0.0191), more papillary dermal fibrosis (p=0.0002), more prominent teleangiectasias (p=0.0028) and more mitotic figures.
The histologic features of erythrodermic MF and Sézary syndrome are even more subtle than the features of patch and plaque stage MF, thus rendering the histologic diagnosis more difficult.  相似文献   
Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with onset in childhood and rapid progression. There is no causative and insufficient symptomatic drug therapy. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the internal pallidum (GPi) has been reported to improve motor function. Most case reports, however, are limited to short observational periods. The impact of DBS on the progression and life expectancy in PKAN is unknown. We present a 5-year outcome and video documentation of bilateral GPi-DBS of an adolescent patient suffering from genetically defined PKAN.  相似文献   
A systematic search was performed to identify outbreaks of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection and colonization caused by healthcare workers (HCWs). Of 191 outbreaks identified, 11 had strong epidemiological evidence that HCWs were the source. In 3 of these outbreaks, asymptomatic carriers were the cause. The frequent practice of screening asymptomatic HCWs should be reconsidered.  相似文献   
Parkin mutations account for the majority of familial and sporadic early onset Parkinson's disease (EOPD) cases with a known genetic association. More than 100 mutations have been described in the Parkin gene that includes homozygous, compound heterozygous, and single heterozygous mutations. We have designed a Parkin mutation genotyping array (gene chip) that includes published Parkin sequence variants and allows their simultaneous detection. The chip was validated by screening 85 PD cases and 47 controls previously tested for Parkin mutations. Similar genotyping microarrays have been developed for other genetically heterogeneous diseases including age-related macular degeneration. Here, we show the utility of a genotyping array for Parkinson's disease by analysis of 60 subjects from the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson Disease (GEPD) study that includes 15 early-onset PD case probands and 45 relatives.  相似文献   
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma is a rare cutaneous neoplasm characterized by slow but locally aggressive growth, which normally does not lead to systemic metastasis. Frequent local recurrences are reported, which are most likely due to insufficient operative technique. We present the fourth case of cervical ipsilateral metastatic microcystic adnexal carcinoma in an otherwise healthy woman. The patient presented with a previously diagnosed but not completely resected microcystic adnexal carcinoma in the area of the right posterior scalp and two palpable ipsilateral lymph nodes. The tumor was resected using intraoperative snap frozen histological evaluation of the resection borders. In the same procedure two lymph nodes were resected from the right neck. The lymph nodes were histologically assessed and showed infiltration by small strains of tumor cells. After exclusion of a second primary tumor, e.g., mammary carcinoma, as the cause for cervical lymph node metastases, we performed a modified radical neck dissection with resection of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the accessory nerve, which was histologically proven to be perineurally infiltrated by tumor cells. In this second procedure the histological evaluation of the specimen showed no sign of remaining tumor infiltration. After exclusion of distant metastasis the patient was irradiated with 60 Gy. The patient is well 1 year after the initial treatment without signs of recurrence.  相似文献   
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