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The allelic frequency of the gene for the K variant of butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE-K) was 0.17 in 74 subjects with late-onset (age > 65 years) histopathologically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease (AD), which was higher than the frequencies in 104 elderly control subjects (0.09), in 14 early-onset cases of confirmed AD (0.07) and in 29 confirmed cases of other dementia (0.10). The association of BCHE-K with late-onset AD was limited to carriers of the epsilon 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE), among whom the presence of BCHE-K gave an odds ratio of confirmed late-onset AD of 6.9 (95% C.I. 1.65-29) in subjects > 65 years and of 12.8 (1.9-86) in subjects > 75 years. In APOE epsilon 4 carriers over 75 years, only 1/22 controls, compared with 10/24 confirmed late-onset AD cases, had BCHE-K. We suggest that BCHE-K, or a nearby gene on chromosome 3, acts in synergy with APOE epsilon 4 as a susceptibility gene for late-onset AD.   相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to relate the expected inter-subject variability in voluntary drive of the knee extensor muscles during a sustained isometric contraction to the changes in firing rates of single motor units. Voluntary activation, as established with superimposed electrical stimulation was high (range: 91–99%, n=8) during a short maximal contraction, but was lower (range: 69–100%) in most subjects at the point of force failure during a sustained (49.1±10.1 s) fatiguing contraction at 50% of maximum force. On a different experimental day the firing behaviour of 27 single motor units was recorded with wire electrodes in the vastus lateralis muscle, 24 of which could be monitored from the time of recruitment to the point of force failure (53.6±9.8 s). Motor unit firing behaviour differed considerably among subjects. During the second half of the sustained, fatiguing contraction the changes in firing rate firing rate variability of early recruited units ranged from –10% to +100% and from –50% to +160% respectively among subjects. There were significant positive linear relations between voluntary activation, on the one hand, and rectified surface electromyogram (rsEMG, r=0.82), the changes in motor unit firing rate (r=0.49) and firing rate variability (r=0.50) towards the point of force failure on the other. The present data suggest that differences in voluntary drive that appear among subjects during fatigue may be an important determinant of motor unit firing behaviour.Abbreviations EMG electromyogram - ER unit early recruited unit - MFGC maximal force-generating capacity - MPF mean power frequency - MVC maximum voluntary contraction - NR unit newly recruited unit - rsEMG rectified surface electromyogram - SMUAP single motor unit action potential  相似文献   
It was shown recently that mutations of the ATRX gene give rise to a severe, X-linked form of syndromal mental retardation associated with alpha thalassaemia (ATR-X syndrome). In this study, we have characterised the full-length cDNA and predicted structure of the ATRX protein. Comparative analysis shows that it is an entirely new member of the SNF2 subgroup of a superfamily of proteins with similar ATPase and helicase domains. ATRX probably acts as a regulator of gene expression. Definition of its genomic structure enabled us to identify four novel splicing defects by screening 52 affected individuals. Correlation between these and previously identified mutations with variations in the ATR-X phenotype provides insights into the pathophysiology of this disease and the normal role of the ATRX protein in vivo.   相似文献   
Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency is among the most common inborn errors of metabolism in man. Characterization of mutations in the 21- hydroxylase gene (CYP21) has permitted genetic diagnosis, facilitated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The most common mutation is conversion of an A or C at nt656 to a G in the second intron causing aberrant splicing of mRNA. Homozygosity for nt656G is associated with profoundly deficient adrenal cortisol and aldosterone synthesis, secondary hypersecretion of adrenal androgens, and a severe form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) characterized by ambiguous genitalia and/or sodium wasting in newborns. During the course of genetic analysis of CYP21 mutations in CAH families, we and others have noticed a number of relatives genotyped as nt656G homozygotes, yet showing no clinical signs of disease. A number of lines of evidence have led us to propose that the putative asymptomatic nt656G/G individuals are incorrectly typed due to dropout of one haplotype during PCR amplification of CYP21. For prenatal diagnosis, we recommend that microsatellite typing be used as a supplement to CYP21 genotyping in order to resolve ambiguities at nt656.   相似文献   
In recent years, our understanding of the initiation of T(H)2-type immunity has increased significantly, yet the mechanism behind the induction of T(H)2 responses and allergic sensitization to food antigens largely remains an enigma. Dendritic cells (DCs) were first described almost 4 decades ago and have since been recognized as the most important antigen-presenting cells and crucial in the induction of T-cell differentiation. Here we discuss our current knowledge of the role of DCs in food allergy. In both murine models and allergic patients, characteristics of DCs have been identified that might play a role in sensitization to food and enhance susceptibility to food allergy. In addition, it has now been shown that several allergens, including some from foods, can directly activate DCs to induce T(H)2 skewing. Other cell types with innate immune functions, such as epithelial cells and basophils, might also be involved in sensing of food allergens in human subjects, and interaction of DCs with these cells might facilitate sensitization. DCs appear to play an important role in allergen-specific immunotherapy and could be an attractive target for tolerance induction in patients with food allergy. Further characterization of differences in DC responses between human food-allergic and nonallergic subjects is necessary to gain a better insight into the role of DCs in sensitization and tolerance to food allergens.  相似文献   
We measured changes in maximal voluntary and electrically evoked torque and rate of torque development because of limb unloading. We investigated whether these changes during single joint isometric muscle contractions were related to changes in jump performance involving dynamic muscle contractions and several joints. Six healthy male subjects (21 ± 1 years) underwent 3 weeks of unilateral lower limb suspension (ULLS) of the right limb. Plantar flexor and knee extensor maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque and maximal rate of torque development (MRTD), voluntary activation, and maximal triplet torque (thigh; 3 pulses at 300 Hz) were measured next to squat jump height before and after ULLS. MVC of plantar flexors and knee extensors (MVCke) and triplet torque decreased by 12% (P = 0.012), 21% (P = 0.001) and 11% (P = 0.016), respectively. Voluntary activation did not change (P = 0.192). Absolute MRTD during voluntary contractions decreased for plantar flexors (by 17%, P = 0.027) but not for knee extensors (P = 0.154). Absolute triplet MRTD decreased by 17% (P = 0.048). The reduction in MRTD disappeared following normalization to MVC. Jump height with the previously unloaded leg decreased significantly by 28%. No significant relationships were found between any muscle variable and jump height (r < 0.48), but decreases in torque were (triplet, r = 0.83, P = 0.04) or tended to be (MVCke r = 0.71, P = 0.11) related to decreases in jump height. Thus, reductions in isometric muscle torque following 3 weeks of limb unloading were significantly related to decreases in the more complex jump task, although torque in itself (without intervention) was not related to jump performance.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The central role of specific IgE in cow's milk allergy (CMA) is well documented. However, less is known about the function of other immunoglobulin isotypes in allergy and tolerance to cow's milk proteins (CMPs). OBJECTIVE: To determine differences in the antibody responses that are associated with allergy and tolerance to cow's milk in allergic, atopic and non-atopic individuals of different age groups. METHODS: Nineteen infants (<1 year), 18 children (6-14 years) and 41 adults (21-68 years) were included. Each age group was comprised of subjects with CMA, atopic individuals without a history of CMA and non-atopic subjects. Levels of specific IgE, IgG4, IgG1 and IgA to whole cow's milk and the six most abundant individual CMPs were determined in plasma by ELISA. For comparison, specific IgE and IgG4 were measured to ovomucoid and house dust mite (HDM) in individuals allergic for the respective allergens, and in atopic and non-atopic subjects without allergy. RESULTS: In infants and children with CMA, alphas1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin induced the highest specific IgE response, whereas alphas1-casein was the most allergenic CMP in adult patients. Specific IgG4 and IgG1 responses were the highest to alphas1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin in all age groups, while kappa-casein and alpha-lactalbumin induced the highest levels of IgA. CMP-specific IgG4 was higher in atopic children and adults without CMA, as compared with non-atopic individuals. A similar difference between tolerant atopic and non-atopic subjects was observed for IgG4 specific to ovomucoid, whereas HDM-specific IgG4 was not detectable in these subjects. CONCLUSION: Maintenance of tolerance to cow's milk in atopic children and adults without CMA is associated with elevated levels of specific IgG4, in combination with low specific IgE. The up-regulation of specific IgG4 in tolerant atopic individuals may be related to the type of allergen and its regular dose of exposure.  相似文献   
An anatomic study of the distal spinal accessory nerve (SAN) to determine the number of myelinated axons and feasibility of posterior harvest for direct neurotization of distal targets was performed. Ten fresh human cadavers were studied. A supraclavicular approach was performed followed by a posterior approach. The relationship of the SAN to bony landmarks (T1 spinous process, acromioclavicular joint, posterolateral corner of the acromium, and angle at the superior medial border of the scapula) as well as maximal harvestable length was recorded. After posterior dissection, the SAN was mobilized and the ability to reach both anterior infraclavicular and posterior targets was assessed. Axon counts were also performed at the proximal, mid, and distal points along the course of the nerve. The posteriorly harvested SAN was identified reliably with respect to bony landmarks. When harvested posteriorly, the SAN could reach the infraclavicular part of the brachial plexus (i.e., terminal branches), and posteriorly, the suprascapular nerve (SSN) both proximal and distal to the suprascapular ligament, the latter for selective reinnervation of the infraspinatus branch. The average number of myelinated fibers at the proximal end of the nerve was 1,328 axons, at the mid-way point was 1,021 axons, and at terminal end of the nerve was 817 axons. Harvest of the SAN from a posterior approach based on these landmarks is feasible, allowing direct transfer of the nerve to the infraclavicular brachial plexus and to the SSN both proximal and distal to the suprascapular ligament, without the use of interposition nerve grafts.  相似文献   
During routine monitoring of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral load, two problems arose. First, a number of patients, the majority being African, were found to have low viral loads by the Chiron branched-chain DNA assay in conjunction with low CD4(+) cell numbers. In order to determine whether this was due to failure of the branched-chain DNA assay to detect non-B subtypes of HIV, selected samples were subtyped and HIV RNA quantified by branched-chain DNA, NASBA, and the Roche Monitor RT-PCR assay. Twenty-eight (97%) of 29 Africans were infected with a non-B subtype of HIV and 15 (93.7%) of 16 non-Africans with subtype B. Twenty-three samples had a low viral load by branched-chain DNA, which was confirmed by the NASBA and RT-PCR assays. All three assays detected B and non-B subtypes with similar efficiency; NASBA failed to detect HIV RNA in a small number of non-B samples. Discrepancies between viral load and CD4(+) cell numbers did not appear therefore to be related to subtype. Second, while quantification of HIV RNA was being conducted using version 2 of the branched-chain DNA assay (lower detection limit 500 HIV RNA copies/ml) the manufacturers had developed a more sensitive assay and a comparative evaluation was therefore conducted. In approximately 30% of samples the viral load was up to 10 times higher with the more sensitive assay. These experiences emphasise the importance of close collaboration between the clinic and the laboratory.  相似文献   
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