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BACKGROUND: Although obesity is required for some criteria defining metabolic syndrome, clustering of other risk factors also indicates an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Whether the relationship between cardiovascular risk factor clustering and medical expenditures differs with body mass index (BMI) requires investigation, especially in a population with a low prevalence of obesity such as that in Japan. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 10-year cohort study of 4,478 Japanese National Health Insurance beneficiaries aged 40-69 years in a community between 1990 and 2001 was carried out in the present study. The clustering of cardiovascular risk factors showed a positive and graded relationship to personal medical expenditures in participants who are overweight (BMI > or =25.0) and normal weight (BMI <25.0). The individual medical expenditures per month were 1.7-fold higher for participants with 2 or 3 risk factors and overweight than for those without these factors (26,782 vs 15,377 Japanese yen). Differences in the geometric means were similarly significant after adjustment for other confounding factors. However, the excess medical expenditures by risk clustering of normal weight categories within the total medical expenditures were higher than those of overweight categories because more participants were of normal weight. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiovascular risk factor clustering and being overweight can be a useful predictor of medical expenditures in a Japanese population.  相似文献   
Two Puralpha-binding proteins (PurBPs) were found in nuclear extract from mouse brain during P4-P10 by the overlay assay. At P14, they were decreased significantly in nuclear extract and increased in the S3 fraction, indicating their dynamic translocation during development. Western blot analysis also demonstrated concomitant translocation of Puralpha with the PurBPs during P7-P14, when neuronal circuit proceeds. Immunocytochemical study with cultured hippocampal neurons from rat E18 confirmed that nuclear Puralpha was translocated to cytoplasm after plating for 7-14 days. These results suggest that spatiotemporal translocation of Puralpha with the PurBPs from nuclei to cytoplasm has a crucial role in neuronal development.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Cultures of human endometrial tissue are useful for analysing the mechanisms underlying the menstrual cycle. However, long-term culture of endometrial tissue is difficult in vitro. Xenotransplantation of normal human endometrial tissue into immunodeficient mice could allow prolonged survival of the transplanted tissues. METHODS: Proliferative-phase endometrial tissue samples from three women were transplanted into the subcutaneous space of ovariectomized, immunodeficient, non-obese diabetic (NOD)/severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/gammaC(null) (NOG) mice. The mice were treated with 17beta-estradiol (E2) for the first 14 days after transplantation, followed by E2 plus progesterone for the next 14 days. The transplants were investigated morphologically and immunohistochemically at various times after implantation. RESULTS: The transplanted tissues contained large numbers of small glands, pseudostratification of the nuclei and dense stroma after treatment with E2 alone. After treatment with E2 plus progesterone, subnuclear vacuolation, luminal secretion and decidualization of the stroma were observed. When the hormone treatment ceased, tissue destruction occurred and the transplants returned to the proliferative phase. Lymphocytes were identified immunohistochemically: the numbers of CD56-positive and CD16-negative cells increased significantly in the stroma during the late secretory phase (day 28). CONCLUSIONS: Human endometrial tissue transplanted into NOG mice showed similar histological changes to eutopic endometrial tissue during treatment with sex steroid hormones for 1 month. Moreover, lymphocytes were produced in the transplanted human endometrial tissue. This system represents a new experimental model of the human endometrium in vivo.  相似文献   
Introduction: Recent anatomical and electrophysiological studies have demonstrated the presence of leftward posterior nodal extension (LPNE); however, its role in the genesis of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) is poorly understood. This study was performed to characterize successful slow pathway (SP) ablation site and to elucidate the role of LPNE in genesis of atypical AVNRT with eccentric activation patterns within the coronary sinus (CS).
Methods and Results: Among 45 patients with atypical AVNRT (slow-slow/fast-slow/both = 20/22/3 patients) with concentric (n = 37, 82%) or eccentric CS activation (n = 8, 18%), successful ablation site was evaluated. Among 35/37 patients (95%) with concentric CS activation, ablation at the conventional SP region outside CS eliminated both retrograde SP conduction and AVNRT inducibility. Among eight patients with eccentric CS activation, the earliest retrograde atrial activation was found at proximal CS 16 ± 4 mm distal to the ostium during AVNRT. The earliest retrograde activation site was located at inferior to inferoseptal mitral annulus, consistent with the presumed location of LPNE. Ablation at the conventional SP region with electroanatomical approach only rendered AVNRT nonsustained without elimination of retrograde SP conduction in seven of eight patients (88%). Ablation targeted to the earliest retrograde atrial activation site within proximal CS (15 ± 4 mm distal to the ostium); however, eliminated retrograde SP conduction and rendered AVNRT noninducible in six of eight patients (75%).
Conclusion: In 75% of "left-variant" atypical AVNRT, ablation within proximal CS was required to eliminate eccentric retrograde SP conduction and render AVNRT noninducible, suggesting LPNE formed retrograde limb of reentrant circuit.  相似文献   
Hereditary hearing loss is one of the most prevalent inherited human birth defects, affecting one in 2000. A strikingly high proportion (50%) of congenital bilateral nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness cases have been linked to mutations in the GJB2 coding for the connexin26. It has been hypothesized that gap junctions in the cochlea, especially connexin26, provide an intercellular passage by which K(+) are transported to maintain high levels of the endocochlear potential essential for sensory hair cell excitation. We previously reported the generation of a mouse model carrying human connexin26 with R75W mutation (R75W+ mice). The present study attempted to evaluate postnatal development of the organ of Corti in the R75W+ mice. R75W+ mice have never shown auditory brainstem response waveforms throughout postnatal development, indicating the disturbance of auditory organ development. Histological observations at postnatal days (P) 5-14 were characterized by i) absence of tunnel of Corti, Nuel's space, or spaces surrounding the outer hair cells, ii) significantly small numbers of microtubules in inner pillar cells, iii) shortening of height of the organ of Corti, and iv) increase of the cross-sectional area of the cells of the organ of Corti. Thus, morphological observations confirmed that a dominant-negative Gjb2 mutation showed incomplete development of the cochlear supporting cells. On the other hand, the development of the sensory hair cells, at least from P5 to P12, was not affected. The present study suggests that Gjb2 is indispensable in the postnatal development of the organ of Corti and normal hearing.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been identified as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). METHODS AND RESULTS: The risk of cardiovascular death was evaluated in a large cohort of participants selected randomly from the overall Japanese population. Participants (mean age, 52.4 years) free of previous CVD were followed up for 10 years. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated using the abbreviated equation developed at the Cleveland Clinic laboratory for the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease study. Of the 7,316 participants, 6.7% had CKD with a GFR<60 at baseline. Even after adjustment for other risk factors, the presence of CKD conferred an increased risk of cardiovascular death with a hazard ratio of 1.20 (95% confidence interval, 0.82-1.76). Furthermore, a negative, graded correlation between GFR and risk of cardiovascular death was observed: 1.09 (0.72-1.64) for a 60or=90). The proportion of excess cardiovascular death due to CKD was 1.3%. CONCLUSION: CKD was an independent risk factor for cardiovascular death in a community-dwelling Japanese population.  相似文献   


Improving the mobility of elderly people with dementia appears to be of significant value in maintaining and enhancing their activities of daily living and quality of life. However, a literature search revealed no scales for rating the mobility of elderly people with dementia currently available in Japan. A Japanese-language version of a rating scale for the mobility of elderly people with dementia, the Southampton Mobility Assessment (SMA), was prepared and its reliability and validity were evaluated.


Eighty-five elderly people with dementia.


Reliability was assessed using limits of agreement based on the analysis by Bland and Altman. Validity was evaluated using Spearman's rank correlation coefficients to assess associations between the scores on the Japanese-language version of the SMA and the scores on the subscales of the Barthel Index.


The limits of agreement between two raters were −1.2 and 1.2, and the evaluation of repeatability revealed that 98% of the differences were within two standard deviations (−0.3 and 0.3). A high correlation was found between the scores on the Japanese-language version of the SMA and the Barthel Index.


These results demonstrate that the Japanese-language version of the SMA possesses high reliability and validity, suggesting its suitability in the assessment of mobility when developing physiotherapy approaches intended to enhance the mobility and quality of life of elderly people with dementia.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The electrophysiologic mechanisms of different ventriculoatrial (VA) block patterns during atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) are poorly understood. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to characterize AVNRTs with different VA block patterns and to assess the effects of slow pathway ablation. METHODS: Electrophysiologic data from six AVNRT patients with different VA block patterns were reviewed. RESULTS: All AVNRTs were induced after a sudden AH "jump-up" with the earliest retrograde atrial activation at the right superoparaseptum. Different VA block patterns comprised Wenckebach His-atrial (HA) block (n = 4), 2:1 HA block (n = 1), and variable HA conduction times during fixed AVNRT cycle length (CL) (n = 1). Wenckebach HA block during AVNRT was preceded by gradual HA interval prolongation with fixed His-His (HH) interval and unchanged atrial activation sequence. AVNRT with 2:1 HA block was induced after slow pathway ablation for slow-slow AVNRT with 1:1 HA conduction, and earliest atrial activation shifted from right inferoparaseptum to superoparaseptum without change in AVNRT CL. The presence of a lower common pathway was suggested by a longer HA interval during ventricular pacing at AVNRT CL than during AVNRT (n = 5) or Wenckebach HA block during ventricular pacing at AVNRT CL (n = 1). In four patients, HA interval during ventricular pacing at AVNRT CL was unusually long (188 +/- 30 ms). Ablations at the right inferoparaseptum rendered AVNRT noninducible in 5 (83%) of 6 patients. CONCLUSION: Most AVNRTs with different VA block patterns were amenable to classic slow pathway ablation. The reentrant circuit could be contained within a functionally protected region around the AV node and posterior nodal extensions, and different VA block patterns resulted from variable conduction at tissues extrinsic to the reentrant circuit.  相似文献   
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