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Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and chromosomal aberration studies have been used to monitor human populations for genotoxic exposure to chemical substances. These monitoring techniques involve collection of blood and/or bone marrow from the exposed subjects and culturing cells for one or two cell cycles with various treatments in culture. The results obtained from such in vivo/in vitro studies may lead to an over- or underestimation of the damage that could occur in vivo. In the present study, which uses a mouse model, the in vivo/in vitro cytogenetic assays (SCEs and chromosomal aberrations) have been compared with similar in vivo systems in bone marrow and spleen cells treated with various doses of cyclophosphamide (CPA). The results indicate a significant difference in CPA-induced cytogenetic endpoints between in vivo and in vivo/in vitro conditions in both organs. However, linear relationships were found between CPA dose and cytogenetic end point analyzed under both conditions. Based on these results it appears that the in vivo/in vitro assay is a useful technique for indicating potential in vivo damage of chemicals.  相似文献   
Polysialic acid is a developmentally regulated carbohydrate composed of a linear homopolymer of a-2,a-linked sialic acid residues. This unique glycan is mainly attached to the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) and implicated in many morphogenic events of the neural cells by modulating the adhesive property of N-CAM. Recently, the cDNA that encodes polysialyltransferase, which is responsible for the polysialylation of N-CAM, was successfully cloned from three mammalian species. This review focuses on the molecular cloning of human polysialyltransferase, designated PST. it then describes the number of enzymes actually required for the polysialylation of N-CAM using an in vitro polysialyltransferase assay. Comparisons between PST and another polysialyltransferase, sialyltransferase X (STX), are made and it Is demonstrated that both enzymes can independently form polysiatic acid In vitro , but that during neural development they coordinately but distinctly synthesize polysialic acid on N-CAM. The role of polysialic acid in the central nervous system is also discussed. Finally, evidence that the two polysialyltransferases, PST and STX, apparently have distinct roles in the development of neural cells is provided by using a neurite outgrowth assay.  相似文献   
Antibody and cell-mediated immune responses to the transmission-blocking target antigens of Plasmodium falciparum, Pfs 48/45, were determined in infected non-immune patients and in immune individuals from an endemic area. Characterization of the B cell epitopes with monoclonal antibodies showed that there were five regions identifiable but there could be interactions between them causing either competitive or enhancing effects. Sera from infected non-immune patients contained antibodies that would compete with one or more of the mAbs to the different epitopes. Immune responsiveness to purified Pfs 48/45 in P. falciparum-immune adults measured as lymphoproliferation, production of interferon-gamma, or as Pfs 48/45-specific antibody was very limited. This did not appear to be due to MHC class II restriction, to diversity in structure of the parasite antigens or to a failure of immunological memory. The antibody-response data were more consistent with down-regulation of immunity as a result of prolonged exposure to infection.  相似文献   
In an eosinophilic population of 47 boys of the same age, a large proportion (92%) were helminth infested or atopic, or both, compared with 36% of 36 controls. The methods used to detect these conditions were not costly or elaborate, except for the radioallergosorbent test, which was used to measure concentrations of circulating IgE antibodies to atopic allergens. It is suggested that an economical approach to detect helminthiasis and atopy in cases of eosinophilia is adopted using the methods employed here, with skin prick tests replacing the radioallergosorbent test.  相似文献   
The functional of B-L (Ia-equivalent)-positive (B-L+) adn -negative (B-L-) chicken peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) was studied in vitro and in vivo. The PBL were first stained in direct immunofluorescence tests with a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled anti-B-L alloantiserum and then separated by means of a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. In agreement with our previous findings, B-L- cells showed functional properties of T lymphocytes, responding to concanavalin A and phytohaemagglutinin-P in vitro and inducing a graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction when injected into allogeneic embryos. Sorted B-L+ gave no responses in any of these assays. Neither B-L+ nor B-L- cells, when tested alone, responded significantly to pokeweed mitogen, but mixtures of the two restored the responsiveness to that of the original unsorted suspension. Of the B-L+ PBL, 10% were T cells, which may account for the low GVH reactivity given by this population.  相似文献   
An appropriate carrier acting as a slow delivery vehicle for the BMPs is required for maximal clinical effectiveness of these bone-inductive proteins. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a low-molecular-weight PLGA copolymer as a synthetic, biodegradable carrier for rhBMP-2 implantation in vivo. Two, 10, or 50 microg of recombinant human BMP-2 were mixed with 10 mg of a poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) 50:50 copolymer and implanted into the calf muscles of Wistar rats. Soft X-ray analysis and histologic examination indicated that new bone formation occurred at all rhBMP-2-implanted sites within 3 weeks after implantation. Correlation of rhBMP-2 concentration with the amount of bone induction was confirmed by specific alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium content assay. In vitro analysis indicated that 78.5% of the PLGA copolymer was degraded to smaller molecular weight material after 14 days in PBS solution. It is suggested that rhBMP-2 was released in an active form at the implant site during the degradation of the copolymer, resulting in the induction of new bone formation. Thus this low-molecular-weight PLGA copolymer material represents a promising delivery vehicle for BMPs, and possibly other growth factors, around dental and orthopedic implants.  相似文献   
The duty of confidentiality in the normal doctor-patient relationship is well recognized. However, the duty of confidentiality between the pathologist who performs the autopsy and the requesting authorities and the next-of-kin is not as clearly spelt out. This article discusses the problems faced by the pathologist with regards to hospital and medico-legal autopsies in Malaysia. A proposed ethical guideline is included on how to deal with peculiar issues regarding confidentiality and the pathologist.  相似文献   


Minimisation can be used within treatment trials to ensure that prognostic factors are evenly distributed between treatment groups. The technique is relatively straightforward to apply but does require running tallies of patient recruitments to be made and some simple calculations to be performed prior to each allocation. As computing facilities have become more widely available, minimisation has become a more feasible option for many. Although the technique has increased in popularity, the mode of application is often poorly reported and the choice of input parameters not justified in any logical way.  相似文献   
Analogues of baclofen, phaclofen and saclofen, incorporating a sulfur atom within the methylene chain, have been tested against responses induced by baclofen for activity at gamma-aminobutyric acid-B (GABAB) receptor sites, using a number of preparations including the guinea-pig isolated ileum and vas deferens, rat brain cortical slices and displacement of (-)-[3H]baclofen in rat cerebellar membranes. Results indicate that 2-([2-amino-1-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]thio)ethanephosphonic acid 2d is the most active of the new compounds. 2d is some 2-5 times weaker than phaclofen as a GABAB antagonist and approximately half as potent as phaclofen as an inhibitor of GABAB binding.  相似文献   
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